Farm Town

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luvscats May 28 2010 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Raul (Post 3567538)
Hey there,

We just released a new version of FarmTown with the following features/fixes:

1. You can now buy a 4th farm. The requirement is to have a 3rd farm. These are the prices in coins and farm cash:

12x12 farm: ......... 4MM coins ..... 40 fc
14x14 upgrade: .... 1MM coins ..... 20 fc
16x16 upgrade: .... 2MM coins ..... 20 fc
18x18 upgrade: .... 3MM coins ..... 20 fc
20x20 upgrade: .... 15MM coins .... 20 fc
22x22 upgrade: .... 20MM coins .... 20 fc
24x24 upgrade: .... 30MM coins .... 20 fc

2. The Sea Coast items (big and small) are now also available for the opposite sides of the farm

3. When you sell a product in the Market, the window doesn't scroll to the top anymore, making it easier to sell products

4. Some users were losing products because the harvest/product storage was full, we increased the size of the storage but it's not unlimited, when the harvest storage is about to get full, we will show a message to the user so they can sell or use some products to make some room, now with the scroll issue fixed, it should be easier to sell products.

5. We have another Farm Cash Offer on the top of the game for users who have some design skills or know someone who has those skills. If those users want to spend some time designing some items for the game for them and others to use they will get 100 farm cash for each item. Check the offer page for more details.



Moderator Edit:

To find details for submitting a design to Slashkey can be found by clicking on Account just above your farm name then on Submit Graphic Item. Good luck everyone.


THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the Market upgrade and the 4th FARM

Cajun Karen May 28 2010 10:14 PM

Thanks so much, Raul, for the 4th farm!!!! I haven't upgraded all of the way yet, but I see that coming. I'm loving the game. I think that I've leveled up 3 times since yesterday!!

peachy04 May 28 2010 10:16 PM

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the 4th farm!!!! now can we get the cheese to produce faster please!!! You devs ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SallyL May 28 2010 10:26 PM

Absolutely perfect. A 4th farm for cash. Finally a way to get rid of all the millions I had collected. I am beaming. :D I also Love Love Love the marketplace scrolling fix. You guys ROCK!!!!

marie0112 May 28 2010 10:38 PM

Can't see the 'chat' line when I type something! That top line you've added takes up the space. Is there a way you can fix that?? Thanks for the 4th farm and everything you have added.

SunnyD May 28 2010 10:38 PM

Yehaw..... i can submit some of my art huh?? cool beans FT.... I have been working on a new horse painting just finished it this morning and now i see this.... yehaw....

Farmer Homer May 28 2010 10:57 PM

Thank you for fixing the scrolling issue in the market, much much easier to sell goods.

Love the 4th farm, thank you! I don't even mind the price, I could only upgrade three times but it gives me something to work for now. With all of the facilities going all of the time, it doesn't take long to make a million.

I love the fact that we can produce fuel, nice addition.

5th farm in the near future? I know, I'm greedy. :)

The Phantom May 28 2010 10:58 PM

Keeping in mind that the problem still exists for those of us who have not been able to work in others facilities. I hope you can get this fixed soon. It would make the game so much more worth playing. Thanks.

sandra.l.huffman May 28 2010 11:45 PM

some do not get the acces tab to help at my facilty
we can can get to the farm but no gretting/accses tab comes up. it is hit and miss. they are all my neghbors. we were doing well unthe new secuity and the new greating came on today. we all sit Ft padlock choice at Everyone. our persnal security is set for friend of friends some cases everyone what are we doing worng can you help with new problim?

Momma Woods May 29 2010 12:01 AM

Farm 4
Thanks so much for 4th farm and the non-scrolling window in storage. My first 3 farms are ADDICTION, CURE, RELAPSE. I made the statement just hours before the 4th farm was released that I would name my 4th farm O"DEED and so it is. thanx.

Originally Posted by Raul (Post 3567538)
Hey there,

We just released a new version of FarmTown with the following features/fixes:

1. You can now buy a 4th farm. The requirement is to have a 3rd farm. These are the prices in coins and farm cash:

12x12 farm: ......... 4MM coins ..... 40 fc
14x14 upgrade: .... 1MM coins ..... 20 fc
16x16 upgrade: .... 2MM coins ..... 20 fc
18x18 upgrade: .... 3MM coins ..... 20 fc
20x20 upgrade: .... 15MM coins .... 20 fc
22x22 upgrade: .... 20MM coins .... 20 fc
24x24 upgrade: .... 30MM coins .... 20 fc

2. The Sea Coast items (big and small) are now also available for the opposite sides of the farm

3. When you sell a product in the Market, the window doesn't scroll to the top anymore, making it easier to sell products

4. Some users were losing products because the harvest/product storage was full, we increased the size of the storage but it's not unlimited, when the harvest storage is about to get full, we will show a message to the user so they can sell or use some products to make some room, now with the scroll issue fixed, it should be easier to sell products.

5. We have another Farm Cash Offer on the top of the game for users who have some design skills or know someone who has those skills. If those users want to spend some time designing some items for the game for them and others to use they will get 100 farm cash for each item. Check the offer page for more details.



Moderator Edit:

To find details for submitting a design to Slashkey can be found by clicking on Account just above your farm name then on Submit Graphic Item. Good luck everyone.


Halley/Harper Dig May 29 2010 01:40 AM

4th farm and first dungarees
Love the 4th farm and...well I'm still wearin the same stinkin dungarees I was the day I started! :eek: (LOL...sorry just had to say it;)) Honestly I love you guys. Its the only game for me.

Lizzie62 May 29 2010 02:02 AM

Thank you, thank you, thank you! The scrolling fix is awesome. Now, I just need to save up the coins for a 4th farm and practice using AI:D

lkibblewhite May 29 2010 02:25 AM

Thanks so much for the 4th farm ... now what to put on it .... hum ... if I could move my cows I could make it a dairy farm .... .. what to do .. decisions decisions ... need more coins ...... yes that is it more coins ....

Farmer McDonald May 29 2010 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by JustHikk (Post 3568250)
Maxed out fourth farm, when do we get a fifth? I need land!!!!

I wanted to be the first to actually ask for it in this thread.

When do we get a fifth? :rolleyes::eek:

I love the new updates. I was able to get all but two of the land expansions for the 4th farm and am already halfway to having enough for the next one. I love not having to scroll on the harvests screen.
And may I be the first to ask for a sixth, seventh, eighth and tenth farm? :D:D:D

eaglewtchr May 29 2010 02:40 AM

Hey, I love the 4th farm. and the fact that you don't have to keep scrolling back down in the storage screen. Just 1 little glitch. Please excuse the CAPS... WE CAN'T WORK ANYONE'S FACILITIES!!!!! Sorry... Just had to get that out.. Hope that get's fixed soon. I need my neighbors to work my facilities...Thanks for listing hope I didn't blow anyone's eardrums with my little out-burst... :)

JanMac57 May 29 2010 02:41 AM

Whoo Hoo! I'm so delighted! Came on to play and there it was! Love it love it love it! And now I don't have to decide whether to boot my 'industrial/production farm in favour of a theme farm. Sooooo much easier to sell my stuff now too. Gotta run, need to make more coin now so I can expand. Who would have thought that 40+ mil wasn't enough??
hehehehehehe - Thank you Raoul & Co. :)

Charo May 29 2010 02:56 AM

I saw a glitch with the facilities too, but when i posted a new request, it cleared up.

Mrs Borgies May 29 2010 03:08 AM

O....M....G!!!!! Thank you so much for the fouth farm. It is great that you guys kept the price WAY up on the purchase of land. I have to work again!!! LOL I am saving now for the 22x22 then to work on the 24x24.

A huge thanks from me once more.

Happy dance!!!! :D

Tony D May 29 2010 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by Farmer McDonald (Post 3569706)
I love the new updates. I was able to get all but two of the land expansions for the 4th farm and am already halfway to having enough for the next one. I love not having to scroll on the harvests screen.
And may I be the first to ask for a sixth, seventh, eighth and tenth farm? :D:D:D

You don't want a ninth farm :eek:

JYD May 29 2010 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by Momma Woods (Post 3569398)
Thanks so much for 4th farm and the non-scrolling window in storage. My first 3 farms are ADDICTION, CURE, RELAPSE. I made the statement just hours before the 4th farm was released that I would name my 4th farm O"DEED and so it is. thanx.

I love your farm names!

SPIKE2k May 29 2010 05:10 AM

excellent I just knew 4th farm was coming, now we just need to be able to move are animals from farm to farm.

JYD May 29 2010 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by SPIKE2k (Post 3570022)
excellent I just knew 4th farm was coming, now we just need to be able to move are animals from farm to farm.

Can't you just put each in storage and extract them for another farm?

Boogie Woogie May 29 2010 05:38 AM

I would still like to see an easier way to get farm cash. Not all of us can be graphic designers, and it makes the game more fun when you can buy things using fc.

Witch Hazel May 29 2010 05:46 AM

OK, I am back to harvesting, plowing, and planting by one square at a time. When my fuel goes to storage, there is no longer the USE button so I have to sell it. How can I use gifted fuel now?

doogels May 29 2010 05:57 AM

Exciting upgrade!!improvements are great!!,Any chance on those 15 and 20 mill. etc... prices being a typo or a little trick on the f t billionaires club,,hehe..average players could be saving for a looong time.Also myspace playerswill never get that money if their facilities dont become neighbour friendly,,any chance of a myspace discount like there was with the 30 neighbours requirement?

Mrs Borgies May 29 2010 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by Witch Hazel (Post 3570134)
OK, I am back to harvesting, plowing, and planting by one square at a time. When my fuel goes to storage, there is no longer the USE button so I have to sell it. How can I use gifted fuel now? vthornburgh@realtyagent .com

Gee don't sell your fuel! Store your fuel, which frees up your gift box then go to the red fuel icon at the top left of your game when you need to fill up with fuel. :)

Mrs Borgies May 29 2010 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by JYD (Post 3570118)
Can't you just put each in storage and extract them for another farm?

How I wish! Animals can't be taken from one farm to another.

pasper May 29 2010 06:08 AM

Problem Working Facilities
Since the May 28th update, I have started having trouble working my neighbors facilities. Some farms work normal. I like the new menu that guides you around the farm, but some farms only give you the "I've had a tornado" type menu and won't let you in the facilities. I've looked in their facilities and some do have crops to work. Your attention would be appreciated.

Long Tall Texan

Mrs Borgies May 29 2010 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by pasper (Post 3570194)
Since the May 28th update, I have started having trouble working my neighbors facilities. Some farms work normal. I like the new menu that guides you around the farm, but some farms only give you the "I've had a tornado" type menu and won't let you in the facilities. I've looked in their facilities and some do have crops to work. Your attention would be appreciated.

Long Tall Texan

Are you working from an earlier link? The reason I ask, I have had the same problem. Working from updated links they are working fine. I believe the updates have made my earlier saved links futile.

Billy Bob Rob May 29 2010 06:31 AM

Thanks for the updates...I have my 4th planted and ready to go except for some decorating....I do have a complaint though....There is a new ad at the bottom of the page that will not go away and I cannot chat anymore because I cannot see what I am writing because of the ad...It takes up some of my screen....Please tell me how to get it off....

gbuc May 29 2010 06:31 AM

very nice -- Just when I think I am out, you pull me back in... :)

Appreciate all your work -- AWESOME GAME!

CyndiLu1 May 29 2010 06:37 AM

I love the new release but I don't love the part that I can't work at a lot of people's facilities, what is the issue.

I also wish you would fix issues like seeing people.


Tauni May 29 2010 06:56 AM

New Items
Thanks everyone at Farmtown! You guys and gals are just amazing! Thanks so so much for the 4th Farm! Keep up the awesome work!:D

bennyboy May 29 2010 07:36 AM

i love the 4th farm, just why does it cost so much can i ask?

LoreneC May 29 2010 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by bennyboy (Post 3570314)
i love the 4th farm, just why does it cost so much can i ask?

Just guessing- but it is so easy to earn coins with the facilities and people were asking for a challenge.:)

JYD May 29 2010 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Mrs Borgies (Post 3570190)
How I wish! Animals can't be taken from one farm to another.

Not even with a pet passport? just teasing:D

dryred May 29 2010 08:24 AM

Have bought my 4th farm great - but several neighbours have since found that they cannot work on my other farms ( I have posted for help) or even water the flowers. this does seem to be a major drawback can it be sorted, please.

Toranut97 May 29 2010 08:27 AM

THANK YOU so much -- my favorite thing is the ability to sell in the market without scrolling every time!

Will go get a fourth farm now -- oh , wow!

And all of this makes me wonder -- what on earth would it take for us to NOT see all teh whining, demanding and groaning even when a good thing happens? For pete's sakes, can we just be happy for a day or two before we start whining again???? Geez!

Old Goat May 29 2010 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by Tony D (Post 3568190)
Again while I'm at work - I am starting to suspect a conspiracy here. :p

Big Raul is watching! You gotta find a way to disable that pesky ankle bracelet! :D

Thanks devs for all the updates. A couple days back got 'tired' of it all and haven't seeded anything since. I know there are many that have/had way more than my 100,000,000 but but it was wayyyyy too much for my liking. Nice to see something I liked come along to spend it on and I sure don't mind the HUGE drop of my total. Now the challenge, to get it all back! The name of my 4th says it all BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!

Wanted to be the first to ask for changes re: animals but I see SPIKE24 (I think) beat me to it!!! VILLAIN!:p

msdymond May 29 2010 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by LoreneC (Post 3570326)
Just guessing- but it is so easy to earn coins with the facilities and people were asking for a challenge.:)

I agree! I like the challenge. Bought the 4th farm and upgraded twice and now I have to WORK! LOL I spent all of my coins.

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