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Old May 25 2019, 04:52 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Default How do I visit other peoples' farms?

How do I visit other peoples' farms?

You can visit any neighbour, in the neighbours bar at the bottom of the game screen.

In this example we clicking on DUDZ in the Neighbours bar to show the Neighbour menu.
To visit DUDZ scroll down and then click on Visit DUDZ's Farm, when it turns orange, click on it and you will be taken to their farm. and then scrolling down to visit them:

At the very top of the Menu shows DUDZ is this farmers Neighbour.

In various areas of the game you will be able see that relationship to know if a farm is a Neighbour (blue Background) or a Buddy (Green Background. When there is nothing at the top of the menu, they are not your Neighbour or your Buddy.

All Farmers Avatars that you can see in the game also has the option to visit that farmers farm. In this case you click on their avatar to show the avatar menu and you will see the visit option listed there as well.

If you have many neighbours, there are green and blue arrows at the left side of the neighbours bar that you can click on to scroll though them.
You can also left click your mouse on any neighbour and drag that bar to the left or right if you don't need to move it that far.

If the chat window has appeared where the neighbour bar should be, click the Hide button to the left of the Chat window to close it.
You can also visit the farms of anyone you see in the game when you are online, by clicking on their avatar and choosing Visit xxx's farm from the menu.

To return back to your own farm: You can do any of the following.

Click on your avatar and then click on Go To Your Farm. This will take you back to your default farm.
Click on the house icon bottom right of your game screen.

When you have more than one farm and you click on the house icon you will have more options.
Each numbered box under SHOW NAMES represents one of your farms, clicking on one of those boxes will take you to that farm.
This example shows 44 farms with Farm 11 highlighted in yellow.

SHOW NAMES when clicked on will open a large window titled Go to Farm.
In that window there are boxes representing each of your own farms along with the name of each farm.
Clicking on the name of a farm will take you to that farm.

DEFAULT when clicked on will take you back to your default farm.

LAST when clicked on will take you back to the last one of your farms you were on. This is also indicted by the yellow in the one of the boxes representing each of your farms.

Last edited by Tiger; Mar 29 2024 at 12:19 PM.