Thread: Official Top Post Thread Flowers / Sprinklers / Flower Harvester/Flower tools
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Old Feb 21 2021, 05:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Tractor Man View Post
Well Tiger, the mystery deepens. I harvested my flowers and the extra ones showed up again, so I moved the extra ones to storage and the field showed flowers underneath them. I refreshed the farm and now the field shows holes where I removed the "extra" ones. I went to storage to put the flowers back but storage would only let me sell them, not use them. Strange! maybe the use feature is not available yet.
Hi Tractor Man,

When we last spoke about this is, I asked you to refresh the farm first after harvesting, to see if the harvested flowers corrected and if they did not to come back and let us know. We could have taken a look at what was showing up to see if we were seeing the same as you or if it was just a temporary display issue.

Did you refresh the farm first, or did you just store the ones that were not harvested? It's sounding like you did the opposite, stored them, then refreshed the farm.

Once you did that did you reload the game and go back to that farm?

If this is your farm called Shire Farm then it does look like have some problems with the flowers on that farm which would prevent you placing a flower down if all you can see is an empty spot where you took the flower from to store it.

I've done some clearing for you, please reload your game then go to the farm that you are having problem with and see what's happening with the flowers there now. If there is still a problem, don't do anything to that farm, come back and let us know which farm it is so we can be sure we're looking at the correct farm and can go see what we are seeing, when we visit it, in case it's different to what you are seeing.

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