In preferences, it would be nice to have the trees split into shake and chop.
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When there is a special announcement about information we need to be aware of, please try to tighten that line up or the access line or anything you choose so that the bottom 8th inch or so playing screen does not fall out of sight.
https://apps.slashkey.com/farmtown/p...0646&farm_ix=Y Farming Since July 25, 2009 USER ID number 537090646 |
Please add an option to Super neighbors to disallow them to use the purple irrigation.
Love the unavailable option - but it would be nice to have hours and days - and a way to turn off the red when we're back.
Please add a "search all farms" option. When a farm pass quest calls for a certain tree or flower we have to go to each individual farm and search. And if we also have to go to our super neighbors to try to get enough for the quest, we have to do the same. Takes forever! Would be MUCH easier if we could just "search all" and know which farm has the tree or flower we need. Thank you.
Could we have some means of telling us how many coins we have made n the day and how much we have spent it would be very helpful please.
Please consider changing the colors on the "store all" or "load all" buttons. It can be hard to distinguish the buttons when trying to load or store items. Thank you!!!
My Requests\Show Other Wall Requests - Please add a check box or someway to filter out the "Visit Farm" requests.
I think this category comes closest to my suggestion.
My eyes aren't what they used to be and I've always had a problem with breaking down large numbers quickly. If at all possible I'd like to see a comma or space in the numbers in mouseovers. 10 537 or 105 376 or 1 537 549 make it much easier for me to know what I want to sell/buy in the trade warehouse than do 10537 or 105376 or 1537549.
Kathy http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/pl...1484&farm_ix=Y Accepting new buddies Last edited by GoalieAunt; Aug 13 2024 at 04:06 PM. |
Filter for "Other Requests"
It would be helpful to have a filter for the other requests page such as Ingredients, Bonuses, Gift Requests, Farmer Accomplishments. Increasing the volume on this page helped but as more people use this to request 5 gifts at a time is taking up much space and making it more tedious to find what you need to accomplish your task. The category I referred to as "farmer accomplishments in most cases is useless and really takes up space. I do not think anyone has ever visited a farm because someone enlarged it or bought a new tool. Maybe a separate brag page for those who have interest in this would allow for better efficiency for all players and help all players get what they actually need. The best parts of the game are when you can help another player and there is some benefit for you too! Thanks for your consideration!