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Rob T Jul 23 2010 09:20 AM

Receiving-sending-exchanging Gifts
This thread is for reporting problems concerning any problems with gifts.

Please read the following information BEFORE posting in this thread.

Thank you.


CLICK HERE to see how use the NEW - Gift Manager and to see what the changes are with the Send Gifts tab and My Requests tab on the Website.

Send Gifts tab and the My Requests tab are deactivated!
You will see messages on both of those tabs directing you to use the Gift Manager within the game.
Train Boosts, Neighbour and Buddy Requests are also now done in game and not from My Requests.

For Instructions on how to send Farm Cash and Farm Cash Items and the Rules which are different if you created an account after the 28th July 2023 CLICK HERE


UPDATE March 28th, 2024 There is a now Gift box icon on a received in game message. If you have not already sent that farmer a gift it's another way to send one. When clicked on if you can send a gift it will show you the Send Gifts section of the Gift Manger. If you can't send one, you will see a generic notification that one can not be sent.

UPDATE July 28th, 5:20PM There is a new rule for *new* players signing up in the new website when sending Farm Cash gifts to other players.
They can send as much Farm Cash as they have bought themselves, Farm Cash earned by leveling up or any other way cannot be sent to other players. This is to mitigate the creation of fake accounts in the new website with the sole purpose of leveling up and sending Farm Cash to other players.
Rules for accounts created BEFORE that date remain the same as they were.

General rules for gifting:
  1. You can send gifts every 8 hours.

  2. If you own the Gifting Machines you can send more often, increase gifts received and increase gift box capacity for gifts (not ingredients).

  3. times.png If you can't remember when you last sent gifts today you can open your tool box and click on the Show Times icon (clock). Look in the Gamewide section for Resend Gifts. If you have a green check mark next to that you can send gifts. If there is a time showing instead of a green check mark, that is how long you have to wait until you can send them again.

  4. The Pending section can show you up to 100 gifts at a time.

  5. Over 1600 Gifts on the number on your Pending section of the Gift Manager and you can start running into problems with no more gifts being added. If you get to over 1000 then the safest thing to do is start accepting them.

  6. There are a few things to keep in mind if you are not accepting gifts daily or get a considerable mount of them daily:

    1. The amount of Neighbours and Buddies that you have, that could be sending you gifts either daily or multiple times a day. Some farmers will have the gifting machines that allow them to send as often as every 2 hours so some could be sending gifts more often daily than other farmers will be able to.

    2. Pending gifts that are not accepted in a 60 day time frame will be removed automatically.

  7. Other Wall Requests - when sending a Requested gift like a "Send Hen Eggs" you can just click on the link and it will be sent without loading the game or you needing to reload the Other Wall Requests page.

  8. Your My Gifts Section can hold up to 130 ingredients/bonuses.

Experiencing Difficulties With Gifting?:

  • You can only send gifts to those that are on your Neighbour or Buddy List.

    If you receive a gift from someone that is not on your Neighbour or Buddy List you will need to add them as either a Neighbour or a Buddy for them to show up on one of your Lists to be able to send them gifts regularly and easily.

  • If you you know your friends have sent you gifts today but they are not showing up in Pending Gifts of the Gift Manager Requests try clearing your Farm Town Memcache then reload the the game.
    To clear your FT memcache Click Here. A window will open with a list of "unsetting", that is the memcache being cleared. Close that window and FT if you have it open in another window. Then check again.

  • You can also try logging out of the website, close your browser and log back in. You will need to know your login details before you do this.

  • Make sure you are regularly checking for computer and browser updates and doing your routine browser clearing. You can also ty clearing your Browser's cache/history, then close and reopen your browser.
    Click HERE for instructions on clearing your browser's cache.

  • When exchanging gifts, remember, you need to click on the 'exchange' button after choosing a new gift. Otherwise, you will receive the original gift that was sent to you.

  • When posting in this thread the moderation team may need to visit your farm so please include a link to your farm in your post. The Link your Account at the top of the forum plays up sometimes so you will need to do so manually.
    Click HERE for instructions on how to get your Farm link.

To make suggestion for Gifts please post in Gifts on the gift page/gifting

This thread is for players to report problems only. Any off topic posts will be removed by a moderator without notice to the user.

cactuzlady Feb 10 2022 10:25 AM

....I recently purchased the red gift machine which should multiply my gifts by 4 however I am only receiving times 3......

Taz D Feb 10 2022 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by cactuzlady (Post 6483806)
....I recently purchased the red gift machine which should multiply my gifts by 4 however I am only receiving times 3......

Hi cactuzlady,
Please provide your Farm Town ID so we can check this. You can find that number in the banner above your farm.

PapaDoe Feb 28 2022 10:07 AM

Can I send my neighbor a Farm Cash facility? How do I do that without her having to buy it from me.

Taz D Feb 28 2022 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by PapaDoe (Post 6485434)
Can I send my neighbor a Farm Cash facility? How do I do that without her having to buy it from me.

Hi PapaDoe,
Yes you can but you can't send them one you already own.

You have to go to the store, find the one you want to get for them and click on Send instead of Buy. Then it will show you a list of your neighbors to send it to.

tripod Mar 03 2022 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 6484910)
Hi tripod :)

I moved your post to the thread about Gifts.

Are you getting the friends lists when you try to send gifts or trains boost requests?

Please be sure your browser is up to date and also if 3rd party cookies and pop ups are still allowed in that browser.
You have instructions on how to check cookies and pop ups in the following thread:

If those dont work for you, then try the same but using another updated browser which also had 3rd party cookies and pop ups allowed.

i am getting the same error access denied when i try to send out my trains again this morning... i have allowed 3rd party pop ups and cookies.....ugg

marymarcel Mar 03 2022 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by tripod (Post 6485770)
i am getting the same error access denied when i try to send out my trains again this morning... i have allowed 3rd party pop ups and cookies.....ugg

Hi tripod :)

Be sure your browser is up to data and also if you have any pending update for Windows or Mac in case you use it.

Please close your browser and restart your computer and see if that cleared the error.

You can also try another updated browser with 3rd party cookies and pop ups allowed.

If you wish you can contact Support. To contact them click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.

You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.

If you dont find the automatic response, then read the following thread:

sandrajean Mar 04 2022 01:05 PM

Getting Blocked from Game
I have played this game for many years. While getting gifts in the Free FT gifts option and or clicking on posts for ingredients, I get blocked. This is taking the fun out of this game. I am not enjoying feeling like I am doing to well in the game. What is going on. This has NEVER happened before. I am not playing any differently now as I have played in the past. Used to love playing but now...not so much.

marymarcel Mar 04 2022 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by sandrajean (Post 6485854)
I have played this game for many years. While getting gifts in the Free FT gifts option and or clicking on posts for ingredients, I get blocked. This is taking the fun out of this game. I am not enjoying feeling like I am doing to well in the game. What is going on. This has NEVER happened before. I am not playing any differently now as I have played in the past. Used to love playing but now...not so much.

Hi sandrajean :)

I moved your post about Gifting.

You are being blocked by Facebook not from the game.

Those sites are not supported by Slashkey but we know that some of them had problems when their users try to get gifts in block.

You have to contact those sites administrators or send a complain to Facebook if you wish.

Karlene Mar 04 2022 04:23 PM

Error when sending gifts
At times, when I'm sending gifts back to those who have sent me a gift, I will click to send to all, but a window pops up saying there is an error. It doesn't happen always. But it's happening more often than usual. Is this something other players are experiencing? Thanks :)

marymarcel Mar 04 2022 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Karlene (Post 6485866)
At times, when I'm sending gifts back to those who have sent me a gift, I will click to send to all, but a window pops up saying there is an error. It doesn't happen always. But it's happening more often than usual. Is this something other players are experiencing? Thanks :)

Hi Karlene :)

Is that error saying something about Invalid Token error?

If so, I only got it once. I only closed Facebook and then reopen and it was fixed.
But if that doesnt work for you, then please check if your browser is up to date and if 3rd party cookies are still allowed in your browser.
You have instructions to check those in the following link:

Karlene Mar 04 2022 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 6485870)
Hi Karlene :)

Is that error saying something about Invalid Token error?

If so, I only got it once. I only closed Facebook and then reopen and it was fixed.
But if that doesnt work for you, then please check if your browser is up to date and if 3rd party cookies are still allowed in your browser.
You have instructions to check those in the following link:

Thank you, Mary. I will try it, if it happens again.

CBenson Mar 07 2022 10:35 AM

Error message, need help!
1 Attachment(s)
user ID 1056527983
cannot send gifts or boost trains for several months now
I play the game on my Android phone using Puffin browser

Taz D Mar 07 2022 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by CBenson (Post 6486058)
user ID 1056527983
cannot send gifts or boost trains for several months now
I play the game on my Android phone using Puffin browser

Hi CBenson,
I moved your post to the subject thread about gifts as that is where you are getting this error message.
The only thing I can think of would be this is a Puffin error and not something from the game. I am sorry, but the game does not support playing on phones or tablets and have not developed anything for this. There is nothing we can do or offer to help with this.
The only information we have on Puffin is in the following link:

photolady58 Mar 15 2022 04:27 PM

game problems
I haven't been able to send gifts or post facilities for quite a while. when I go to post the final box that appears to post to wall doesn't appear. I'm not sure what to do. The last update I show is Feb. 5th and it was a couple weeks after that, that this happened. Hopefully you have a fix for this.

Kay Hollis
ID #1038649879

marymarcel Mar 15 2022 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by photolady58 (Post 6486838)
I haven't been able to send gifts or post facilities for quite a while. when I go to post the final box that appears to post to wall doesn't appear. I'm not sure what to do. The last update I show is Feb. 5th and it was a couple weeks after that, that this happened. Hopefully you have a fix for this.

Kay Hollis
ID #1038649879

Hi photolady58 :)

I moved your post to the thread about gifts as that was the first problem you mentioned.

Please check if your browser is up to date and also if you have any pending update for Windows or Mac in case you use it.

Also, be sure that 3rd party cookies and pop ups are still allowed in your browser as those are necessary to be able to post to facebook.

If you need instructions, please visit the following link:

debhurst51 Mar 18 2022 07:14 AM

Good morning, I "received" my 8 gifts but they didn't show up in my gift box. I'm struggling to get enough cinnamon trees & now this> I know it's just a game. Please help.

pdsegida Mar 18 2022 07:19 AM

I am unable to help with your problem but if you need a gifting neighbor, please feel free to add me. Pam Segida

Tiger Mar 18 2022 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by debhurst51 (Post 6487154)
Good morning, I "received" my 8 gifts but they didn't show up in my gift box. I'm struggling to get enough cinnamon trees & now this> I know it's just a game. Please help.

Hi debhurst51,

I've just exchanged gifts for cinnamon trees and did not get any issues myself.

It's possible that those gifts may have been gifts you've accepted before and for some reason just did not clear from My Requests. If that is the case then that's why you did not get any and they may also be holding up newer gifts from showing to you.

I can see that you have cleared your memcache already today so you do not need to run that again. That may solve the recent issue you've just had.
It's entirely up to you if you want to see if you also have problems with new gifts that are sent today or or over the next couple of days or if you want to go ahead and run through what is on the list of things to check for now, that are listed below to eliminate those as a possible cause.
  • If you have not already done so please check that your browser is still showing up to date, update it if it needs it, clear the caches/history, then close the browser for a few minutes before you reopen it again.

  • Check My Requests and see if those gifts that you just exchanged for cinnamon trees from the same friends are still there. They may be showing as the original gift sent not the cinnamon trees that you tried to exchange them for.

    Then please click on this link and see if those gifts are also showing up in Facebooks games activity area.

    If they are there, you need to click the X on each of them to clear them out. Please do not try to exchange them, that won't work, they need to be cleared out of that area.

  • Please do not try to boost any friends trains from there as it won't work, do those from the game or from the My Requests area, however if you have no boosts showing up in the train manager or in My Requests but they are in that Facebook games activity section, then those also need the X clicked on to clear them out as they may also be stuck.

Qivis Mar 19 2022 03:36 PM

It took me four uses of the link to clear the Farm Town memory cache before the pears I was placing were acknowledged by the game as not in the gift box. While I normally would not complain about getting extra pear trees that I have not really been sent, it did prevent me from collecting pork as it kept saying my gift box was nearly full after I had already placed my pear trees on my 27th farm.

Oops. Forgot give my user number of 602895328.

Treva S Mar 19 2022 03:37 PM

Issues with game accepting gifts received
Acct ID: 100002550010103

I have gifts to accept and it says they are accepted, but they are not removed from the gifts list and added to my game for use.

marymarcel Mar 19 2022 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Treva S (Post 6487602)
Acct ID: 100002550010103

I have gifts to accept and it says they are accepted, but they are not removed from the gifts list and added to my game for use.

Hi Treva S :)

I moved your post to the thread about gifts.

It looks as you have stuck gifts in your My Requests tab, then please click on this link and see if those gifts are showing up, take in mind that page can only show you up to 100 at a time: Facebook Games Activity

If those gifts were stuck gifts meaning they had already been accepted but had not cleared, then accepting them even in the games/activity will not give them to you again in the gift box. It is better to delete them one by one. You will have to clear them out of that section by clicking the X instead of Accept to clear them all out.

Taz D Mar 19 2022 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Qivis (Post 6487598)
It took me four uses of the link to clear the Farm Town memory cache before the pears I was placing were acknowledged by the game as not in the gift box. While I normally would not complain about getting extra pear trees that I have not really been sent, it did prevent me from collecting pork as it kept saying my gift box was nearly full after I had already placed my pear trees on my 27th farm.

Oops. Forgot give my user number of 602895328.

H i Qivis,
I moved your post to the Help & Support thread about gifts.
From what I see you have 2040 pork in your gift box currently, so I can't see that it prevented you from getting the pork. When it tells you your gift box is full then it does not process any of the gifts. You do not lose them.

KBWolfen Mar 20 2022 09:46 AM

Issue sending gifts
1811911935 I can not send gifts - after clicking on farmers list, it just spins and never loads. It doesn't matter what browser I use. I have clear everything possible & nothing works. I used my mom's log in and can send gifts so it's not my computer or browser. Thank you.

marymarcel Mar 20 2022 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by KBWolfen (Post 6487758)
1811911935 I can not send gifts - after clicking on farmers list, it just spins and never loads. It doesn't matter what browser I use. I have clear everything possible & nothing works. I used my mom's log in and can send gifts so it's not my computer or browser. Thank you.

Hi KBWolfen :)

I moved your post to the thread about Gifts.

Please check if 3rd party cookies and pop ups are still allowed in your browser.
You have instructions on how to do that in the following link>

Also be sure your browser is up to date and check if you have any pending update for Windows or Mac in case you use it.

The other problem you could have to not let your friends list is you have many friends playing the game and Facebook has a limit on how many you can see.

If that is the problem, then please take a look to see if you can delete some of them in case they are playing anymore. You can also go to your My Neighbors tab, DO NOT put a check mark for Show Active Players only option and set Players by Activity to see when was the last time they played the game.

If nothing works for you, then try another updated browser with 3rd party cookies and pop ups allowed in it.

Mary Mary Ann Mar 21 2022 03:43 PM

ID number ( 100000005439540 ) Still unable to send gifts. I can return gifts to those who send to me but cannot initiate gifting. When I go to the page to send, I get a continuing circling circle.

Taz D Mar 21 2022 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Mary Mary Ann (Post 6488006)
ID number ( 100000005439540 ) Still unable to send gifts. I can return gifts to those who send to me but cannot initiate gifting. When I go to the page to send, I get a continuing circling circle.

Hi Mary Mary Ann,
I moved your post to the Help & Support thread about gifts.
Please check if 3rd party cookies and pop ups are still allowed in your browser.
You have instructions on how to do that in the following link>

Also be sure your browser is up to date and check if you have any pending update for Windows or Mac in case you use it.

The other problem you could have that prevents your friends list from showing is you have too many Facebook friends playing the game and Facebook has a limit on how many you can see.

If that is the problem, then please take a look to see if you can delete some of them in case they are playing anymore. You can also go to your My Neighbors tab, DO NOT put a check mark for Show Active Players only option and set Players by Activity to see when was the last time they played the game.

If nothing works for you, then try another updated browser with 3rd party cookies and pop ups allowed in it.

Alexandra_J Mar 21 2022 04:24 PM

How many gift wise for example fuel is your gift box meant to hold if you haven't got the gifting things? The reason why I ask is because I'm only recieving 198 or less (and I can only accept 2-3 pages worth of gifts until I have to empty to accept more gifts).

It says 50 per page. Can't you put it up to 1,000 gifts per page?

Taz D Mar 21 2022 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Alexandra_J (Post 6488014)
How many gift wise for example fuel is your gift box meant to hold if you haven't got the gifting things? The reason why I ask is because I'm only recieving 198 or less (and I can only accept 2-3 pages worth of gifts until I have to empty to accept more gifts).

It says 50 per page. Can't you put it up to 1,000 gifts per page?

Hi Alexandra J,
According to the Game Guide chapter on gifts you will be able to keep 150 gifts on your Gift Box plus about 130 Bonuses and Ingredient Packs at the same time. Since you have gone over that then I would say you are lucky.
If you want to make a suggestion for a change please post it in the Suggestions section.

RAlink Mar 30 2022 09:35 AM

For some reason I do NOT receive gifts from other neighbors for the last 5 days. I do not know how to fix the problem.

marymarcel Mar 30 2022 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by RAlink (Post 6489054)
For some reason I do NOT receive gifts from other neighbors for the last 5 days. I do not know how to fix the problem.

Hi Robert :)

Does it mean that you do not have any gifts when you click in your My Requests tab?

If so, it is a random problem that happens sometimes. It is a case of the data not transferring from Facebook to Farm Town as the gift processing is done through Facebook. Most of the time they will show back up in a few days in your My Requests.

You can check the following link and see if your gifts are there Facebook Games Activity

If they are, then you can accept them through there or wait and see if they will show back up in your My Requests. Please visit the following link to know how to work through the Activity page:

You can try clearing your memcache (link below), a new window will open with a short list of unsettings. Close that window and your farm if it is open in another tab. Then reopen your farms.

JNelson Apr 02 2022 05:30 PM

i am getting an invalid access token on a few accounts when exchanging gifts or trying to send them,,, how do i fix that,,,, browser DOES have cookies and pop up allowed and i have no issues with other accounts on same browser, so got to be account specific

just figured it out, seems browser settings dont transefer account to account have to set for each specific account, pop ups were turned off for the ones i had trouble with, re allowed and reloaded brower,,, ugah..

marymarcel Apr 02 2022 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by JNelson (Post 6489522)
i am getting an invalid access token on a few accounts when exchanging gifts or trying to send them,,, how do i fix that,,,, browser DOES have cookies and pop up allowed and i have no issues with other accounts on same browser, so got to be account specific

Hi JNelson :)

I got this issue once, I only closed and restarted my browser and it was fixed.

If that doesnt work for you, then check your browser is up to date and you could also clear your browser cache.

JNelson Apr 03 2022 07:36 AM

This content is no longer available
The content you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.

How do I fix this one, tried everything I can think of, I get it when trying to collect or send gifts

marymarcel Apr 03 2022 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by JNelson (Post 6489570)
This content is no longer available
The content you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.

How do I fix this one, tried everything I can think of, I get it when trying to collect or send gifts

Hi JNelson :)

As you know that message is from Facebook, you can click in the x to close it but as far as we know, it will show up again when you try to do other things.

Did you get a warning from facebook saying whatever you were doing was against their community rules? If so, then you could be temporaly blocked by facebook and that is why you are receiving that message.

If you wish you could contact facebook by using the Report a problem option.

JNelson Apr 03 2022 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 6489582)
Hi JNelson :)

As you know that message is from Facebook, you can click in the x to close it but as far as we know, it will show up again when you try to do other things.

Did you get a warning from facebook saying whatever you were doing was against their community rules? If so, then you could be temporaly blocked by facebook and that is why you are receiving that message.

If you wish you could contact facebook by using the Report a problem option.

no i not in facebook jail and gotten no notices from Facebook, it only shows up when i try to exchange gifts in the 'my requests' so far no other time and not having any other issues

marymarcel Apr 03 2022 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by JNelson (Post 6489642)
no i not in facebook jail and gotten no notices from Facebook, it only shows up when i try to exchange gifts in the 'my requests' so far no other time and not having any other issues

Hi JNelson :)

If you wish you can report this to Facebook and also to Support team.

granniejane Apr 07 2022 11:32 AM

I'm not sure if I am in the right location but here goes. I have lost all my gifts they disappeared over night.

Tiger Apr 07 2022 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by granniejane (Post 6490150)
I'm not sure if I am in the right location but here goes. I have lost all my gifts they disappeared over night.

Hi granniejane,

It sounds like you have the same problem you've had before. It's possible that may be temporary.

Ask your friends if they have sent you any gifts today to see if new ones are not making it to your My Requests page either.

Are you loading the game from the Facebook link for Farm Town on the left side of your Facebook News feed? if not try that to make sure you're in the current version of the game.

Have you kept up to date with your browser updates and done any browser clearing recently?

If they still don't show up try clearing your FT memcache to make sure nothing in your game data is causing it. To do that Click Here. A window will open with a list of "unsetting", that is the memcache being cleared. Close that window and FT if you have it open in another window. Update and clear your browser if you have not done so recently, then close the browser for a few minute, reopen it and then see if any gifts show up for you.

If they don't they may return again in a day or so.

There are other thing you could try if you wish, but start with those and see how you get on. If you want to check more things you might not have thought of, please come back and let us know and we will try to help further.

houston_maverick Apr 07 2022 04:08 PM

FC gifts not sent
I tried to send the new semi to a friend two times. Both times it took my farm cash but the friend didnt get the semi's. Any way to get a refund?:D:D

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