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Old Nov 04 2015, 09:31 AM
Chattin Chattin is offline
Join Date: Mar 11 2009
Posts: 21
Default Completing Co-op Quests

[quote=JohnAlbertini;6013370]Not sure why this is so but re Cooperative Quests:

I know we need others to help and we need to post-it note them to ask for that help.
BUT I usually don't get enough post-its? For example the latest CQ has 6+me steps and I only have 3 post-its? So how can I get to do that last step? We can only perform the LAST step ourselves, correct? So we need helpers for EVERY other step and don't get enough post-its to post them all? Why? And how can we then do those quests? A waste?


John, completing co-op quests is not really that difficult. It helps if you have all the service facilities of course, and the more neighbors you have who play the quests the better. You do not need helpers for all the other steps in the quest... you can get those items from your neighbors' quests.

When I open a new co-op quest, I start by running through my neighbors' quests. Many times I can buy what I need from their quests and complete the final step right then. Sometimes I run through twice in order to pick up items that require me to have one other first. Now and then, i have to resort to adding a sticker and waiting for a neighbor to sell me something. Once in a great while I will look for what I need on one of the co-op quest pages. I've managed to collect my 2 FC consistently.

>Also, I know this is MY problem, but ALL my friends and neighbors have quit playing!

You need to get some new neighbors... just ask... there are a lot of people willing to add farmers who are playing the quests.
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