Thread: Official Top Post Thread Game Not loading/WebGL disabled/frequent crashes
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Old Nov 15 2021, 06:41 AM
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Originally Posted by chubbyal View Post
Hi Mary

I was storing trees and then the message came up your storage box is full, you need to add more neighbours. I have got people who are willing to be my neighbour but I can't find them along the bottom row. I had a conversation with a new farmer and she told me she had accepted my request 3 times and she still doesn't appear. In my neighbours most of the new people still appear in white even though I have requested them as a neighbour. At the top top of the page it says in red your neighbour is full, you need to delete some. How are you supposed to increase your storage and get more neighbours if farmtown is telling you to delete some before adding new ones. Seems pointless trying to increase your chances of help and storage if you can only have a certain amount of neighbours. Please can you help, thank you so much
Hi chubbyal,

marymarcel is not available at the moment.

Is the embedded page still happening or has the embedded page message stopped showing now and what you are asking about is a new issue?

If you are still getting the embedded page is it showing up every time you try to store items when it's a small amount you are storing or does it only do it when you trying to store a large quantity of items? What items are you trying to store, what method are you using to store them and how many are you trying to store at a time?

Please open your storage, click on the items section then look top left to see your item capacity and item usage and see how much space you have left in Item storage to use.
Then have a think about the quantity of items you were trying to store and see if it was more than you have space for. If it was, then that could be why the game is saying that your storage is full as you were trying to store more items than it could hold. When you know how much Item capacity you have left in Item storage, try storing only that amount or less than that amount and see if you still get any problems.

There is a difference in how many items you can store depending one what it is you are storing. For example if it was trees you were storing, you would be able to store more gifted trees than you could store of trees bought from the trees section of the store.

The neighbour bar will always show Add Neighbour even when your neighbours list is full. You know you're at your limit for the amount of neighbours you can have because when you go to the My Neighbours tab you are seeing this message: "Your neighbour list is full. Please remove some neighbours before you add more".

Once you have reached your limit of amount of neighbours as you have, the only way to increase the item capacity further would be to invest in the Super Storage shed. There are 4 in total and they do cost Farm Cash.

Before you consider buying any Super Storage Sheds we need to determine if there is a problem with storing items in case you don't need them.

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