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Old Jan 20 2023, 12:17 AM
JNelson JNelson is offline
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Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi JNelson,
As it has to do with your trade amounts you are allowed to do then it is in the Buying/Selling/Trading chapter 10.
i was looking for the info that in the ? ,,, the how it is calculated, xxx points for xxx number of facilies at 15% or more ....

is that in the files somewhere i not seeing? if not would it be possible for someone to PM the information
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Old Jan 20 2023, 12:32 AM
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Originally Posted by JNelson View Post
i was looking for the info that in the ? ,,, the how it is calculated, xxx points for xxx number of facilies at 15% or more ....

is that in the files somewhere i not seeing? if not would it be possible for someone to PM the information
Hi JNelson,
The explanation of how the nember is determined is in that same post in the paragraph above where it tells you how to find your best diversification rank.
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Old Jan 20 2023, 12:46 AM
JNelson JNelson is offline
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Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi JNelson,
The explanation of how the nember is determined is in that same post in the paragraph above where it tells you how to find your best diversification rank.
thank you very much .....
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Old Jan 20 2023, 01:02 AM
Sonshyne Sonshyne is offline
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Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi Sonshyne,
Please open your facility manager and search for your pizza restaurants. Make sure there is a check in the box for each one. Then open one of them and make sure there is a check in each box for all the pizzas.
Thanks Taz! I opened up the first pizza restaurant and as you said, none of the pizzas were checked. I checked each one and then looked at the other restaurants and all of the pizzas are checked in those as well now. I'll keep an eye on this to see if the pizzas continue to remain checked.
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Old Jan 20 2023, 01:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Sonshyne View Post
Thanks Taz! I opened up the first pizza restaurant and as you said, none of the pizzas were checked. I checked each one and then looked at the other restaurants and all of the pizzas are checked in those as well now. I'll keep an eye on this to see if the pizzas continue to remain checked.
Hi Sonshyne,
Yes you only had to check one of them as they are all tied together in that if you uncheck a product in one it is unchecked in all.
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Old Jan 21 2023, 09:30 PM
lynnetimpeiro@msn.com lynnetimpeiro@msn.com is offline
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I just went into the Train Supplies Factory (I have several) and was checking to see why I didn't have stock on the folding table. I got a message that I need to add "1 stainless steel sheet and 1 stainless steel sheet" in order to be able to produce the tables. The same is true of the brake hose needing "1 more rubber sheet and 1 more rubber sheet". Train radiator = brass sheet. I'm not really sure what it is that I need in order to put this stuff into production. The other items appear to be fine with what I need. Thank you for helping.

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Old Jan 22 2023, 06:32 AM
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Originally Posted by lynnetimpeiro@msn.com View Post
I just went into the Train Supplies Factory (I have several) and was checking to see why I didn't have stock on the folding table. I got a message that I need to add "1 stainless steel sheet and 1 stainless steel sheet" in order to be able to produce the tables. The same is true of the brake hose needing "1 more rubber sheet and 1 more rubber sheet". Train radiator = brass sheet. I'm not really sure what it is that I need in order to put this stuff into production. The other items appear to be fine with what I need. Thank you for helping.
Hi lynnetimpeiro,

Are you still having problems? Did you remember to store from your facilities before you started any batches?

At the time of this post it looks like you have recently stored as you currently have stainless steel sheets, brass sheets (made in the metal mills) and rubber sheets (made in the rubber factory) in your Harvest & products storage. If you have not already done so try starting batches of the folding table, brake hose in one of your train supplies factory and see if you now have enough to fill just the one facility to maximum before you try filling the others to maximum or any other facilities that use those products to make items.

When you don't have enough products to start a a batch of products, open the facility that makes the product and click on the green ? on that product. That will show you what that item needs to make it and the facility (or facilities) it's made in.

If you mouse over the pictures you see it shows you more information. For example mousing over a picture of a product will tell you how many of that product you have, mousing over a picture of a facility will show you the name of the facility and how many of those you have.

If you would like more details on how to check for what you may be short on and how to use the ingredient planner either in an individual facility or how to use the ingredient planner located at the top of your facility manager, please click on this link to be taken to the game guide for more details:


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Old Jan 22 2023, 01:43 PM
lynnetimpeiro@msn.com lynnetimpeiro@msn.com is offline
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Thanks Tiger but if you go to my Farm 26 (I had just bought the 2 train facs for farm 1 and 5), and click on the Start Batch, it will come up with the duplicate of I need to add 1 more stainless steel sheet. I had stored and started facs up; and, did so again just a few minutes ago. BTW, the same holds true of the brake hose and radiator - duplicates of what I need to start. Thank you for your help.

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Old Jan 22 2023, 02:50 PM
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Originally Posted by lynnetimpeiro@msn.com View Post
Thanks Tiger but if you go to my Farm 26 (I had just bought the 2 train facs for farm 1 and 5), and click on the Start Batch, it will come up with the duplicate of I need to add 1 more stainless steel sheet. I had stored and started facs up; and, did so again just a few minutes ago. BTW, the same holds true of the brake hose and radiator - duplicates of what I need to start. Thank you for your help.
Hi lynnetimpeiro,

My apologies that I was unable to answer you and visit your farm 26 sooner. Sundays I am not around much.

Please go to your farm 26 and show only the facilities. Then use the search tool in your toolbox (looks like a magnifying glass) to search for the train supplies and then also the train depot.

I am seeing that you have 2 of each of those facilities on that farm, which may explain why you are getting the duplicate messages.

If you also see 2 of each of those facilities, please store one of each of them or move one of each to a different farm where there are none of those facilities.

You can only have one of each on a farm. A second set just becomes decorative and mimics the information in the first set so that it doesn't matter which ones you look in to use for working facilities.

Then once you only have one of each on that farm, try starting a single batch of the problem products in the train supplies and see if it will start them when you have enough products or if you don't have enough if it still shows you a duplicate version of the missing products. If the single batch is fine and you have enough products try starting more batches of those and see if that clears the problem up.

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Old Jan 22 2023, 04:01 PM
lynnetimpeiro@msn.com lynnetimpeiro@msn.com is offline
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Thank you, Tiger!! I did that, moved one of the supplies fac to a different farm and now they are all in production!! Geeeeesh!! Now to move the depot. Thank you again!! Have a wonderful week!!

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