Farm Town

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Rob T May 11 2012 02:38 PM

Chapter 21 - Tools
There are many tools you can buy to help you do things faster in Farm Town. This Chapter has posts which gives you details about each type of tool. All the links below are clickable and will take you to the post about those tools.

Some of these tools when used will also show an Eye bottom right of your game which you can use to hide items on the farm. So if something doesn't show that you think should be, check the eye setting.

Note: The more realistic eyes are have been updated to the red and black versions we had previously:

Click on the Eye to change the setting. OCT 2020.PNG When the Eye is BLACK you still see everything on your farms. OCT 2020.PNGWhen the eye is RED, you will only see the items the harvest tool can harvest, like fields, trees and flowers. Clicking on an item with the harvest tool will harvest the item then make it temporarily disappear from view, which can be easier for you when you have more items on the farm. When using the Herding Robot it will hide everything except the animals.

More details about the eye when using Full Screen mode are in Chapter 2 Basics What is the Eye for? - the Full Screen additional features listed in that post are not in the current version of the game yet.

Should you need to get back to this post to look for other information:
Each post has a Table of Contents link bottom right of the post, which when you click, will bring you right back here.

Rob T May 11 2012 04:03 PM

Can I use a too to Harvest Crops?
Q: Can I use a tool to Harvest crops?

A: Yes, there are several size tools that you can use to harvest. The 2x2 tools and above use fuel.

You must buy them in size order.
You must make sure that you place them into your Item Storage so that the game can see which ones you own AND for you to be able to use the bigger tools when working for others or when they work for you.

These tools are not for working overlapped crops faster AND Overlapping fields is still not officially supported by the developers BUT you must own all the sizes up to and including the 16x16 before you can buy your first EX Harvester to be able to plant overlapped fields faster.

For full details on ALL the crop tools tools that can work overlapped crops faster click on this link:
Are there tools for working overlapped fields?
  • You can harvest a single field at a time with your harvesting tool (the scythe).
  • You can harvest 2 fields at a time with the 2x1 harvester.
  • You can harvest 4 fields at a time with the 2x2 harvester.
  • You can harvest 9 fields at a time with the 3x3 harvester
  • You can harvest 16 fields at a time with the 4x4 harvester (FC item).
  • You can harvest 25 fields at a time with the 5x5 harvester (FC item).
  • You can harvest 36 fields at a time with the 6x6 harvester (FC item).
  • You can harvest 64 fields at a time with the 8x8 harvester (FC item)
  • You can harvest 100 fields at a time with the 10x10 harvester (FC item)
  • You can harvest 144 fields at a time with the 12x12 harvesterer (FC item)
  • You can harvest 196 fields at a time with the 14x14 harvester (FC item)
  • You can harvest 256 fields at a time with the 16x16 harvester (FC item)

    When you own the 16x16 you meet the requirement to buy your first EX Harvester.

    If you are not overlapping crops you can continue buying the bigger size tools:

  • You can harvest 324 fields at a time with the 18x18 harvester (FC item)
  • You can harvest 400 fields at a time with the 20x20 harvester (FC item)
  • You can harvest 484 fields at a time with the 22x22 harvester (FC item)
  • You can harvest 576 fields at a time with the 24x24 harvester (FC item)
  • You can harvest 784 fields at a time with the 28x28 harvester (FC item)

    When you buy a bigger size tool you will see a popup telling you what you are about to buy, please make sure that you read it and especially note the name and size of the tool before you purchase.

    If you do not have Show Tools checked in your Show Preferences that will also be shown in the popup.

    If you are buying a tool bigger than the 16x16 there is another popup that will remind you that the tool is not an EX tool for working overlapped crops.
    Example: CROPS.png

To use tools bigger than the Scythe to harvest, the tool must be on the farm or in storage.

You can do 2 things. . .
  • If the tool is on your farm, you can click on the tool and click "Harvest" and then click on the fields.
  • However, it is better to place all tools into your Storage. That way you can access all your tools from the Yellow Tool box, on any of your farms, without having to move the tool from farm to farm. Once they are in Storage, you can click on the Yellow Toolbox to open it, and then click on the tool you want to use.
  • NOTE: Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want.

Rob T May 11 2012 04:03 PM

Can I use a tool to Plow new or wasted Fields?
Q: Can I use a tool to Plow new or wasted Fields?

A: Yes, there are several tools that you can use to plow. These do not use any fuel.

These tools can be used to plow new fields on your own farm, plow harvested fields and plow wasted crops.
They must be bought in size order.
You must make sure that you place them into your Item Storage so that the game can see which ones you own AND for you to be able to use the bigger tools when working for others or when they work for you.

NOTE: On your own farms or when working as a Super Neighbour with design permissions that allow plowing of new fields AND you have other items showing in your preferences, when you pick up a plow tool the other items showing will not hide, as the game does not know if your intention is to plow harvested fields or plow new fields. For plowing new fields you need to be able to see where your other items are in order to plow in an area that doesn't already have something occupying that space. If you cannot see where you need to plow you will have to hide the other items in your preferences.

  • You can plow a single field at a time
  • You can plow 2 fields at a time with the 2x1 plower
  • You can plow 4 fields at a time with the 2x2 plower..
  • You can plow 9 fields at a time with the 3x3 plower.
  • You can plow 16 fields at a time with the 4x4 plower.(FC item).
  • You can plow 25 fields at a time with the 5x5 plower (FC item).
  • You can plow 36 fields at a time with the 6x6 plower (FC item).
  • You can plow 64 fields at a time with the 8x8 plower (FC item).
  • You can plow 100 fields at a time with the 10x10 plower (FC item)
  • You can plow 144 fields at a time with the 12x12 plower (FC item)
  • You can plow 196 fields at a time with the 14x14 plower (FC item)
  • You can plow 256 fields at a time with the 16x16 plower (FC item)
  • You can plow 324 fields at a time with the 18x18 plower (FC item)
  • You can plow 400 fields at a time with the 20x20 plower (FC item)
  • You can plow 484 fields at a time with the 22x22 plower (FC item)
  • You can plow 576 fields at a time with the 24x24 plower (FC item)
  • You can plow 784 fields at a time with the 28x28 plower (FC item)

Note: Overlapping fields is still not officially supported by the developers. Doing this CAN cause problems with your farms that may NOT be able to be fixed. They have not provided plow tools to create these overlapped fields and for the same reason you will not find instructions on how to create them on the forum.

To use tools bigger than the single plow tool, to plow fields, the tool must be on the farm or in storage.

You can do 2 things. . .
  • If your tool is on your farm, you can click on the tool and click "Plow" and then click on the fields.
  • However, it is better to place all tools into your Storage. That way you can access all your tools from the Yellow Tool box, on any of your farms, without having to move the tool from farm to farm. Once they are in Storage, you can click on the Yellow Toolbox to open it, and then click on the tool you want to use.
  • NOTE: Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want.

As of April 2020 it is much easier to use bigger plow tools to plow a farm without having to change to a smaller plow tool. This is very useful when plowing new fields along the bottom edge of the farm when you upgrade it to a bigger size.

The plow tools will now overhang the bottom edges of the farm allowing you to plow a narrow but long strip without switching to a smaller tool.

In the example below:
  • The top picture is the old method where you had to get the right size tool to plow along the edge as the tool had to fit within the farm, so that method you could only plow 4 fields at a time using the 4x4 plow tool.

  • The bottom picture shows the new overhang method, using the 10x10 plow tool, where everything within the farm area and the green box, will be plowed, which in this case would be 18 fields.

Rob T May 12 2012 07:59 AM

Can i use a tool to Seed?
Q: Can I use a tool to seed?

A: Yes, there are several tools that you can use to seed. These Tools use Fuel
You must buy them in size order.
You must make sure that you place them into your Item Storage so that the game can see which ones you own AND for you to be able to use the bigger tools when working for others or when they work for you.
These tools are not for working overlapped crops faster AND Overlapping fields is still not officially supported by the developers BUT you must own all the sizes up to and including the 16x16 before you can buy your first EX Seeder to be able to plant overlapped fields faster.

For full details on ALL the crop tools tools that can work overlapped crops faster click on this link:
Are there tools for working overlapped fields?
  • You can seed a single field at a time
  • You can seed 2 fields at a time with the 2x1 seeder.
  • You can seed 4 fields at a time with the 2x2 seeder.
  • You can seed 9 fields at a time with the 3x3 seeder.
  • You can seed 16 fields at a time with the 4x4 seeder.(FC item).
  • You can seed 25 fields at a time with the 5x5 seeder(FC item).
  • You can seed 36 fields at a time with the 6x6 seeder(FC item).
  • You can seed 64 fields at a time with the 8x8 seeder(FC item).
  • You can seed 100 fields at a time with the 10x10 seeder(FC item).
  • You can seed 144 fields at a time with the 12x12 seeder (FC item)
  • You can seed 196 fields at a time with the 14x14 seeder (FC item)
  • You can seed 256 fields at a time with the 16x16 seeder (FC item)

    When you own the 16x16 you meet the requirement to buy your first EX Seeder.

    If you are not overlapping crops you can continue buying the bigger size tools:

  • You can seed 324 fields at a time with the 18x18 seeder (FC item)
  • You can seed 400 fields at a time with the 20x20 seeder (FC item)
  • You can seed 484 fields at a time with the 22x22 seeder (FC item)
  • You can seed 576 fields at a time with the 24x24 seeder (FC item)
  • You can seed 784 fields at a time with the 28x28 seeder (FC item)

    When you buy a bigger size tool you will see a popup telling you what you are about to buy, please make sure that you read it and especially note the name and size of the tool before you purchase.

    If you do not have Show Tools checked in your Show Preferences that will also be shown in the popup.

    If you are buying a tool bigger than the 16x16 there is another popup that will remind you that the tool is not an EX tool for working overlapped crops.
    Example: CROPS.png

How do I plant Seeds?

You can seed a single field (no tool required) by clicking the store icon in the game panel, then scroll the list to find the seed you want then click on "Buy".

To use your tool to seed, it must be on the farm or in storage.

You can do 2 things. . .
  • If the tool is on your farm, you can click on the tool and click "Plant Seeds", the store will open, chose your seed and then click on the fields.
  • However, it is better to place all tools into your Storage. That way you can access all your tools from the Yellow Tool box, on any of your farms, without having to move the tool from farm to farm. Once they are in Storage, you can click on the Yellow Toolbox to open it, and then click on the tool you want to use, the store will open so you can choose your seed, then click on the fields.
  • NOTE: Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want.

Rob T May 12 2012 08:48 AM

What are the Combines?
Q. What are the Combines?

A. There are TWO types of Combines and they come in several sizes. They all cost Farm Cash. These tools use Fuel.

Combine Harvest-Plow tools will harvest crops and plow fields with each click of the tool. It uses fuel for Harvesting not for the Plowing.

Combine Harvest-Plant tools will harvest crops, plow fields and plant new seeds with each click of the tool. It uses fuel for the Harvesting and Seeding not for the Plowing.
When you own at least one Combine Harvest-Plant tool, if you often plant more than one different crop on a farm or perhaps may have a farm with many diffeent crops on it for Quest purpuses and replant the same crops on it often, you may also like the uprade to these tools. The upgrade enables a replant method so that you do not have to keep selecting different crops when you are planting the exact same ones. If you would like more information on this please click on this link to read up on what and how to use the Crop Replanter Implement:

These tools are not for working overlapped crops faster AND Overlapping fields is still not officially supported by the developers BUT you must own all the sizes up to and including the 16x16 before you can buy your first EX Combine-Plow or EX Combine Harvest-Plant to be able to work overlapped fields faster.

For full details on ALL the crop tools tools that can work overlapped crops faster click on this link:
Are there tools for working overlapped fields?

For the tool to be able to get the maximum amount of fields per click your fields must be plowed close together and in line with each other. If the fields are offset the tool either won't be able to get them all or will try to grab an odd pattern.

To buy the Combine Harvest-Plow, you must own the relevant size Harvester and Plower before you can buy the same size Combine Harvest-Plow.
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (5x5) will harvest and plow up to 25 fields in a squared 5x5 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (6x6) will harvest and plow up to 36 fields in a squared 6x6 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (8x8) will harvest and plow up to 64 fields in a squared 8x8 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (10x10) will harvest and plow up to 100 fields in a squared 10x10 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (12x12) will harvest and plow up to 144 fields in a squared 12x12 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (14x14) will harvest and plow up to 196 fields in a squared 14x14 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (16x16) will harvest and plow up to 256 fields in a squared 16x16 area.

    When you own the Combine Harvest-Plow 16x16 you meet the requirement to buy your first EX Combine Harvest-Plow.

    If you are not overlapping crops you can continue buying the bigger size tools:

  • Combine Harvest-Plow (18x18) will harvest and plow up to 324 fields in a squared 18x18 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (20x20) will harvest and plow up to 400 fields in a squared 20x20 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (22x22) will harvest and plow up to 484 fields in a squared 22x22 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (24x24) will harvest and plow up to 576 fields in a squared 24x24 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (28x28) will harvest and plow up to 784 fields in a squared 28x28 area.

To buy the Combine Harvest-Plant, you must own the same size Combine Harvest-Plow AND the same size Seeder before you can buy the Combine Harvest-Plant.
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (5x5) will harvest, plow and plant up to 25 fields in a squared 5x5 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (6x6) will harvest, plow and plant up to 36 fields in a squared 6x6 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (8x8) will harvest, plow and plant up to 64 fields in a squared 8x8 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (10x10) will harvest, plow and plant up to 100 fields in a squared 10x10area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (12x12) will harvest, plow and plant up to 144 fields in a squared 12x12 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (14x14) will harvest, plow and plant up to 196 fields in a squared 14x14 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (16x16) will harvest, plow and plant up to 256 fields in a squared 16x16 area.

    When you own the Combine Harvest-Plow 16x16 you meet the requirement to buy your first EX Combine Harvest-Plant.

    If you are not overlapping crops you can continue buying the bigger size tools:

  • Combine Harvest-Plant (18x18) will harvest, plow and plant up to 324 fields in a squared 18x18 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (20x20) will harvest, plow and plant up to 400 fields in a squared 20x20 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (22x22) will harvest, plow and plant up to 484 fields in a squared 22x22 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (24x24) will harvest, plow and plant up to 576 fields in a squared 24x24 area.
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (28x28) will harvest, plow and plant up to 784 fields in a squared 28x28 area.

When you buy a bigger size tool you will see a popup telling you what you are about to buy, please make sure that you read it and especially note the name and size of the tool before you purchase.
If you do not have Show Tools checked in your Show Preferences that will also be shown in the popup.

If you are buying a tool bigger than the 16x16 there is another popup that will remind you that the tool is not an EX tool for working overlapped crops.
Example: CROPS.png
All unlock requirements and costs of the combines are listed in Chapter 25 Levels and Unlocking

Rob T May 12 2012 09:10 AM

Can I use my tool on other farmers' farms?
Q: Can I use my tools on other farmers' farms?

A: You can use both 3x3 coin tools and Farm Cash tools to work on crops, trees, flowers and fish on other farms as long as you have placed those tools into your Item storage.

There are some other tools, like the mobile sprinkler and some of the freestlyle hand designers, that you can also use, in some circumstances, on other peoples farms, but some you can not. The details for those are in each individual post for those tools later in this chapter. A quick way to know if you can use a tool when on someones farm is to look in the toolbox. If a tool is greyed out in the toolbox then you don't have access to that tool to use.

You will be able to use the tools owned by your employer if they have allowed it. If the tools use fuel you will need to have fuel to use them unless the farm owner has allowed the use of their own fuel. If the farm owner has allowed the use of their tools and fuel you will see the information is in the hiring popup when you are offered a job. However it does not tell you if you will be using their fuel first or last, it could be either. and fuel.PNG

Both your tools and the farm owners tools can be found by opening the toolbox. Tools that are greyed out, you don't have access to.

When hired for a single job the tool you can use will be automatically given to you and will also appear in the game panel in place of the store & gift icons.

If hired multiple, the correct tools will be automatically given to you for each job or can be accessed via the yellow toolbox.

For all options on Hiring and Fuel allowance see How do I hire someone to work on my farm(s)?

NOTE: If the farm owner has allowed the use of their fuel you may not get to use theirs first depending on what they set the fuel allowance to. They have 3 options for fuel allowance options.png

Also if they run out of fuel you will need to use your own fuel to continue working with out having to drop to using the x1 and x2 tools.

Rob T May 12 2012 09:51 AM

My tools don't work anymore, help!
My tools don't work anymore, help!

There are a few things that can make a machine not work properly.

The most common thing is that it won't plow/plant/harvest in blocks any more.

Go to preferences located top right of your game screen. The icon looks like a wrench/spanner hover.jpg

Make sure 'remove space between fields' is checked if you have no gaps. (If you do have gaps on your farm, make sure "remove space between fields' is unchecked). space.png

Also make sure you have enough fuel. Check your fuel indicator located top left of your game screen. This image shows 3,264,945 Fuel. with fuel.JPG

Rob T May 12 2012 10:09 AM

Can i move my tools to one of my other farms?
Q: Can i move my tools to one of my other farms?

A: Yes, Just put it in storage. Then go to the farm you would like the tool on, and take it out of storage and place it on the farm. You must have a clear space, slightly bigger than the tool, with nothing else occupying that space, to be able to get it out of storage.

However, it is better to place all tools into your Storage. That way you can access all your tools from the Yellow Tool box, on any of your farms, without having to move the tool from farm to farm. Once they are in Storage, you can click on the Yellow Toolbox to open it, and then click on the tool you want to use. This means you only need 1 of each tool.

Rob T May 12 2012 10:19 AM

What can i do with an Oil Pump? APR 2019.PNG

Q: What can i do with an Oil Pump?

A: The Oil Pump is a coin facility, it allows you to produce Crude Oil Barrels for use in the Oil Refinery. The Oil Refinery is used to make Fuel Tanks for use with your tools, as well as other products used in other facilites. You can only have 1 working oil pump per farm. To start the oil pump, open it up like any other facility, and click "Start Batch". It costs coins to start each batch. icon 2019.PNG As of August 2020 this is now classified as a facility, so will now show up on your farms when Show Facilities is check marked in your game preferences instead of Show Tools.

Should you need to produce more crude oil than this facility can produce you can by the Offshore Oil Rig for Farm Cash which will produce 3 times more crude oil than the oil pump.

Both of these Facilities are listed in Chapter 13 What are the Non-Workable Facilities? and this post will eventually be removed from this Chapter as the oil pump is no longer a tool.

Rob T May 12 2012 11:27 AM

What is the Fishing Boat?
Q: What is the Fishing Boat?
A: The Fishing Boats are used to make it easier to fish. These tools use fuel.

These Fishing Boats do NOT have Extent Mode they only have Highlight Mode: AUG 2023.png

These Turbo Boats have BOTH Highlight Mode and Extent Mode: FEB 2024.png

Important note about overlapped waters and Fishing!!!!
Some farmers will have overlapped waters on and off the edges of their farms. If you have them on your own farms or are hired to work them, you will need to own the Turbo Fishing boat in order to be able to catch every single fish in those waters. Hired workers can use the farm owners turbo boat as long as the boat they have allowed the use of their Tools in the hire. You will also need Fuel.

The Fishing Boat (2x2) allows you to catch up to 4 fish each time you click.
** The Fishing Boat (2x2) can NOT be used on other farms when hired **

The Fishing Boat (3x3) allows you to catch up to 9 fish each time you click.

The Fishing Boat (5x5) allows you to catch up to 25 fish each time you click.

The Turbo Fishing Boat allows you to fish each body of water with a single click.

The Turbo Fishing Boat (4x4) allows you to fish up to 16 overlapped waters in a squared area the size of 1 plowed field with a single click.

The Turbo Fishing Boat (8x8) allows you to fish up to 64 overlapped waters in a squared area the size of 4 plowed fields with a single click.

The Turbo Fishing Boat (12x12) allows you to fish up to 144 overlapped waters in a squared area the size of 9 plowed fields with a single click.

The Turbo Fishing Boat (16x16) allows you to fish up to 256 overlapped waters in a squared area the size of 16 plowed fields with a single click.

The Turbo Fishing Boat (20x20) - allows you to catch all fish in a squared area the size of 25 plow fields (5x5 area) using a new method of fishing.
When selecting the new Turbo Boat 20x20 instead of the Eye in the bottom right you will see the current tool icon >> select.png

When you click on that icon, you will see a vertical toolbar with 3 buttons.
The one in the top (Highlight) selects the old method of highlighting each individual item.
The one in the middle selects the New Method (Extent) of highlighting only the perimeter of the area where the tool will operate. Instead of highlighting all waters, this new method will just highlight a fixed squared section of the farm which works faster and with less manual mistakes. When you use this method you will briefly see "Extent mode selected" in white lettering near the top of the game screen.
The bottom button closes the box. options.png

Also, the tool will always operate as if the Eye was closed, meaning, the recently worked items will be hidden once the work on them is completed..

The Turbo Fishing Boat (24x24) - allows you to catch all fish in a squared area the size of 36 plow fields (6x6 area) and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

The Turbo Fishing Boat (28x28) - allows you to catch all fish in a squared area the size of 49 plow fields (7x7 area) and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

The Turbo Fishing Boat (32x32) - allows you to catch all fish in a squared area the size of 64 plow fields (8x8 area) and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

The Turbo Fishing Boat (36x36) - allows you to catch all fish in a squared area the size of 81 plow fields (9x9 area) and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

The Turbo Fishing Boat (40x40) - allows you to catch all fish in a squared area the size of 100 plow fields (10x10 aera)and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

The Turbo Fishing Boat (44x44) - allows you to catch all fish in a squared area the size of 121 plow fields (11x11 area) and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

The Turbo Fishing Boat (48x48) - allows you to catch all fish in a squared area the size of 144 plow fields (12x12 area) and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

To use tools bigger than the Fishing Rod to fish, the tool must be on the farm or in storage.

You can do 2 things. . .
  • If the tool is on your farm, you can click on the tool and click "Fish" and then click on the waters.
  • However, it is better to place all tools into your Storage. That way you can access all your tools from the Yellow Tool box, on any of your farms, without having to move the tool from farm to farm. Once they are in Storage, you can click on the Yellow Toolbox to open it, and then click on the tool you want to use.
  • NOTE: Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want. toolbox.PNG You can also use the fishing rod to fish 1 at a time if you don't own the tools. To select the fishing rod, click on the Yellow Toolbox and select the tool.

Rob T May 12 2012 11:40 AM

What do the Semi-Trailer Truck and Turbo Electric Semi Truck bring?
Q: What do the Semi-Trailer Truck and Turbo Electric Semi Truck bring? MAY 2021.PNG

There are 2 Semi Trailer trucks in the Tools section of the Store that will bring you products needed for facilities. The Semi-Trailer truck uses Fuel as well as coins to bring products. 5 fuel per batch.
The Turbo Electric Semi Truck brings products 3 times faster, will still cost coins to order products, but does not use Fuel.

Both of these tools can be placed on the same farm as each other and both of them bring you products. You can only have one of each on a farm. You do not have to buy the Semi-Trailer Truck before you can buy the Turbo Electric Semi Truck.

To access either semi, click on it, and select "Show Truck Details"
Or you can find them in the Facility Manger. They are both classified as Tools, to see them on your farms you need to have Show Tools check marked in your game preferences.
In the Facility Manger, it is listed under Non-Workable By Friends. details.jpg

The Semi-Trailer Truck and the Turbo Electric Semi Truck can order the following items and they MUST be on your farm to work. .
  • Pepperoni
  • Ham
  • Hotdog Sausage
  • Meat
  • Chicken
  • Sausage pack
  • Yeast
  • Pork
  • Carbonated Water
  • Leather Roll
  • Lamb
  • Snail Container
  • Gelatin
  • Lye
  • Glycerol
  • Kevlar Fiber
  • Brown Gravy
  • Acrylic Resin
  • Goat Meat
  • Lard
  • Dried Seaweed
  • Cow Trotters
  • Tripe
  • Black Powder
  • Metal Salts
  • Offal
  • Starter Culture
  • Rennet

Rob T May 12 2012 12:06 PM

What is the Tree Shaker?
Q: What is the Tree Shaker?

A: There are 15 Tree Shakers, they are used to speed up the harvesting of trees. These tools use Fuel and can be used on other farms when hired. NOV 2023.png

Tree Shaker (3x3) - You MUST use the 3x3 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 9 trees in 1 click.

Tree Shaker (8x4) - You MUST use the 8x4 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 32 trees in 1 click.

Tree Shaker (8x8) - You MUST use the 8x8 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 64 trees in 1 click.

Tree Shaker (12x8) - You MUST use the 12x8 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 96 trees in 1 click.

Tree Shaker (12x12) - You MUST use the 12x12 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 144 trees in 1 click.

Tree Shaker (12x16) - You MUST use the 12x16 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 192 trees in 1 click.

Tree Shaker (16x16) - You MUST use the 16x16 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 256 trees in 1 click.

Tree Shaker (20x20) - This tree shaker will harvest up to 400 trees.
When selecting the new 20x20 Tree Shaker instead of the Eye in the bottom right you will see the current tool icon. shaker.png

When you click on that icon, you will see a vertical toolbar with 3 buttons.
The one in the top (Highlight) selects the old method of highlighting each individual item.
The one in the middle selects the New Method (Extent) of highlighting only the perimeter of the area where the tool will operate. Instead of highlighting all the trees, this new method will just highlight a fixed squared section of the farm which works faster and with less manual mistakes. When you use this method you will briefly see "Extent mode selected" in white lettering near the top of the game screen.
The bottom button closes the box. options.png

Also, the tool will always operate as if the Eye was closed, meaning, the recently worked items will be hidden once the work on them is completed..

Tree Shaker (24x24) - This tree shaker will harvest up to 576 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Tree Shaker (28x28) - This tree shaker will harvest up to 784 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Tree Shaker 32x32 - This tree shaker will harvest up to 1024 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Tree Shaker 36x36 - This tree shaker will harvest up to 1296 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Tree Shaker 40x40 - This tree shaker will harvest up to 1600 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Tree Shaker 44x44 - This tree shaker will harvest up to 1936 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Tree Shaker 48x48 - This tree shaker will harvest up to 2304 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

To use tools bigger than the Sythe (single harvest tool) to harvest trees, the tool must be on the farm or in storage.

You can do 2 things. . .
  • If the tool is on your farm, you can click on the tool and click "Harvest" and then click on the trees.
  • However, it is far better to place all tools into your Item Storage. You will then be able to access all of your tools from the Yellow Tool box, on any of your farms, without having to move the tool from farm to farm. Once they are in Storage, click on the Yellow Toolbox to open it, and then click on the tool you want to use.
  • NOTE: Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want. toolbox.PNG You can also use the Sythe (single harvest tool) to harvest trees one at a time, if you don't own the tools. To select the Sythe, click on the Yellow Toolbox and then click on the tool. When you are done click on the green man to stop using it.

Rob T May 12 2012 12:33 PM

What is the Manure Spreader?
Q: What is the Manure Spreader?

A: There are 3 manure spreaders, the red one, and the orange one and the green one. These are used to fertilise your farm. APR 2019.PNG

Red manure Spreader ONLY fertilizes crops, and will produce 2 boxes of harvest instead of 1.

Orange Manure Spreader takes on the job of the red one, and also fertilizes trees and flowers too giving you 2 boxes of harvest instead of 1,

Green Manure Spreader - This takes on the job of both the red and orange manure spreaders AND allows you to fertilize All farms or a selection of farms with a single click.

NOTE: If you already own the Red Manure Spreader and you buy the Orange Manure Spreader, then every time you fertilize a farm using ANY of them, crops, flowers and trees will be fertilized. Fertilized crops, trees, flowers will produce 2 boxes when harvested and chop trees, 2 log piles when chopped.

When you upgrade to the Orange Manure Spreader ONLY the orange one will show up the yellow tool box, as it will do the job of the red one as well. You MUST own the red one in order to get the orange one.
If you then also upgrade to the Green Manure Spreader, then this is the only one that will show up in the yellow toolbox, it will take on the jobs of both the red and orange manure spreaders.

Notice you only need to fertilize a farm once, with any of the Spreaders, it doesn't matter which. The farm will remain fertilized for 72 hours.

How do I collect manure?
You need to have a Pigsty ( facility section on the store) to collect the manure from your pigs (which are a gift only item). The collection process works the same as if you were harvesting animals, the difference is that in this case, the manure from the pigs is stored in your Manure Spreader tool. Each pig produced 1 Manure Unit every 12 hours. You must own the spreader in order for you to be able to collect the manure from the pigsty.

How do I know how many manure units I have stored? Put the Manure Spreader into your Item Storage. Open the yellow toolbox and mouse over the manure spreader. It will tell you how many units of manure you have. If the farm you are currently on is already fertilised it will also tell you how long it is fertilised for.
Example: JUNE 2020.png

How do I fertilize?
You need 50 manure units to fertilize a farm. To fertilize a farm, click on the Manure Spreader tool and select 'Fertilize Farm'. Once a farm is fertilized it will remain fertilized for the next 3 days.

All crops still growing (not ready to harvest) will be fertilized. All new crops planted while the farm is still fertilized will be fertilized also.

Once a crop is fertilized, it will produce 2 boxes instead of 1 when harvested, whether the farm is fertilized or not at the time of harvesting. If you hire others to harvest, you will get 2 Large boxes instead of one. Employees will get twice the amount of coins, and 2 boxes as well every time they receive an additional bonus box when harvesting.

When you buy the Manure Spreader tool, it will come with 250 manure units inside for you to start fertilizing right away!

To use the Manure Spreader to fertilise, the tool must be on the farm or in storage.

You can do 2 things. . .
  • If the tool is on your farm, you can click on the tool and click "Fertilise Farm" and then click on the farm.
  • However, it is better to place all tools into your Storage. That way you can access all your tools from the Yellow Tool box, on any of your farms, without having to move the tool from farm to farm. Once they are in Storage, you can click on the Yellow Toolbox to open it, and then click on the tool you want to use.
  • NOTE: Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want.

To Fertilize more than one farm at a time:
When you first get the Green Manure spreader and use the tool you get a window Titled "Select Your Farms" which has 2 sections, it defaults to "Select One Farm" which lets you do one farm at a time. To switch it to doing more than one farm you click on the tool then click on the farm and in the window at the top click on "Select Multiple Farms" so the button turns orange, then add a check mark for each farm you want the tool to work on or if you want it to do all farms select "All" at the bottom of the window and then click the green check mark. arrow.png

You have an option in your game Preferences to show Highlighted Crops/Trees. When this is checked all fertilized crops/trees will have a white highlight around them. However this can make the game slower.

There are also some other ways you can check if your farm is fertilized...
  • Check the background colour of the oval containing your farm name, if your farm is fertilized it will be olive green instead of brown.
  • Go to the farm in question and open the tool box. Hover your mouse over the manure spreader, it will tell you how long the farm is fertilised for and how much manure is stored.
  • Click on your Yellow Tool box to open it, then click on the Show Times icon (looks like a clock). Look in the Per-Farm section and under "Fertilize Farms" it will have a green check mark if a farm can be fertilised OR it will tell you how long until you can fertilise each farm.
  • Look at the colours in the green grid top left of your game screen, any farms that are fertilized will be olive green instead of green.
  • Click on "Show Names" at the top of the green grid and then on "Show Extra Farm Info". The legend top left of that window will show you which farms are Fertilized, Irrigated, Watered and which are Quest farms, Private or Disabled for super neighbour farming actions. If you mouse over each farm it will tell you if there is another land upgrade available for it and what it will cost. legend.PNG
    If you hover your mouse over the legend top left of the window it will tell you what the letters and each colour represents. F is for Fertilized.

Rob T May 12 2012 12:50 PM

What is the Mobile Sprinkler?
Q: What is the Mobile Sprinkler ?

A: There are 5 sprinklers... Brown, red, orange, green and purple. Depending on the ones you own, they can be used to water ALL flowers on a farm and irrigate crops, trees, flowers to shorten growth time and extend waste time, all with one click. APR 2019.PNG

Brown mobile sprinkler - This allows you to water all your flowers on your farm in one click. You earn 3XP when you water your own flowers, but it will cost you 1000 coins. You can use the sprinkler once per day.
  • You can also take this tool with you to water your neighbors' farms.
  • To use it on your neighbors' farms, the tool must be in your storage so it will show up in the Yellow Toolbox. Go to your neighbors farm, open the Yellow Toolbox and simply click on the sprinkler and then click on the farm. You earn 1000 coins and 3 XP every time you water your neighbours' flowers.

When you own the following mobile sprinklers you can NOT use them on your Neighbours farms if you are not their Super Neighbour and they do NOT own the tools. They must own the tools themselves for you to be able to irrigate for them as a Super Neighbour only.

Red Sprinkler - This is used to speed up growth of the crops and flowers by 50%. Please note that while the crops grow in half the time, the end waste time is not effected, meaning if you plant a 4 hour crop, it would be grown in 2 hours, and you'll have 6 hours in which to harvest it, totaling 8 hours, which is what it would be had the crops not been irrigated. You can irrigate a plant more than once, but it's growth speed will only double the first time. You may only irrigate once per day. times.PNGPlease note: A time that has a decimal point it after it is approximate, the game can not display more than the 1 digit after the decimal point so 3.3 Days is actually 3.333333
Orange Sprinkler - This is used to speed up tree growth by 50%. If you own the orange sprinkler, you only need use this one to irrigate trees, crops and flowers. You can irrigate a plant more than once, but it's growth speed will only double the first time. As with the red sprinkler, speeding up growing time does not effect waste time. You may only irrigate once per day

Green Sprinkler - This tool increases the time to waste period on all crops. For crops that mature in 1 day or less it increases the time to waste period by 24 hours. For crops that take over a day to mature it increases the time to waste period by 48 hours.

Purple Sprinkler - This tool allowes you to irrigate ALL farms or selection of farms in a single click.

Once you own an upgraded sprinkler it will also do the job of the previous ones. Example, if you own the green sprinkler, when you use it it will also apply the jobs of the brown, red and orange sprinklers.

Note: Irrigating crops/trees/flowers will cost you 1000 coins per farm. You will earn 3XP for watering/irrigating the farm that you are on. If you water/irrigate multiple farms at once you will still only earn 3XP for the farm you are on and NOT all the others.

To use the Mobile Sprinkler, the tool must be on the farm or in storage.

You can do 2 things. . .
  • If the tool is on your farm, you can click on the tool and click "Water Flowers" (brown sprinkler) or "Irrigate" (red, orange, green and purple sprinklers) and then click on the farm.
  • However, it is better to place all tools into your Storage. That way you can access all your tools from the Yellow Tool box, on any of your farms, without having to move the tool from farm to farm. Once they are in Storage, you can click on the Yellow Toolbox to open it, and then click on the tool you want to use.
  • NOTE: Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want.

To Irrigate or Water more than one farm at a time:
When you first get the Purple Mobile Sprinkler and use the tool you get a window Titled "Select Your Farms" which has 2 sections, it defaults to "Select One Farm" which lets you do one farm at a time. To switch it to doing more than one farm you click on the tool then click on the farm and in the window at the top click on "Select Multiple Farms" so the button turns orange, then add a check mark for each farm you want the tool to work on or if you want it to do all farms select "All" at the bottom of the window and then click the green check mark. arrow.png

To find out what farms have been watered or irrigated, there are several ways:
  • If you want to know when a specific farm can next be irrigated, go to the farm in question and open the tool box. Hover your mouse over the red, orange, green or purple mobile sprinkler and if you need to wait, it will tell you how long.
  • Click on your Yellow Tool box to open it, then click on the Show Times icon (looks like a clock). Look in the Per-Farm section and under "Water Farm Flowers" and "Irrigate Farm Plants" it will have a green check mark if a farm can be watered or irrigated OR it will tell you how long until you can water/irrigate each farm.
  • Click on "Show Names" at the top of the green grid, top left of the game screen, and then click on "Show Extra Farm Info". The legend top left of that window will show you which farms are Fertilized, Irrigated, Watered and which are Quest farms, Private or Disabled for super neighbour farming actions. If you mouse over each farm it will tell you if there is another land upgrade available for it and what it will cost. legend.PNG
    If you hover your mouse over the legend top left of the window it will tell you what the letters and each colour represents. I is for Irrigated, W is for watered.

***IMPORTANT: Only 2 sprinklers will show in the extended toolbar, the brown one for reviving flowers and either the red, orange, green or purple one, you DO NOT lose the other sprinklers, they are still in your storage. *** toolbox.JPG

Note: Only you will be able to use the mobile sprinklers to irrigate or water your Quest or Private farms. SN's, neighbours or anyone visiting can not do those farms. However the flowers on a Quest farm can be watered using the watering can.

Rob T May 12 2012 01:26 PM

What are the Bulldozers?
Q: What are the Bulldozers?

A: There are 11 bulldozers in total. They can be used to delete items from your farms.

The Bulldozers do not use Fuel.

Super Neighbours with the right permissions will have access to these tools when designing for you as long as you or your super neighbour owns them.

The bulldozers do not delete the animals that you can buy from the Animals section of the store.
The bulldozers do not delete working animals like cows, hens that give you products when harvested.

The bulldozers CAN delete any decorative animal that you can get by earning rewards in the Farm Pass feature and also from buying them in the various other sections of the store as those are all classified as decorations. MAR 2023.png MAY 2024.png toolbox.PNG Yellow Bulldozer - This is already in your Yellow Toolbox!!!

It allows you to delete any item on the farm, except for working animals that you get products from like cows for milk and the other animals in the Animal section of the store. Be very careful when using this tool.

To use it click on your yellow toolbox to open it, then click on the yellow bulldozer to pick it up.
Every item you click on with the yellow bulldozer will be deleted.
To stop using the bulldozer click on the Green man located near the bottom of your game screen.

Warning - if you want to make sure that you don't delete something by mistake when deleting a lot of items, only show the item you what to delete in your preferences, like crops or trees etc.

The ONLY Warning you will get is when....
  • deleting a single Item with the yellow bulldozer
  • or when deleting a single item with the bigger bulldozers up to size 20x20

    When deleting a single Item with one those bulldozers you will see a confirmation box which you can disable for the rest of the session if you wish.
    If you choose to disable the popup you will not be warned even if the item(s) you delete are of a high coin value.
    Common question asked:
    Q: What is a Session?
    A: When you load the game you start a session, when you reload the game you start a new session.
    To disable the warning for deleting items costing coins, ADD a check mark to the box before you click on either the green check mark to delete or the red X.
    Clicking the green check mark will then delete the item shown.
    Clicking on the red X will cancel deleting the item shown. MAR 2023.png

The White Bulldozer (2x2) - This will allow you to delete 4 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers in a 2x2 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time.

The Dark Blue Bulldozer (3x3) - allows you to delete 9 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers in a 3x3 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time.

The Orange Bulldozer (4x4) - allows you to delete 16 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers a 4x4 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time.

The Green Bulldozer (5x5) - allows you to delete 25 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers in a 5x5 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time.

The Purple Bulldozer (6x6) - allows you to delete 36 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers in a in a 6x6 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time.

The Brown Bulldozer (8x8) - allows you to delete 64 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers in a 8x8 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time.

The Pink Bulldozer (12x12) - allows you to delete 144 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers in a 12x12 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time.

The Red Bulldozer (16x16) - allows you to delete 256 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers in a 16x16 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time.

The Light Blue Bulldozer (20x20) - allows you to delete 400 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers in a 20x20 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time.

*** Please be careful when deleting things. The bulldozers will delete planted fields IF you click on them. If you click on the harvested/wasted or plowed fields, then only those of that type will be deleted and crops will be left alone. We advise you to hide in your preferences the things you do not wish to be deleted by accident. You also have the option of using the single yellow bulldozer for single items *** Ex 8x8.png Bulldozer Ex (10x10) - Delete up to 1600 items at once!!

UPDATE May17th,2024 - two bigger clearing sizes have been added to this EX bulldozer, (9x9 clears up to 1296 and and 10x10 clears up to 1600)
This tool is capable of deleting a considerable amount of items!

There are NO warning popups about what you are about to delete when you use it!

Be sure about what you are deleting before you proceed to delete them!

For safety this tool will NOT delete facilities or any Farm Cash Items.

The various Clearing Options are:
  • Fields Only (works on overlapped fields and will delete ALL types of fields including plowed, harvested, growing crops, ready to harvest crops and wasted crops)
    Unlike the other Bulldozers that are not the EX version they will not delete only one type of field at a time, if you have plowed fields, growing or ready to harvest fields, wasted crops all in the same area they will all be deleted!

  • Trees Only will delete ALL types of trees including
    seasonal and decorative trees!!!
    If you need to keep any trees that can only be gifted, seasonal trees, farm pass trees, decorative trees do not use this bulldozer on them!!

  • Flowers Only will delete ALL flowers.
    If you need to keep any Glad flowers that can only be gifted, decorative flowers do not use this bulldozer on them!!

  • Plants and Fields (ALL fields and crops and also includes trees and flowers)

  • Buildings and Decorations This includes coin waters and decorative animals that are not bought from the animal section of the store. It will NOT delete any Farm Cash waters, working animals, animals from the Animal section of the store, facilities, ships, trains, ground covers.

  • All of the above - will delete everything except any Farm Cash Items, working animals, animals from the Animal section of the store, facilities, ships, trains, ground covers.

  • Examples:

    1x1 will clear one single plowed field or 16 trees or flowers in a squared area

    10x0 will clear 100 single plowed fields, up to 1600 trees or flowers within the yellow squared area and when using extent mode up to 1600 plowed/harvested, planted overlapped plots within the yellow squared area.

The EX Bulldozer works similar to the other Extent Mode tools but with more options.
The squared yellow area gives you much more flexibility on what area to clear and it can also delete just a few items close to the top farm edges by having the yellow selection area go over the edges.

You also can select the size of the tool and what to delete before you start using it.

To use this tool on any of your farms, place it into Item storage.
  1. Open your toolbox and click on the Ex bulldozer, you will then see the following options. JULY 2024.png

  2. At the top of the clearing mode window, select the size of the tool you want. There is a drop down arrow which will let you change the tool size from 1x1 up to 10x10. Click on the size you want and it will turn blue. MAY 2024.png

  3. Then click on the type of items you want to delete.

    • Fields Only
    • Trees Only
    • Flowers Only
    • Plants and Fields
    • Buildings and Decorations
    • All of the Above

  4. Move the yellow square to where you want to delete and click to delete.

  5. To stop using the EX Bulldozer, click on the green man.

Selecting Highlight Mode or Extent Mode:

When using an EX Tool instead of the Eye in the bottom right of the game screen you will see the picture of the tool you have clicked on to use.

When you click on that icon, you will see a vertical toolbar with 3 buttons. extent.png
  • Clicking on the top icon (Highlight) selects the old method of highlighting each individual item. NOTE: Using the Ex tools in Highlight mode will make the tool work like the single layer tools.

  • Clicking on the middle icon selects the New Method (Extent) of highlighting only the perimeter of the area where the tool will operate. Instead of highlighting all the fields etc, this new method will just highlight a fixed squared section of the farm which works faster and with less manual mistakes. When you use this method you will briefly see "Extent mode selected" in white lettering near the top of the game screen.

  • Clicking on the bottom icon (white X) closes those the box with options.

To use any of the bigger Bulldozers that you buy, the tool must be on the farm or in storage.

You can do 2 things. . .
  • If the tool is on your farm, you can click on the tool and click "Delete Items" and then click on the item.

  • However, it is better to place all tools into your Storage so that the game cans see which ones you own when you want o buy a bigger one and also so that you can use it on any of your farms. That way you can access all your tools from the Yellow Tool box, on any of your farms, without having to move the tool from farm to farm.

    Once they are in Storage, you can click on the Yellow Toolbox to open it, and then click on the tool you want to use. Click the Green man when you want to stop using the tool.

  • NOTE: Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want.

Rob T May 12 2012 04:38 PM

What is the Flower Harvester?
Q: What is the Flower Harvester?

A: There are 15 flower harvesters.
They make it much easier to harvest the flowers than 1 at a time.
These tools use Fuel and can be used on other farms and when hired as long as you have placed them into your Item Storage. DEC 2023.png

Flower Harvester (3X3) - You MUST use the 3x3 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 9 flowers in 1 click.

Flower Harvester (8X4) - You MUST use the 8x4 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 32 flowers in 1 click.

Flower Harvester (8X8) - You MUST use the 8x8 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 64 flowers in 1 click.

Flower Harvester (12X8) - You MUST use the 12x8 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 96 flowers in 1 click.

Flower Harvester (12X12) - You MUST use the 12x12 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 144 flowers in 1 click.

Flower Harvester (16X12) - You MUST use the 12x16 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 192 flowers in 1 click.

Flower Harvester (16X16) - You MUST use the 16x16 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 256 flowers in 1 click.

Flower Harvester (20x20) - This Flower Harvester will harvest up to 400 flowers.
When selecting the new 20x20 Flower Harvester instead of the Eye in the bottom right you will see the current tool icon >> harvester.png

When you click on that icon, you will see a vertical toolbar with 3 buttons.
The one in the top (Highlight) selects the old method of highlighting each individual item.
The one in the middle selects the New Method (Extent) of highlighting only the perimeter of the area where the tool will operate. Instead of highlighting all the flowers, this new method will just highlight a fixed squared section of the farm which works faster and with less manual mistakes. When you use this method you will briefly see "Extent mode selected" in white lettering near the top of the game screen.
The bottom button closes the box. options.png

Also, the tool will always operate as if the Eye was closed, meaning, the recently worked items will be hidden once the work on them is completed..

Flower Harvester (24x24) - This flower harvester will harvest up to 576 flowers in 1 click and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Flower Harvester (28x28) - This flower harvester will harvest up to 784 flowers in 1 click and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Flower Harvester (32x32) - This flower harvester will harvest up to 1024 flowers in 1 click and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Flower Harvester (36x36) - This flower harvester will harvest up to 1296 flowers in 1 click and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Flower Harvester (40x40) - This flower harvester will harvest up to 1600 flowers in 1 click and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Flower Harvester (44x44) - This flower harvester will harvest up to 1936 flowers in 1 click and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Flower Harvester (48x48) - This flower harvester will harvest up to 2304 flowers in 1 click and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

To use the Flower Harvester, the tool must be on the farm or in storage.

You can do 2 things. . .
  • If the tool is on your farm, you can click on the tool and click "Harvest Flowers" and then click on the item.
  • However, it is better to place all tools into your Storage. That way you can access all your tools from the Yellow Tool box, on any of your farms, without having to move the tool from farm to farm. Once they are in Storage, you can click on the Yellow Toolbox to open it, and then click on the tool you want to use.
  • NOTE: Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want. toolbox.PNG You can also use the Sythe (single harvest tool) to harvest flowers one at a time, if you don't own the tools. To select the Sythe, click on the Yellow Toolbox and select the tool.

Rob T May 12 2012 05:07 PM

What is the Log Truck with Chainsaw?
Q: What is the Log Truck with Chainsaw?

A: There are 15 Log Truck w/Chainsaws. They make it much easier to chop the trees than 1 at a time. These tools use Fuel and can be used on other farms when hired. JAN 2024.png

Log truck with Chainsaw (3x3) - You MUST use the 3x3 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 9 trees in 1 click.

Log Truck w/Chainsaw (8x4) - You MUST use the 8x4 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 32 trees in 1 click.

Log Truck w/Chainsaw (8x8) - You MUST use the 8x8 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 64 trees in 1 click.

Log Truck w/Chainsaw (12x8) - You MUST use the 12x8 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 96 trees in 1 click.

Log Truck w/Chainsaw (12x12) - You MUST use the 12x12 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 144 trees in 1 click.

Log Truck w/Chainsaw (12x16) - You MUST use the 12x16 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 192 trees in 1 click.

Log Truck w/Chainsaw (16x16) - You MUST use the 16x16 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 256 trees in 1 click.

Log Truck w/Chainsaw (20x20) - This Log Truck w/Chainsaw will chop up to 400 trees and uses a new method of chopping.
When selecting the new 20x20 Log Truck w/Chainsaw instead of the Eye in the bottom right you will see the current tool icon >> select.png

When you click on that icon, you will see a vertical toolbar with 3 buttons.
The one in the top (Highlight) selects the old method of highlighting each individual item.
The one in the middle selects the New Method (Extent) of highlighting only the perimeter of the area where the tool will operate. Instead of highlighting all the trees, this new method will just highlight a fixed squared section of the farm which works faster and with less manual mistakes. When you use this method you will briefly see "Extent mode selected" in white lettering near the top of the game screen.
The bottom button closes the box. options.png

Also, the tool will always operate as if the Eye was closed, meaning, the recently worked items will be hidden once the work on them is completed..

Log Truck w/Chainsaw (24x24) - This Log Truck w/Chainsaw will chop up to 576 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Log Truck w/Chainsaw (28x28) - This Log Truck w/Chainsaw will chop up to 784 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Log Truck w/Chainsaw (32x32) - This Log Truck w/Chainsaw will chop up to 1024 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Log Truck w/Chainsaw (36x36) - This Log Truck w/Chainsaw will chop up to 1296 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Log Truck w/Chainsaw (40x40) - This Log Truck w/Chainsaw will chop up to 1600 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Log Truck w/Chainsaw (44x44) - This Log Truck w/Chainsaw will chop up to 1936 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

Log Truck w/Chainsaw (48x48) - This Log Truck w/Chainsaw will chop up to 2034 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above.

These tools can be accessed easily if they are placed into Storage. You then click on the Yellow Tool box to access them.

To use the Log Truck w/Chainsaw, the tool must be on the farm or in storage.

You can do 2 things. . .
  • If the tool is on your farm, you can click on the tool and click "Chop Trees" and then click on the item.
  • However, it is better to place all tools into your Storage. That way you can access all your tools from the Yellow Tool box, on any of your farms, without having to move the tool from farm to farm. Once they are in Storage, you can click on the Yellow Toolbox to open it, and then click on the tool you want to use.
  • NOTE: Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want. toolbox.PNG You can also use the Axe (single chop tool) to chop trees one at a time, if you don't own the tools. To select the Axe, click on the Yellow Toolbox and select the tool.

Rob T May 12 2012 06:14 PM

What is the Forklift?
Q: What is the Forklift?

A:There are 2 Forklifts, Green and Purple, They can be kept either in storage, or on any farm, it doesn't matter where. These tools Store All products in a Facility. These tools use Fuel to Store. APR 2019.PNG

The Green Forklift - Allows you to store all products in a single facility with a single click. This does NOT include service facilities. To do this click on the Facility Manager in the Yellow Toolbox: manager.jpg

Then you are able to use the "Store All" button on each facility :- Sawmill.PNG

You are also able to use the "Store All" inside each facility :- Sawmill.PNG

The Purple Forklift - Allows you to store ALL products in ALL facilities in a single click. This does NOT include service facilities. As above, open the facility manager, then use the "Store All" button at the top :- All in FM.PNG

NOTE: Although you do not need to put these tools into Storage it is better if you do. That way the game will recognise what tools you already own should there be another upgraded tool released. Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want.

Rob T May 14 2012 09:14 AM

What is the Ordering Station w/Trailer?
Q: What is the Ordering Station w/Trailer? APR 2019.PNG APR 2019.PNG

The Ordering Station w/Trailer is used in conjunction with the Semi-Trailer Truck, it can be on any farm or in storage, it doesn't matter.

This enables the 'All' button when ordering products from the Truck.

Also, with the extra trailer capacity products are delivered twice as fast, 30 minutes instead of 1 hour, it's like duplicating the output of each truck assuming you have enough fuel.

Note that if you have multiple trucks, you only need to buy one ordering Station w/ Trailer, and all your trucks will benefit. The trucks MUST be on separate farms, just like with any other facility.

Q. What is the Turbo Ordering Station? APR 2019.PNG

This tool will allow you to order products from ALL the semi trailers on ALL of your farms.

Rob T May 14 2012 09:24 AM

What is the Bottling Machine?
Q: What is the Bottling Machine? APR 2019.PNG

A: This tool allows you to Start All productions for a product with one click in any of the following bottling facilities:

  • Bottle Factory
  • Brewery
  • Cidery
  • Distillery
  • Flavored Water Factory
  • Food Coloring Factory
  • Food Flavoring Factory
  • Jam and Jelly Factory
  • Juice Factory
  • Oil factory
  • Pickles and Relish Factory
  • Plant Milk Factory
  • Sauce and Condiments factory
  • Scented Candle Factory
  • Soft Drink Factory
  • Syrup Factory
  • Specialty Vodka Distillery
  • Turbo Oil Refinery
  • Turbo Winery
  • Winery
  • Wine Cellar

Q. What is the Turbo bottling machine? APR 2019.PNG

This tool will allow you to use the Start All button at the top of the Facility Manger to start products from ALL the above facilites on ALL of your farms. This tool uses Fuel. all top.jpg

Rob T May 14 2012 09:35 AM

What is the Drive Thru System?
Q: What is the Drive Thru System? APR 2019.PNG

A: This tool allows you to Start All productions for a product with one click on any of the following facilites:

  • Bakery
  • BBQ Restaurant
  • Boba Tea Shop
  • Breakfast restaurant
  • Coffee and Tea Shop
  • Deli
  • Donut Shop
  • Fish and Chips
  • French Creperie
  • Frozen Yogurt Shop
  • Gluten Free Snack Shack
  • Hamburger restaurant
  • Healthy Juice Stand
  • House of Pancakes
  • International Dog House
  • Pizza restaurant
  • Sandwich restaurant
  • Taco restaurant
  • Turbo Bakery

Q. What is the Turbo drive thru system? APR 2019.PNG

This tool will allow you to use the Start All button at the top of the Facility Manager to start products from ALL the above facilites on ALL of your farms. This tool uses Fuel. all top.jpg

Rob T May 14 2012 09:39 AM

What are the Tables and Chairs?
Q: What are the Tables and Chairs? APR 2019.PNG

This tool allows you to Start All productions for a product with one click on any of the following restaurants:

  • African restaurant
  • All Ravioli Restaurant
  • Argentinian Restaurant
  • Artisan Pizza Shop
  • Australian restaurant
  • Austrian Restaurant
  • Belgian Restaurant
  • Bolivian Restaurant
  • Brazilian Restaurant
  • British Restaurant
  • Bulgarian Restaurant
  • Cajun Restaurant
  • Canadian restaurant
  • Chilean Restaurant
  • Chinese restaurant
  • Colombian Restaurant
  • Cuban restaurant
  • Czech restaurant
  • Dinner restaurant
  • Dominican Restaurant
  • Dutch Restaurant
  • Ecuadorian Restaurant
  • Egyptian Restaurant
  • Ethiopian Restaurant
  • Fair Food Building
  • Food Art Caterer
  • French Restaurant
  • German Restaurant
  • Gourmet Restaurant
  • Grandmas Country Kitchen
  • Greek Taverna
  • Guyanese Restaurant
  • Hawaiian Restaurant
  • Hibachi Japanese Restaurant
  • Hong Kong Restaurant
  • Hungarian Restaurant
  • Ice cream shop
  • Indian Restaurant
  • Indonesian Restaurant
  • Iranian Restaurant
  • Iraqi Restaurant
  • Irish restaurant
  • Italian Restaurant
  • Jamaican Restaurant
  • Korean Restaurant
  • Lebanese Restaurant
  • Latin American Restaurant
  • Malaysian Restaurant
  • Mediterranean Restaurant
  • Mexican Restaurant
  • Midwest American Restaurant
  • Native American Restaurant
  • New England Restaurant
  • New Zealand Restaurant
  • Nicaraguan Restaurant
  • Pakistani Restaurant
  • Pasta restaurant
  • Peruvian restaurant
  • Portuguese Restaurant
  • Puerto Rican Restaurant
  • Romanian Restaurant
  • Russian Restaurant
  • Salvadoran Restaurant
  • Seafood restaurant
  • Scandinavian Restaurant
  • Scottish Restaurant
  • Singaporean Restaurant
  • Slovakian Restaurant
  • Soup restaurant
  • Spanish Restaurant
  • Sushi restaurant
  • Swiss Restaurant
  • Peruvian Restaurant
  • Taiwanese Restaurant
  • Thai Restaurant
  • Traditional Japanese Restaurant
  • Turkish Restaurant
  • Ukrainian Restaurant
  • Uruguayan Restaurant
  • Vegetarian Restaurant
  • Venezuelan Restaurant
  • Vietnamese Restaurant
  • West American Restaurant

Q. What are the Turbo tables and chairs? APR 2019.PNG

This tool will allow you to use the Start All button at the top of the Facility Manger to start products from ALL the above facilites on ALL of your farms. This tool uses Fuel. all top.jpg

Rob T May 14 2012 09:51 AM

What is the Mixer?
Q: What is the Mixer? APR 2019.PNG

A: This tool allows you to Start All productions for a product with one click on any of the following Mixing Facilities:

  • Artisan Cheese Factory
  • Artisan Soap Factory
  • Beach Bar
  • Bridge Building Supplies
  • Bread Factory
  • Butter Factory
  • Cargo Port Supplies Factory
  • Ceramic Factory
  • Construction Materials Factory
  • Cracker Factory
  • Dairy Processing Plant
  • Essential Oils Plant
  • Electronic Components Factory
  • Feed Supplement Plant
  • Fireworks Factory
  • Flavored Coffee Factory
  • Fodder Factory
  • Food Ingredients Factory
  • Frozen Yogurt Factory
  • Glass Factory
  • Gluten Free Mix Factory
  • Honey Derivatives Factory
  • Ice Cream Factory
  • Incense Sticks Factory
  • Ink Factory
  • Marina Supplies Factory
  • Metal Mill
  • Nutritional Supplies Factory
  • Painting Supplies Factory
  • Pool Bar
  • Premium Fodder Factory
  • Rubber Factory
  • Sign Factory
  • Transport Supplies Factory
  • Tropical Shakes Stand
  • Turbo Dairy Processing Plant
  • Turbo Ink and Pigments Factory
  • Turbo Metal Mill
  • Turbo Rubber Factory

Q. What is the Turbo mixer? APR 2019.PNG

This tool will allow you to use the Start All button at the top of the Facility Manger to start products from ALL the above facilites on ALL of your farms. This tool uses Fuel. all top.jpg

Rob T May 14 2012 10:03 AM

What is the Belt Dryer?
Q: What is the Belt Dryer? APR 2019.PNG

A: This tool allows you to Start All productions for a product with one click on any of the following Drying Facilities:

  • Animal Remedy Factory
  • Candied Fruit Factory
  • Chocolate factory
  • Cinnamon factory
  • Coffee grinder
  • Drying facility
  • Flavored Pistachio Factory
  • Herbal tea Factory
  • Instant food factory
  • Paper mill
  • Pasta factory
  • Spice factory
  • Roasted Nut Gift Factory
  • Turbo Cinnamon Factory
  • Turbo Paper Mill
  • Turbo Spice Factory
  • Turron-Nougat Factory
  • Vegan Supplies Factory

Q. What is the Turbo belt dryer? APR 2019.PNG

This tool will allow you to use the Start All button at the top of the Facility Manger to start products from ALL the above facilites on ALL of your farms. This tool uses Fuel. all top.jpg

Rob T May 14 2012 10:25 AM

What is the Loader?
Q: What is the Loader? APR 2019.PNG

A: The Loader allows you to Start All productions for a product with one click on any facility handling heavy loads:

  • Arcade Supplies Factory
  • Antique Replica Factory
  • Animal Shelter Supplies Factory
  • Artificial Turf Supplies
  • Bank Supplies Factory
  • Blacksmith Supplies Factory
  • Boat Supplies Factory
  • Cattle Show Supplies Factory
  • Charcoal Retort
  • Cruise Supplies Factory
  • Farm Buildings Factory
  • Fencing and Wall Factory
  • Flooring Tiles Factory
  • Funeral Supplies Factory
  • Garage Door Supplies
  • House Construction Supplies
  • Interior Design Decor Factory
  • Landscaping Supplies Factory
  • Lanolin Factory
  • Log Cabin Supplies Factory
  • Marketing Supplies Factory
  • Meal Rental Supplies Factory
  • Mineral Mine
  • Mold Remediation Supplies
  • Oast & Malt House
  • Offshore Oil Rig
  • Oil Pump
  • Oil Refinery
  • Open-pit Mine
  • Orchard Supplies Factory
  • Physiotherapy Equipment Factory
  • Pig Show Supplies Factory
  • Playground Gear Factory
  • Railroad Supplies Factory
  • Roofing Supplies Factory
  • Smokehouse
  • Storm Supplies Factory
  • Sugar Refinery
  • Trading Post Supplies Factory
  • Train Supplies Factory
  • Turbo Mineral Mine
  • Turbo Oil Refinery
  • Turbo Open-Pit Mine
  • Turbo Petrochemical Plant
  • Turbo Sugar Refinery
  • Turbo Watermill
  • Upholstery Supplies Factory
  • Watermill
  • Water Utility Supplies Factory
  • Windmills
  • Windows and Doors Factory

Q. What is the Turbo loader? APR 2019.PNG

This tool will allow you to use the Start All button at the top of the Facility Manger to start products from ALL the above facilities on ALL of your farms. This tool uses Fuel. all top.jpg

Rob T May 14 2012 10:31 AM

What are the Conveyors?
Q: What are the Conveyors? APR 2019.PNG

A: The Conveyors tool allows you to Start All productions for a product with one click on any facility that uses conveyors:

  • Air Fresheners Factory
  • Airline Catering Facility
  • Aquarium Supplies Factory
  • Barber Supplies Factory
  • Board Games Factory
  • Casino Supplies Factory
  • Composting Equipment Factory
  • Cosmetics Factory
  • Cosmetic Surgery Supplies
  • Courthouse Supplies Factory
  • Dental Supplies Factory
  • Film Making Supplies Factory
  • Fish Cannery
  • Flavored Popcorn Factory
  • Food Preserve Factory
  • Frozen Food Factory
  • Golf Supplies Factory
  • Gutter Supplies Factory
  • Hospitality Supplies Factory
  • IT Supplies Factory
  • Janitorial Supplies Factory
  • K9 Training Supplies Factory
  • Library Supplies Factory
  • Milking Supplies Factory
  • Party Supplies Factory
  • Paediatric Supplies Factory
  • Perfume Factory
  • Petrochemical Plant
  • Pharmacy Supplies Factory
  • Phlebotomy Supplies Factory
  • Plumbing Supplies Factory
  • Reading Accessories Factory
  • Restroom Supplies Factory
  • Science Supplies Factory
  • Seaquarium Supplies Factory
  • Septic Supplies Factory
  • Spa Supplies Factory
  • Tanning Supplies Factory
  • Tea Factory
  • Textile and Spinning Mill
  • Travel Supplies Factory
  • Trophy Factory
  • Turbo Textile and Spinning Mill
  • Veteran Supplies Factory
  • Winter Sports Supplies

Q. What are the Turbo conveyors? APR 2019.PNG

This tool will allow you to use the Start All button at the top of the Facility Manger to start products from ALL the above facilites on ALL of your farms. This tool uses Fuel. all top.jpg

Rob T May 14 2012 10:41 AM

What is the Packaging Machine?
Q: What is the Packaging Machine? APR 2019.PNG

A: The Packaging Machine allows you to Start All productions for a product with one click on any facility that uses a packaging machine:

  • Baby Foods Factory
  • Bank
  • Bee Farm
  • Blood Bank Supplies Factory
  • Buddhist Supplies Factory
  • Butter Making Supplies Factory
  • Car Parts Factory
  • Carpenter Supplies Factory
  • Carwash Supplies Factory
  • Cereal Factory
  • Computer Supplies Factory
  • Confectionery Factory
  • Crafting Supplies Factory
  • Currency Supplies Factory
  • Dessert Factory
  • Electrical Supplies Factory
  • Electronic Equipment Factory
  • Fidget Toy Factory
  • Fish Farming Plant
  • Frozen Treats Factory
  • Hair Accessories Factory
  • Hobby Supplies Factory
  • Holiday Decor Factory
  • Irrigation Supplies Factory
  • Kids Sports Supplies Factory
  • Lamp Factory
  • Learning Toys Factory
  • Locksmith Supplies Factory
  • Magician Supplies Factory
  • Music Band Supplies Factory
  • Nail Salon Supplies Factory
  • Natural Remedy Shop
  • Personal Care Goods Factory
  • Pet Accessories Factory
  • Pet Foods Factory
  • Printing - Packaging Factory
  • Realtor Supplies Factory
  • Scout Supplies Factory
  • Shelf and Cabinets Factory
  • Shipping Supplies Factory
  • Snack Factory
  • Souvenir Factory
  • Summer Gear Factory
  • Surgical Supplies Factory
  • Turbo Bee Farm
  • Turbo Fish Farming Plant
  • Uniform Factory

Q. What is the Turbo packaging machine? APR 2019.PNG

This tool will allow you to use the Start All button at the top of the Facility Manger to start products from ALL the above facilites on ALL of your farms. This tool uses Fuel. all top.jpg

Rob T May 14 2012 10:59 AM

What are the Workbenches?
Q: What are the Workbenches? APR 2019.PNG

A: The Workbenches tool allows you to Start All productions for a product with one click on any facility that uses workbenches:

  • Animal Sports Supplies Factory
  • Artisan Jewelry Studio
  • Art Studio
  • Beekeeping Supplies Factory
  • Biotech Supplies Factory
  • Clock Supplies Factory
  • Cobbler Supplies Factory
  • Cookware Factory
  • Equestrian Supplies Factory
  • Explorer Accessories Factory
  • Farrier Supplies Factory
  • Fashion Clothing Factory
  • Fitness Equipment Factory
  • Framing Factory
  • Furniture Factory
  • Handyman Tools Factory
  • Hat Factory
  • Ice Fishing Supplies
  • Ice Rink Supplies Factory
  • Jewelry Factory
  • Kids Clothing Mill
  • Knitting and Knotting Factory
  • Lingerie Factory
  • Linen Supplies Factory
  • Mascot Factory
  • Meteorology Supplies Factory
  • Musical Instruments Factory
  • Photography Supplies Factory
  • Power Utility Supplies Factory
  • Prenatal Supplies Factory
  • Quilt Factory
  • Restaurant Supplies Factory
  • Retail Supplies Factory
  • Rural Craft Studio
  • Safety Supplies Factory
  • Sawmill
  • Sewing Mill
  • Shoe Factory
  • Spearfishing Supplies Factory
  • Special Needs Supplies Factory
  • Theater Supplies Factory
  • Toy Factory
  • Turbo Sawmill
  • Window Cleaning Supplies Factory
  • Winter Supplies Factory

Q. What are the Turbo workbenches? APR 2019.PNG

This tool will allow you to use the Start All button at the top of the Facility Manger to start products from ALL the above facilites on ALL of your farms. This tool uses Fuel. all top.jpg

Rob T May 14 2012 11:03 AM

What are the Mobile Utility Carts?
Q: What are the Mobile Utility Carts? APR 2019.PNG

A: The Mobile Utility Carts tool allows you to Start All productions for a product with one click on any facility that uses mobile utility carts:

  • Airline Supplies Factory
  • Animal Accessories Factory
  • Appliance Parts Factory
  • Baby Supplies Factory
  • Beach Gear Factory
  • Bike Supplies Factory
  • Bird Supplies Factory
  • Cabaret Supplies Factory
  • Car Dealer Supplies Factory
  • Circus Supplies Factory
  • Critter Control Supplies
  • Dance Supplies Factory
  • Disability Supplies Factory
  • Farming Tools Factory
  • Fashion Accessories Factory
  • Fishing Accessories Factory
  • Flower Shop
  • Food Container Factory
  • Fortune Teller Supplies Factory
  • Gardening Tools Factory
  • Home Supply Factory
  • Indoor Playground Supplies
  • Laundry Supplies Factory
  • Lawn Games Supplies Factory
  • Lumberjack Supplies Factory
  • Martial Arts Supplies Factory
  • Medical Supplies Factory
  • Billiard Supplies Factory
  • Office-School Supply Factory
  • Optical Supplies Factory
  • Pig Show Facility
  • Plant Nursery
  • Police-Fireman Supplies Factory
  • Pool Supplies Factory
  • Real Estate Office
  • Shaved Ice Cart
  • Sheep Show Supplies Factory
  • Smartphone Repair Tools Factory
  • Sports Accessories Factory
  • Squishmallow Factory
  • Vet Supplies Factory
  • Wedding Supplies Factory
  • Yard Supplies Factory
  • Zoo Supplies Factory

Q. What are the Turbo mobile utility carts? APR 2019.PNG

This tool will allow you to use the Start All button at the top of the Facility Manger to start products from ALL the above facilites on ALL of your farms. This tool uses Fuel. all top.jpg

Rob T May 14 2012 11:11 AM

What is the Express Checkout Station?
Q: What is the Express Checkout Station? APR 2019.PNG

A: The Express Checkout Station tool allows you to Load All products with one click on any service facility that uses Express Checkout Stations:

  • Animal Feed Store
  • Art Gallery
  • Artisan Cheese Store
  • Artisan Soap Factory
  • Baby Store
  • Beekeeping Shop
  • Bike World
  • Bird Shop
  • Boat Yard
  • Book Store
  • Buddha Shop
  • Bridal Shop
  • Candied Fruit Stand
  • Candle Palace
  • Candy Store
  • Car Repair Shop
  • Casino
  • Cheese-Butter Crafters World
  • Coffee World
  • Computer Repair Shop
  • Cookie Shop
  • Cracker Shop
  • Craft Store
  • Day Spa
  • Disaster Protection Shop
  • Dollar Store
  • Electronics Store
  • Explorer Shop
  • Fair Food Stand
  • Farmart
  • FarmTown Septic Services
  • Fashion Boutique
  • Fencing Store
  • Fidget Toy Store
  • Fireworks Shop
  • Fish Market
  • Fishing Tackle Shop
  • Framing Store
  • Fresh Veggies Stand
  • Garden Center
  • Gas Station
  • Gift Shop
  • Golf Pro Store
  • Gourmet Butter Shop
  • Gourmet Popcorn Shop
  • Handmade Jewelry Stall
  • Hardware Shop
  • Hat Shop
  • Hippodrome
  • Hobby Shop
  • Holiday Shop
  • Home Decor Store
  • Home Depot Store
  • Honey Shop
  • Household Linens Store
  • Ice Fishing Shop
  • Incense Sticks Shop
  • Indian Trading Post
  • Irrigation Supplies Shop
  • Jams Palace
  • Kids Clothing Palace
  • Liquor Store
  • Lingerie Store
  • Lumberjack Shop
  • Milking Supplies Store
  • Mini Mall
  • Mobile Carrier Store
  • Mobile Catering Trailer
  • Multi Level Parking
  • Nut Shop
  • Nutritional Supplies Store
  • Office Depot
  • Orchard Supplies Shop
  • Paint Shop
  • Party Shop
  • Personal Aid Shop
  • Pet Shop
  • Pistachio Land
  • Plumbing Shop
  • Polish Pub
  • Pool Shop
  • Quilt Shop
  • Realtor Shop
  • Restaurant Supplies Shop
  • Safety Supplies Store
  • Scout Shop
  • Shelf Genie
  • Specialty Bread Store
  • Straw Market
  • Summer store
  • Supermarket
  • Tack Shop
  • Tanning Salon
  • Taste of Argentina
  • Taste of Australia
  • Taste of Austria
  • Taste of Belgium
  • Taste of Bolivia
  • Taste of Brazil
  • Taste of Britain
  • Taste of Bulgaria
  • Taste of Chile
  • Taste of Colombia
  • Taste of Czech Republic
  • Taste Of Ecuador
  • Taste of Egypt
  • Taste of El Salvador
  • Taste of Ethiopia
  • Taste of Greece
  • Taste of Germany
  • Taste of Guyana
  • Taste of Hong Kong
  • Taste of Hungary
  • Taste of Iran
  • Taste of Italy
  • Taste of Indonesia
  • Taste of Iraq
  • Taste of Ireland
  • Taste of Korea
  • Taste of Lebanon
  • Taste of Malaysia
  • Taste of Mexico
  • Taste of Midwest America
  • Taste of Native America
  • Taste of New England
  • Taste of New Zealand
  • Taste of Nicaragua
  • Taste of Pakistan
  • Taste of Peru
  • Taste of Poland
  • Taste of Portugal
  • Taste of Puerto Rico
  • Taste Of Romania
  • Taste of Russia
  • Taste of Scotland
  • Taste of Singapore
  • Taste of Slovakia
  • Taste of Switzerland
  • Taste of Taiwan
  • Taste of Thailand
  • Taste of The Netherlands
  • Taste of Turkey
  • Taste of Ukraine
  • Taste of Uruguay
  • Taste of Venezuela
  • Taste of West America
  • Tea House
  • The Outlet
  • The Pool Shop
  • Tile Outlet
  • Townmart
  • Travel & Luggage Store
  • Trophy Shop
  • Turron-Nougat Shop
  • Uniform Outlet
  • Vegan Market
  • Windows and Doors Shop
  • Winter Sports Rentals
  • Winter Store
  • Zoo Park

Q. What is the Turbo checkout station? APR 2019.PNG

This tool will allow you to use the Load All button at the top of the Facility Manger to load products from ALL the above facilites on ALL of your farms. all top.jpg

Rob T May 14 2012 11:15 AM

What is the Manual Lift Truck?
Q: What is the Manual Lift Truck? APR 2019.PNG

A: The Manual Lift Truck is a tool that allows you to Load All products with one click on any Service Facility that uses Manual Lift Trucks:

  • Airline Terminal
  • All Natural Animal Clinic
  • Animal Shelter
  • Appliance Service Center
  • Aquarium Store
  • Arcade Game Center
  • Artificial Turf Installers
  • Balloon Burst
  • Banquet Hall
  • Barber Shop
  • Beach Gear Rental
  • Beach Motel
  • Beauty Salon
  • Bed and Breakfast
  • Billiard Hall
  • Biotech Research Facility
  • Blacksmith Shop
  • Blood Bank
  • Blood Mobile
  • Boa Tea Supplies Factory
  • Boa Tea Supplies Store
  • Bottling Plant
  • Bowling Alley
  • Bridge Building Contractor
  • Brunch Buffet
  • Cabaret
  • Car Dealer
  • Cargo Port
  • Carpenter Shop
  • Cattle Show Facility
  • China Buffet
  • Cider House
  • Circus
  • Classical Music Band
  • Clock Shop
  • Cobbler Shop
  • Coin Laundry
  • Community Bank
  • Composting Supplies Shop
  • Contemporary Pharmacy Store
  • Cosmetic Surgery Center
  • Courthouse
  • Cruise
  • Culinary School
  • Dance Club
  • Dance Studio
  • Data Center
  • Day Care
  • Dental Clinic
  • Electrician Shop
  • Event Catering Services
  • Eye Clinic
  • Fancy Food Show
  • Farm Depot
  • Farmtown Janitorial Services
  • Farrier Service Shop
  • Fashion World
  • Federal Reserve Building
  • Fire Station
  • Food Art Show
  • Fortune Teller Wagon
  • Fruit Stand
  • FTown Landscaping Services
  • Funeral Home
  • Furniture Repair Shop
  • Garage Door Store
  • Gutter Repair Services
  • Gym
  • Hospital
  • Hotel
  • House Building Company
  • Ice Rink
  • Indoor Playground
  • International Breakfast Buffet
  • Jazz Music Band
  • K9 Training Facility
  • Kids Breakfast Club
  • Kids Discovery Academy
  • Kids Sports Store
  • Lamp Shop
  • Lawn Games Shop
  • Library
  • Locksmith Shop
  • Log Cabin Supplies Store
  • Lunch Truck
  • Luxury Apartments Building
  • Luxury Hotel
  • Magicians Clubhouse
  • Marina
  • Martial Arts School
  • Modern School
  • Mold Remediation Services
  • Movie Studio
  • Movie Theater
  • Music Conservatory
  • Nail Salon
  • Natural History Museum
  • Nursing Home
  • Orphanage
  • Outdoor Living Store
  • Pediatric Clinic
  • Pickles and Relish Store
  • Playground
  • Police Station
  • Polish Restaurant
  • Post Office
  • Power Plant
  • Prenatal Care Center
  • Pub
  • Public Transport Office
  • Rehabilitation Center
  • Rodeo
  • Roof Repair Services
  • Science Club
  • Seafood Buffet
  • Seaquarium
  • Sheep Show Facility
  • Signworks Shop
  • Smartphone Repair Shop
  • Snack Machine
  • Spearfishing Shop
  • Special Needs School
  • Soup Kitchen
  • Sports Arena
  • Squishmallow Store
  • Taste of Africa
  • Taste of China
  • Taste of Dominican Republic
  • Taste of France
  • Taste of Hawaii
  • Taste of India
  • Taste of Japan
  • Taste of Jamaica
  • Taste of Jewish Culture
  • Taste of Latin America
  • Taste of Mediterranea
  • Taste of Morocco
  • Taste of New Orleans
  • Taste of Scandinavia
  • Taste of Spain
  • Taste of Vietnam
  • Taste of The Philippines
  • Theater
  • Track Repair Company
  • Train Depot
  • Urgent Care Center
  • Vet Clinic
  • Veteran Club
  • Water Plant
  • Weather Station
  • Wildlife Removal Services
  • Window Cleaning Services

Q. What is the Turbo manual lift truck? APR 2019.PNG

This tool will allow you to use the Load All button at the top of the Facility Manger to load products from ALL the above facilites on ALL of your farms. all top.jpg

Rob T May 14 2012 11:27 AM

What is the Armored Truck?
Q: What is the Armored Truck? APR 2019.PNG

A: The Armored Truck is a tool that allows you to Cash Out ALL Service Facilities in one click. This tool cost 30 Farm Cash. It's NOT the other armored truck that costs coins, that one is just decoration.
NOTE : Cashing out Service facilites uses Fuel.

The "Cash Out All" button is located at the top right of the Facility Manager. all top.jpg

Tiger Sep 06 2012 10:59 AM

What are the Freestyle Farm Designers?
Q: What is the Freestyle Farm Designer?

A: These tools are upgrades to the Yellow Edit Tool (Hand) in your Toolbox. The yellow edit hand that everyone starts out with, looks like this: hand.png

The Freestyle Farm Designers, commonly referred to as the orange, green or purple hands, have more capabilities. APR 2019.PNG
Important note about overlapping waters and Fishing!!!!
When you own the freestyle designers that allow you to overlap waters and you choose to do this, you will need to own a Turbo Fishing boat in order to be able to catch every single fish in those waters.
  • Without a turbo fishing boat you will find that you won't be able to catch every single fish in overlapped waters on the farm AND you won't be able to fish the waters that are placed off the edges of a farm as those can ONLY be fished with a Turbo boat.

  • If you don't own a Turbo fishing boat you can hire a worker that owns it to fish them for you and they will need fuel to be able to use it.

  • Hired workers can use the farm owners turbo boat as long as the they have allowed the use of their Tools in the hire. They will also need Fuel. orange.pngOrange Freestyle Farm Designer: Allows Overlapping of Paths and Ponds. This tool enables paths and water items to almost fully overlap other items.

When you own this tool and place it into Item storage, you will see both the yellow hand and the orange hand in your toolbox. green.pngGreen Freestyle Farm Designer: This is an upgrade to the Orange Freestyle Farm Designer which allows Overlapping of All but Plants. If you already own the Orange Freestyle Farm Designer you can buy this Green Freestyle Farm Designer to allow any item except plants (fields/crops/trees/flowers) to almost fully overlap other items.

When you own the Green Freestyle Farm Designer as well as the orange one and place it into Item storage, you will see just the yellow hand and green hand in your tool box. There is no need to show the orange one as the green one will do the jobs of both the Orange and Green Freestyle Farm Designers. Do not sell the Orange hand, it needs to remain in storage so the game can see that you own it, should you then want to upgrade to the purple freestyle farm designer.

You can use the Orange and Green Freestyle Farm Designer tools while designing on other farmers farms as well. When you have permission to design a farm, which ever tool you have, the most upgraded one and the yellow edit hand will show up in your toolbox to use.

Examples of using the orange and green freestyle farm designers:

Using the Orange Freestyle Farm Designer: By overlapping river corners an a bit of imagination, you can create waterfalls.... waterfall.JPG
Using the Green Freestyle Farm Designer: You can also bring other items closer to each other, like the overlapped waters, to create an effect.....
The Green Freestyle Farm Designer will also let you place some items off the edges of the farm. However this is something that was not intended by the developers to be done with the tool, so you will have to play around with what you are trying to move off the edge as some things will only go off two of the edges not all of them and you may find you need to rotate the item to get it off the edge of a farm. Note: If you choose to overlap or place waters off the edges of the farm, to be able to get all of the fish from the waters you will need a turbo fishing boat. purple.pngPurple Freestyle Farm Designer: This is an upgrade to the Green Freestyle Farm Designer which allows overlapping of All but Plants (fields/crops/trees/flowers). The Purple Freestyle Farm Designer does the jobs of the orange and green freestyle designers and also allows you to:
  • rotate items with a click
  • buy items from the Store and place them with every click
  • buy multiple items from the Store and place them with every click
  • use items from your storage and place them
  • and allows you to almost fully overlap some other items in your farm without requiring to have the full physical space in the farm

    WARNING: The buying options allow you to buy Farm Cash items as long as you have enough FC to cover the items you are buying. Be very careful that you remember to click the green man to stop buying more of the item you are placing!

When you own all of the Freestyle Farm Designers and place them into storage you will see in your toolbox, the yellow edit hand, the green freestyle farm designer and the purple freestyle designer.

To use the Purple Freestyle Farm Designer, place it into Item Storage and then open your toolbox and click on the purple hand. You will then see the following options : SEP 2020.png
  • Edit items - this is what the green hand currently does.
  • Rotate Items - when you chose this option the item you click on will rotate, then you move the item to the new position and click again to set it down. Click the green man to stop using the tool.
  • Buy one item from the Store - opens the store for you to chose what to buy and overlap.
  • Buy multiple items from the Store - opens the store for you to choose what to buy. Each click buys the item and places it on your farm. Click the green man to stop using the tool.
  • Use items from your Storage - opens your storage for you to choose what to place on your farm and overlap. Click the green man to stop using the tool.

This tool can be used when designing for others but will NOT allow you to buy any Farm Cash Items for them or take any Farm Cash Items out of their Item storage. In the store you will see that all Farm Cash items are showing as Locked.

When you are using the tool on a farm that you have permission to design, the tool menu is slightly different in that you see a choice to use Items from your friends storage. Example: SEP 2020.PNG

The following picture is to explain the difference in the physical space needed to place an item on the farm with the The Purple Freestyle Farm Designer compared to placing it without the tool... HAND.PNG

Normally when you place an item on the farm, you need to have a space the same size or larger than the item you are placing, the example here is for an open pit mine, as indicated by the yellow lines.

With the Purple Freestyle Farm Designer you only need a clear space the size of the area indicated in bold red, which is the same size a single pine tree would use.

Important: The Purple Freestyle Farm Designer will let you buy multiples of Farm Cash Items, as long as you have the Farm Cash available to spend, so be very careful that you are buying the right item before you proceed. As soon as you are done buying the item you want make sure you click on the green man to stop buying!

To use the Freestyle Farm Designer, the tool must be on the farm or in storage.

You can do 2 things. . .
  • If the tool is on your farm, you can click on the tool and click "Edit Items" and then click on the item.
  • However, it is better to place all tools into your Storage. That way you can access all your tools from the Yellow Tool box, on any of your farms, without having to move the tool from farm to farm. You do need to do this if you want to use the Orange or Green Freestyle Farm Designers on another farmers farm (for the Design this Farm Together or Super Neighbour with Design Permissions Features). Once they are in Storage, you can click on the Yellow Toolbox to open it, and then click on the tool you want to use.

    NOTE: Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want.

Rob T Sep 10 2013 08:40 AM

What are the Animal Harvesters?
Q: What are the Animal Harvesters?

A: The animal harvesting tools are used to harvest ALL the animal sheds (providing you have all the tools needed) using the 'Harvest All' button in the facility manager. There are 4 tools.

When you own at least one of these tools it will also mean that the Quest Farm Setting for any farm prevents the animals sheds on those farms related to the tools from being harvested when using the Harvest All at the top of the Facility Manager. This can be useful for quest purposes. For more details on setting a farm as a Quest farm, please click on this link: APR 2019.PNG station.jpg - Milking Station - Harvests ALL dairy sheds in ALL farms that have NOT been set as Quest Farms. set.jpg - Shearing and Cutting set - Harvests ALL wool sheds, rabbit hutches and stables in ALL farms that have NOT been set as Quest Farms. collector.jpg - Egg Collector - Harvests ALL chicken coops in ALL farms that have NOT been set as Quest Farms. collector.jpg - Manure Collector - Harvests ALL pigsties on ALL farms that have NOT been set as Quest Farms.
NOTE: To store manure you must own the manure spreader.

When you own at least one of these tools you can use the Harvest All button located at the top of the Facility Manager. all top.jpg

  • To use these tools you must place them into Storage. It is always best to do this, that way the game can see which tools you own should an upgrade to a tool be released in the future.
    NOTE: Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want.

Rob T Jan 10 2014 11:55 AM

What is the Herding Robot?
What is the Herding Robot?

On 27 FEB,2024, the Herding Robot tool was updated and now has more functions. APR 2019.PNG

The Herding Robot can be used to store animals in their animal sheds, mainly harvestable animals, some but not all of the very old decorative animals.

The Herding Robot also enables buying multiples of some harvestable animals and sends them directly to the relevant animals shed on whichever of your farms you are on that has room for them instead of buying and placing them one by one on the farm and then storing them.

You can not buy multiples and place them on the farm.
Remember animals that are not in animals sheds can be a huge drain on computer resources and make farms slow to load or even impossible for some computers when far too many animals are on a farm.

  • When you own the Herding Robot make sure that you place it into your Item storage, so that it can be used on any of your own farms.

  • You can not use this tool on another farmers farms. They must own it themselves and use it themselves.

  • You can buy multiple on harvestable animals in the store like sheep, llamas, white rabbits, ostriches and peacocks and automatically send them to the animal shed on the farm you are on as long as you have room for them in the animal shed.

  • As long as you can afford it, you could fill a shed with the maximum amount of animals it will hold with one purchase per animal type.

  • You can also buy and send the amount of animals needed to fill the animal shed if it's got some in but not at maximum yet.

  • These new options mean you can easily fill a harvestable animal shed with coin animals very fast. Without it you are buying them one at a time and the counter on the save icon climbs for each purchase making you wait for them to load before you could store them. The more animals you place on a farm, the longer the wait.

  • This tool will not buy multiples of ANY decorative animals in bulk.

  • This tool will not buy Farm Cash Animals in bulk. Farm Cash Animals must still be bought one at a time and placed on a totally CLEAR SPOT on your farm.

Do not buy and place FARM CASH animals without showing EVERYTHING possible on your farms so you can see if there is any clear spot to place them. If you place them where another item is, no matter if it's crop trees, flowers, facilities, buildings, decorations or when there are numerous amounts of those on the farm, your Farm Cash animals can go missing before you get a chance to store them!

Some of the coin animals are quite expensive to buy in bulk for those starting out and not a lot of coins. You may want to consider this before filling any new animal shed form empty to maximum with every kind of coin bought animal it can hold to harvest.

Harvestable sheep for example are only 800 coins each, where as the harvestable ostriches are 50,000 each!

To use the Herding Robot to store working animals that are already placed on your farms, you must have the relevant animal shed on the farm AND have room in the shed on that farm to store them.

Open your yellow toolbox and click on the Herding Robot. TOOLBOX.png

Then click on the animal you want to store. ON SHEEP.png

You will then see how many you will be storing which will be whatever capacity is left in the animals shed for that animal 25 SHEEP.png

If there is room for the animals they will be stored in the shed and you will see the message to confirm how many of which animal were sent to the animal shed. MOVED.png

To buy multiples of coin bought harvestable animals from the store and send then directly to animals sheds on the farm you are on, you must have room in the relevant animals shed on that farm to store them.
Open the Store and click on the Animals section.

Scroll down or search for the animal you wish to buy like sheep, llama, white rabbit, ostrich, peacock.

Mouseover the animals and Multiple will appear.

In these examples we are buying sheep: SHEEP.png

CLICK on Multiple and you will see your buying options. If the shed already has some in it but is not full the maximum you will see the maximum you can buy is the remaining capacity of that animal shed for that animal.

When a specific animal in an animal shed is at maximum for capacity (250 regular sheds, 500 super sheds) when you click on Multiple it will show you information like these: MAXED.png MAXED.png

These are the options shown when there are no sheep in the animal shed: REG SHED.png SHED.png

Scroll down and click on the amount of animals you want to purchase, then you will be shown a popup with information.

These examples are for filling a shed to maximum for regular shed or super shed.

Take note of the type of animal, the amount you are buying and the COST incase you made a mistake or can't afford them. This is your only opportunity to cancel the purchase!!

If the information is correct. Click on the green check mark to buy and store the animal in your animal shed. The coins will be deducted and you can check the animal shed to make sure it is full or the amount you bought was added.
To cancel the purchase, click on the red X instead.

You will then see this type of message when the purchase is successful:

Rob T Mar 14 2014 09:26 AM

What is the Excavator?
Q: What is the Excavator? APR 2019.PNG

A: It is a tool that's used to sell items in bulk from the farm. For protection, this tool will never work with any Farm Cash items OR any Buildings, Trains, Ships, Tools or Facilities.

NOTE: Super Neighbours with the correct design permissions can use this tool on your farm when designing.

For example. If you decided to sell all your water items, it will not sell your Farm Cash waters.

You can use it on any field, plowed fields, growing crop fields, etc but it will always delete and not sell the fields.

Note: When you delete a crop, it does not leave a harvested or plowed field where the crop was planted. It deletes the field it was planted on.

This is an example of the window you will see when you click on a crop to delete it. The top option will delete that specific crop and the fields it is planted on. The second option will let you delete ALL crops and plowed and harvested fields on the farm. options.PNG

Rob T Mar 14 2014 09:28 AM

What is the Tower Crane?
Q:What is the Tower Crane? APR 2019.PNG

A: It is a tool that's used to move items in bulk to storage. This does not work with FarmCash items or facilities.

NOTE: Super Neighbours with design permissions can NOT use this tool on your farms. They do not have access to your item storage and have no way of knowing if you have room for any items in there.

Rob T May 17 2014 03:28 PM

What are the Multi Planters?
Q: What are the Multi Planters?

A: Multi Planters allow you to plant multiples of flowers or trees, from 16 up to 1600 at a time.
There are 7 sizes of Muti Planter tools and they all have several planting options. APR 2020.PNG

They must be bought in size order, so to buy the Multi Planter 8x8 you must first own the Multi Planter 4x4. To buy the Multi Planter 12x12 you must own both the 4x4 and the 8x8 and so on.

The Multi Planter works on both new trees and flowers from the store, those in your gift box and those you have in storage as long as you have enough clear space on your farm to place them.

To use the Multi Planter, the tool must be on the farm or in storage.

You can do 2 things. . .
  • If the tool is on your farm, you can click on the tool and click "Plant Items" and then follow the instructions below.
  • However, if you are wanting to plant from storage you need to place the tool into storage. It is better to place all tools into your Storage. That way the game knows what tools you own should another upgrade be released. You can then access all your tools from the Yellow Tool box, on any of your farms, without having to move the tool from farm to farm. Once they are in Storage, you can click on the Yellow Toolbox to open it, and then click on the tool you want to use.
  • NOTE: Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want.

Buying new flowers or trees from the Store using the Multi Planters:

Click on the Multi Planter you want to use and the store will open.
Once you have chosen which tree or flower you want to plant, then you can choose from one of the following 6 patterns in which to plant them. patterns.jpg
Click on the pattern you want to use and as you click on the farm it will plant those in that pattern.

Using the Multi Planters to plant flowers or trees from storage:
  • Open your Storage to the Item section.
  • Find the trees or flowers you wish to plant. You may find it easier to either use the search box to find them or filter Item Storage to trees or flowers.
  • Hover over the box containing the flower or tree and you will see a Multi button with a drop down arrow to the right and also a Use button. (The Use button is for planting one by one.) MULTI USE.png

To use the Multi Planter click on Multi and a list will appear showing you the available sizes as shown below. OPTIONS.png

Click on the size you want to use and then you will then be shown the planting patterns for you to choose from. Click on the pattern and as you click on the farm, it will plant what you have selected in the pattern you chose until you run out of those in storage.

As of April 2020, the Multi Planters can now overhang the bottom edges of the farm so you don't have to switch to using a smaller tool to get it to fit within the farm. This is useful when you want to add trees or flowers to the bottom edges of an upgraded farm size.

Tiger Oct 13 2015 05:29 PM

What are the Transplanters?
Q. What are the Transplanters?

There are Transplanters for moving or duplicating trees/flowers that are on a farm as long as those trees and flowers can be bought in the store and are NOT gift only. For example Cork Oak Tree and Glad flowers can not be bought from the Store.

There is also an Ex Transplanter. This tool can transplant or duplicate up to 1600 of most coin bought trees and flowers, waters, coin facilities, coin tools, in season decorations and any earned farm pass decorations that you may be using to decorate farms. It has different sizes you could use.
It also has Highlight or Extent mode. There are exceptions to what it can transplant or duplicate, so please make sure to read all the information before you purchase and then use this tool!

NOTE: None of the Transplanters, including the EX Transplanter, can move anything on a farm to different farm.

Transplanters are upgrades to the Multi Planter tools. They will transplant trees and or flowers from one part of the farm to another part of the same farm as long as you have enough clear space on your farm to move them to. To buy one of these you must first own the same size Multi Planter.

To buy the Transplanter 4x4, you must first own the Multi Planter 4x4
To buy the Transplanter 8x8, you must own both the Multi Planter 4x4, Multi Planter 8x8 and Transplanter 4x4.

4x4 Transplanter will move up to 16 trees or flowers.
8x8 Transplanter will move up to 64 trees or flowers.
12x12 Transplanter will move up to 144 trees or flowers.
16x16 Transplanter will move up to 256 trees or flowers.
24x24 Transplanter will move up to 576 trees or flowers.
32x32 Transplanter will move up to 1024 trees or flowers.
40x40 Transplanter will move up to 1600 trees or flowers.
Your Transplanter must be on the farm or in storage. It's always best to add your tools to your item storage so that you can use them on any of your farms and for when you want to upgrade to a bigger tool!!! Storing Farm Cash tools does not use any of your Item capacity.

There are methods to pick the Transplanter up to use:
  • If the tool is on your farm, you can click on the tool and in the menu that shows, click on "Transplant Items"

  • If the tool is in your Item storage you can open your toolbox and click on the transplanter that you want to use.

To Use the Transplanter:

Click on the size of transplanter that you own and want to use, you will see the transplanter menu with options to chose from:
  • A check box option to Duplicate the flowers or trees you click on instead of moving them.
  • All trees AND All flowers
  • All trees OR All flowers
  • Specific trees OR flowers JULY 2024.png

When moving trees or flowers:
  1. Click on one of the blue buttons that has the option that you want to use.
  2. Move the tool over the trees/flowers that you want to move to highlight them.
  3. When you have highlighted them click on them to pick them up.
  4. Move to a big enough clear spot on your farm where you want to place them.
  5. Green area under the trees or flowers means you can place them.
    Red means there is something in the way preventing you placing them.
  6. To set them down, click in that spot and your items will be placed.

When Duplicating instead of moving trees or flowers .
  • To use this, add a check mark to the box for Duplicate Pattern then click on one of the blue buttons that has the option that you want to use.
  • Then click on one which trees/flowers you want to duplicate.
  • Move the tool over the trees/flowers that you want to duplicate and plant to highlight them.
  • When you have highlighted them click on them to copy them. You will see a brief notification of the amount you are duplicating and cost. COST.png
  • Move to a big enough clear spot on your farm where you want to place them.
  • Green area under the trees or flowers means you can place them. Red means there is something in the way preventing you placing them.
  • To set them down, click in that spot. Your items will be placed and your coins will be deducted for your purchase. DEDUCTED.png

The EX Transplanter transplants or duplicates more than trees and flowers.
The Ex Transplanter is NOT a bigger size Transplanter!!

  • IMPORTANT: It is possible to duplicate coin facilities and coin tools with the EX Transplanter.

    Duplicating coin facilities does NOT change the rule that a duplicated facility behaves as decoration and does not provide more products than only one facility on the farm can. Some designers will use facilities as part of a design so may want more than one on a farm for decoration purposes.

    If you do not need to duplicate a facility or coin tool on your farm for decorative purposes make sure that you remove the check marks for Show Regular Facilities, Show Service Facilities and Show Tools before you use the Duplicate option on the EX Transplanter.

    When you duplicate Items, there is a brief notification that tells you how many items your are duplicating and the cost. Please pay attention to those figures!!!!

    If you think you are only duplicating a few items and the amount of items it shows is much higher, consider if the possible reason could be due to hiding facilities underneath large decorative items, which can be one with some of the freestyle designers.

  • Once you have placed any duplicated items the purchase can NOT be reversed.

  • You will need enough clear space on your farm to move or duplicate items, if the items won't place show everything in your preferences to see if anything may be in the way of you placing them.

  • The EX Transplanter has Highlight and Extent Mode. Highlight will highlight your items, Extent Mode shows a yellow squared area instead of highlighting the items. It will be up to you you to check which method will work better for what you want to transplant or Duplicate.

    If you have never used Highlight or Extent mode on other tools, when you use the tool a copy of the tool will be bottom right of your game screen. Clicking on that icon shows you the Highlight and Extent mode options. The top one is Highlight. The one below with the yellow box is Extent. Click on the option you want to use and the menu will close. MODE.png

Highlight (left picture) or Extent mode (right picture). EXTENT.png

Using the EX Transplanter shows you a different menu to the other Transplanters, you have more options to use.

You can transplant OR duplicate coin items which includes:
  • Trees Only
  • Flowers Only
  • Trees AND Flowers
  • Buildings and Decorations
  • All of the Above which includes...
    coin facilities
    coin tools
    coin waters
    coin decorations in the store that are not seasonal.
    seasonal decor that ARE available to buy in the store at that time, not the rest.
    Farm Pass decorations you have already earned. JULY 2024.png

    This tool DOES NOT transplant or duplicate the following Items:
  • Any Farm Cash Items (facilities, decor, tools)
  • Trains (decorative or working)
  • Ships
  • crops, plowed or harvested fields.
  • Seasonal decorations that are NOT also available to buy in the store at that time.

When Transplanting Items to another spot on your farm:
  1. You still need clear space on your farm to be able to transplant items to another area.

  2. Click on the Ex Transplanter to use it.

  3. At the bottom of the window you can click on the drop down menu to select the size that you want to use. From 16 items up to 1600 items.

  4. Click on one of the blue buttons that has the option that you want to use.
    You can then choose if you wish to use Highlight or Extent Mode.

  5. Move the tool over the Items that you want to move to highlight them or when using Extent mode move the yellow square so the items you want to move are within that squared area.

  6. When you have highlighted them, click on them to pick them up.

  7. Move your items to the clear spot on your farm where you want to place them.

  8. To set them down, click in that clear spot and your items will be placed.

When Duplicating instead of moving Items:
  1. Click on the Ex Transplanter to use it.

  2. At the top of the window you can click on the drop down menu to select the size that you want to use. From 16 items up to 1600 items.

  3. Add a check mark to the box at the top of the window for Duplicate Pattern.

  4. Then click on one of the blue buttons to chose what you want to Duplicate.

  5. Move the tool over the Items that you want to Duplicate to highlight them or when using Extent mode move the yellow square to move items within that squared area.

  6. When you have highlighted them, click on them to pick them up.

  7. Read the information in the first notification! This is your only opportunity to change your mind.
    It tells you how many items you are buying AND the cost! COST.png

    If you do not wish to proceed, click on the Green Man to stop using the tool and your purchase will be cancelled.

  8. If you are happy with your selection and the cost, move your items to the clear spot on your farm.

  9. When you click on that area to place them your items will be placed AND the cost of duplicating them will be deducted from your coins. DEDUCTED.png

  10. If you wish to continue duplicating your items you can click on another clear area to carry on purchasing and placing them. Each time you place them your coins are deducted.

  11. To stop using the tool click on the green man in your game bar. MAN.png

Tiger Oct 13 2015 05:42 PM

What are the Gifting Machines?
What are the Gifting Machines?

Some Gifting Machines decrease the time until you can send gift again,
Some Gifting Machines increasing the amount of gifts you receive.
Some Gifting Machines increase your Gift Boc Capacity. MAR 2024.png

Without the tools you can send gifts every 8 hours and have a maximum of 150 gifts in your gift box.

Gifting Machine (Grey in colour) lets you send gifts every 4 hours.
Gifting Machine (Red) lets you send gifts every 3 hours.
Gifting Machine (Orange) lets you send gifts every 2 hours.

Gifting Machine (Green) doubles the amount of gifts you receive..
Gifting Machine (Pink) gives you 3 gifts for every 1 that you accept.
Gifting Machine (Yellow) gives you 4 gifts for every 1 that you accept.

Gifting Machine (Purple) expands your Gift Box capacity to 500.
Gifting Machine (Brown) expands your Gift Box capacity to 1000.
Gifting Machine (Blue) expands your Gift Box capacity to 2000.
Gifting Machine (Light Blue) expands your Gift Box capacity to 4000.

*NOTE* For the tools that multiply gifts This ONLY applies to crops, trees, flowers, animals that can be harvested (horses, cows, hens, turkeys, goats, geese), freshwater bait, seawater bait and production ingredients.

The amount of Bonuses and ingredients you can have in your gift box remains the same at around 130.

You must buy the previous tool in order to buy the next one. So to buy the Red gifting tool, you must first own the Grey one and so on.

These tools must be placed in your Item Storage to work Once they are there you don't have to do anything with them, the game will recognize which ones you own.

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