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Taz D Oct 12 2011 11:25 PM

Game Running Slow
This thread is reporting problems with the game running slow.
Please read the following information before posting in this thread.

Things that are known to cause the game to run slower:
  • Not keeping up with doing updates on your computer. Always do any software updates and any driver updates showing.
  • Browsers not up to date, or too many caches stored.
  • Too many animals on a farm (not in buildings)
  • Overlapping/layering of crops, the more that are overlapped, the more you have to load.
  • Other types of layering (for example: trees/flowers/buildings on top of crops)
  • Having multiple tabs open or a lot of background programs running can slow the game down.
  • Your internet may also run slower at certain times of the day depending on usage etc.
  • Having more than one farm town account opened on the same computer.
  • Browser problems.
  • Farm Town Server problems.
  • Game updates.

What you can try to help with any slowdowns:
If your farms are too slow to load because they are very large and or have a lot of items on them OR a slowdown can be caused by a slow internet connection, try enabling the Compressed Graphics option in the Preferences screen. The graphics will have a bit less quality but will load faster.
  1. ICON.PNG Click on the preferences icon top right of your game screen.
  2. Add the check mark for Compressed Graphics.
  3. You will see a popup with information.
  4. Click on the green check mark on that popup.
  5. Then also click on the green check mark at the bottom of the preferences window to save your changes.
  6. Reload Farm Town. PREFS.png

You can also consider doing some of these to help:
  • Reduce the number of animals running loose on the farm.
  • Remove layering of items on top of crops
  • Remove overlapped crops
  • Try and keep to a minimum the number of tabs you have open and background programs running.
  • When doing farm work for yourself or others, try ONLY showing the items you are working on at that time. Reduce to only showing crops, trees, flowers, ponds.
  • If a farm is very slow to load then try only showing the item you are working on, then hide those and show the next item to be worked.

This thread is for players to report problems only. Any off topic posts will be removed by a moderator without notice to the user.

bbarksda Oct 24 2021 04:28 AM

Slow loading anything
Good Morning,

I am having problems loading farms and pretty much anything takes a while to show up. Thanks for your help.

Tiger Oct 24 2021 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by bbarksda (Post 6469390)
Good Morning,

I am having problems loading farms and pretty much anything takes a while to show up. Thanks for your help.

Hi bbarksda,

Have you recently cleared your browser caches? That can make the game slower until your computer has had time to load all the graphics for the game again.

You could try clearing your FT memcache. To run memcache Click Here. A window will open with a list of "unsetting", which is the memcache being cleared. Close that window and FT if you have it open in another browser window. Then see if that improves the issue for you.

Try running the server tests and see if any of those show a problem, here's the link to that post if you would like to check those:

I did see over hundreds of rabbits on your default farm and loose animals can also cause problems with slowness. As you are already using compressed graphics then it may be better if you took the loose animals off and see if that improves the speed of loading of that farm. If it does you can have look at other farms and see if there any others with quite a few animals on them that are also slow to load or work.

Other things that can cause slowness is the browser being open with the game loaded for a long time, you can check the usual things like making sure that the browser is still up to date, closing it for a few minutes so it has time to clear any memory it no longer needs to use, particularly if you have been working heavy farms.

If the problem is due to a slowdown in a connection somewhere in one of the links you need to go through to get to the game, there isn't much you can do about that except wait it out for whoever owns the connection to see the problem and fix it. If it is that, you could try making sure that pretty much all you have open and running on your computer is the game in one tab and try only showing the item you need to work on and se if that makes things easier for you.

TaterTot29440 Oct 25 2021 10:19 AM

For me the game is like Dial-Up Slow. It's never been this slow. You click and then wait. I'm not experiencing crashing or having to log back in like others. Is there something else on my end I'm possibly doing to create this. Thanks for all your help and advice.

Taz D Oct 25 2021 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by TaterTot29440 (Post 6469494)
For me the game is like Dial-Up Slow. It's never been this slow. You click and then wait. I'm not experiencing crashing or having to log back in like others. Is there something else on my end I'm possibly doing to create this. Thanks for all your help and advice.

Hi TaterTot,
There are mamy things that can slow down your play. Many things to check are listed in the first post of this thread.

I did load your farms and you do have a lot of the waters on or around the outside edge of all your farms which can be a contributing factor. This can specially be true if you have limited memory.
Your internet can cause a slow down as well as your data transfer has to go through many links between you and the Facebook app server and more links between theose and the Farm Town servers. Any one of those links can cause a slowdown if they have heavy traffic. Unfortunately we have no way to check or correct any of those. The only thing you can do for that would be to wait until the problem is fixed by the owners of those servers.

bbarksda Oct 30 2021 07:29 AM

Thanks Taz. Things kind of worked out. I know I have 2 many rabbits on my default farm. I am in the process of deleting them. Thanks again.


nardaj Oct 31 2021 12:58 PM

How do I clear my cache? My game is working so terribly slow and someone sent a post to clear it but it only sent me back to my own game. I have never cleared my cache on the game but do my computer about once of week. It took me 15 minutes to collect some of my products on 5 of my facilities. Thanks for any help. Farm #1100941668. Narda

marymarcel Oct 31 2021 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by nardaj (Post 6470070)
How do I clear my cache? My game is working so terribly slow and someone sent a post to clear it but it only sent me back to my own game. I have never cleared my cache on the game but do my computer about once of week. It took me 15 minutes to collect some of my products on 5 of my facilities. Thanks for any help. Farm #1100941668. Narda

Hi nardaj :)

As you say someone sent you a link, then I guess you are talking about memcache.

The memcache clears your data on the server and forces it to be reloaded, so you get a clean load.

Click in the link below and a new window will open with a short list of unsettings. Close that window and your farm if it is open in another tab. Then reopen your farm and see that helped you:

If that doesnt work for you, you can try to reset your router/modem for a minute.

Loonarbird Nov 20 2021 07:59 AM

Suddenly too slow to play
The game suddenly slowed approx. three weeks ago. Eventually it freezes. I haven’t changed anything. I’ve cleared my cache, checked for browser extensions, tried the “compress graphics” trick--everything is updated and the game behaves the same on other browsers. My imac is not old. I’m not sure what else to do.

marymarcel Nov 20 2021 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Loonarbird (Post 6472578)
The game suddenly slowed approx. three weeks ago. Eventually it freezes. I haven’t changed anything. I’ve cleared my cache, checked for browser extensions, tried the “compress graphics” trick--everything is updated and the game behaves the same on other browsers. My imac is not old. I’m not sure what else to do.

Hi Loonarbird :)

I moved your post to the thread about Game running slow.

Have you checked if your imac needs to be updated? Non of the moderators use Mac but we have the instructions to check for updates:

Mac users:
Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu, then click Software Update to check for updates. In Software Updates it will tell you if your software is up to date or if there is and upgrade available. If your are not sure how to update your device and check for updates please click on this link for instructions

You have suggestions to try in the first post,first page of this thread for the game running slow and also, the requirements for your computer in this link

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