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Old Jan 20 2025, 08:22 AM
Karin Venables's Avatar
Karin Venables Karin Venables is offline
Join Date: Jun 30 2012
Posts: 76

Please consider a new animal facility which produces only meats. You can take the meat products out of the semi and let us produce it ourselves. Put boar, bull, lamb, calf, rooster, perhaps moose and elk in it. Those animals can give us chicken, veal, lamb, pork and beef. Cycle it once a day like the chicken coop is right now. Most of us know how to stuff the facilities, but it would make it easy to keep up with production of these items for those of us who have several dozen people working our facilities and service. Buffalo as well. Give us a Butcher to use the new meats and a butcher shop for a service those should be farm coins. Give us a Jerky factory to produce it and a shop to sell for Farm Cash.
Karin aka Uschi
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