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Old Mar 21 2023, 10:34 AM
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Taz D Taz D is offline
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Originally Posted by MOM GLENDA View Post
the zip is not working right that is why players are missing things i have checked it out last 4 days .i fish for a friend i zip before i sell any last 4 days i have 200 million fish i zip i got just thousand .i have lost a lot more than fish to much to type it all .i got my bread up to 600,000 i ziped now it way down again . i want zip any more until they fix this.might work for some players but i losing products .if the losing does not stop i have read a lot of players are going to stop playing farmtown got 2 neighbors that have lost a lot last week.they went to 0 on a lot of products we use lots of
Hi Mom Glenda,
The zip only pays you for the large boxes and it only pays the difference between the value for large and regular boxes as it converts those to regular boxes. The rest you get paid when you go to trade market and sell them.
You are not losing those large fish boxes. You are converting them to regular size and getting paid for the difference in value. If you look in your storage at a product you have both large and regular boxes of, total the 2 amounts up. Then zip them and see that the amount for regular goes up to that total.
One point to mention is if you had morne than 200 million of any one fish total between the large and regular size then yes you will lose some if you zip because the maximum you can have of any item in storage is 200 million. In that case instead of zipping or before zipping you should go sell enough to get the total for both sizes combined down below the 200 million. That goes for anything you have where the total of both sizes combined is greater than 200 million.
Dubh Glais Estates
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Last edited by Taz D; Mar 21 2023 at 01:33 PM.
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