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Old Jun 14 2023, 08:47 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Default Ignore and Block

Ignore and Block

Examples of reasons you may want to Ignore rather than Report:
  • someone's behaviour or chatting in the in the game may only be irritating, annoying or argumentative.

  • You may have fallen out with a farming friend.

  • if you don't like someone and prefer not to see them.

  • someone you hired that may be picking and choosing what they want to work rather than completing the entire job request, so you prefer not to hire them again by mistake.

  • if you you've hired someone on many occasions and they have not been able to complete your work and you're unable to find out what the problem may be, so you prefer not to hire them again by mistake.

    Remember there are always new farmers learning the game needing help, they may not know how to communicate with you, how to use the bigger tools or how to get them back if they dropped the tool by mistake.

    We all had to start from the beginning and seasoned farmers generally have a wealth of information to help new farmers know how to use tools that they don't own, how to know that they have been hired for more then one job or more than one farm as well as many other nuggets of useful information you may already know.

    A farmer may have a temporary internet issue or an emergency so could not finish or return to finish your work or let you know. This does not mean that they would normally do that.

    Please try to consider those types of things, before you decide to Ignore and Block a farmer.

    These types of behaviour are NOT to be reported!

There several ways to Ignore a farmer in Farm Town which will also send them to your Blocked Users List so that you don't see them anymore and they can't communicate with you anymore.

If you are online and in the same place as the farmer you wish to Ignore and Block:

Using the Avatar Menu:

  • Click on their avatar and you will see the Avatar menu.

    Remember to check if they are one of your Neighbours or Buddies before you block them.
    If they are a Super Neighbour you may need to also remove the Super Neighbour permissions.

    You may want to remove yourself as their Neighbour/Buddy which you can do by visiting their farms and using the options in the Visitor toolbox bottom left when you arrive at their farms.

    Once you have done those, you can then remove them from your own Neighbour/Buddy Lists.

    If you are already on their farm there will not be a visit option in the avatar menu.

    If they have a connection to you then under their avatar name will be the blue or green indicators to show you that connection.

  • Scroll down the list and click on Ignore.

  • You will then see a popup asking you to confirm.

  • Click the green check mark to Ignore and Block them OR click on the red X to cancel.

    After Ignoring and Blocking:

    You will no longer be able to see them on farms, at markets, the Inn or at the Realtor Office in Farm Town.

    You will no longer see anything they say in farm town chat windows.

    They will no longer be able to communicate with you via in game messages or in chat.

    They do not get notified by the game that you have Ignored/Blocked them.

Using the Ignore Icon in the Chat Window.
  • The Ignore icon is at the very top left of the chat box.
    Click on the round circle with a slash though it.

    You will then see a window showing the most recent chat.
    As you mouseover each farmers chat line it will turn yellow.

  • Click on the chat line of the farmer that you want to Ignore and Block and it will turn blue to show it's been selected.

  • Then Click on the check mark at the bottom of that window to Proceed or the X to cancel.

  • You will then see a popup asking you to confirm.

  • Click on the green check mark to Ignore and Block that farmer, or click on the red X to cancel.

    After Ignoring and Blocking...
    You will no longer be able to see them on farms, at markets, the Inn or at the Realtor Office in Farm Town.
    You will no longer see anything they say in farm town chat windows.
    They will no longer be able to communicate with you via in game messages or in chat.
    They do not get notified by the game that you have Ignored/Blocked them.

Using the Ignore Icon on a message they have sent to you.
  • Open a message that they have sent to you.
    The Ignore icon is bottom right of each message.

  • Click on the round circle with a slash though it.

  • You will then see a popup asking you to confirm.

  • Click the check mark to Ignore and Block that farmer, click the red X to cancel.

    After Ignoring and Blocking...
    You will no longer be able to see them on farms, at markets, the Inn or at the Realtor Office in Farm Town.
    You will no longer see anything they say in farm town chat windows.
    They will no longer be able to communicate with you via in game messages or in chat.
    They do not get notified by the game that you have Ignored/Blocked them.

If you make a mistake and Ignore/Block the wrong farmer you will need to Unblock them. CLICK HERE to go to the post on how to Unblock.

These methods do not block a user in the forum. If you know their username for the forum and wish to block them in the forum so that you don't see their posts, receive any messages or emails from them in the forum, please click on this link for instructions:

Last edited by Tiger; Jul 08 2024 at 07:46 PM.