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Old Dec 28 2016, 03:47 PM
Qivis Qivis is offline
Join Date: May 14 2012
Posts: 717

Originally Posted by Soxie View Post
I think some Einstein at Slashkey needs to rethink how these cargo ships are done. It's been 2 days, my ship has been docked at neighbor #2 for 1 1/2 days AND NOT GETTING LOADED!!! So what happens in 4 days when my ship can't go to any other ports? I get NOTHING because of ONE STUPID NEIGHBOR!!! I have trouble finding neighbors for this game as it is, the ones I DO have clearly aren't daily players so I do what I can to do these new tools or whatever and I have to rely on neighbors whether I get goods or not? It's hard enough trying to complete any co-op quests having to wait on neighbors!!
Please read the first page of the forum regarding the update for December 1, 2016. At the end of the notice from Raul announcing the update he also gives very clear statements that changes have been in the works to how the cargo ships work. And before you consider what he has written too complex, remember that it is a work in progress and other methods of delivering the goodies are being considered.

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