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Fancy Flo Nov 06 2013 06:11 AM

I am just like you, have been playing forever and now it is just about the greed for them, very disappointed with this new update about farmcash, maybe if they made items less then people wouldn't need to create dummy accounts, so so sad!!

Alexandra_J Nov 06 2013 06:17 AM

Hi Raul, can you send facilities/tools to friends and/or family still?????

al_bundy Nov 06 2013 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by Osmond Fan (Post 5708482)
Hi Raul, can you send facilities/tools to friends and/or family still?????

Hi yes aslong as you have spent $25.00 on farmcash from the sending farm or been playing for 6 months or longer you can

rjohn726 Nov 06 2013 06:31 AM

Thanks for the little things, like our avatar at the bottom in a darker yellow, the light blue in the saving indicator at the top that was most likely there before but now I see it much more. Of course the Avatar jumping from place to place is wonderful. The crude oil barrel great!

Thanks thanks thanks

Tony D Nov 06 2013 06:35 AM

Hi all , while you are more than welcome to post feedback on the New Release ( negative, positive or both) please do not engage in debates/discussion on other members posts. Everyone has a right to their opinion.


brenda steele Nov 06 2013 07:01 AM

Its not just the Cash Gift Vouchers, its doing this with any Cash Gift, like the cash facilities or cash tools or even the $5.00 animal, so unfair, I have friends send me facilities now i cant even get them :(

Alexandra_J Nov 06 2013 07:08 AM

Ok thanks for your help :)

servocrow Nov 06 2013 07:11 AM

Really happy with the avatar movement thus far!! Big improvement. :D

Carol1207 Nov 06 2013 07:11 AM

I have heard a lot in the last two updates about "fairness" and while I understand the reasoning behind the latest changes to FC gifting, it is undoubtedly going to have a huge impact on thousands of players. As "fairness" seems to be the key word here, then it should cut both ways. Where is the fairness to the loyal high level players. They get 25FC every three months. Not enough to buy just one item. A lot of high level players, have a huge amount of wasted tools in their storage, for which they have bought using Farm Cash. We are told we have to keep those tools in order to be able to purchase further tools, but why? Would it not be fairer to high level players to allow them to sell those tools, and receive a percentage of their farm cash back. Come on Slashkey. If you want to talk about fairness, then you need to be showing some of that back, to your loyal players. I see you "taking" but I dont see you "giving".

FCM Nov 06 2013 07:20 AM

The update is good, except for one of the BIGGEST bugs of all that is still there. The slowness when moving between farms after H/P and seeding with the combines and seeders!!!! Come on guys!!! FIX THIS ALREADY!! PLEASE!!! The 10X10 will be USELESS if we are stuck for 3 minutes between farms. FIX THE BUG!!

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