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marymarcel Jan 29 2016 04:58 PM

Best Farm Contest-8th February - 29th February, 2016
Best Farm Contest - 8th February - 29th February

Hi Farmers!

Welcome to our Official February Competition!! EN ESPAÑOL AQUI // En français ici

This month's theme is "Be My Valentine", so post here your fabulous farms and get the chance to win some Farm Cash.

What we are looking for is what Valentines day means to you. You can create pictures to represent the feeling of Valentine or create a farm design which represents what romantic things you would do to celebrate on Valentines day. Your design must be the main foucus of your farm and not just be a small portion of the farm.

Prizes are as follows, divided into 2 Categories:


1st Prize - 120 Farm Cash
2nd Prize - 75 Farm Cash
3rd Prize - 50 Farm Cash


1st Prize - 120 Farm Cash
2nd Prize - 75 Farm Cash
3rd Prize - 50 Farm Cash

Please, do not enter your farm without reading this ENTIRE post. Thanks!

The competition will begin on Monday, February 8th at midnight, and will close on Monday, February 29th at midnight. The winners will be announced a few days later after the closing, depending on how many entries there are, as every entry has to be checked.

Note: All times are in GMT

Contest Guidelines:
  • Use your great imagination to show us which is the meaning of "Be My Valentine" for you.
  • You can use any items from the Store, Gifts or your Storage.
  • You can choose between a "picture farm" or a traditional farm.
  • You will be able to harvest any crops, trees etc. Crops must be in place at the close of the competition, and can be any crop, but they either must be growing or fully grown and not wasted. This also applies to trees and flowers. You can chop/harvest trees and flowers, but they will need to be at full growth, by the time the competition closes.

Contest Rules:
  • You have to be a member of the Forum.
  • Your farm can be any size.
  • Your entry needs to be a picture of your farm. Do not post a picture on behalf of someone else.
  • One farm entry per contestant. Do not start another forum account to enter another farm.
  • Be sure you are entering the correct farm and picture for your entry as you may not change your mind once entered. You cant add/delete any items on your farms once you posted your photo into the contest. NOTICE: If new items are released AFTER you have entered you are not allowed to make additions to your entry, so please be sure you are done.
  • Your farm photo must be an exact replica of your farm. Do not hide ANYTHING to take your photo.
  • You cant redecorate the farm you have entered into the contest until the winners have been announced.
  • You have to provide the following information: A photo of the farm that you wish to enter. The link to the farm you are entering. The name that you have given that farm and the farm number

Links to help you:

How do I post a picture for the Contest? Please remember, you must use the Small size while taking your photo as the Regular and Large sizes are too big for the forum. If you choose the wrong size, then we will delete your post and will send you a private message asking you to take a new photo using the right size. NOTICE: Your farm photo MUST be set to Public or we will not be able to help you if your entry needs fixing. To set the photo to Public, please open your Farm town album, and click in your photo. You will see the photo and on the right you will see your name and the date, besides the date you can see who are able to see that photo. Click there and set it to Public.
ALSO, remember to remove the check mark if you have set that farm as PRIVATE, so we can visit it.

Linking your farm to the Forum Please remember we need the link to the farm you are entering.

Contest Help Please post here if you have any questions or requests for help.

The judges are as follows:

Moderators: Taz D, marymarcel, Tiger Laybourne, KnightRider and crafty chris.
Helpers: HelenJS22 and LazyMare

Thank you for sharing your farms and GOOD LUCK!!!

Taz D Feb 07 2016 06:00 PM

It is with great pleasure I am opening the February contest. Good luck to all those who enter.:)
Be sure you read all the rules and understand them. If you don't understand something please ask in the Contest Help thread.

cleotanglao Feb 07 2016 09:44 PM


Happy Valentines.. EvErYoNe.. Feb 10 2016 08:14 AM

Valentine's Day Getaway

Would love to go to somewhere like this.


JanWhite Feb 10 2016 12:21 PM

Love is in the Air

liz4 Feb 11 2016 01:14 AM

12-vd16-where will you be?

Hen3 Feb 11 2016 03:24 PM

sumrbear Feb 12 2016 01:54 AM

True Love farm 24

Becca111 Feb 13 2016 03:17 PM

" Be My Valentine" farm # 28


Melliez Feb 14 2016 01:09 AM

Sleepless In Seattle Farm # 1

mtruncali Feb 14 2016 07:57 AM

Valentine's Day Wedding..Happy Valentine's Day!

rodriguezluis Feb 14 2016 02:18 PM


Mi Granja 11
Aqui Mi Link

Feliz Dìa De San Valentin A Tod@s ;)

HiHoSilver Feb 15 2016 05:57 PM

Hearts & Flowers

#24 Hearts & Flowers

Morag57 Feb 16 2016 12:46 PM

When I'm 64 - Valentine's Farm Farm n 1
My Farm is inspired by the Beatles song WHEN I'M 64 - with an extra maze where at the foot of Cupid the saxophonist plays the song of the Liverpool quartet that is the soundtrack to the couple

- When I get older losing my hair many years from now,will you still be sending me a Valentine,birthday greeting, bottle of wine ?
If I'd been out till quarter to three would you lock the door? Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I'm sixty-four?
You'll be older too and if you say the word I could stay with you
I could be handy, mending a fuse when your lights have gone You can knit a sweater by the fireside Sunday mornings go for a ride Doing the garden, digging the weeds Who could ask for more?
Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I'm sixty-four?
Every summer we can rent a cottage in the Isle of Wight if it's not too dear We shall scrimp and save Grandchildren on your knee Vera, Chuck & Dave
Send me a postcard, drop me a line Stating point of view Indicate precisely what you mean to say Yours sincerely, wasting away
Give me your answer, fill in a form Mine for evermore
Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I'm sixty-four? Ho! Feb 17 2016 11:37 AM

Eternal love

Dustin M Feb 17 2016 03:23 PM

Touch Of Love farm 23

Ceci´s Farm Feb 17 2016 06:30 PM

Farm 1,

Friednship, family, love, and a very nice place to be

cham Feb 17 2016 07:27 PM

Amor y amistad
Granja 24 -

sewbee2 Feb 17 2016 11:00 PM

My Valentine Farm 20

caro_gordon Feb 18 2016 11:23 AM

"The Surprise"

"The Surprise"

Farm 20

Aneida Feb 18 2016 04:13 PM

My FT #10 is Called "Beloved"
I selected my theme to be a wedding. I have been married for 15 yrs with my Best Friend. We both worked very hard in NYC to save money for our wedding, honey moon and for our future children & home. But the events of 911 made us change our priorities. So we married in City Hall, didnt have a honey moon and we decided to move to Florida and used the money we had to buy a home. The following year after moving to Florida we found out that I had cancer and wouldn't be able to have children. For years, I was very sick and my husband took care of me all these years. I am better now thanks to God & my husband and we hope to re-new our vows in the presence of our Family & Friends, in our home back yard and hopefully take a vacation~honey moon. My husband is a wonderful man and the test of time has surely demonstrated His love for me. He truly is my beloved.

Hillbilly Mo Feb 19 2016 08:53 PM

Valentines day dance #4

deena69 Feb 21 2016 03:32 PM

To me, Valentine's day is all about Love, and expressing such by giving flowers , candy and a pretty card to their loved ones.

little sunshine Feb 23 2016 05:11 PM

My Forever Valentine. Farm 15.

Farmdreamer Feb 25 2016 05:09 PM

Tree of Love

Love is like a tree As two people make their life together they encourage and support one another and their love grows stronger.

Farm 21

KJAllen Feb 25 2016 09:24 PM

The Wedding
A time for engagements and weddings


sir robin hood Feb 26 2016 02:35 PM


Young Love

radovan Feb 26 2016 06:51 PM


It`s All About Love

MAUROMEN Feb 26 2016 09:46 PM

phyllismcdanielherren Feb 27 2016 10:59 PM

Valentine to Heaven....
Farm 26

Priscilla G Feb 28 2016 12:36 AM


Be Mine <3

kheller2244 Feb 28 2016 05:11 PM

Romance Islands

AussieGecko Feb 28 2016 08:07 PM

Farm 5 entry for comp please.

patticake72 Feb 28 2016 09:45 PM

My entry, farm 24: Celebrate Love


marymarcel Feb 29 2016 06:00 PM

Hi all:)

This month's competition is now closed. Thank you all for sharing such amazing farms. Please be patient while we judge these entries, results will be posted as soon as we are able.

Good luck to everyone that posted

Here is the link for March competition:

All times are GMT -5. The time now is 08:55 PM.