Thread: Official Top Post Thread Facilities and Facility Manager
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Old Jan 24 2022, 11:41 AM
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Originally Posted by ingykeller View Post
Happy New Year.
I wonder if you can help me with a problem.
When i do someone's facilities, if there is only one facility to be done on that farm, for instance sugar refinery, it says there is work available in the Sugar Ref in this farm, then I click on Sure, take me there. And then when I click on start all, I don't get anything. Then I get a message: There is no more work here, even though there is. so, i did all farms, she only has the Sugar ref. posted, only when the train takes over, then I get the products from the remainder farms. in the meantime I lost the other half of the farms. That hapenned a few times now, if there is only 1 facility on that farm, I don't get it. But if there are more than 1, then I get the products. Please help. Thank you so much, Sincerely, Ingrid.
Hi ingykeller,
I moved your post to the subject thread about facilities.
If there is only 1 facility on a farm then it may be that someone else got them before you, so you don't get anything for that facility.
I was checking your data and you have 20 long train cars. You should have those on only 2 trains (10 cars each). As long as those trains are dispatched then the mayor will work all the farms for you and you will not have to do anything except click twice to get him to do all farms.
You can find all the information on the trains and how they work in the Game Guide chapter 29 about freight trains:
Dubh Glais Estates
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