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Old Nov 14 2015, 06:54 AM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
Join Date: Sep 30 2009
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 14,921

Hi all

From Raul notes for the New Release

Post-Release Updates - November 14th, 6:10AM

- Released 3 Facilities. You can read full details on points 9, 10 and 12 in the first post, first page of this thread.

Known Issues

- When Showing/Hiding items sometimes there are sections that are not shown correctly
- When using the Multiplanter sometimes some of the recently planted items get hidden
- Some users are experiencing issues when sending gifts using Internet Explorer or Edge browsers
- Currently when you post the facilities, even if you restrict the post to "Only Me" or a specific friend list in the post window, the post will be shown to all friends in the "Show Farmtown Wall Requests" inside the game. This is because with the latest facebook change we don't have access to the group of people the post should be shown.

What we are planning to do is when you click the "Produce Faster", to add a checkbox on the next window named "Show this in the Farmtown Wall Requests", this way you can uncheck that checkbox if you don't want the post to appear there *for any friends*. This is not ideal but at least give you some kind of control.