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Old Aug 23 2017, 02:20 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by Vivienne57 View Post
I have 4 ships out and 2 ships ready to unload. I am in the process of preparing my last ship. For the first 9 containers it was 6 minutes then my last one jumped to 11 minutes. Why is that. The timings are not very consistent and I have found that some times the length of time for a container to be completed varies on the same ship. Hmmm what is going on.
Hi Vivienne

When your time for loading changes it is because a ship on the dispatched list drops off the list decreasing how many ships you have dispatched in the last 7 days. Each ship only stays on the list exactly 7 days from the time it is dispatched.

You can see how many ships are on your dispatch list by clicking on the ? within the container box, next to the laoding time, you are currently loading. It will tell you the date and time of each ship so you know when one gets to 7 days old it will drop off the list.
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