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sukey sue May 21 2024 11:08 AM

i have a quest for supreme hotdogs. the quest says I have all I need to complete this but when i go to the sandwich shop to finish it says I still need more stuff. what do i do

Taz D May 21 2024 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by sukey sue (Post 6581214)
i have a quest for supreme hotdogs. the quest says I have all I need to complete this but when i go to the sandwich shop to finish it says I still need more stuff. what do i do

Hi Sukey Sue,
The items you get the green check marks for in a quest are not held separately in your storage. So if you have started a different product in a facility that required one or more of those items they would be used. If those were all you had of that ingredient in your storage then you now have none for your quest.
What is it telling you that you need when you try to start the product?

LisaScobee May 26 2024 06:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)
RE: "Flan" quest. I've produced the vanilla the game says I need already.

How should I proceed?

Taz D May 26 2024 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by LisaScobee (Post 6581510)
RE: "Flan" quest. I've produced the vanilla the game says I need already.

How should I proceed?

Hi Lisa,
You do not have any vanilla extract in your storage which is why you can not produce the flan. You need to make and store some vanilla extract to proceed.

amanda1955 May 26 2024 06:24 PM

am having trouble with getting cherry tree for my quest tried everything still not showing, when it should be counted

marymarcel May 26 2024 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by amanda1955 (Post 6581598)
am having trouble with getting cherry tree for my quest tried everything still not showing, when it should be counted

Hi amanda :)

If you dont have any cherry tree ready to harvest in your own farm, then you got the Trading lifeline.

Ask one of your neighbors or buddies to sell you the smallest amount of cherries, or you can go to market and ask for the same thing. Remember that both of you have to be on line.

amanda1955 May 26 2024 06:37 PM

that worked ty

marymarcel May 26 2024 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by amanda1955 (Post 6581610)
that worked ty

You are very welcome amanda :)

xina Jun 01 2024 11:58 AM

hello Forum,
is it normal that for 3 quests the goods must be produced by turbo facs?
the turbo sawmill,ink and pigment fac,petrochemical plant and open pit mine.(all turbo's)
i hope this will not become general
(the question is for my spare account)

Taz D Jun 01 2024 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by xina (Post 6582058)
hello Forum,
is it normal that for 3 quests the goods must be produced by turbo facs?
the turbo sawmill,ink and pigment fac,petrochemical plant and open pit mine.(all turbo's)
i hope this will not become general
(the question is for my spare account)

Hi Xina,
Are you talking about quests or farm pass goals?

If it is quests, even if they show the picture for a turbo you can produce the item in either. If these are farm pass goals I will move your posts to the Farm Pass thread later.

Please provide the account ID for that farm set, so we can check this

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