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Old Jan 22 2012, 12:51 PM
ebonywyverndragon's Avatar
ebonywyverndragon ebonywyverndragon is offline
Join Date: Jul 26 2009
Posts: 10

To the unhappy folks:
I play FT because I enjoy the heck out of it. I reached the 'Top' a long time ago and every subsequent upgrade only adds levels - I no longer have to 'work' for them. I don't think the point of the game is to win - I'm not really sure there is such a thing as 'winning'. Now, in all honesty, I'm not a competitive sort of person - hence the idea of 'winning' holds little appeal to me.
I think there are a few points - one is to socialize and meet new people. This game is worldwide and has allowed me to meet some very nice people from all over the world.
Another point is to allow people to create beauty. It takes a great deal of patience, creativity and imagination to utilize the materials that the dev's have given us - and create unique lands and towns and living areas.
The details in each building, shore, hill, flower, animal - are unlike any other game here on FB - the dev's have worked very hard to come as close to reality as possible - including shading and functionality - which they continually advance.
I sincerely hope that I am not in the minority - I would really be very unhappy were this game to disappear. I have put a lot into it - not to win - but to enjoy.
As with anything in the development world - nothing is perfect. There will always be something which can be improved - and for most developers, constructive criticism is appreciated. (I say that having been a developer in a previous life.)
Also having been a developer once upon a time - I know that the one thing that developers RARELY get from clients is 'Good Job'. The requisite 'thank you' is there - but, the notice of the little extras - the things that don't get published - is usually not there. Praise for the good things is far more powerful that denigrating commentaries.
To the devs:
I thank you truly for allowing a place for my creativity to flourish. Good job! Everything you do is much appreciated.

To any farmers looking for a 'FT Neighbor' - I am always available.
</end rant>