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Old Feb 20 2021, 03:30 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by Sylentiger View Post
USER ID number ( 1847410380 )

I notice that when I plant and I have the option to 'Hide Crops" They do not disappear until after you close out the Sow. Before as you planted the crops would disappear immediately.
is this a bug or just the New Normal? NOT complaining just something I experienced.

Thank you, Raul and Team, for all of your hard work and diligence! You guys are awesome! Congratulations on getting this much online.
Love the new version, it's going to be great when it is completed.

Hi Sylentiger

This usually happens with the last row while you are planting with crops hidden. It corrects as soon as you refresh the farm.

I will copy your post to a closed thread which is monitoring by the developers.