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Larwin Aug 30 2022 02:30 AM

im wanting to be sure I understand requesting ingredients and recieveing ingredients. So I can request ingredients 5 times per period does that mean 5 neighbors can respond to those to recieve ingredients?

Tiger Aug 30 2022 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by Larwin (Post 6504186)
im wanting to be sure I understand requesting ingredients and recieveing ingredients. So I can request ingredients 5 times per period does that mean 5 neighbors can respond to those to recieve ingredients?

Hi Larwin,

Your friends can send you one bonus and one ingredient not all of them.
The limits which can affect how many different friends can send them and whether you or they receive them, depends on the value of what is sent/received and game level.

To see what the maximum coin values are for levels are please go to Chapter 30 Belts/Bonuses.
Here's the link to that specific post:

GeorgeBissell Sep 02 2022 04:54 PM

no farmer friends showing up
ID# 1052082873

Windows 11 laptop.

ALL browsers are up to date.
NO ad blockers.
Mem cache has been emptied.
Computer restarted several times.

When sending/receiving gifts, all I get is the gift sending box with a message that says "we couldn't find any friends that match this description".

There is NO drop-down menu.
Neighbors tab, everyone is there, HOWEVER, NO ONE has a picture.
Have not been able to send gifts to anyone since Thursday morning.
Can receive gifts, but cannot send them back or exchange them.

Also, the request wall shows facility requests, no bonus requests, nothing.

I have the code from my gift box if you want it.

Taz D Sep 02 2022 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by GeorgeBissell (Post 6504830)
I have been unable to send gifts today as my farmer friends list is not showing, also when I accept a gift it will not send back a gift in return....lastly in the " my neighbor " tab it does show the names, but no profile pic, just a white silhouette farm name is Kingsabu and id is 1052082873
Thank you

Hi GeorgeBissell,
I moved your post to the thread about gift sending.

Please make sure your browser and computer system are up to date. Chrome and Firefox both updated recently.
Also make sure you have cookies and pop ups allowed for your browser. We have some instructions in the following link:

bbarksda Sep 03 2022 04:28 AM

Animal Gifts
dddddddCurrently, when all of your animal houses are full and you have 400 on each farm, we have and animal stuck in gifts with no way to get rid of it. Please add an option in gifts to delete a gift. The only thing you can do now is store or use. If you don't want it you are stuck. Thanks.

UPDATE: found a way around, but it is not intuitive. You have to move animals to storage, store the animal and them move animals back to shed. Kind of awkward.

Tiger Sep 03 2022 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by bbarksda (Post 6505254)
dddddddCurrently, when all of your animal houses are full and you have 400 on each farm, we have and animal stuck in gifts with no way to get rid of it. Please add an option in gifts to delete a gift. The only thing you can do now is store or use. If you don't want it you are stuck. Thanks.

UPDATE: found a way around, but it is not intuitive. You have to move animals to storage, store the animal and them move animals back to shed. Kind of awkward.

Hi bbarksda,

I have moved your post to help and support for gifts. Any animals in your gift box that you don't want to use or have room for in animal shed, you can sell at market.

Go to market and when you chose the option to sell your harvests or gifts, click on the Gifts section mouseover the animal you want to sell and you will see a blue Sell button appear so that you can sell them.

favoritenan1 Sep 03 2022 01:38 PM

I can not send gifts or show facility wall requests does not work for days now.

marymarcel Sep 03 2022 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by favoritenan1 (Post 6505418)
I can not send gifts or show facility wall requests does not work for days now.

Hi favoritenan :)

I moved your post to the thread about Gifting as that is the first problem you are having.

Is your browser up to date? If you are using Chrome, please check that as it updated twice in the last 3 days.

You can also run memcache, link below. A new window will open with a short list of unsettings. Close that window and your farm in all tabs you have it open. Then reopen and check if the problems are fixed.

If the problems continue then please describe what happens when you try to send gifts. Is it the same if you are trying to send them from the Send gifts tab that from your My requests tab after accepting them?

You say the Show Facility Wall Requests doesn't work, could you tell us what exactly happens. We need information in order to try to help you.

Gail Green-jeans Sep 08 2022 07:41 AM

request specific gift
I need to accept goat gifts for farm pass. I cannot find on this forum how to do this.... it has been years since I have done this. Can you point me to where to find this info? Thanks..... Nevermind. I found it on my own. Thanks anyway. Gail

screenstarr Sep 08 2022 07:57 AM

Cannot Send Gifts
For the past two or so weeks, I have been unable to send gifts. I have cleared my cache and tried other browsers. I'm pretty frustrated. What else can I do?

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