Thread: Official Top Post Thread Quests
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Old Jan 09 2021, 05:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Sundos View Post
I was short of time on last quest for 7 days.. but I did start it and got it and collected already. I don't use lifeline unless I don't think I can do it myself first of all. But like I said above, HOW would I get it from someone else. Forum says I cannot get anything but regular products from others in trade/marketplace. So I take it that anything from facilities I am not able to get that way. Copper ore is not a harvested crop, tree, flower, animal or fish right? or is that wrong in forum info? Also saw that trade warehouse is not available for quests. Though I can't figure out how to get anything there unless it is regular products either. So can you explain to me (because I must be ignorant) how would I get it from anyone else by trading in marketplace. -- I said no reply needed. but you replied. So I will try to remember to check back. The only reason I was in forum today is because now for about 28 hours I have received NO GIFTS in my game though I know others have sent them.. so where are they. I did send a "support" thing to facebook. But who know if they got that. I don't. Anyway, still no gifts ..
Hi Sundos,
With the Trading lifeline you can only get basic items from other farmers. It does say specifically that you can not get anything from facilities. The mines are facilities.

For your gift problem, I am sorry we do not know why this happens to some occasionally.

There are a couple of things you can try:

Try this 1st:
If you have not already done so, please try clearing your FT memcache. To do that Click Here A window will open with a list of "unsetting", that is the memcache being cleared. Close that window and FT if you have it open in another window. Then reload and see if My Requests has corrected and is now showing you gifts.

If it does correct the problem but then it comes back again or the clearing did not help, then you've still got stuck gifts in the game activity area so it's up to you to if want to wait a few days and see if the problem corrects itself or you if want to continue trying to correct it yourself. If you want to continue trying you'll need to continue with the following:

Try this if the problem persists: Exchange/accept all gifts and boost any trains in My requests until none are showing up again.

Go back to the games activity area and see if any more are showing up there.

If there are and you recognise which ones you have already accepted, you need to click the x on all of those to get rid of them, including the train boosts. Then see if My Requests starts working again for new gifts.

If you don't know which gifts you've already accepted, the quickest method is to Ignore all of the requests, then see if My Requests corrects. You may not want to do that you might prefer to ignore less than that and see if it corrects. We have no way of telling you which ones may be stuck.

That section of Facebook can only show you up to 100 requests at a time so if clearing the 1st 100 doesn't resolve your problem, you will have to go back to that area more than once to clear more of them out and it's possible that you may end up having to clear all of them out, so it's entirely up top you what you prefer to do.

For speed in case you need it here's' a direct link to the games activity area of Facebook so you don't have to go via the Facebook Games bookmark :

If you continue having problems with gifts please post about it in the gifts thread, so we can keep all of that organized by subject so anyone can find it.
Dubh Glais Estates
Please come visit me on my farms (underlined link above) and if you see me say hi! I do ask that you not send me in-game messages for any problems other than forum login issues, as I can only help with those from my farm.
Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can.
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