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Old Mar 03 2015, 04:35 PM
GRB GRB is offline
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Location: Texas
Posts: 94

Originally Posted by Jean's Farm View Post
Thank you for putting me in the "top 2% who earn higher incomes and pay real monies in order to play & afford everything available." I am on Social Security Disability and a small LTD from my job I had. I AM NOT THE TOP 2%......more like the bottom of the pile. My monthly income puts me just above the poverty level.

I spend money on this game. $40 for 250 FC is nothing to spend now a days. I could spend that on the movies and dinner for myself for one evening and get what 4 hours of pleasure. I choose to spend it here (ONCE a month or every other) instead. This gives me hours, days, months, years of pleasure from that $40.

IT IS A GAME!!!!! You are supposed to use your brain thinking to get ahead. If they gave it all to you what is the fun of that???

If people did NOT spend money on this game there would be no game. How do you expect the devs to get paid for their time?? This is their job. The talents they have to create this game are amazing and I feel they earn every penny!!

This is the ONLY, I repeat ONLY game I know of on FB that gives you a chance to earn money. If you use your brain and play it right you can earn up to 4 FC a week just playing the game. That's about $17 a month or over 200 a year. Throw in the 25 FC they give maybe up to 4 times a year for leveling up. And you are up to 300 a year.....

I do not have every tool made on here. I pick and choose what I want to buy.

The majority of my friends who play do so because they love the game. Some spend money some don't. You can play the game without spending any money. I have never played another game where the head dev gets with you one on one to fix a problem you are having with the game. (Been there, done that!!)

If you don't like the game or think it's greedy go play Zyngas Farmville!!!!
Very well said. You go girl !!!!! Those whiners want equality, when long time players have worked hard at what they have here. It's a game people, enjoy it, play it, don't play it, spend, don't spend, but quit the whining, please
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