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Old Jun 26 2016, 11:18 AM
Gee Winger Gee Winger is offline
Join Date: Jun 20 2016
Location: Tennessee, USA
Posts: 8
Default Predator on the loose

Tuesday night, I was playing. I worked a job fishing on a farm that had so many ponds it was bogging down the my connection. I started talking with the farmer about how many fish he had. He lied about most everything. He got my true ID. I thought I might have a new friend, but I had found a scammer. 12 hours later, someone hacked into my friend list, which is private, and sent me a friend request using the ID of an existing friend. Next this fake friend started telling me about how I had won $150K and to contact [mod edit: name removed] to collect it. [mod edit: name removed] said she was with IMF and Facebook, send info including facebook password. This kid that sounded like he was under 24 yrs old then used 2 chats, the fake of my friend and [mod edit: name removed] to try to extract personal info. He was after money. He wanted me to pay $375 shipping charge for the $150K check through Fed-Ex arriving in 4 hours. This scam should sound bad. Fed-Ex does not ship that fast. And the kid was so sure of himself. He was targeting retired, disabled, and unemployed. I don't have a credit card, so he kind of looses out in many ways. But the community needs to be aware that not everyone that plays is safe. One of his statements, "liar liar, pants on fire" should give you a good idea of how young he is.

Last edited by Tiger; Jun 26 2016 at 12:20 PM. Reason: real names removed