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Old Jan 01 2021, 03:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Eltina Flowers View Post
First thank you to all of you at Slashkey for undertaking the monumental task of re-programming your wonderful game so that it continues on. I will wait as patiently as I can for all the functions to re-appear. I like the new graphic look and it is loading quicker it seems in Chrome with Win 10.

I, too, am having trouble with my 20x20 HPP not appearing in my toolbox and, in fact, all my HPP have disappeared from my storage in both Flash and the new version. They still appear in the toolbox in Flash.

Also, on my Farm 42, I have a stream consisting mainly of horizontal narrow rivers. These are now showing as vertical narrow rivers so my stream is disconnected. This issue also shows on Farm 30.

On Farm 2, my zoo, the animals are not loading. Have not really looked on other farms as I have chickens, pigs, cows, horses, llamas, etc., showing sporadically throughout my farms. Just very noticeable on the zoo as a single penguin is showing.

Thanks so much again for working so hard to continue the game.
Hi Eltina Flowers

I had a look at your data and all your HPP tools are in your storage. Please open your storage and click in Items button. Then set it to Tools and the A/Z icon to Alphabetically and try to find your HPP tools.

You can also try the search tool to find them.

About your problem with horizontal narrow rivers, could you provide a link to that farm please? You have instructions on how to get it in the following thread: