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I realize this is a beta game, but I am tired of getting booted off the server right in the middle of harvesting someones crops. I have lost so many animals. They disappear as I try to place them in my fenced areas and can't ever seem to find them agian. I have lost 2 cows and 2 horses, on top of a couple of trees, and a pig. It is frustrationg trying to get people to hire you to harvest their crops. Everyone one just sits around asking who is hiring and noone hires you or they insist on trading... butg if you already traded, but still need more work, then you are SOL. I also wish that you can add associates for the farm town and not have to add them on your normal facebook. I don't want alot of those people having access to my facebook, but don't mind sharing the farm info with them. Thanks for letting me vent. Oh, one last thing, can't seem to keep my animals inside a completed fenced area. They wander thru the fence.