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Grumpa Jan 29 2012 09:18 PM

Quest learning curve
Just like the rest of the Farm Town game the quests have a learning curve.

The player starts playing Farm Town given the basic tools and they must decide if they want to upgrade them or not. There is the coin only or the FC tools and Facilities.

Each player must decide what they want to do and what they can afford to do. Nothing should just be given to someone because they want it, either tools or facilities.

I would love more FC tools and facilities, but I can't afford them so I play the game with what I have.

The quests are just another part of the game where you use what you have to play the game with, and not play the parts of the game that you don't have the tools or facilities.

It is a great game that the developers have worked hard to make it so everyone has the same chance to purchase what is needed (if they can) and play for the enjoyment of the playing, not having to compete against anyone else.

Just my opinion. :)

Tony D Jan 29 2012 09:32 PM

Hi everyone ...:)

Just a friendly reminder, this thread is for feedback, not help.

If you need help with a question about the Quests please post in this thread ..


HelenJS22 Jan 29 2012 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by ImajeanB (Post 5029182)
The crops I already had planted did not count when I harvested.

Strange ... They should have I think. Every time I have had to 'harvest' a crop, I have been able to do a previously planted one with no problem. The quest accepted it.

The quest in every case I've seen so far says 'harvest ...' not 'plant and harvest', so maybe try it again when you get another quest.

Just a thought, did you harvest enough of the crop for the requirements of the quest. I've not had quest instruction tell me yet how many of any crop to harvest, but if you go into the facility that uses that crop for the required product, it tells you how much is needed to do one batch ..... Phew, I hope that makes sense.

It may not help, but it's the only reason I could think of that would make the quest not register the harvest.

Farmer Homer Jan 29 2012 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Farmer Homer (Post 5028538)
I finished my "quest farm" today. I have 9 of each tree used in factories (I hope I got them all), 16 of each flower used, cows, goats, sheep, llama, geese, turkeys, horses, chickens and rabbits. I have a lake with boat, river, small and large seacoast. I have a patch work farm with 8 plots each but looks like I need to increase to 10 on some of them.

I'm loving the quests. I'm on my third, none of them has completed as yet, all have been pretty involved with several steps which makes it more of a challenge.

I get the trees and planting crops and flowers, but to put cows, goats, sheep, llama, geese, turkeys, horses, chickens and rabbits on the farm, don't you have to have the sheds etc to get the items (wool, feathers, hair etc)??

I have a chicken coop, dairy barn, wool shed, rabbit hutch and stable. They can all be bought with coins except the stable, I had accidentally bought one of each when they first came out not knowing they did the same thing, I moved the extra to the quest farm. The chicken coop and dairy shed I "harvest" after I see what I need for the quest because they are ready again before the next quest is due, this adds to my storage for my facilities. The others I only use for quests because they take longer to get ready. The same on the water features, if fish is not needed for the quest, I fish them and they go into my facility storage. They will be restocked before the next quest.

Vivienne57 Jan 30 2012 12:20 AM

The quests are OK but rather than earn coins I would rather get an exclusive gift that only farmers completing quests would get. I get loads of cash anyway so don't really need it. Would be more fun doing the quests if we got exclusive gifts

bluehair Jan 30 2012 03:37 AM

more than 1 quest a day
can the devs please make it that you can do more than 1 quest in a day long as you finish the previous quest first?

eg today my quest was to make cedar essential oil which took me less than an hour.

or why not let us run as many quests as our level allows us to have at mine 5 :)

lewlin Jan 30 2012 06:07 AM

I thought I would hate the quests, then I got my first one...pineapple icecream which meant I had to plant pineapples....1.5 day wait for them almost killed me lol Then there was the start all button to contend with rather than the start batch button....280 hours to wait for my icecream lol But luckily sk reset the timers so I was able to complete my quest!! Rest of my quests have been fine, even though one quest had 9 steps!!

I didn't think they were giving us fc coz of how many we did, I read it that every so often we might get 1fc depending on how well/quick we did the quest. If I'm correct in reading it like that then that won't put anyone behind or at a disadvantage through not owning a certain fac.

While it's nice to get would be even nicer to get a special animal or fac that you can only get thru completing a quest! (and no not an alien cow like that other farm game lol)

I would like to see a counter to count how many quests I'm doing....maybe get a special prize once you've done 15 or something like that.....a belt for the quests!

debbie kay zimmerman Jan 30 2012 06:44 AM

I love the new quests...makes the game more challenging. Please keep the quests coming.
Good job. I never play the mini games...not fun

servocrow Jan 30 2012 07:08 AM

I just wanted to chime in and say I'm enjoying the quests as well. They are adding a fun, new dimension to the game. The extra coins are GREAT.

Thanks again for a fun game.

Grammy 11 Jan 30 2012 07:22 AM

Cranky old lady resisted, then finally clicked on Quest - imagine!!!! It was FUN!!!!! I even stopped whining to myself about not enough instructions - learning curve part of the quest!! What a great idea. As for a Quest Farm - I am going to see how I fare without one. I assume all quests can be accomplished even if I have to wait cause I maxed out a facility. I know I won't finish as fast, but so far I have learned to check Quests before I do anything else. Thanks for a reward to longtime players - GREAT!

Mrs Mags Jan 30 2012 11:46 AM

I love the Quests...I've found myself looking forward to seeing what new Quest there would be each day...Only thing I would like to see...not sure if it can be coded....would be to make it so your Quests are tailored to which FC facilities you own...or the ability to beg or work for the stuff needed for the Quest....
Thanks Devs...the Quests are a great idea..:)

rmtvbrooks Jan 30 2012 12:16 PM

I'm not having any problems with the quests. I can start a new one each day even if the old one isn't finished yet. If I don't finish, I don't get a reward and the quest just expires. So if I choose not to do a particular quest, then I just skip it and wait a day for a new one. No big deal. I like that the quests are optional and are not all over the screen like other games where you can't ignore them. At least here, you have to open the quest menu and accept a quest before one is sent to you. Kudos to the developers for doing it this way. It's a good way to change things up, but you don't have to do it if you don't want to. And you can pick and choose which ones you want to do.

gffarmer Jan 30 2012 12:33 PM

I love the quests! They are fun. Great job devs!

Happy pants Jan 30 2012 02:08 PM

I'm enjoying the quests as well.... thanks for a fun addition to the game.

artisanrox Jan 30 2012 03:51 PM

The awesomest thing about the quests is that I can totally ignore that they're there. :D

(and i don't mean that disrespectfully or facetiously!)

LeeClements Jan 30 2012 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by artisanrox (Post 5030226)
The awesomest thing about the quests is that I can totally ignore that they're there. :D

(and i don't mean that disrespectfully or facetiously!)

i worry about the old people FORGETTING that they are there:eek:

dnana Jan 30 2012 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Miamine (Post 5028994)
Ah... so each person has a different quest....

I'm thinking.. I can't use me boat to catch fish for quests, and also I can't use the fish that I get from others farms...

Yep... I been fishing for every Tom, Dick and Harry in the Market place... but I still can't get the fish that the stupid quest thing wants (nods head.... yep, this is a push to get us to spend more farm cash) :(

Maybe I should sell me boat on ebay and get the big sea coast instead

HI, you can use your boat but it has to be on your water to count for your quest. someone fishing for you does not count, you fishing for someone else does not count. :) (someone probably answered this, but I got to go home now, can't read to the end.) :)

dnana Jan 30 2012 04:32 PM

I'm loving teh quests, on my 5th one, all have been successful. I did have a glitch, tho. I had started #3 to make lasagna noodles and had planted my 10 wheat. Next day, my quest is to make linguine noodles and I need 10 more wheat! why didn't I plant 20 yesterday! so, I start #4 and plant 30 more wheat and resign myself to waiting 40 more hours (planted an extra 20 just in case it wants more noodles today!). Today, #3 wheat is done so I harvest those and go to the mill to make flour. Then I go into the manager to see if 5 is ready to open yet, and I see that #4 is on the same step as #3 (making flour). How can this be? I only harvested 10 wheat for #3 and it is enough to cover #4?? well, I took the flour to the pasta factory for both #3 and #4 and about 5pm, both of them were done! :):) got 3.06mill for each one and #4 was done 14.5 hours earlier than it should have been! nice glitch! :)

HelenJS22 Jan 30 2012 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Grammy Snowbird (Post 5029822)
Cranky old lady resisted, then finally clicked on Quest - imagine!!!! It was FUN!!!!! I even stopped whining to myself about not enough instructions - learning curve part of the quest!! What a great idea. As for a Quest Farm - I am going to see how I fare without one. I assume all quests can be accomplished even if I have to wait cause I maxed out a facility. I know I won't finish as fast, but so far I have learned to check Quests before I do anything else. Thanks for a reward to longtime players - GREAT!

I love this :D I too have learned very quickly to check out the quest before doing ANYTHING !!!! So many of us had major doubts about the coming of 'quests' ... You're right IT'S FUN !!

We should have trusted our great Farm Town team shouldn't we.

melizabeth5 Jan 30 2012 05:50 PM

Love those quests!
I had doubts in the beginning, after doing the first one...I was hooked! This may not be the right way to go, but I have Farms 12 and 13 designated as my Quest farms. I plant crops when it is needed and have enough of all trees on these two farms, which will be harvested only when needed. I work the quests before doing the usual activities. I am working on the 5th quest with 2 hrs left to finish. It will be 14 hours before the next quest, which gives time to take care of other farm business. When I get a quest needing a facility I don't have, I will use the farm cash from this last level up to buy it or...yay if it is a coin item! As a last resort, I will buy the farm cash for a game I love and enjoy so much!!!

secretsybs Jan 31 2012 02:27 AM

Not having a facility
I have started the quests,i will not be able to complete one as not got the oil refinery,this is not fair to anyone that has the same problem

Please can someone help:(

Grumpa Jan 31 2012 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by secretsybs (Post 5030986)
I have started the quests,i will not be able to complete one as not got the oil refinery,this is not fair to anyone that has the same problem

Please can someone help:(

What is not fair.

You just have to buy the Oil refinery.

secretsybs Jan 31 2012 02:52 AM

Some of us don't have the fc to do that,,,nice to see support from others NOT

Taz D Jan 31 2012 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by secretsybs (Post 5030986)
I have started the quests,i will not be able to complete one as not got the oil refinery,this is not fair to anyone that has the same problem

Please can someone help:(

The only thing you can do with that one currently is to let it expire if you can't buy the oil refinery. Many do not have all the facilities and that is the only thing that you can do for now. According to Raul in the future you will be able work others facilities and farms to get items, but that is not the way it is currently.

secretsybs Jan 31 2012 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 5031006)
The only thing you can do with that one currently is to let it expire if you can't buy the oil refinery. Many do not have all the facilities and that is the only thing that you can do for now. According to Raul in the future you will be able work others facilities and farms to get items, but that is not the way it is currently.

Thank you at least you were more help and supportive

HelenJS22 Jan 31 2012 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by bamagirl (Post 5031022)
Was wondering if there was a way to keep up with how may quest we complete?

Good thinking ... please devs is this possible? I think I've done 6 now, but had trouble trying to remember them all. Just for my own interest, but I've written them down now and would love to have some sort of a record of the number we've done down the track.

blue nile Jan 31 2012 04:17 AM

Hi! I am also enjoying the quests although i am forced to turn on the computer to see my new quest in the morning now during the chaos of getting 3 kids out to school!!! Anyway at the weekend i made a "quest farm" like others have done after being a bit reluctant to do so at first but it is working out really well and i enjoy "managing" it and it looks pretty too!! I am on my 6th quest now and this morning started one with 13 steps but should finish it by the morning! Luckily i have had all the facilities needed so far! The way it's going at the moment i am glad we have to wait 20hrs to unlock a new one otherwise it might be too much and i am already spending too much time lol !!

artisanrox Jan 31 2012 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by LeeClements (Post 5030242)
i worry about the old people FORGETTING that they are there:eek:

Keeipng it subtle is more important than having gigantic neon flashing signs that quests have to be done. I find them extremely annoying, because they're timed and require facilities you don't have, especially purchasing FarmCash facilties (seriously, who would do that for a quest???)...and one thing I really like about this game is that it's relatively an untimed game, except for crops spoiling. Deciding whether or not you're going to do something because you can't afford it isn't a "challenge", it's simply a decision. It's not 'challenging" to me to do something in the game i already CAN do, it's not "challenging" deciding that I will not ruin the deisgn integrity of my farms for a quest, and it's not a challenge to decide that I'm not paying $20-30 simply to put one facility on my farm for two days just to net myself fake currency.

For now, I refuse to have quest farms or put quest facilities on my farms, as I like my farms "designed" and not purely utilitarian. Though maybe with the addition of farms 14 and 15 (as I see there is room for them now) I'll have maybe ONE.


after all, it's all good so far, because the quest option isn't required, it doesn't ruin the game interface AT ALL, and the few quests you can do seem to really be worth it (I had to produce all steps of making hot chocolate in the coffee shop and got $4mill coins. Not bad.) soooooooo we'll see where this goes. :)

artisanrox Jan 31 2012 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by Grumpa (Post 5030990)
What is not fair.

You just have to buy the Oil refinery.

That's not the point. The point is it's tragically silly to spend Farmcash or real money to do a virtual to-do list for fake currency.

It really stinks for now, but once we're able to work others' farms or facilities, it'll be much better, and I'll wait for that. :)

jcassemjr Jan 31 2012 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by artisanrox (Post 5031110)
That's not the point. The point is it's tragically silly to spend Farmcash or real money to do a virtual to-do list for fake currency.

It really stinks for now, but once we're able to work others' farms or facilities, it'll be much better, and I'll wait for that. :)

First, you should look up tragic.

Second is it really silly to financially support a game you enjoy? People will spend $10USD to go see a movie that lasts 1 1/2 to 2 hours, with no lasting benefit. People will spend $3.50USD to rent a video, again with no lasting benefit. I have to disagree with you that it is silly to support a game that brings many players enjoyment. With out the financial support, the game would not exist.

ImajeanB Jan 31 2012 07:08 AM

I really don't understand why some are making a big deal out of these quests. You can still play the game as always and enjoy it even without all the facs and tools. I am fortunate to have them and really enjoy doing the quests. Not for the coins I get but for something different to do. I am on my 5th and will complete it today. Looking forward to the next challenge! Thank you devs!!!!!!!!

Suz60930 Jan 31 2012 09:49 AM

I have done a couple quests and was well rewarded. But I don't think it's fair to have some of the quests involve Farm Cash facilities. A lot of players just don't have the money to spend. If we were getting more Farm Cash for leveling up, I could see it. But not on the stipend of $1 per level. At least make it possible to pass on a quest and get a different one. For now I think I'll pass on the whole quest thing.

StoneFace Jan 31 2012 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Suz60930 (Post 5031214)
I have done a couple quests and was well rewarded. But I don't think it's fair to have some of the quests involve Farm Cash facilities. A lot of players just don't have the money to spend. If we were getting more Farm Cash for leveling up, I could see it. But not on the stipend of $1 per level. At least make it possible to pass on a quest and get a different one. For now I think I'll pass on the whole quest thing.

maybe the enhancement which the devs alluded to (being able to work with neighbors on a Quest) will come sooner than later.


StoneFace Jan 31 2012 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by HelenJS22 (Post 5031030)
Good thinking ... please devs is this possible? I think I've done 6 now, but had trouble trying to remember them all. Just for my own interest, but I've written them down now and would love to have some sort of a record of the number we've done down the track.

I know I have done the max Quests, because I start the new one within an hour or so of when it is released..... scroll over the next "Lock" to see when the next Quest will open

I guess I have made 60mill or more... but it would be nice to have a record... being the anal farmer that I am..



pamandpat Jan 31 2012 10:08 AM

love the quest
i like the quest, but i hope in the future when you complete a quest instead of coins the prize could be an item like a super cool house or any decoration that you can't buy in the store.;)

Grammy 11 Jan 31 2012 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Suz60930 (Post 5031214)
I have done a couple quests and was well rewarded. But I don't think it's fair to have some of the quests involve Farm Cash facilities. A lot of players just don't have the money to spend. If we were getting more Farm Cash for leveling up, I could see it. But not on the stipend of $1 per level. At least make it possible to pass on a quest and get a different one. For now I think I'll pass on the whole quest thing.

Quests are extra fun, not mandatory. Lots of people who've been playing since there was 1 farm and have all facilities have been concerned that there is a lot of pressure on them to spend $$ and that there doesn't seem to be much reward for high level players. Levels and FC rewards only come at Devs' decision, regardless of how much time is put into the game. So, Quests can be seen as something to amuse high level players, and reward us for hanging around. I don't think fairness applies here - after all, when one starts playing there are lots of items out of reach until certain levels are reached. It's just part of the game.

gffarmer Jan 31 2012 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by jcassemjr (Post 5031126)
First, you should look up tragic.

Second is it really silly to financially support a game you enjoy? People will spend $10USD to go see a movie that lasts 1 1/2 to 2 hours, with no lasting benefit. People will spend $3.50USD to rent a video, again with no lasting benefit. I have to disagree with you that it is silly to support a game that brings many players enjoyment. With out the financial support, the game would not exist.

I SO agree with you!!! Good points!

cottom Jan 31 2012 11:31 AM

NO INTERESTED in "Quests" I am farming, and I want to continue farming but all the "distractions" thrown at me is taking the fun out...

StoneFace Jan 31 2012 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by pamandpat (Post 5031230)
i like the quest, but i hope in the future when you complete a quest instead of coins the prize could be an item like a super cool house or any decoration that you can't buy in the store.;)

Great Idea.....

maybe they will also award a "smaller" version in a limited quantity, like 2 or 3 to be given to "favorite" neighbors.


Grumpa Jan 31 2012 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by secretsybs (Post 5031002)
Some of us don't have the fc to do that,,,nice to see support from others NOT

Being on a fixed income I also do not have the FC to purchase many of the items that need it.

But I still don't see what is not fair and what is not supportive of others.

I go to the store and pick up my medication that I must have, then I wonder around and see what I would like to have.

I then try to save up for it. No one there supports me by purchasing what I wish I had.

Is this not fair, I THINK NOT.

Just play the game with what you can afford to get. It is not like the developers don't give us a lot that we can use.

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