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Al's farm Sep 15 2022 02:10 AM

marketplace problems
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Tiger (Post 6507682)
Hi Al's farm,

Do you use CCleaner? If you do, could you have installed and enabled Kamo? If you have please uninstall Kamo and then reboot your computer as that can cease problems with seeing farmers at market.

If it's not that please continue with the following:

When the market has finished loading, as long as there is a farmer there, the chat window will automatically open which helps you know when it's finished loading.

I have just loaded your farms then gone to market and there are plenty of farmers there at the moment. The chat window did open itself, I did not have to open it.

It's possible that you may have a slowdown with an internet connection.

A well as clearing browser caches, did you also check your browser needed updating and any computer updates were also done? If not please also do those.

Please also ty clearing your FT memcache. To do that Click Here. A window will open with a list of "unsetting", that is the memcache being cleared. Close that window and FT if you have it open in another window. Then reload, wait for your farms to finish loading everything you have showing on them and then try the market again.

Other things you can try when those are done if you need them:
  • Before you went to market, had you waited for all the times on your farms to show up before going? If not try turning off all your show items for things like crops trees, flowers facilities, reload the games and then go to market and see if loads faster
  • If that doesn't help also try going to the other market and back again?

  • try different updated browsers and see if one performs better for you and you could try shutting everything down,

  • turn off your router/modem for a few minutes then turn it back on, reboot the computer and see if that helps. If it doesn't and this started recently then you may have a temporary internet issue which you have to wait out.

STILL didnt work I have attached what I get when I try to go to marketplace. i Have tried to use google chrome, edge or firefox all with same issue.

Tiger Sep 15 2022 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by Al's farm (Post 6507994)
STILL didnt work I have attached what I get when I try to go to marketplace. i Have tried to use google chrome, edge or firefox all with same issue.

Hi Al's farm,

Apparently some antivirus software are also blocking the sites needed for Farm Town. It may have an additional setting to block tracking. Try checking if any of the following sites are being blocked by the one you use:

If your Antivirus software is blocking tracking and you are able to temporarily disable that setting you can see if that resolves the problem. OR, you can see if adding just those sites to exceptions in the anti tracking is enough to resolve your problem.

If that doesn't help then please contact the support team and let them know what is happening.

Smiff Oct 14 2022 06:55 AM

My Requests
I am not getting any players on the marketplace to hire or to be hired. Is there something I need to do. It's been 2 days with no other farmer.

Tiger Oct 14 2022 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by Smiff (Post 6513370)
I am not getting any players on the marketplace to hire or to be hired. Is there something I need to do. It's been 2 days with no other farmer.

Hi Smiff,

I have moved your post to the thread for issues seeing farmers at the markets.

Please click on this link to be taken to the first post on page one and see if there is anything listed there that you have not already tried yet:

Sqrl Oct 20 2022 04:27 PM

This pop-up alerting farmers to the fact that the market is empty is not working. Every time it's been activated, the market has not in fact been empty.

Tiger Oct 20 2022 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Sqrl (Post 6515026)
This pop-up alerting farmers to the fact that the market is empty is not working. Every time it's been activated, the market has not in fact been empty.

Hi Sqrl,

Were you at the market for a long time or could you have been offline in the game for quite a while and then gone online and then to market?

If you were, there can be times when there are what we refer to as "ghosts" which can be seen on peoples farms or at market. They aren't actually there but sometimes their avatar is.

You can either try refreshing the market and see if any of them disappear or if you see any online chat from them, try clicking on the name in the online chat window. If nothing happens when you do that, then they are not actually there and you are better off reloading the game to get a fresh load.

Sqrl Oct 20 2022 05:32 PM

They definitely were really there. I was after coop quest bits, and searched them all.

Tiger Oct 21 2022 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by Sqrl (Post 6515038)
They definitely were really there. I was after coop quest bits, and searched them all.

Hi Sqrl,

I don't think the ghosting prevents you looking at the co-ops, it would usually prevent you from hiring them for example.

It's up to you what you want to do, you could change your language setting to English US which is more likely to have more active players at market at that time of night so less likely to trigger that message, or if it's happening consistently you can report it to the support team.

Sqrl Oct 21 2022 07:05 AM

ok thx Tiger

Rudyshar8 Oct 23 2022 12:35 AM

OK not understanding too much again... but where is everyone at the market place to see if anyone needs work? Been trying to figure it out, but oh boy, brain dead... then when i try to buy farm cash, it doesn't let me... card and money is good???

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