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Old May 20 2023, 06:51 AM
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Default How to use the Visitor Toolbox

How to use the Visitor Toolbox

The Visitor Toolbox can be seen bottom LEFT of your game screen when you are on another farmers farm.
You would go to another farmers farm if you were visiting a Neighbour/a Buddy/a Strangers farm to look at them or perhaps look at co-operative quests that may help your own quests, when hired to work for others, when working your Neighbours or Buddies facilities.

Although the icon looks the same, this Visitor Toolbox is not the same Toolbox that you can see bottom right of your game screen where you would go to get your own tools to use.

The Visitor Toolbox when you are on another farmers farm can be used to:
  • Send a Neighbour or Buddy Request
  • Remove yourself as their Neighbour or Buddy
  • Manage a Neighbours Trains if you are a Super Neighbour with that specific permission.
  • View what Belts that farmer has earned.
  • View what Trophies that farmer has earned.

To open it when you are on another farmers farm, click on the Toolbox bottom left of your game screen where it shows you who you are visiting.
This is an example of what you could see, some of the icons can be dimmed when you look, as they can be different for each farmer.

To Send a Neighbour Request to that farmer, click on this icon if it's not dimmed. That farmer would then need to look for that Request in their Farmers List to accept/decline and would then be able to add you to one of their own Neighbour or Buddy Lists if they wished.
When this icon is dimmed it means that farmer is already one of your Neighbours.

To Remove Yourself from that farmers Neighbour List, click on this icon. You will see a popup with information asking you to to confirm. Click the green check mark to remove yourself from their list, click the red X if you do not wish to proceed.

To Send a Buddy Request to that farmer, click on this icon if it's not dimmed. That farmer would then need to look for that Request in their Farmers List to accept/decline and would then be able to add you to one of their own Neighbour or Buddy Lists if they wished.
When this icon is dimmed it means that farmer is already one of your Buddies.

To Remove Yourself from that farmers Buddy List, click on this icon. . You will see a popup with information asking you to to confirm. Click the green check mark to remove yourself from their list, click the red X if you do not wish to proceed.

This would give you access to the farm owners Train Manger when you have permission to manage their trains.
When this icon is dimmed like this it means that you do not have permission to manage that farmers trains.
When you do have permission to manage their trains the icon will no longer be greyed out. If any of their friends trains are in that farmers Train Manager there will be a number on the icon to show how many there are.
You will not know if any of that farmers own trains can be Unloaded or Dispatched until you click on the Icon and check.
Please do not assume that you can manage any trains or train boosts that farm owner has without their express permission. The Farm Pass feature of the game has daily and seasonal goals which the farm owner may need them for, to complete those.

Clicking on this icon will show you what Belts the farm owner has reached for things like crops, trees, flowers, fish and products. It is information only but can be useful if the farm owner wants specific crops planted to reach a new belt or dan if you are doing farm work for them.

The Trophy icon is a list of the trophies they have earned. This farmer has earned 14 trophies. This is also only for information. AT the moment ignore the percentages and figures for Neighbours that you see as those are not always working correctly yet. The figures for shopping can not always display the correct amount especially when the farm owner has done a lot of buying with coins as this section is limited on how many digits it can show.

Last edited by Tiger; Sep 18 2023 at 08:06 AM.