Farm Town

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Raul Mar 19 2010 01:04 PM

New Release -- March 19th, 2010
Hi There,

We just released a new version of FarmTown which contains support for new facilities. These facilities will allow you to produce additional goods out of the harvested products in your farm. We created a new section in the store named 'Facilities', where we put all the buildings in the game that produce any kind of goods. In addition to the buildings that allow you to harvest the animals, now you have:

1. Red Windmill – Produces Flour
2. Stone Windmill – Produces Flour Faster
3. Sugar Refinery – Produces Sugar
4. Dairy Processing Plant – Produces Cheese, Goat Cheese, and Butter

You can only have one type of facility per farm that will actually produce goods, although you can have several other instances of the same type of facility for decorative purposes.

To access facility details, just click on the corresponding facility in your farm, and select the first option in the menu, 'Show Facility Details'.

Every facility has two sections:

1. Things To Produce: Here you can see a list of the products that you can produce on that facility. Each product displays information like batch size, batch sell-price, and production time. If you click on the help icon (?), you will see what’s required to produce that product.

2. What’s Cooking: This section provides information about all the products that are currently being produced by your facility, how many are pending, and how many are done and ready to be placed on your storage to be sold later on. Although different types of facilities can be producing goods at the same time, any given facility can only have one batch per product type in production at any given time.

As part of this release, you can now also harvest the cows and goats every 8 hours, instead of the 3 days that we had before, which will allow you to store more milk per day to be used on the Dairy Processing Plant.




candlelight Mar 19 2010 01:07 PM

Thank you, Raul!! :) :) :)

Molly Mew Mar 19 2010 01:07 PM

Fantastic. Thanks Raul. :)

SirDaywalker Mar 19 2010 01:08 PM

Dang it...LOL, gotta rearrange aaaagain!
Thanks for the new stuff, and for keeping things exciting.
Oh, and I'm ready for the next set of levels please and thank you.

Lmer Mar 19 2010 01:11 PM

Thanks for the stuff.... lol i was before 10 mins on the farm and nothing......

SunnyD Mar 19 2010 01:50 PM

Dude your crazy Raul... Man I just was at my farm and the producing buildings would not hide..... I'm like what is up with that.... so i said ok look in the store and wow you are unreal the dev's of farm town rock.......... ok now can you make my pineapples i just planted grow faster so I can get all the new buildings??????/ LOL LOL you rock dude..........YAY Are we going to be able to hide these buildings again........ This is a needed thing for real..........Industrious people like me want to have a farm full LOL you will have to hide them to harvest most farms.........Hoping you will be able to re-implement hiding these fantastic buildings...........

TraceyMush Mar 19 2010 01:59 PM

l also just noticed that when l hide my buildings, the chicken coop and dairy barn stayed visible.
Thanks everyone for the awesome free game!! ;-)

jess mc Mar 19 2010 02:13 PM

Ummm My buildings also do not hide is this a glitch or is this meant to happen with the new release's ???

annette85035 Mar 19 2010 02:14 PM

Good timing folks! I have been considering adding a windmill!

*Farmer Brad* Mar 19 2010 03:14 PM

Thank you so much; this is a wonderful idea! I love updates!!

Capt. Conor Mar 19 2010 03:26 PM

Thanks SK!

lulu836 Mar 19 2010 03:32 PM

Thanks for the processing Now, of course, we REALLY need more room or another farm.

All my buildings will problem.

TIP If you need to hide something really big and you have a Manor all you have to do is Move the item and hover over the Manor and place it on the roof. It will rest comfortably under the Manor until you want it again. Very handy if you run out of storage. :D I'm relatively sure this will be "fixed" but it works right now.

JAS0643 Mar 19 2010 03:43 PM

Thank you for the update looks like I need to start farming again.

ETA: Just bought the new building and have some stuff producing already. I saw that if a few days we can get our friends to help us produce faster can't wait to see how that works.

wheels394 Mar 19 2010 03:49 PM

Love the new facilities! You guys rock! Will the processed items spoil?

waldhexe Mar 19 2010 04:31 PM

Great. I like the facilities. I have to plant corn and sugar cane now more often :-) And: I NEED A THIRD FARM!!!!!!!!!!!! for all the nice things you bring to farm town.

DARLENEW Mar 19 2010 05:45 PM

Thanks, Raul, you guys are the greatest!!!!!:):):)

Ann Knight Mar 19 2010 05:47 PM

I just cannot get over how wonderful this game is! If one cannot find fun that keeps you busy, plus the marvelous social aspect no other game has, that I know of....working together, chatting together, helping each other and the re-arranging of ones farm, it is so much more than a person has a right to expect. I have dropped all other games and now only play Farm Town, The most super game in Facebook!!

Visit my farm folks especially farm 2, Gnome Sweet Gnome.
Thank you Farm Town producers!!

Ann Knight
I don't know why my level shown here says level 1..getting started, when I am level 80??:):):)

jeanieNGMsfarm Mar 19 2010 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Ann Knight (Post 3296194)
I just cannot get over how wonderful this game is! If one cannot find fun that keeps you busy, plus the marvelous social aspect no other game has, that I know of....working together, chatting together, helping each other and the re-arranging of ones farm, it is so much more than a person has a right to expect. I have dropped all other games and now only play Farm Town, The most super game in Facebook!!

Visit my farm folks especially farm 2, Gnome Sweet Gnome.
Thank you Farm Town producers!!

Ann Knight
I don't know why my level shown here says level 1..getting started, when I am level 80??:):):)

its showing as level one because the auto linking is not working correctly. you will have to manually link your farm

janisko Mar 19 2010 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by JAS0643 (Post 3295662)
Thank you for the update looks like I need to start farming again.

ETA: Just bought the new building and have some stuff producing already. I saw that if a few days we can get our friends to help us produce faster can't wait to see how that works.

I thought I found all the information on the new facilities. Where did you see this about friends helping us?

Kaytutt Mar 19 2010 06:43 PM

ekk, I really need a 3rd farm now! lol I love the two farms I already have and cant really bear to break either of them up but... can never resist the new stuff

Great new ideas dev's, thanks :)

lbabylee Mar 19 2010 06:53 PM

Do the chicken coop not hold "our" hens and roosters? I can't get mine in the building...

LtKernelPanic Mar 19 2010 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by lbabylee (Post 3296562)
Do the chicken coop not hold "our" hens and roosters? I can't get mine in the building...

No they don't. They just need to be on the same farm as your various egg layers.

krbailey Mar 19 2010 07:21 PM

I got the sugar refinery and dairy processing plant and when I click on the to start they start but once I close out of that area there no production on them Is anyone else having this problem. Thank you! any help would be nice . Love the game

Charo Mar 19 2010 07:44 PM

Awesome! thank you! Dang, I just finished reorganizing... going to have to do even more for these new buildings, but that's okay! I love this more productive farm.

JanMac57 Mar 19 2010 07:46 PM

Love the new updates! And yes,,,, gonna have to redo something somewhere.... either that or get another farm! Thanks Devs, you keep us playing! :O

JAS0643 Mar 19 2010 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by janisko (Post 3296410)
I thought I found all the information on the new facilities. Where did you see this about friends helping us?

When you click on a facility, then click on show facility details this comes up.

From there you can click on what's cooking and you will see this.

In the top left corner you see a blue oval that says produce faster. When you click on that you will see this.

Liriel Estel Mar 19 2010 08:25 PM

I am LOVING IT!!!!!! Thanks devs!!!! WOOOOO HOOOO!

Prada Mar 19 2010 08:57 PM

thank you for this update.

thanks also to jaso643 for the well explained diagrams. much appreciated .

Farmer_Susan Mar 19 2010 09:00 PM

AWESOME!!! I had just plowed my second farm but not yet planted it when I saw this new release. Just planted the whole dang thing in sugar cane and wheat in anticipation of buying the new facilities starting tomorrow. I'm going to make an industrial area - chain link fences, semi's, perhaps a crop duster, etc. Any chance we could have a way to designate certain plots so they look like gravel, concrete, pavement, etc. at some point? That would be an awesome look for my upcoming industrial area!

CelticMist Mar 19 2010 09:06 PM

I am having issues using the new facilities as well. I started making butter, left my farm for a bit and came back and all the milk i had been using to make it was back in my shed. Tried making goat cheese, made sure it was in production, left, came back to check it, and the goat milk was back to my shed with no goat cheese being made?

Carol Bland Mar 19 2010 09:09 PM

:confused: Thanks for the new processing plants, lots of rearranging but worth it! But, how do I make mine process, tried everything I can?

primrose711 Mar 19 2010 09:44 PM

I'm also having a problem - how do you process? Not sure what it means by asking for another cow milk!

bruhelmboldt Mar 19 2010 09:55 PM

I already have watermills - why won't they work for grinding flour?

They should!

Duck Duck Goose Mar 19 2010 10:08 PM

Firstly, Thank you to the devs for adding a new interest in FT. It was just in a nick of time to chase away the boredom of the same ole routine in daily farming.

Yep, As soon as you close the menu on dairy plant, it goes dead.
You click back open the dairy plant menu and nothing is cooking.
The milk does not return to your storage until you reload the farm, or leave and come back.

I suspect the devs will fix this glitch soon.
My new and old buildings hide just fine in both wrench options and manual hiding for each building individually.

Additionally, I'm also sure they will change the batch limits each facility will produce at one time. (at least i sure hope so...)

Currently, my farm has 775 plots.
If i plant sugarcane, it will come in - in 12 hours.
775 plots equals 77.5 batches - equals 155 hours - equals 6.45 days!!!!!
I'm certainly not waiting over 6 days for 1 sugar plant to process my entire farm.
Thus this will require everyone to build many sugar plants, dairy plants, and many windmills.
Our farms are simply not big enough to contain enough of these giant buildings to process all goods in an acceptable time frame.


Originally Posted by Jeb1944 (Post 3297506)
While I appreciate the new features, I have found that it has totally messed up plowing. You cannot mark plots for plowing faster that the avatar can clear them. (Somewhat like the ill-fated attempt to improve the game a couple of months ago). Did you somehow regress to that version in the attempt to implement the new features?

Please Fix this problem.


Jeb1944 - Turn off option for wait for each plow/plant.
My plowing works just fine.

damichcoop Mar 19 2010 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by CelticMist (Post 3297234)
I am having issues using the new facilities as well. I started making butter, left my farm for a bit and came back and all the milk i had been using to make it was back in my shed. Tried making goat cheese, made sure it was in production, left, came back to check it, and the goat milk was back to my shed with no goat cheese being made?

I am having no problem at all. I have left my farm, and all my milk is still making cheese and butter. I have 100 units of butter already in my storage, none of my milk came back, and I'm still making butter and cheese.

You do have to make sure that you "press" the start production button as many times as you have units of milk that you want to process. And it will tell you when you have run out of milk, wheat, sugarcane. The message saying...need one more unit of milk, etc is letting you know that you have processed all the units you have in your storage area.

CelticMist Mar 19 2010 10:58 PM

i did do that, still doesn't work. Have tried it several times, i get to the "need one more unit" message. then click to the work in production, it is there. click off of farmtown for five minutes or so, click back on, the stuff is back in my shed and there is no production going on.

damichcoop Mar 19 2010 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by CelticMist (Post 3297646)
i did do that, still doesn't work. Have tried it several times, i get to the "need one more unit" message. then click to the work in production, it is there. click off of farmtown for five minutes or so, click back on, the stuff is back in my shed and there is no production going on.

I would say to make sure you link your account so the moderators and developers can help you.

and see what they suggest.

quone Mar 19 2010 11:03 PM

Can't buy facilities with nothing to produce
I have plenty of coins and love the idea of producing more items, but without being able to buy hens, goats or cows the chicken coop, dairy shed and dairy processing plant are useless to me. Please make at least one item available in the store for each facility so that ALL players can enjoy them. I don't have active neighbors, so I can't receive any of these items as gifts.

TheirMomma Mar 19 2010 11:20 PM

This is happening on Myspace and I am having the same problem, every time i add milk and leave the milk goes back to my storage shed. I click the "Start Process" button everytime

I have cleaned my cache, removed farm town and added it back and it still does the same thing

JAS0643 Mar 19 2010 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Farmer_Susan (Post 3297190)
AWESOME!!! I had just plowed my second farm but not yet planted it when I saw this new release. Just planted the whole dang thing in sugar cane and wheat in anticipation of buying the new facilities starting tomorrow. I'm going to make an industrial area - chain link fences, semi's, perhaps a crop duster, etc. Any chance we could have a way to designate certain plots so they look like gravel, concrete, pavement, etc. at some point? That would be an awesome look for my upcoming industrial area!

First every time I see your avatar picture I think of my Mom because that picture looks a lot like her.

Second as for the gravel we do have the stone paths which can look like gravel. i would like the concrete and pavement also.


Originally Posted by CelticMist (Post 3297234)
I am having issues using the new facilities as well. I started making butter, left my farm for a bit and came back and all the milk i had been using to make it was back in my shed. Tried making goat cheese, made sure it was in production, left, came back to check it, and the goat milk was back to my shed with no goat cheese being made?

Although the dairy said says make 20 units of butter it doesn't take 20 milks out of your storage it just takes one out for the 20 units, so that might be why you think it put your milk went back into your storage. Also you can queue up the processes by clicking on start production for what you want to produce and all the items will produce while you are away from your farm.

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