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Old Apr 30 2024, 06:56 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by bluehair View Post
say I have leek on one of my farms and I click on this tool and I click on replant same crop will it do the same crop with one click?

hope that makes sense
Hi bluehair

You don't replant the entire farm with only one click using the Replant tool.

If you planted different crops on the same farm and want to plant the exact same ones and same amounts, use the same combine harvest-plant you used to plant them last time. Then when the store opens and you click on Replant Some Crops it will plant the exact same crops where the tool highlights the crops.

The EX combine-plants are the ones that will highlight everything within a squared area, so if you have different crops in that squared area it will plant all of them exactly the way they are in that squared area. For example if 4 different crops are planted in that squared area all 4 of those crops will be replanted.

If the whole farm needs replanting and has many different crops on it you can use the biggest EX combine harvest-plant to plant the whole farm exactly the same with far less clicks. Non EX combines don't have Extent mode but can still replant an entire farm faster than they could as you still don't need to select each crop to plant.

Last edited by Tiger; Apr 30 2024 at 07:29 PM.