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RIAP27 Mar 29 2024 10:45 AM

Yesterday I accepted many gifts including many Zinnias and Gerber daisies. When I went to my gift box to start planting them, and the trees I received, all the flowers and other gifts I accepted were gone. They never went in my gift box apparently, even tho I stored my ingredients before acceting.Now I noticed this morning Gerber daisies and Zinnias are gone from the gifts. I haven't noticed if other items are also gone but it looks like some trees may be missing as well. I hope this is just a temporary glitch.

Taz D Mar 29 2024 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by RIAP27 (Post 6576606)
Yesterday I accepted many gifts including many Zinnias and Gerber daisies. When I went to my gift box to start planting them, and the trees I received, all the flowers and other gifts I accepted were gone. They never went in my gift box apparently, even tho I stored my ingredients before acceting.Now I noticed this morning Gerber daisies and Zinnias are gone from the gifts. I haven't noticed if other items are also gone but it looks like some trees may be missing as well. I hope this is just a temporary glitch.

Hi Riap,
It is possible that it was a temporary glitch because the release was done last night. Those flowers were move to only the store. You may have also tried to over fill the gift box which does end with losing gifts because they can't fit even if you have accepted them.

RIAP27 Mar 29 2024 01:33 PM

[B]They moved the Zinnias and Gerber daisies to store only? Ok that explains it. Maybe they should do that with horses-since it costs FC to get stables for them.
I haven't had any gift loss problems before this because I store ingredients and animals before accepting more.

Palmarina Apr 14 2024 01:09 AM

disappearing gifts - again!
Hi, something in receiving gifts is very wrong!
For several times I noticed that gifts were accepted and then they disappeared on the "My Gifts" tab. This happened on my own farm (especially with trees and flowers), in another account I have too and now I see other people have the same problem. I reported this "bug" several times at the helpdesk.

This morning I had 247 pending gifts. I exchanged the first 100 to potatoes and accepted. I am pretty sure I accepted because I had no potatoes in storage. I sent a gift back. Went to the "My Gifts" page and there was nothing. Again. I cleared memcache and all other things one can clear on his pc and restarted the game. But the 100 gifts I accepted were lost in the void.
Then I continued accepting the 147 pending gifts and that went normal. Wow, lucky me lol
Something is wrong in the procedure of accepting gifts.
Can someone please shove this "bug" under the eyes of the developers?
I already reported it a few weeks ago, but the bug comes back, and not just for me apparently.

Taz D Apr 14 2024 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Palmarina (Post 6577634)
Hi, something in receiving gifts is very wrong!
For several times I noticed that gifts were accepted and then they disappeared on the "My Gifts" tab. This happened on my own farm (especially with trees and flowers), in another account I have too and now I see other people have the same problem. I reported this "bug" several times at the helpdesk.

This morning I had 247 pending gifts. I exchanged the first 100 to potatoes and accepted. I am pretty sure I accepted because I had no potatoes in storage. I sent a gift back. Went to the "My Gifts" page and there was nothing. Again. I cleared memcache and all other things one can clear on his pc and restarted the game. But the 100 gifts I accepted were lost in the void.
Then I continued accepting the 147 pending gifts and that went normal. Wow, lucky me lol
Something is wrong in the procedure of accepting gifts.
Can someone please shove this "bug" under the eyes of the developers?
I already reported it a few weeks ago, but the bug comes back, and not just for me apparently.

Hi Palmarina,
I am sorry this happen to you, but we can not duplicate this.
If you wish you may report this to Support for them to look into. Apr 14 2024 03:27 PM

Hi - This happened before about the time of the "separation" and I simply don't remember what advice you gave me. Today I sent out 5 gifts to each of my neighbors and buddies. When I went to exchange gifts sent to me, it showed 8 buddies and 3 neighbors in the "send gift back to" pop-up. These are people I've had for a long time, some since I started playing. I know whoever answered before told me something to do but I don't remember what it was. Could someone please let me know. Thank you!!

Taz D Apr 14 2024 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 6577646)
Hi - This happened before about the time of the "separation" and I simply don't remember what advice you gave me. Today I sent out 5 gifts to each of my neighbors and buddies. When I went to exchange gifts sent to me, it showed 8 buddies and 3 neighbors in the "send gift back to" pop-up. These are people I've had for a long time, some since I started playing. I know whoever answered before told me something to do but I don't remember what it was. Could someone please let me know. Thank you!!

Hi Lynnetimpeiro,
We don't know who told you what back then.The only thing I can think of would be these may be some who have you as a neighbor or buddy that you don't have as one of those. So 1 way connection. If it will let you send them back one then do so. Apr 14 2024 11:21 PM

Thank you Taz.

txbeck99 Apr 17 2024 11:08 PM

gift manager
When I accept gifts, they are not showing up in my gift box. This started 4.17.24

Taz D Apr 17 2024 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by txbeck99 (Post 6577862)
When I accept gifts, they are not showing up in my gift box. This started 4.17.24

Hi Txbeck,
I moved your post to the thread about gifts.
Are these gifts sent by your neighbors or gifts from a gift site?
What gifts are you accepting?
I have not been able to duplicate this with the pending gifts in the gift manager. Please try clearing your memcache (link below), then when the page of unsetting text opens close that as it is done.
If your farm is open close it. Then reopen and try again.

For clearing from Slashkey:

iwoeb Apr 17 2024 11:26 PM

gift problem
I cannot store my gifts. I accept them, changing a few to what I want, and accept all. send gifts back to those that are due. But nothing goes into my gifts and I see nothing where the gifts to use should be. and the gifts are back pending for me to accept all over again. but it never works. Has been this way since this afternoon. Please help.

Taz D Apr 17 2024 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by iwoeb (Post 6577870)
I cannot store my gifts. I accept them, changing a few to what I want, and accept all. send gifts back to those that are due. But nothing goes into my gifts and I see nothing where the gifts to use should be. and the gifts are back pending for me to accept all over again. but it never works. Has been this way since this afternoon. Please help.

Hi Iwoeb,
Please try clearing your memcache (link below), then when the page of unsetting text opens close that as it is done.
If your farm is open close it. Then reopen and try again.

For clearing from Slashkey:

pete5560 Apr 17 2024 11:44 PM

my gift box is not clearing after i accept the gifts

Taz D Apr 17 2024 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by pete5560 (Post 6577878)
my gift box is not clearing after i accept the gifts

Hi Pete,
I moved your post to the Help & Support thread about gifts. It appears there is a problem with this, but it does not have anything to do with the current release.

Taz D Apr 18 2024 12:00 AM

Hi All,
It appears there is a problem with pending gifts not clearing when accepted and not showing in the My gifts correctly. This has been sent to the developers. Please be patient while they can troubleshoot this and fix this.

texans Apr 18 2024 01:50 AM

Receiving gifts is not working
I collect a page of gifts and then send back but when I go to collect nothing appears and if I click Load more gifts it doesn't load but gives me the same ones I previously accepted except for that I never collect so they keep reappearing.

SirMatthew KC Apr 18 2024 01:55 AM

Mark me down for having the same issue. I have 26 gifts that will not go away. I've done a memcached, cleared history, etc.

Ky1960 Apr 18 2024 08:21 AM

I can not receive/accept gifts from neighbors today.

marymarcel Apr 18 2024 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Ky1960 (Post 6577906)
I can not receive/accept gifts from neighbors today.

Hi Ky :)

There is a banner above the game screen explaining that:

Hello Farmers, accepting new gifts is currently disabled due to a bug, will be enabled again tomorrow. Thank You.

Sorry for the inconveniences.

Lessonlady Apr 18 2024 09:11 AM

Unable to get pending gifts or stored items
It tells me I have 53 pending gifts...which is normal. But when I click on it to retrieve them, it says there are none! Why can't I get my gifts out of there?

Also, I have tried all week to take gifts in my storage and place them into a farm. I can get new ones from the store with no problem but not stored ones! What do you suggest?

marymarcel Apr 18 2024 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Lessonlady (Post 6577914)
It tells me I have 53 pending gifts...which is normal. But when I click on it to retrieve them, it says there are none! Why can't I get my gifts out of there?

Also, I have tried all week to take gifts in my storage and place them into a farm. I can get new ones from the store with no problem but not stored ones! What do you suggest?

Hi Lessonlady :)

I moved your post to the thread about Gifting.

For the first problem, there is a banner above the game screen explaining that:

Hello Farmers, accepting new gifts is currently disabled due to a bug, will be enabled again tomorrow. Thank You.

For your second problem, you need an empty space to be able to put them on a farm. You have to show everything in your farm to be sure you are not trying to place them on top of other item.

If you are using the Purple hand, then you need at least an empty space the size of a pine tree to be able to place the stored item.

LisaScobee Apr 18 2024 10:14 AM

Gifting is already enabled again? At least it's working for me.

Nevermind...still showing pending gifts and not able to WAS working and I accepted gifts earlier

Taz D Apr 18 2024 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by LisaScobee (Post 6577922)
Gifting is already enabled again? At least it's working for me.

Nevermind...still showing pending gifts and not able to WAS working and I accepted gifts earlier

Hi Lisa,
No it has not been enabled again yet. The developers will notify when it has been fixed and enabled again.

LisaScobee Apr 18 2024 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6577926)
Hi Lisa,
No it has not been enabled again yet. The developers will notify when it has been fixed and enabled again.

That's odd as overnight I WAS able to send/receive gifts and this AM nada...

Ky1960 Apr 18 2024 11:42 AM

Gotcha. TY for letting me know. I hadn't read the banner message.

jerrbearsr Apr 18 2024 12:08 PM

Do you know if the gifts we are sending will be available to collect after the fix?

Taz D Apr 18 2024 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by jerrbearsr (Post 6577938)
Do you know if the gifts we are sending will be available to collect after the fix?

Hi Jerrbearsr,
Yes they should be available. The problem does not affect sending gifts.

Cassandra1954 Apr 18 2024 06:09 PM

Won't let me get my gifts that it says I have. Please help.

10000003477 Build No: 600

Taz D Apr 18 2024 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Cassandra1954 (Post 6577946)
Won't let me get my gifts that it says I have. Please help.

10000003477 Build No: 600

Hi Cassandra,
Please read the banner above your farms.

jetdogy Apr 18 2024 06:59 PM

My pending gifts...
I can't get my gifts, is there currently and issue ??

Taz D Apr 18 2024 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by jetdogy (Post 6577954)
I can't get my gifts, is there currently and issue ??

Hi Jetdogy,
Please read the banner above your farms.

JNelson Apr 18 2024 07:07 PM

Banner,, is tomorrow UK time,, or USA time ?????????????

Taz D Apr 18 2024 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by JNelson (Post 6577962)
Banner,, is tomorrow UK time,, or USA time ?????????????

Hi JNelson,
The game is a US game, so obviously would be US time. Exactly when they will have it fixed and release the fix only the developers know so no we do not know exactly the time they will release it.

JNelson Apr 18 2024 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6577966)
Hi JNelson,
The game is a US game, so obviously would be US time. Exactly when they will have it fixed and release the fix only the developers know so no we do not know exactly the time they will release it.

thanks i thought the dev were in the UK with Raul ......

Taz D Apr 18 2024 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by JNelson (Post 6577970)
thanks i thought the dev were in the UK with Raul ......

Hi JNelson,
Raul lives in the US in the eastern time zone.

LisaScobee Apr 18 2024 07:19 PM

It's currently 8:19PM US East Coast. What time "tomorrow"?

Taz D Apr 18 2024 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by LisaScobee (Post 6577978)
It's currently 8:19PM US East Coast. What time "tomorrow"?

Hi Lisa,
Only the developers know what time they will release the fix. It will all depend on how long it takes them to get it fixed.

bjyhey3 Apr 18 2024 08:22 PM

I haven't been able to open my 80 pending gifts since this morning. Thank You

Taz D Apr 18 2024 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by bjyhey3 (Post 6577986)
I haven't been able to open my 80 pending gifts since this morning. Thank You

Hi Bjyhey,
I moved your post to the Help & Support thread about gifts.
Please read the banner above your farms.

bjyhey3 Apr 18 2024 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6577958)
Hi Jetdogy,
Please read the banner above your farms.

Thank You, didn't think to look there

All times are GMT -5. The time now is 08:07 AM.