Farm Town

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Moose Mob Dec 26 2016 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 6122714)
Hi all:)

Raul added information about fuel consuming when a ship is dispatched:

- The fuel consumption when you Dispatch a Ship is calculated with this formula: number of containers * 20 * port count in the itinerary. So if you prepared 5 containers, and the Ship have 30 ports in the itinerary, the total fuel required will be 5 * 20 * 30 = 3000.

So... we are buying fuel for 30 ports even though it appears ships will only be visiting about 10 ports before heading home? Not sure how many port they a will visit since many ships are stagnant; and for those that get stuck in the first port, this could result in a loss.

Dr. Dirt Dec 26 2016 07:33 AM

I still think an opt out tick mark in the wrench section would be a good idea. So if someone opts out they won't show up in the itinerary section. It would be difficult to know who does and doesn't want to do ships. Some have stated publicly that they don't want to but I imagine some who don't want to have not said so publicly and might never do so. :)

Poppy559 Dec 26 2016 07:40 AM

Ships of the same colour
A question from me is, can you own more than one ship of the same colour on a different farm?

Also, any idea when the Itineary changes will come into effect ? I Like the new changes, and am quite excited for them.

Thank you xx

LazyMare Dec 26 2016 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Poppy559 (Post 6122770)
A question from me is, can you own more than one ship of the same colour on a different farm?

Also, any idea when the Itineary changes will come into effect ? I Like the new changes, and am quite excited for them.

Thank you xx

Hi Poppy

Any second ship of the same colour as one you already own would be purely decorative not functional

I have reloaded the game several times since Raul posted the post-release update and see no change (yet) to the itineraries of my already-dispatched ships, so am presuming that the changes will take effect with the next ship we send.

beautysmom Dec 26 2016 07:51 AM

Second ship second time that the system has sent it to a person I am not friends with on FB or neighbor to in FT.... No way to get past that person now.... Unfriending someone appears to have no bearing on FT's memory--you are always having to work around that problem--ships, trains, etc. At least you can skip them with the trains, but not with the ships?

marymarcel Dec 26 2016 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by Moose Mob (Post 6122754)
So... we are buying fuel for 30 ports even though it appears ships will only be visiting about 10 ports before heading home? Not sure how many port they a will visit since many ships are stagnant; and for those that get stuck in the first port, this could result in a loss.

Hi Moose Mob:)

Raul has just posted a post release note explaining they are working on changes due the complains they received about boats.

If you read it, we are going to be able to choose our neighbors for ships itinerary, fuel will be well used. :)

Post-Release Updates - December 26, 7:00AM

- We will work on these changes to address the complains in the Ship Feature:

a) You will be able to design your own itinerary, we will pick one for you and then you will be able to replace any neighbour by any other neighbour, including changing their orders. Once you are done, the final itinerary will be the default starting itinerary for your next ship.

b) If a ship has been stuck for more than 12 hours in the same port, you will be able to dispatch the ship to the next port. However, you will be able to do this up to 3 times only, depending on the amount of ports in the ships itinerary.

c) We will allow Ships from non-neighbours to show up in the Seaport Manager, which should solve the issue listed in the "Known Issues" section below.

- We will add soon another section in the Seaport Manager so you can see all your ships and their locations, and open the Ship Managers from that section without navigating to the ships farm.

NJones277 Dec 26 2016 07:59 AM

New problem - logged on this morning to find a message from one of my neighbors asking me to load his ship. I had a "4" showing, went into the loading area, had one ship waiting and it wasn't him.

Also, I've got two ships stuck for over a day in ports of people who are my neighbors, but unresponsive.

We all know it's the holiday season, but can't the devs make it where you're not in anyone else's port for more than a day before the ship gets advanced?

Just a thought about preparing - what happened to the 20 hour day?

marymarcel Dec 26 2016 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by NJones277 (Post 6122802)
New problem - logged on this morning to find a message from one of my neighbors asking me to load his ship. I had a "4" showing, went into the loading area, had one ship waiting and it wasn't him.

Also, I've got two ships stuck for over a day in ports of people who aren't my neighbors.

We all know it's the holiday season, but can't the devs make it where you're not in anyone else's port for more than a day before the ship gets advanced?

Just a thought about preparing - what happened to the 20 hour day?

Hi NJones277:)

Please read my post just above yours with the new release updates. Thank you :)

DianeCK Dec 26 2016 08:11 AM

I am getting posts from friends that ships are docked in my port - when i look no ship or ships are there.. My ship is docked at a friends port over 24 hours i asked her if my ship was in her port.. it was she didn't click it but left. so now my ship will not move on. also i was working on the next ship had clicked 2 boxes and before bed i clicked #3 this morning it showed that I did nothing. and have to start over... not sure i will like this ship thing.. if neighbors do not want to play they need to opt out i have a neighbor that is getting rid of me as a neighbor because i didn't click her ship that wasn't in my port but showing on her end i was. it was Christmas i wasn't on line but with family yesterday, i came on before bed and posts everywhere from her to click her ship that wasn't in my dock we are now no longer friends because of this. this is a great thing many will get mad and be defriended because you weren't fast enough to click the ship in the dock. that may or may not be showing it is.. Screaming now... Merry Christmas

NJones277 Dec 26 2016 08:12 AM

Thanks for the update. Sounds like the devs are working hard to make this feature work well. Still would like to know what happened to my friend's ship that was waiting for me to load it, but wasn't anywhere to be found on my end.

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