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Tiger Jun 08 2019 07:46 AM

Freight Trains
This thread is for reporting problems concerning any of the Freight Trains and Long cars. no times.PNG

Please read the following information BEFORE posting in this thread. Thank you!

Sending Boosts for your own trains and Boosting other farmers trains is now done from within the Train Manager.

For information on the NEW Criteria and Method for Train Boosts and how to use Manage when you see it on a received train boost CLICK HERE

If you have never used the trains before please go to Chapter 29 Freight Trains for more details.
In that chapter you will find which trains can help with Facility work, how to correctly connect them, how many you can have, requirements to earn the Mayor bonus when unloading trains, how to use the train Manager in your toolbox.

__________________________________ TRAINS.png

UPDATE July 7th 2024 - A new Boost All Trains button has been added to the Train Manager.

To use the Boost All Trains button to boost all farming friends Trains that you receive in your Train Manager with one click, you will need:
4 locomotives with 10 different long cars on each of them AND they must be dispatched.
Remember that you can only have 3 of the same speed locomotive dispatched at the same time!


  • Only one of each speed locomotive (1x Standard Freight Locomotive, 1x Enhanced Freight Locomotive, 1x Ultimate Freight Locomotive, 1x Supreme Freight Locomotive, 1x Turbo Freight Locomotive) can be placed on the same farm and be a working train that can help with facility work.

    If you only want to use 2 locomotives that are the same speed. Place each one on a different farm.

    If you have 2 of the same speed locomotive on the same farm , the 2nd one becomes decoration and does not help with Facility work or bring you any products..

  • You can have up to a total of 15 working trains altogether!

  • Trains do not have to be placed on the train tracks!

  • Coin cars are just for decoration! You can add them to your working train if you wish and they can be useful should you need your train to turn a corner on a farm. They do NOT count toward working facilities.

Working trains that help with Friends Facility Work:
  • To help with facility work, you need one of the locomotives in the picture at the top of this post. That locomotive must have at least one long car attached and it must be dispatched.

  • The Long Cars cost 35 Farm Cash each. Each different long car attached to one locomotive (up to 10) will add to the amount of facilities the mayor will work as you go to every farm.

    Each Long car attached to a locomotive must be different from the other Long Cars attached to that locomotive.

    Never attach 2 of the same Long Cars on any one locomotive as the second one will not count towards facility work and will not bring you products as it behaves as just decoration.

  • For the mayor to work every farm you go to.....
    Out of the 19 different long cars there, chose 10 of them and attach them to just one locomotive.

  • For the Mayor to work every farm without you needing to go each farm.....
    You need a 2nd locomotive and again, out of the 19 different long cars there are, chose 10 of them and attach them to the other locomotive. They do not have to be the exact same ones you picked for your first locomotive.
    The 2 locomotives with the 10 long cars attached to them MUST be dispatched.

  • To use the NEW Do both at once, work factories and refer clients link in Facility Wall Requests, you need 4 Locomotives with 10 different long cars in each of them and they need to be dispatched.

    Remember you can NOT have 2 of the same speed locomotive on the same farm.

Order of buying Locomotives:
The First Locomotive you you buy does NOT have to be bought in speed order. You can go straight to buying the fastest one first if you wish.

After that you must own one of each speed locomotive before you can buy a second locomotive that's the same speed, and those DO have to be bought in speed order.

For example if the first locomotive you bought was the fastest one, the Turbo Freight Locomotive, you could NOT then go straight to buying a 2nd Turbo Freight Locomotive.

You would need to also own:
  • 1 x Standard Locomotive
  • 1 x Enhanced Locomotive
  • 1 x Enhanced Locomotive
  • 1 x Supreme Locomotive
  • 1 x Ultimate Locomotive
  • as well as the Turbo Freight Locomotive.

THEN when you own all of those you can buy a SECOND set of Locomotives, BUT those MUST be bought in order:

Own 2 x Standard Locomotives before you can buy the 2nd Enhanced Freight Locomotive.
Then buy the 2nd Supreme Freight Locomotive
Then buy the 2nd Ultimate Freight Locomotive
and then you can buy the 2nd Turbo Freight Locomotive!

Issues with connecting locomotives and their long cars:

When altering trains:
  • You can only move a working locomotive and it's long cars when it has returned from it's trip and has been unloaded.

  • ALWAYS use the yellow hand in the toolbox when connecting locomotives with long cars attached or use the Move command when clicking on on a locomotive or long car. The freestyle designer hands can cause them to overlap which can prevent them being correctly connected.

  • When you have finished moving a train EVEN IF the highlight looks correct when you mouse over the locomotive, BEFORE YOU DISPATCH IT, always open the locomotive and look in the Freight Cars section for all the long cars you attached to the locomotive. Only the long cars that are correctly connected will not be greyed out. Any greyed out are either not on that train or not correctly connected.

Important: Train locomotives and long cars count towards your facility limit per farm!
If you have a lot of facilities on a farm you may need to put them on a farm with less facilities or on a farm without facilities on it, whichever you prefer.
Count one for each locomotive and one for each Long car.
The Facility Limit is between 350 and 400 per farm. However, that amount can also be affected by how much production you have in those facilities that have not been stored.
If you see a message telling you that you have too many facilities on a farm, the first thing we suggest is to store all production from those facilities then refresh farm and see if the message goes away.
If it does then do not add any more facilities to that farm and remember to store regularly.
If the too many facilities message returns, store all production and move some facilities to another farm.

To be able to help with any problems with your trains, we will need your User ID or farm link and which train on which farm has the problem along with what the problem is so we can take a look at them.
Instructions on how to get your USER ID or farm link can be found by clicking on this link:

This thread is for players to report problems only. Any off topic posts will be removed by a moderator without notice to the user.

For suggestions for Trains please post in Freight Trains and Cargo Ships


Cathy ls Jul 22 2021 11:32 AM

Freight Trains
I have tried two different browsers which have been updated. Thanks

Taz D Jul 22 2021 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Cathy ls (Post 6457750)
I have tried two different browsers which have been updated. Thanks

Hi Cathy ls,
This is a known problem for some. The developers are aware of it, but can do nothing to help with this. It appears to be a Facebook caused issue and there is a ticket open with them, but they have not fixed it yet.

This has happened to some who have too many Facebook friends that play Farm Town. The only thing that can be done for this is to reduce the number of friends you have that play who are not neighbors.

The other thing you can check is to make sure you have cookies and pop ups allowed in those browsers by the instructions in the following link:

KoalaBear777 Apr 13 2022 02:37 PM

Something is wrong with my trains. Before the migration I had at least two trains that had 10 cars each, and a third train with a few less (but I don't remember how many). I just NOW noticed that NOW I only have one train with 10 cars and the other two only have 3 and 1 respectively. I didn't notice this because when I work facilities, the game still finishes working all the remainder of the farms for me when I have worked the required number.

When I went back to look at my cash activity to see when I bought them, there is only 6 months there. Would you please look into this for me?

marymarcel Apr 13 2022 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by KoalaBear777 (Post 6490762)
Something is wrong with my trains. Before the migration I had at least two trains that had 10 cars each, and a third train with a few less (but I don't remember how many). I just NOW noticed that NOW I only have one train with 10 cars and the other two only have 3 and 1 respectively. I didn't notice this because when I work facilities, the game still finishes working all the remainder of the farms for me when I have worked the required number.

When I went back to look at my cash activity to see when I bought them, there is only 6 months there. Would you please look into this for me?

Hi KoalaBear :)

I had a look at your data and you have 14 long cars and no one missing.

2 Long Animal Products Car
1 Long Bulkhead Car
1 Long Cattle Car
1 Long Container Car
1 Long Quarry Car
2 Long Refrigerated Car
2 Long Sliding-Door Car
1 Long Tank Car
1 Long Tree Products Car
1 Long Two-Door Boxcar
1 Long Well Car

If you had 2 trains with 10 long cars attached to each of them then the Mayor would do all facilities in all farms.

KoalaBear777 Apr 13 2022 03:00 PM

That's not helpful. Apparently you didn't understand my message.

I have THREE trains showing 14 long cars. Only one trains has 10 cars. The other two have 3 and 1 cars.

I should have AT LEAST 20 cars on two trains, and a few more on the third train.

That's what i had BEFORE the migration.

Please look at your history BEFORE the migration and you'll find my missing trains.

marymarcel Apr 13 2022 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by KoalaBear777 (Post 6490774)
That's not helpful. Apparently you didn't understand my message.

I have THREE trains showing 14 long cars. Only one trains has 10 cars. The other two have 3 and 1 cars.

I should have AT LEAST 20 cars on two trains, and a few more on the third train.

That's what i had BEFORE the migration.

Please look at your history BEFORE the migration and you'll find my missing trains.

Hi KoalaBear :)

Account data shows everything before and after the migration. You dont have anything missing which costs farmcash.

You said "I didn't notice this because when I work facilities, the game still finishes working all the remainder of the farms for me when I have worked the required number.", and that only happens when you dont have 2 trains with 10 long cars attached to each of them.

But if you wish you can contact Support. To contact Support click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.

You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.

If you are having a problem getting responses from Support please read the information in the following link:

keith of maisie farm uk Apr 21 2022 11:40 PM

there seams to be a game error as i cannot boost my trains

redjade27 Apr 21 2022 11:41 PM

Boosting my trains
I am getting this error.

"0" does not resolve to a valid user ID

Taz D Apr 21 2022 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by redjade27 (Post 6491602)
I am getting this error.

"0" does not resolve to a valid user ID

Hi Redjade,
I moved your post to the thread about trains. Is this a pop up message you are getting or is it in the FT console?

Is this when you are trying to send boost requests or when you are trying to boost other's trains.

If it is boosting other's trains was it showing as a non-neighbor under the picture?

Taz D Apr 21 2022 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by keith of maisie farm uk (Post 6491598)
there seams to be a game error as i cannot boost my trains

Hi Keith,
I moved your post to the thread about trains. What happens when you try to send the boosts?
Are you able to see the list of your neighbors?

EDIT: I have verified this error message and sent it to the developers. We will have to wait and let them find out the cause.

redjade27 Apr 21 2022 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6491606)
Hi Redjade,
I moved your post to the thread about trains. Is this a pop up message you are getting or is it in the FT console?

Is this when you are trying to send boost requests or when you are trying to boost other's trains.

If it is boosting other's trains was it showing as a non-neighbor under the picture?

When I boost my own trains. Instead of the drop down list to send trains I am getting this message. It does say a google chrome error..

Taz D Apr 22 2022 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by redjade27 (Post 6491614)
When I boost my own trains. Instead of the drop down list to send trains I am getting this message. It does say a google chrome error..

Hi Redjade,
It is not a Google Chrome error. I am using Firefox and I am getting this too. I have sent an email to the developers as I am sure we are all getting this.
We will have to wait and let them check this out and see if they can find what is causing it.

VondaK Apr 22 2022 12:35 AM

Now a problem boosting trains. Tried to boost and get an error message: "0" does not resolve to a valid user ID. Help please.

Dana1971 Apr 22 2022 12:36 AM

Error Can't Boost
USA Eastern time 1:33 a.m.
When I tried to Boost my train the box comes up blank with this error

"0" does not resolve to a valid user ID

Rob T Apr 22 2022 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by VondaK (Post 6491626)
Now a problem boosting trains. Tried to boost and get an error message: "0" does not resolve to a valid user ID. Help please.


Originally Posted by Dana1971 (Post 6491630)
USA Eastern time 1:33 a.m.
When I tried to Boost my train the box comes up blank with this error

"0" does not resolve to a valid user ID

Hi VondaK and Dana1971,

This has been sent to the developers to take a look at, please be patient while this is investigated and resolved.

Tiger Apr 22 2022 06:28 AM

Send Gift and Boosting your own Train Issue.

The developers and support are aware of the problem and it looks like we will have to wait on Facebook to fix it again.

Please see this post in the forum if you are really desperate for a specific gift from the gift page:

flissie2 Apr 22 2022 10:45 AM

Unable to boost trains

Taz D Apr 22 2022 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by flissie2 (Post 6491830)
Unable to boost trains

Hi Flissie,
I moved your post to the thread about trains.
Please read the announcement at the top of the Help & Support section:

Deluxxe Apr 22 2022 01:38 PM

valit user
having an issue with requesting boost from my friends.
I get this message...."0" does not resolve to a valid user

Is this a problem with my computer or with slashkey?

I never know where I'm to post my issues so I will start here.

thank you,

marymarcel Apr 22 2022 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Deluxxe (Post 6491870)
having an issue with requesting boost from my friends.
I get this message...."0" does not resolve to a valid user

Is this a problem with my computer or with slashkey?

I never know where I'm to post my issues so I will start here.

thank you,

Hi Deluxxe :)

I moved your post to the thread about Trains.

This is a problem from Facebook affecting all of us and we have to wait for them to fix it. The problem is with sending gifts from the Send gifts tab and trains boosts requests.

Please read the following information:

marymarcel Apr 22 2022 03:18 PM

Hi farmers :)

The issue for sending gifts and trains boost requests is fixed.

Please reload the game.

If that doesnt work then clear your memcache.

Thanks! Apr 30 2022 11:27 AM

No real problem with this; I'm just curious. I keep getting train boost requests from "non-friends." When I click to boost, I get the message that it is no longer available. How do I find out who these "non-neighbors" are so I can at least send a friend message or whatever? Again, it is not a problem and no big deal. Just thought if they need friends, I'd do it. As always, thank you for the information.

Tiger Apr 30 2022 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6492358)
No real problem with this; I'm just curious. I keep getting train boost requests from "non-friends." When I click to boost, I get the message that it is no longer available. How do I find out who these "non-neighbors" are so I can at least send a friend message or whatever? Again, it is not a problem and no big deal. Just thought if they need friends, I'd do it. As always, thank you for the information.

Hi lynnetimpeiro,

It's usually due to someone with access to more than one account, perhaps to help someone out. It's more likely to happen if they use the same browser for both accounts and don't manually log out then close and reopen the the browser before logging into the other one. This happened after Facebook security updates quite some time ago.
Some can, instead of closing the browser just close any tabs that are open with Facebook and the game loaded, then just open a new tab and log into the other account, but that may not work every time.

When you get one in your train manager the blue button that shows you the relationship to that person (neighbour, friend, non-friend) is clickable and will take you to their farm so you could leave a message for them to contact them that way if you wanted to.

If you just want to boost them, do those from My Requests and you'll not see the no longer available message, you'll get one of the other messages depending on if it can still be boosted or not. Apr 30 2022 12:21 PM

Thank you, Tiger!! Good to know. I'll send them a message next time around. Thank you again.

Tiger Apr 30 2022 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 6492370)
Thank you, Tiger!! Good to know. I'll send them a message next time around. Thank you again.

You're very welcome lynnetimpeiro :)

lpost7219 May 01 2022 06:57 PM

Can't dispatch train
I was asked to send a screen shot of the msg I receive when I try to dispatch my trains. It keeps saying I have a train on Farm 9, which I did at one time, but with the changes I kept losing my cars and turbo engine, so I just started a train on another farm. Now it won't let me dispatch that train. i can't get my screen shot to post. All it says is I cannot dispatch the train on 37 because I already have two turbo engines dispatched on Farm 9 and 37. Please get this taken care of as soon as possible. Thank you very much :)

Taz D May 01 2022 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by lpost7219 (Post 6492582)
I was asked to send a screen shot of the msg I receive when I try to dispatch my trains. It keeps saying I have a train on Farm 9, which I did at one time, but with the changes I kept losing my cars and turbo engine, so I just started a train on another farm. Now it won't let me dispatch that train. i can't get my screen shot to post. All it says is I cannot dispatch the train on 37 because I already have two turbo engines dispatched on Farm 9 and 37. Please get this taken care of as soon as possible. Thank you very much :)

Hi lpost,
Where is your 2nd train as you don't mention what farm it is on. The Turbo train on your farm 37 is still dispatched and has 14 hours left until it returns, so you can't dispatch it again.

DitzyLuvBug2 May 05 2022 09:44 AM

I can't request train boosts
It is my understanding that train boosts were fixed on April 22, 2022. I still cannot send out train boosts. I get the spinning circle and it doesn't load farmers.

I updated Chrome and did the mem-cache, closed browser and reopened. Then loaded FT and still doesn't give me farmers to choose from.

ID: 777364817

Taz D May 05 2022 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by DitzyLuvBug2 (Post 6493130)
It is my understanding that train boosts were fixed on April 22, 2022. I still cannot send out train boosts. I get the spinning circle and it doesn't load farmers.

I updated Chrome and did the mem-cache, closed browser and reopened. Then loaded FT and still doesn't give me farmers to choose from.

ID: 777364817

Hi DitzyLuvBug,
If you had the problem that only some had prior to the one in April then that problem is not fixed and Facebook still has an open ticket for that. That one is not fixed. The April one was a short term one in which no one could send train boosts or gifts because of a change in code by Facebook. That one was fixed within a couple days.

DitzyLuvBug2 May 05 2022 09:53 AM

I can't request train boosts
ok thank you.

Lene Bay May 08 2022 07:15 AM

I've been away from the game for some time (because I didn't have time for it). I have tried to make my train work again but it won't work.

Taz D May 08 2022 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Lene Bay (Post 6493658)
I've been away from the game for some time (because I didn't have time for it). I have tried to make my train work again but it won't work.

Hi Lene Bay,
I just checked and the only train you have on your farm 1 is dispatched and has 3 days before it returns.

Alexm2012 May 08 2022 02:01 PM

Hey on behalf of a friend her train won’t let her dispatch saying it’s already dispatched and she has no access to forums is there any chance her train data can be cleaned her name is Sharon and her farm ID is. 1662347337 Build No: 318

marymarcel May 08 2022 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Alexm2012 (Post 6493702)
Hey on behalf of a friend her train won’t let her dispatch saying it’s already dispatched and she has no access to forums is there any chance her train data can be cleaned her name is Sharon and her farm ID is. 1662347337 Build No: 318

Hi Alexm :)

She is a forum member and registered user, which is her problem to not be able to post herself?

Alexm2012 May 08 2022 02:18 PM

She no longer has the password and doesn’t remember the email address for her email account so asked me to post it for her we are in a group chat I didn’t put her 2nd for data protection just needs her train data cleaned

marymarcel May 08 2022 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Alexm2012 (Post 6493710)
She no longer has the password and doesn’t remember the email address for her email account so asked me to post it for her we are in a group chat I didn’t put her 2nd for data protection just needs her train data cleaned

I visited all her farms.

She has 2 trains on her farm 40 which are dispatched, one will be back in 2 days, the other in 4 days.

She also has a train on her farm 4, but the cars attached to the Standard locomotive are coins cars, not farm cash cars.

kathleenkelly May 11 2022 10:16 AM

My boost requests only reach the intended audience about half the time and I can't send them out again after the hours run out, just once per day. It's really affecting my train usage.

Taz D May 11 2022 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by kathleenkelly (Post 6494006)
My boost requests only reach the intended audience about half the time and I can't send them out again after the hours run out, just once per day. It's really affecting my train usage.

Hi Kathleenkelly,
I am not sure what you mean by the hours running out. You should be able to send boosts to the same person every 8 hours just like gifts.

It could just be that they are not watching for them. They boosts will show in 2 places. They show in the train manager and they also show in the My Requests, but if they are not checking those places then your boosts may expire. As those boosts as well as gift sending requires data transfer between Facebook and Farm Town there isn't any way to guarantee that they will get to them.

kathleenkelly May 11 2022 03:32 PM

So I have used my grandmother, husband and son as test subjects. Like you said, I should be able to send one every eight hours. So every time I harvest my milk cows, I go and send out train requests. The second time every day, I can't send boosts to them. It operates on at least a 12 to 15 hour turnaround time for second requests to the same user. And many times the first boost requests never arrived, so they never get the opportunity to work my trains, so I can only think that it's happening with other farmers also. I hope I'm making sense.

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