View Full Version : New Release -- October 22nd, 2010

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Oct 22 2010, 10:11 PM
Hi There,

We just released a new version of the game with the following features and bug fixes.

1. 7 trees: Cedar, Star, Pecan, Tamarind, Pistachios, Papaya and Autum Tree.

2. 9 crops: Green Beans, Cantaloupe, Spinach, Cauliflower, Rhubarb, Oregano, Lavender, Sesame Seeds and Parsley.

3. 17 new Halloween items (Coins): These were launched a few days ago.

4. New, smaller version of the Oil Refinery: Use the 'Switch View' option from the item menu.

5. Extended Tool Box: The tool box vertical bar now have a green arrow on top, when you click on it, it will expand and display every single tool in the game, including the Mobile Sprinkler, Chainsaw, Boat, Manure Spreader and all Seeders. A few observations:

- If you have a tool on the current farm or on the item storage you can access it from the expanded tool box as well.

- If you have a tool on storage, you can also use the less powerfull version of that tool even if you don't own it, for example, if you own a 3x3 Seeder, you can also use the 2x2 and 2x1 Seeders.

- When you launch the Manure Spreader from the extended tool box, you'll have to click anywhere on the farm to fertilize it, you'll see a quick animation when you do this. You can also navigate to another farm and continue fertilizing. In a few days, this will also be the behaivor when fertilizing farms using the Manure Spreader tool located on a farm.

6. 4x4 Seeder, 4x4 Harvester and 4x4 Plower (FC): Plant 16 fields at a time.

7. Inter-User Trading of Primary Products: When you click on the Avatar of another user (where all hire options are) there is a new option named 'Sell Products To' will allow you to sell your PRIMARY products to other users that need them for their facilities.

- Primary Products are products comming directly from plants (fruits and vegetables), from animals, flowers or fish.
- The purchaser don't need to be a friend or a neighbour of the seller, this option can be used everywhere, including the market.
- Every user can purchase as much as 500 products from other users every 12 hours. Notice this is almost a full farm of crops, or many fish or animals products that you can buy without having to work for them wasting space and time.
- The Total Price that the seller and purchaser see may be different, as purchaser is always paying the price for a Medium Box, even if seller is selling a combination of large and medium boxes. The difference comes from the Mayor, so the the seller don't lose money either.
- The Seller can sell the products:

1. 10% below market price: If seller wants to give a friend a break even at his expense

2. At market price: this will be the same as selling the products to the mayor, but it may be convenient sometimes when users want to sell products to each other

3. 10-50% above market price: In this case the seller is making a profit, but it may still be a good deal for purchasers if they put those products to good use on their facilities

8. Petrochemical Plant (Coins): Allows you to produce Ethanol. It requires Petrochemical Barrels as input, which you can produce in the Oil refinery. In the future this plant will also produce nylon, plastics and other products.

9. Essential Oils Plant (Coins): Allows you to produce Essential Oils.

Pink Roses Essential Oil -> notice that pink roses are the ones needed, not red or white roses.
Iris Essential Oil
Violet Essential Oil
Lavender Essential Oil
Peach Essential Oil
Vanilla Essential Oil
Cinnamon Essential Oil
Cedar Essential Oil -> you need Cedar Log Piles to produce this essential oil, which you get by chopping cedar trees.

10. Perfume Factory (FC): Allows you to produce perfumes out of the Ethanol, Coconut Oil and a combination of Essential Oils. You can produce Coconut Oil in the Oil Factory.

Baby Perfume
Body Splash
Eau de Toilette
Eau de Parfum

11. Chinese Restaurant (FC): Allows you to produce Chinese Food. You can produce Soy Sause in the Food Preserve Factory. You can produce Chinese Noodles in the Pasta Factory.

Egg Rolls
Fried Rice
Sesame Chicken
Kung Pao Chicken
Chicken Chow Mein
Fortune Cookies

12. Item Storage bug corrected: A very small % of users were losing items when adding them to the storage even when they had enough capacity, this has been corrected.

**More levels and farm 7 on the next release**




Oct 22 2010, 10:17 PM
Thanks Raul & team for another fantastic update. Great to have a variety of new crops and trees to work with, and I can see the Chinese restaurant being a favourite. And a big thankyou for adding the 'trade' feature!

But yes, with all those new crops to manage I can see your next update of a 7th farm being an eagerly anticipated one.

Job well done again!!:)

Aussie Rae
Oct 22 2010, 10:17 PM
lovely. thank you very much, looking forward to farm 7, lol

Oct 22 2010, 10:21 PM
Oh boy, more goodies!!!

Oct 22 2010, 10:25 PM
The developers have outdone themselves - AGAIN! Thank you for keeping the game interesting.

Oct 22 2010, 10:28 PM
Fantastic...can't wait to get started. Thank you!!!

Oct 22 2010, 10:28 PM
LOL better make that farms 7 & 8 next update with all these goodies!

Farmer Homer
Oct 22 2010, 10:28 PM
I was planting my fields and saw the new seeds! Wonderful update, thank you!

Off to play now. :)

Oct 22 2010, 10:30 PM
thank you, looking forward to looking at it all YAY!

Barbara Marcus
Oct 22 2010, 10:38 PM
You are Wonderful!!!!

Oct 22 2010, 10:39 PM
Excellence once again!! Thanks for the new updates. I'm excited and for more coming LOL Keep up the excellent work you're doing!!

Oct 22 2010, 10:40 PM
Holy cats! What an update! Creative and loaded with possibilities. I am just beginning to dabble, eager to explore selling items to others. Wow! Wow! Wow! Thanks!

And sis I say "WOW???!!!"

Oct 22 2010, 10:40 PM
We will see how the trading thing goes, looking forward to that.

I have one suggestion for the next update: (don't think it has been mentioned)

Please allow us to sell back some of our farm cash items (even if its not full price) or somehow incorporate it in with the trading to where we can sell to other people. For example I have bought 3 juice factories because I have so many cranberry trees which I will be taking down some of them and replacing with the new trees, therefor I will not need as many juice factories, also would like to update some of my decorations that where farm cash that you guys made better at a later date. For example (stables) I have the older one and would like the newer looking one which is much better but don't want to have to buy that one also.

Thank you :):)

Oct 22 2010, 10:54 PM
Wow! Thanks and Thanks and Thanks again. Love all new additions. FarmTown just keeps getting better and better.

Oct 22 2010, 10:55 PM
Thanks for the updates! Looking forward to using the new seeds, and factories. The 3x3 seeder, plow, and harvester works great! But I won't be buying the newest seeder etc, cuz the cost is too high. I am at the highest level, and the only time I get the farm cash is when you add some. I have used all of the "free" ofters and I won't be buying any farm cash in the future.

Debbie Arnold
Oct 22 2010, 10:58 PM
Thank you for this great update. I look forward to getting the Chinese Restaurant and Perfume facility when I get more FC tomorrow. Great job Devs!

Oct 22 2010, 10:59 PM
WOW! Just when I getting caught up with the last up date here comes more stuff. This is great!:D Thank you Thank You Thank You. Now where to put all the new stuff.:confused:....farm 7 soon I hope.:D

Again Thank you for a wonderful game and keeping it interesting.


Oct 22 2010, 11:03 PM
blown me away again!!!! tytytyty

Jo Myc
Oct 22 2010, 11:05 PM
Fabulous new updates, thanx to the Dev's for making the game a never ending addiction, and thanx on letting us know Farm 7 is on its way....:D:D:D

Texas Belle
Oct 22 2010, 11:06 PM
Hi There,

We just released a new version of the game with the following features and bug fixes.

1. 7 trees: Cedar, Star, Pecan, Tamarind, Pistachios, Papaya and Autum Tree.

2. 9 crops: Green Beans, Cantaloupe, Spinach, Cauliflower, Rhubarb, Oregano, Lavender, Sesame Seeds and Parsley.

3. 17 new Halloween items (Coins): These were launched a few days ago.

4. New, smaller version of the Oil Refinery: Use the 'Switch View' option from the item menu.

5. Extended Tool Box: The tool box vertical bar now have a green arrow on top, when you click on it, it will expand and display every single tool in the game, including the Mobile Sprinkler, Chainsaw, Boat, Manure Spreader and all Seeders. A few observations:

- If you have a tool on the current farm or on the item storage you can access it from the expanded tool box as well.

- If you have a tool on storage, you can also use the less powerfull version of that tool even if you don't own it, for example, if you own a 3x3 Seeder, you can also use the 2x2 and 2x1 Seeders.

- When you launch the Manure Spreader from the extended tool box, you'll have to click anywhere on the farm to fertilize it, you'll see a quick animation when you do this. You can also navigate to another farm and continue fertilizing. In a few days, this will also be the behaivor when fertilizing farms using the Manure Spreader tool located on a farm.

6. 4x4 Seeder, 4x4 Harvester and 4x4 Plower (FC): Plant 16 fields at a time.

7. Inter-User Trading of Primary Products [To be launched later today or tomorrow]: A new option in the avatar menu named 'Sell Products To' will allow you to sell your PRIMARY products to other users that need them for their facilities.

- Primary Products are products comming from plants, from animals, flowers or fish.
- The purchaser don't need to be a friend or a neighbour of the seller, this option can be used everywhere, including the market.
- Every user can purchase as much as 500 products from other users every 12 hours. Notice this is almost a full farm of crops, or many fish or animals products that you can buy without having to work for them wasting space and time.
- The Total Price that the seller and purchaser see may be different, as purchaser is always paying the price for a Medium Box, even if seller is selling a combination of large and medium boxes. The difference comes from the Mayor, so the the seller don't lose money either.
- The Seller can sell the products:

1. 10% below market price: If seller wants to give a friend a break even at his expense

2. At market price: this will be the same as selling the products to the mayor, but it may be convenient sometimes when users want to sell products to each other

3. 10-50% above market price: In this case the seller is making a profit, but it may still be a good deal for purchasers if they put those products to good use on their facilities

8. Petrochemical Plant (Coins): Allows you to produce Ethanol. It requires Petrochemical Barrels as input, which you can produce in the Oil refinery. In the future this plant will also produce nylon, plastics and other products.

9. Essential Oils Plant (Coins): Allows you to produce Essential Oils.

Pink Roses Essential Oil -> notice that pink roses are the ones needed, not red or white roses.
Iris Essential Oil
Violet Essential Oil
Lavender Essential Oil
Peach Essential Oil
Vanilla Essential Oil
Cinnamon Essential Oil
Cedar Essential Oil -> you need Cedar Log Piles to produce this essential oil, which you get by chopping cedar trees.

10. Perfume Factory (FC): Allows you to produce perfumes out of the Ethanol, Coconut Oil and a combination of Essential Oils. You can produce Coconut Oil in the Oil Factory.

Baby Perfume
Body Splash
Eau de Toilette
Eau de Parfum

11. Chinese Restaurant (FC): Allows you to produce Chinese Food. You can produce Soy Sause in the Food Preserve Factory. You can produce Chinese Noodles in the Pasta Factory.

Egg Rolls
Fried Rice
Sesame Chicken
Kung Pao Chicken
Chicken Chow Mein
Fortune Cookies

12. Item Storage bug corrected: A very small % of users were losing items when adding them to the storage even when they had enough capacity, this has been corrected.

**More levels and farm 7 on the next release**




Thanks guys you are the best of the best, the most exciting thing? Farm 7, wow, can hardly wait, went to plow and saw the 16 thing and came right over and was just asking myself where in the heck am I going to put the new facilities, but I see you have that figured out.
Thank you, thank you, now to go and make some fried rice. Have not investigated, but.... can we do shrimp fried rice? Oh well off I go to see all experiment.....
Thanks again, guys, love ya

Oct 22 2010, 11:09 PM
Thanks for my FT fix. Just what I needed :-) You're awesome Raul and devs!!! Off to air that piece of plastic now :-)

Duck Duck Goose
Oct 22 2010, 11:09 PM

This is soooo Bit (cuss word here) ing!!!!!

This has got to be the single most awesome update so far!
i havent even soaked it in yet.
And here i thought we were only getting some piddly new decorations.... (kicks myself)

I dont mind one darn bit that i just redesigned my farms for 3x3 plot layouts, cause i got what i wanted: 4x4!!!!!
Gonna bulldoze that stuff asap to redo them again.

Oct 22 2010, 11:12 PM
Really like the changes, but hope there are some new animals soon. We've had lots of updates with no new animals. I really would love to see buffalo and deer. And the ability to buy cows, etc. Other than that, no complaints.

Oct 22 2010, 11:17 PM
Thank you all for your hard work. This looks like a great update. Looking forward the farm 7 will be needed for all the new crops..All your hard work is appreciated here.

Miz Lisa
Oct 22 2010, 11:17 PM
Absolutely LOVE the new view of the oil refinery!! I was able to put the new view up and have enough room for the new petrochemical plant without having to rearrange anything!! I lurve my oil refinery even more!!


Duck Duck Goose
Oct 22 2010, 11:19 PM

This is soooo Bit (cuss word here) ing!!!!!

This has got to be the single most awesome update so far!
i havent even soaked it in yet.
And here i thought we were only getting some piddly new decorations.... (kicks myself)

I dont mind one darn bit that i just redesigned my farms for 3x3 plot layouts, cause i got what i wanted: 4x4!!!!!
Gonna bulldoze that stuff asap to redo them again.

correction: i guess not i was so excited, i just now noticed it was all farmcash.........:(

Oct 22 2010, 11:24 PM
Yeah sure, wonderful and all. For those of you who are riich. I truly am thinking that the game's just not worth it anymore with all the new goods costing farm cash. who has that kind of money in this economy? gimme a break! it's just the same as real life, and I don't play games to mimic real life, i play them to get away from it all....geez it's ridiculous.

Oct 22 2010, 11:28 PM
Thanks for update, seems like were getting some cool new stuff to play around with.

However i do think the prices on the new 4x4 tools are WAY too high. I have purchased quite alot of FC so far because i like this game and i like the devs, unlike other facebook games you were never greedy, but this time i just feel like a cow being milked on my VISA card. I know i dont HAVE to have the new tools, but i play FT 6-8 hours a day because i cant work, this is my escape from boring every day life, and i like having all the facilities and stuff to do during the day. Right now it feels like the game lost some of its magic for me. So this is one time i wont sacrifice going to the movies or doing something extra to get farmcash.

Oct 22 2010, 11:28 PM
Oh boy this great but where oh where do I put all of this new stuff....Hint! Hint! Devs for farms 7 and 8:)

Great job everyone this is fantastic:)

Rob T
Oct 22 2010, 11:32 PM
Fantastic update Raul & the development team :) you did it again :) woooohoooooooooo

rocker grrrrrl
Oct 22 2010, 11:46 PM
- When you launch the Manure Spreader from the extended tool box, you'll have to click anywhere on the farm to fertilize it, you'll see a quick animation when you do this. You can also navigate to another farm and continue fertilizing. In a few days, this will also be the behaivor when fertilizing farms using the Manure Spreader tool located on a farm.

I LOVE this new way of fertilizing!! I especially love seeing all the little manures raining down on my farm LOL Thanks so much for a great new update. :)[/COLOR]

Duck Duck Goose
Oct 22 2010, 11:46 PM
correction: i guess not i was so excited, i just now noticed it was all farmcash.........:(

well i guess they did make 2 of the buildings in coins, but 1 of them requires an older building (oil refinery) that costs FC.

Yea 45 FC per tool is way too steep for me.

But hey, at least we got a nice expanded toolbar, and the possiblility to buy and sell products from our storage to each other.

That sound you just heard was the sound of my excitment bubble being popped. I really wanted the 4x4 stuff.

Im still hoping for a bigger bulldozer too, but im afraid to ask for one now...

Oct 22 2010, 11:55 PM
Now could youmaybe updatye the bulldozer for those of us that change our farms often? It's still only 2x2. Thank you! Nice job!!

mini barb
Oct 22 2010, 11:58 PM
:D WOW... I'm gob-smacked... in a nice way LOL!!! Great, fabulous, AWESOME!!!! Now I just got to figure where to make the space argghhh!!!

Oct 23 2010, 12:01 AM
have a question..in the essintal oil factory it says peaches..now is that peaches from the peach tree or from the food perserve factory?

Rob T
Oct 23 2010, 12:05 AM
have a question..in the essintal oil factory it says peaches..now is that peaches from the peach tree or from the food perserve factory?

It would be the peaches from the trees.

Oct 23 2010, 12:08 AM
thank you!

Oct 23 2010, 12:18 AM
the prices for the new seeder etc, the new facilities r outrageous! i WILL NOT GET ANY THING FOR MY FARMS til we get 2 more farms!! not all of us want to (learn how to) layer!! give everyone a break on the prices!! this is beginning to NOT B FUN!!:mad:

Oct 23 2010, 12:24 AM
ok the up grade is great..but how about raising the the limits I can't produce enough for production..before the upgrade you want us to buy these new facilities how about raising the limits on oh lets say flour, sugar, tomotoes, cheese etc. We love this game but you guys have to give us a break..you want us to buy facilities how about you help us out....

Halley/Harper Dig
Oct 23 2010, 12:27 AM
Thank you thank you thank you for the lavender and essential oils facility and so much more. You just put icing on one of the best days I've had in a long time That's how good it is! I am only sad that the new tools are so expensive :((FC not coin)...but so stoked about all the other stuff!


Oct 23 2010, 12:27 AM
another question...what is a star tree and what is it used for?

Oct 23 2010, 12:27 AM
LOVE the new updates,
can't wait for farm 7, my farms are full and happy thank you

Oct 23 2010, 12:29 AM
Any chance on when you will fix the phantom items in the gift box? I have 11 now!! :(

Oct 23 2010, 12:42 AM
Awesome!! Thank you so much :) Saved again from another dreary day of house cleaning because I have to reorganize my farms so all the new stuff will fit, lol. I so love you guys :D

Oct 23 2010, 12:44 AM
another question...what is a star tree and what is it used for?

Produces star fruit to be sold as any other fruit. :)

Oct 23 2010, 12:59 AM
How about including Farm #8 with Farm #7. :) I know, I know; and, thanks for everything.

Oct 23 2010, 01:08 AM
Essential Oils Factory? C'mon! These would be a natural to have been added to the Herbal Remedy Shop where, in RL, they are sold and, yes, often produced in-house at the shop.
And cedar only used to produce oils? Those would be a by product. The main use for the cedar logs would be to produce lumber for furniture or cedar shingles.
Yup, I know it's a game, but really!! It's getting as bad as the developers in real life. A specialty product of shop for everything.
Oh, well, just venting LOL The new releases are always rather disappointing in this respect. Sure wish if, as an option, the developers would add functions to existing facilities. I'd have no problem spending some FT Coins or even saving up to spend some real $$ for that.

Oct 23 2010, 01:14 AM
It would be the peaches from the trees.
Peach oil? What?? Maybe peach pits pressed/crushed to get the oil out? Is there such a thing?

Oct 23 2010, 01:23 AM
I don't complain about the prices since Ft, like any other form of entertainment, is a luxury, not something we need. So I've been content to plod along, play for fun, time permitting, get items that fit my farm themes/layouts with game coins and, occasionally, every few months spend a few real $$ for FT Cash. Will say, though, that many of the newer items (last several updates) sure are a bit pricey.
I try to strategize, as in RL, to make the most out of existing resources and when everything new winds up being used in a new facility with no option to purchase additional capacity for existing facilities, it's a bit discouraging. By capacity, I mean being able to buy (with FT Coins or FT Cash) added functions, such as making cedar furniture in the Furniture Factory or Cedar Shakes in the Sawmill. Or making essential oils in the Herbal Remedy Facility.

the prices for the new seeder etc, the new facilities r outrageous! i WILL NOT GET ANY THING FOR MY FARMS til we get 2 more farms!! not all of us want to (learn how to) layer!! give everyone a break on the prices!! this is beginning to NOT B FUN!!:mad:

Oct 23 2010, 01:24 AM
Peach oil? What?? Maybe peach pits pressed/crushed to get the oil out? Is there such a thing?

Yup. Used in aromatherapy, cosmetics, etc. and expressed from the kernel (pit) of the peach tree. Sounds kind of nice, actually.

Oct 23 2010, 01:26 AM
Really like the changes, but hope there are some new animals soon. We've had lots of updates with no new animals. I really would love to see buffalo and deer. And the ability to buy cows, etc. Other than that, no complaints.
Nope. The developers have gone modern with a vengeance -- all about produce, produce, produce!! LOL

Oct 23 2010, 01:26 AM
well, devs, i just have to say-AS USUAL, U GUYS ROCK!!! :D very cool update, so please don't listen to the whiners!! it's a GAME and it's still THE BEST!!!! thanks so much for all the hard work and kicka** updates you guys give us!! thanks for all the ways to EARN FC, so us poor folks don't have to spend the real $$!!! hey, i know, THANK YOU ALOT FOR JUST BEING AWESOME AND MAKING THIS GAME AWESOME!!!<3<3<3:D

Oct 23 2010, 01:29 AM
Great update, I love being able to move all my tools to storage and not have to save a space for them.

Now I want a way to sell part of an item. I get a ton of butter, olive oil etc and the choice is either let it pile up or sell it all. If we had two buttons, "sell all" and "sell half", it would be great.

Deanna J. Lloyd
Oct 23 2010, 01:29 AM
Even though this means I will take a loss by selling my extra seeders & harvesters, I'm thrilled that moving them off my farms will free up more space for crops -- and more facilities. You guys are AWESOME!!! Love the fact that I can access all my tools in storage from the toolbox -- don't have to load and unload them from farm to farm and don't have to wait for crop storage to load either.

One small request -- which I will also post to the suggestions thread. Could we please have a "Seasonal Items" storage. You've given us so many super-neat Halloween items -- and I'm looking forward to many new Christmas and Thanksgiving items. I'd like to keep the ones I have, but I'm really loathe to have to navigate through them to get to the items I want.

BRAVO, FT developers!!! You just keep making this game better and better and better. You're burying the competition!!! HUZZAH!!!

Mrs Borgies
Oct 23 2010, 01:45 AM
As usual, you guys rock! Thank you!!!..... of to get my head around the new updates as well as a play. :)

Bubba Geouge
Oct 23 2010, 01:56 AM
wow, thanks raul for the updates

Lola Baldwin
Oct 23 2010, 02:10 AM
Raul - I do appreciate all of your hard work, but frankly having to purchase items with FarmCash is getting ridiculous. I am sure I speak for alot of people - I simply cannot afford it, and trying to earn the FC through those surveys is torture with all of that junk email. I still enjoy and will continue playing FarmTown but I have over 800 million coins and what am I supposed to do with it?

Oct 23 2010, 02:11 AM
Thanks for all the updates. Just one question though will there ever be any more crops that are 2 hours.

Oct 23 2010, 02:15 AM
The new expanded tool panel is a TERRIFIC addition, especially in letting us plant seeds and spread manure (AND letting us see whether a farm is fertilized and how much longer it will remain so) without moving the tools around.

I'm looking forward to trying the new trees and seeds. I've wanted lavender plants for a long time!

I also really appreciate the new view of the oil refinery. I keep hoping you will come out with a new view for the CHOCOLATE factory - I really want to buy one, but I hate the way they look, so I keep relying on working at my neighbors' farms to get the chocolate syrup. Please???

Oct 23 2010, 02:17 AM
And now I'm going to QUIT in frustration .As i'm at level 135 and have only 7 FC . On my Earn Cash and Coins is blank form more than 8-9 months.I see new facilities coming every months and i'm not able to purchase them because lots of them with FC and tool also comes with FC . Its no use to play more this FANTASTIC game . I had complained this to the developers too but they are unable to figure out my problem . They r quick in response and i like that they reply in max 2-3 days .but that doesn't solve my problem as i see every one have their earn farm cash options on there tab .


Oct 23 2010, 02:21 AM
Again you guys never fail to amaze! I will probably chew off my fingers before the next release now though since we know what is coming! Notice they did not give time frame this time. lol :)

Oct 23 2010, 02:27 AM
Raul - I do appreciate all of your hard work, but frankly having to purchase items with FarmCash is getting ridiculous. I am sure I speak for alot of people - I simply cannot afford it, and trying to earn the FC through those surveys is torture with all of that junk email. I still enjoy and will continue playing FarmTown but I have over 800 million coins and what am I supposed to do with it?

I have to agree. I haven't added it all up, but the people who've bought all the facilities and tools that require FC have spent a LOT of money on this game. Lately you've been coming out with about 60 FC worth of new facilities every other week (and that's not even counting the tools that cost FC); since 60 FC costs at least $10, that would amount to over $250 per year to keep up with it all!

I have purchased FC and don't mind doing so within reason, but I think the FC prices for facilities are just too high. I think if the prices were between half and two-thirds of what they currently are, it would be a lot more reasonable (though even then it would still be expensive to buy all the FC facilities). Frankly, I think you ought to cut the prices (and to be fair, refund the difference to those who've paid the higher prices).

Oct 23 2010, 02:32 AM
Lavender? LAVENDER???!!!??? ~*checks pulse for fear I have died & gone to heaven*~ thank you thank you thank you!

Oct 23 2010, 02:32 AM
I think I just exploded!!!!!!! I am in effin heaven now!!!!


Mrs Borgies
Oct 23 2010, 02:33 AM
Again you guys never fail to amaze! I will probably chew off my fingers before the next release now though since we know what is coming! Notice they did not give time frame this time. lol :)

Ditto!!! :D

Oct 23 2010, 02:35 AM
for a fabulous game and outstanding game development. This is still the rolls royce of all the crop games. I am looking forward to being able to harvest, plow, and plant in one click. They say dreams are free.

Thanks again for all of your hard work in providing us loads of fun and enjoyment.

Oct 23 2010, 02:44 AM
Thanks. I was about to look it up on the Internet. I like that idea, using the pit so that it doesn't go to waste. Gosh, the developers should make peach pits a by-product of making the peach preserves. Then we could take the pits from the Preserve Factory into the Essential Oils Factory instead of wasting whole peaches just to get the oil. ..... Conservation of resources, ya' know. :)

Yup. Used in aromatherapy, cosmetics, etc. and expressed from the kernel (pit) of the peach tree. Sounds kind of nice, actually.

Oct 23 2010, 02:48 AM
Why would you be selling your seeder and harvester? ....., Oh, I see ... you have more than one of each. I didn't do that. Just put mine in storage and moved them from farm to farm as needed.

Even though this means I will take a loss by selling my extra seeders & harvesters, I'm thrilled that moving them off my farms will free up more space for crops -- and more facilities. You guys are AWESOME!!! Love the fact that I can access all my tools in storage from the toolbox -- don't have to load and unload them from farm to farm and don't have to wait for crop storage to load either.

One small request -- which I will also post to the suggestions thread. Could we please have a "Seasonal Items" storage. You've given us so many super-neat Halloween items -- and I'm looking forward to many new Christmas and Thanksgiving items. I'd like to keep the ones I have, but I'm really loathe to have to navigate through them to get to the items I want.

BRAVO, FT developers!!! You just keep making this game better and better and better. You're burying the competition!!! HUZZAH!!!

Oct 23 2010, 02:49 AM
I have to agree. I haven't added it all up, but the people who've bought all the facilities and tools that require FC have spent a LOT of money on this game. Lately you've been coming out with about 60 FC worth of new facilities every other week (and that's not even counting the tools that cost FC); since 60 FC costs at least $10, that would amount to over $250 per year to keep up with it all!

I have purchased FC and don't mind doing so within reason, but I think the FC prices for facilities are just too high. I think if the prices were between half and two-thirds of what they currently are, it would be a lot more reasonable (though even then it would still be expensive to buy all the FC facilities). Frankly, I think you ought to cut the prices (and to be fair, refund the difference to those who've paid the higher prices).

I too agree. I've bought FC and have no problem buying FC. I guess my problem is that with every new release there tends to be more FC facilities, and it seems that some that you can buy with coins the other part to the facility is FC. So there seems to be no point in buying them.

Oct 23 2010, 02:50 AM
That would be great for those who are on the game a lot during the day. My raspberries almost always go to waste so seldom plant them. Even lost a farm of Purple Grapes again today. Yup, poor planning on my part :(

Thanks for all the updates. Just one question though will there ever be any more crops that are 2 hours.

Oct 23 2010, 02:52 AM
i think that it would be absolutely awsome if you could add some more levels...maybe not more farms but more levels, for the people that have already leveled all the way i think it would make the game more interesting and keep it fun for everyone. gives us more to work towards..i think that would be the best

Oct 23 2010, 02:52 AM
MISSION CONTROL WE GOT A PROBLEM........i dont want to rain on your parade but i attempted to switch the oil refinery to the new view and now i dont have an oil refinery has anyone else had this prob\lem and yes i have cleared cache i have the latests flash and shockwave and all drivers are updated and i reset the modem and fully restarted the computer from totally off

Oct 23 2010, 02:55 AM
i think there should be more levels to keep it interesting for people already maxed out on levels. you added new stuff and i think that if there were more levels it would make it funner and give the people who are maxed out something to work for!!!!

Rob T
Oct 23 2010, 02:55 AM
MISSION CONTROL WE GOT A PROBLEM........i dont want to rain on your parade but i attempted to switch the oil refinery to the new view and now i dont have an oil refinery has anyone else had this prob\lem and yes i have cleared cache i have the latests flash and shockwave and all drivers are updated and i reset the modem and fully restarted the computer from totally off

Have you tried clearing the macromedia files? if no, then follow the link below for info on doing that please.

Oct 23 2010, 02:59 AM
ok did the macro cache and still no oil refinery it retries 3 times on load and then gives up

Chelly Jelly
Oct 23 2010, 02:59 AM
I wish you could update the harvesting time of tomato and wheat to 12 hours to produce flour faster or at least increase the amount of flour produced in the facility instead of 5 flour per 10 wheat. it is obvious that most of the new facilities use flour especially the bakery.


Oct 23 2010, 03:00 AM
It's a marketing strategy and a smart one. Some dedicated FT gamers will buy all the new and improved items. Others of us will be more selective, especially since playing FT is a fun luxury and not a have-to-do activity. Like my cable TV package -- it would be nice to have a few of the additional channels, but since they come bundled with a lot of stations I wouldn't watch and since TV viewing is also a luxury, I stick with the least costly plan.
And in FT, we really can have lots of fun with minimal expenditure, which is great. So kudos to Slashkey for an excellent and entertaining product.

I too agree. I've bought FC and have no problem buying FC. I guess my problem is that with every new release there tends to be more FC facilities, and it seems that some that you can buy with coins the other part to the facility is FC. So there seems to be no point in buying them.

Rob T
Oct 23 2010, 03:02 AM
ok did the macro cache and still no oil refinery it retries 3 times on load and then gives up

ok, sounds to me like the global storage settings in the macromedia applet needs to be extended. I personally use 1mb. give that a try

Oct 23 2010, 03:03 AM
Lots of great additions to the game. Thanks, devs!! :D

Some observations, though...

Great to see all the tools accessible from the Tools menu. However, if the big bulldozer is being accessed from the Tools menu, it still needs green space in order to land on the farm. It should be brought from Storage as a "ghost" so that it can land anywhere, just as it does when brought from another farm using the yellow hand.
I was hoping to see a "Sell All" button on the Non-Ingredients page of Storage. But I live in hope!
Still no new production items for our existing facilities, particularly for those facilities that are grossly underused. But I live in hope!

Rob T
Oct 23 2010, 03:05 AM
Lots of great additions to the game. Thanks, devs!! :D

Some observations, though...

Great to see all the tools accessible from the Tools menu. However, if the big bulldozer is being accessed from the Tools menu, it still needs green space in order to land on the farm. It should be brought from Storage as a "ghost" so that it can land anywhere, just as it does when brought from another farm using the yellow hand.
I was hoping to see a "Sell All" button on the Non-Ingredients page of Storage. But I live in hope!
Still no new production items for our existing facilities, particularly for those facilities that are grossly underused. But I live in hope!

You could just keep the bulldozer in your storage, it doesn't have to be on a farm anymore, the same with every tool in the game panel.

Oct 23 2010, 03:06 AM
ok, sounds to me like the global storage settings in the macromedia applet needs to be extended. I personally use 1mb. give that a try

ok rob u da man that worked thank you so kindly

Rob T
Oct 23 2010, 03:06 AM
ok rob u da man that worked thank you so kindly

You're welcome :)

Oct 23 2010, 03:08 AM
You're welcome :)
and i kjust linked my farm...i hope lol

Oct 23 2010, 03:18 AM
Hi love the update!!

just asking.. me and a few friends are wondering about 7. Inter-User Trading of Primary Products dose it mean that for instance i can buy upto 500 things of 1 friend then also buy up 500 things of another friend or is it a limmit of 1 person buying 500 things in 12 hours ??

Rob T
Oct 23 2010, 03:23 AM
From how it reads, Every user can purchase as much as 500 products from other users every 12 hours. I believe it's 500 total whether it's from 1 user or 10 users.

Oct 23 2010, 03:24 AM
From how it reads, Every user can purchase as much as 500 products from other users every 12 hours. I believe it's 500 total whether it's from 1 user or 10 users.

ok than you Rob

Oct 23 2010, 03:27 AM
What about having the pecan's and pistachio tree's in the snack factory for nuts.

Oct 23 2010, 03:33 AM
Thank you for the new update, I like the Chinese restaurant (very cute!) and the Essential Oils factory, although as someone who uses them IRL, I'd bypass the petrochemicals and go all natural. Any chance we could get beeswax from the hives so we can make scented candles with the essential oils? *looks hopeful* Good job guys! :)

What is baby perfume?

7th farm is coming when? *lol* I need it already, actually I need 7, 8 and 9 :D

Oct 23 2010, 04:02 AM
I was in a bit of a FT slump and then I saw this! Made my day. Very happy about the lavender.

Love being able to plow a larger area as it can be really hard to find people to work from the marketplace and I am impatient :D

Oct 23 2010, 04:06 AM
Where do I get lavender please, can't find it in flowers?

Rob T
Oct 23 2010, 04:07 AM
Where do I get lavender please, can't find it in flowers?

It's in the seeds section

Oct 23 2010, 04:08 AM
I have read several replies from folks who want to sell part of their overstocked items. I do too! But this is what I do in the meantime. When I notice that my olive oil or chocolate, is in the 5 figures, I stop storing it and leave it in the factory. I let it build up at the factory until I have enough to use. Then I sell all of what is in storage. The upon my return, I store what is at the factory. It is a bit of a pain and I too would like an easier way, but hey it works for now.

Oct 23 2010, 04:10 AM
It's in the seeds section

Thanks for that!

Oct 23 2010, 04:12 AM
What about having the pecan's and pistachio tree's in the snack factory for nuts.
That would be a good idea given peanuts and walnut snacks are already available. But with so many varieties of nuts maybe a dedicated facility for them is in the pipeline. Judging from what's happened previously most new trees/crops end up being used for one or more facilities. With 9 new crops and 7 new trees for this release the devs obviously have a number of new facilities in the works.

Oct 23 2010, 04:35 AM
Lots of great additions to the game. Thanks, devs!! :D

Some observations, though...

Still no new production items for our existing facilities, particularly for those facilities that are grossly underused. But I live in hope!

Me too. But I'm not holding my breath. Hoped for a general purpose restaurant/diner -- one which served breakfasts, lunches consisting of burgers and other sandwiches and salads and soups, and dinners -- for a very long time and even heard via the "grapevine" that Raul was considering such a facility. Didn't happen and, with separate facilities for breakfasts and dinners, not going to happen. Me thinks the same is true, basically, regarding any significant additions to the products of existing facilities.
Coming out with new specialized ones is obviously a strategy that is, income wise, more advantageous to Slashkey. Not faulting them for being good enterprising business men and women, though.

Oct 23 2010, 04:38 AM
Re the appearance of the Essential Oils Factory which I just saw on a FT Neighbor's farm: grrrr!!!
In fact a number of the designs in recent updates are edging into the fantasy land style.

Chelly Jelly
Oct 23 2010, 04:56 AM
Re the appearance of the Essential Oils Factory which I just saw on a FT Neighbor's farm: grrrr!!!
In fact a number of the designs in recent updates are edging into the fantasy land style.

+1 also the chinese restaurant

Oct 23 2010, 05:03 AM
wohool thank you for the updates and I look forward to getting farm 7 :)

Oct 23 2010, 05:25 AM
Great update and thanks so much....but can anyone tell me can the Rhubarb be used for anything. By what I can see its just a stand alone crop which is fine but thought I would check in case I'm going blind:)

A Tiller the Pun
Oct 23 2010, 05:29 AM
Thanks for the new inovations. The release says that the extended tool box "displays every single tool in the game". And very handy it is too. However, I can't find the log truck. Has this been forgotten? It would be extremely convenient to have it included, please. Great work.

Witch Hazel
Oct 23 2010, 05:31 AM
I love the new essential oil plant...love how it looks! THANK YOU!!! I had thought when I first started playing this game over a year ago that I wouls do a flower/herb farm. Soooohappy with the new release...but now I have to rethink all six farms as part of a whole. Very happy to do so! Very happy to be able to really decide the theme of my farm expressed thru facilities and not just leap over flames to get the newest one. THANK YOU DEVS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
Oh, and THANK YOU FOR LAVENDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 23 2010, 05:32 AM
I have to agree. I haven't added it all up, but the people who've bought all the facilities and tools that require FC have spent a LOT of money on this game. Lately you've been coming out with about 60 FC worth of new facilities every other week (and that's not even counting the tools that cost FC); since 60 FC costs at least $10, that would amount to over $250 per year to keep up with it all!

I have purchased FC and don't mind doing so within reason, but I think the FC prices for facilities are just too high. I think if the prices were between half and two-thirds of what they currently are, it would be a lot more reasonable (though even then it would still be expensive to buy all the FC facilities). Frankly, I think you ought to cut the prices (and to be fair, refund the difference to those who've paid the higher prices).

I completely agree. I've bought FarmCash and I really don't mind doing it every once in a while to get premium items but with each new release there are more items that cost FC rather than coins and that's annoying. But I want all facilities so I buy them. Other FC items, such as a sprinkler, fall to the wayside. I was excited about a 4x4 seeder but quickly my excitement became disappointment/annoyance because it was FC and it wasn't just 20 or 30, it was 45! Come on! That's a lot especially for me when I'm unemployed due to the economy! I love FarmTown and it's the sole reason I don't delete my FB account. I am grateful for new items, crops and facilities so I can produce more items but like someone else pointed out, the essential oils could've been added to the Natural Remedies shop! Instead of releasing more facilities why not add new products to the existing ones?! I'm also excited about Farm 7 but I'm also dreading how much it and the upgrades are going to cost me. Please make them cheaper! The prices for the farms and upgrades are ridiculous even if you're not paying FC for them.

Oct 23 2010, 05:38 AM
Absolutely amazing, thank you so very much!

Oct 23 2010, 05:46 AM
Really like the changes, but hope there are some new animals soon. We've had lots of updates with no new animals. I really would love to see buffalo and deer. And the ability to buy cows, etc. Other than that, no complaints.

We are unanimous in this!! It's been a long time acoming. Could even go into the zoo realm of things...that would be awesome.....totally different aspect of the game..I have farm 9 slotted for that...lol.:D

Great job again devs. Thank you, thank you, thank you :)

Mrs Mags
Oct 23 2010, 06:47 AM
Wow!!! You guys are simply the best...thank you so much...:):):)

Oct 23 2010, 07:05 AM
Awesome update guys! :) Thank you very much for the camera tool on MySpace.

Hyacinth Bucket
Oct 23 2010, 07:27 AM
However, I can't find the log truck. Has this been forgotten? It would be extremely convenient to have it included, please. Great work.

It is there, it's listed as 'chainsaw', the bright orange one.

Oct 23 2010, 07:34 AM
Mind boggling. I thought this was a fabulous update, and it took only 13 posts before the whining started. THIRTEEN!!!! Amazing, people. Once again we have folks who can't find the "Suggestions" forum, and who have the FarmCash blues. Egads, can't we just have a one day moratorium on complaining??? (I am not talking about functional issues, just the blasted complaints!)

And it is so often the same people. Wahhhhhhhhh!

LOL.....gotta love human beings. Can't be pleased with a FREE game. So there are some luxury add-ons you must pay for. Waaaaaaahhhhhh! You know what? You can play this game WITHOUT those things. It's like the difference between owning a microwave and not. Yeah, you can still boil water and make popcorn without one. But the thing is convenient if you can afford it. Geesh!

Oct 23 2010, 07:43 AM
Once again the update is EXCELLENT! Thank you so much for the hard work and dedication in keeping the game fun!

Oct 23 2010, 07:48 AM
Fabulous. Thanks Guys. :)

Mel C
Oct 23 2010, 08:03 AM
Hi Raul and the rest of the team
thank you so much for all the new stuff in the best game on Face book you guys are wonderful and the great news is more levels so looking forward to them.
Thanks again for everything

crafty chris
Oct 23 2010, 08:09 AM
thanks again ... but um .. im skint cant afford them :( ... i know i gotta work harder lol but thanks :)

Oct 23 2010, 08:36 AM
Mind boggling. I thought this was a fabulous update, and it took only 13 posts before the whining started. THIRTEEN!!!! Amazing, people. Once again we have folks who can't find the "Suggestions" forum, and who have the FarmCash blues. Egads, can't we just have a one day moratorium on complaining??? (I am not talking about functional issues, just the blasted complaints!)

And it is so often the same people. Wahhhhhhhhh!

LOL.....gotta love human beings. Can't be pleased with a FREE game. So there are some luxury add-ons you must pay for. Waaaaaaahhhhhh! You know what? You can play this game WITHOUT those things. It's like the difference between owning a microwave and not. Yeah, you can still boil water and make popcorn without one. But the thing is convenient if you can afford it. Geesh!

I dont think most of us would mind bying them if the new tools were 20-30 farm cash. But 45 is pretty steep if youre bying all 3 and the new facilities on top of that.

And as i said before, i have purchased quite alot of farm cash in the past, and i would have gotten more for this update if i didnt feel like i was being milked for money. I have all facilities and some of them i even have two of, i have 4 trucks and i love this game, but 45 farm cash for each new 4x4 tool is just too much.

Oct 23 2010, 08:50 AM
ahhhh what a wonderful way to wake up to new updates !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm soo excited so much for getting anything done today lol

Oct 23 2010, 08:57 AM
Great job again!! The ability to put all the tools into storage is fantastic. Only sorry I bought 4 seeders last time. I think I will be staying with the 3x3 tools due to the price. Save my cash for farm 7. Thanks to the devs and mods for keeping the game interesting and keeping us informed.

Oct 23 2010, 08:58 AM
I completely agree. I've bought FarmCash and I really don't mind doing it every once in a while to get premium items but with each new release there are more items that cost FC rather than coins and that's annoying. But I want all facilities so I buy them. Other FC items, such as a sprinkler, fall to the wayside. I was excited about a 4x4 seeder but quickly my excitement became disappointment/annoyance because it was FC and it wasn't just 20 or 30, it was 45! Come on! That's a lot especially for me when I'm unemployed due to the economy! I love FarmTown and it's the sole reason I don't delete my FB account. I am grateful for new items, crops and facilities so I can produce more items but like someone else pointed out, the essential oils could've been added to the Natural Remedies shop! Instead of releasing more facilities why not add new products to the existing ones?! I'm also excited about Farm 7 but I'm also dreading how much it and the upgrades are going to cost me. Please make them cheaper! The prices for the farms and upgrades are ridiculous even if you're not paying FC for them.

Developers now know our weakness so they r exploiting them , as they know after each update not all but lots of people but FC from real money as they r addicted with this game . 'They tasted the money(blood )' . if they simply add new product how they get real money that why they r launching new tools and facilities .why they r not launched new tools upgrade as farmville does with the help of frens of we buy some parts to upgrade . But buying new tools and selling older is ridiculous .we have shortage of Fc and they r launching FC items .one weak earlier farmville given 100 FVC free .thats why my most of FT neighbors now only play Farmville . I like Farm town not farmville and blocked my farmville account . we r already paying them by playing most of our time log on on ft . as long as we r at farms or at there site they get money .

Oct 23 2010, 09:12 AM
i do not feel i am being "milked" i do not need to buy those items to advance. i do not need to spend real money (havent yet and have earned 235 fc free threw offeres plus my level cash). the amount for cash items released is still less then the amount of coin items released... so i personally do not feel "milked"

Oct 23 2010, 09:16 AM
I also do not feel "milked." And you only need to buy *one* of each tool now, because the new access menu lets you use every tool you own on every farm. I think I am getting *more* bang for my buck now!:D

Oct 23 2010, 09:22 AM
Thanks developers! Love the new changes!

Oct 23 2010, 09:34 AM
Raul, couldn't find the solar equipment. Why is that?

Oct 23 2010, 09:44 AM
I also do not feel "milked." And you only need to buy *one* of each tool now, because the new access menu lets you use every tool you own on every farm. I think I am getting *more* bang for my buck now!:D

yea love this new option now i need to sell off the extra items i have on each farm lol

Oct 23 2010, 09:44 AM
Thank you Raul good job . i can hardly wait for the next release i need more land lol :D

Oct 23 2010, 09:48 AM
ok did the macro cache and still no oil refinery it retries 3 times on load and then gives up

try this ok...... i have dial up internet.... so i know what this is like..... i hide from view everything that can be hid , trees, decorations, buildings,flwers, make your default farm the one with the least amount of items..... then leave the game totally... empty cache....... come back to farm town... load category of item that you are missing on that default farm for you buildings... keep the the rest hidden from view. go to that farm that the missing item was on..... you should be able to load it now.....

Oct 23 2010, 09:53 AM
I LOVE FT's DEVS!!!!!!!! Thank you so much, your the greatest!!! When I went to fertilize this morning I put the fertilizer in storage to use the new feature. I almost died laughing seeing the "Pig Poo" falling from the sky like rain as it fertilized my farm. LOVE IT!!!!! :)

Oct 23 2010, 10:21 AM
im guessing when the new selling feature is out it wont include fuel? i know i have a few neighbors with out the facility i would like to sell some too and help them out. so i figured i would come and see if that will be included in this new feature when its released

Oct 23 2010, 10:28 AM
I'm loving the new toolbar with all the tools. Thanks for that! Having to switch back and forth to seed and fertilize was annoying. Problem solved! The Chinese restaurant is cool too.....I've been waiting a long time for that. I'm passing on the other facilities, at least for now, as I just have too many facilities to keep up and don't want to spend the FC on them anyway. I'm starting to be selective about what I buy...there's just so much time in the day to spend in FT after all.

Oct 23 2010, 10:30 AM
I reckon I need more frams!

Oct 23 2010, 10:31 AM
Great Upgrade. Immediately purchased the harvester / seeder. My aching hands need all the help they can get (lol). I can't wait to see what the "buying and selling" of products will be like.

None of my neighbors have purchased the perfume shop yet. I'd really like to look inside so I can see the input required for each product in the shop.

I buy most facilities, and I like the look of the Chinese restaurant, however, it takes a lot of chicken. I already run out of chicken and I have 5 trucks. I can't justify adding another facility that uses a lot of chicken :(

Can't wait for farm 7

rocker grrrrrl
Oct 23 2010, 10:49 AM
[QUOTE=Sandraneta;4073810]for a fabulous game and outstanding game development. This is still the rolls royce of all the crop games. I am looking forward to being able to harvest, plow, and plant in one click. They say dreams are free.

That is awesome, you can do it in FarmVille and it is so fast you just can't believe it. I would LOVE to see that happen here too!

Oct 23 2010, 11:01 AM
ok who did it ?, who's responsible ? .......... for me breaking my resolution of "not to go tree mad any more" . I've spent months selling trees, deleting fields, replowing, shifting the trees again, and flowers, and rivers. I had far too many and i was determined not to have any that were totally unnecessary and now i've got to do it all over again !!!:eek::eek:

Hehehe i'm only joking. I love it :D:D

Thank you very much developers for ALL the new updates (and the particularly splendid looking trees), and thanks in advance to the moderators too, who will no doubt hear me in the rubber room later, when i run out of space to plant rolf. :rolleyes:

Puddycat signing off to go squeeze more trees in :D:D:D

Oct 23 2010, 11:15 AM
Thank you very much for another great update.

Oct 23 2010, 11:18 AM
Does anyone know the profits of the new facilities?

Double T Dude Ranch
Oct 23 2010, 11:19 AM
Does anyone know the profits of the new facilities?

It usually takes a day until data sheets are updated but maybe someone out there has figured them out ;) I'm just now adding facilities to the game guide :)

Oct 23 2010, 11:32 AM
I don't know that it will be worth getting the petrochemical plant because it takes crude oil. That means that one would need to quit using it for fuel and use it for the plant instead or at least quit using some of it for fuel. I have a crude oil thing on each of 6 farms. If they are going to add another item it is needed for, it might be nice to increase the amount each of these crude oil facilities can make a day.

Oct 23 2010, 11:37 AM
Does anyone know the profits of the new facilities?

I can't quote exact figures, but I've already sold some produce from the Chinese Restaurant (Chicken Chow Mein, Kung Pow Chicken, Fried Rice, Fortune Cookies) and the coin returns are very nice. Will have to wait a day or two to roll out some Egg Rolls and Sesame Chicken (need to harvest some sesame seeds and cabbage).

The Perfume Factory looks like it will take a little longer to come fully online production wise. Have already produced some Baby Perfume (using violet and coconut oils) but all the other products require ethanol which is gonna take a day or three to get a good supply going from the Petrochemical Plant. But again the potential coin returns look very appealing. The best example being Eau de Parfum which will net you 6720 coins a batch for 1 cinnamon, 1 cedar, 1 lavender, 1 pink rose, and 3 ethanol. So once you have your trees and flowers up and running it's almost pure profit :)

For those who just want to buy the Essential Oils Plant (for coins) without the Perfume Factory (FC), I think that will prove a nice little earner by itself ;)

Oct 23 2010, 11:45 AM
has anyone used the "Sell crops to friends" etc thingy yet?? if you have can you explain how you do this?? can you sell to neighbors or can you only sell at the market etc.....

Double T Dude Ranch
Oct 23 2010, 11:49 AM
has anyone used the "Sell crops to friends" etc thingy yet?? if you have can you explain how you do this?? can you sell to neighbors or can you only sell at the market etc.....

I don't know if it is implented yet...Raul said maybe later today.

Oct 23 2010, 11:50 AM
Thank you so much for the autumn trees

This is a great update.

Double T Dude Ranch
Oct 23 2010, 11:50 AM
I don't know that it will be worth getting the petrochemical plant because it takes crude oil. That means that one would need to quit using it for fuel and use it for the plant instead or at least quit using some of it for fuel. I have a crude oil thing on each of 6 farms. If they are going to add another item it is needed for, it might be nice to increase the amount each of these crude oil facilities can make a day.

I have posted the perfume factory and petrochemical plant in the game guide in the facility chapter...working on essential oil and Chinese restaurant next :)

Oct 23 2010, 11:51 AM
I guess my zeal for this game has waned. I am not sure I will buy any of the new items in this update. It looks like the coin one for perfume takes mainly flowers, and I am definitely not into flowers, don't have one. Not sure I want anymore trees to chop down. The other coin one takes crude oil, which I now use for fuel, so it would be a trade off to now use it for this other facility. don't know if the amount of coins I would make from the new facility would be worth it or not. I know this is how they make their real money by making new facilities which people buy, but these farms are getting really cluttered with facilities and lag greatly when you go work them. What about taking a break from new facilities and giving an update that has breeding of animals, with new cool animals or something, something which is really more farm. While it is true that all these items in the facilities are made from farm goods, it has really turned more into industrial city.

Oct 23 2010, 11:59 AM
The 4x4 Tools ...SWEET !! TY very VERY much!
BUT, can we get a 4x4 REALLY BIG Bulldozer on the to-do list? Or do we need to put it on our Santa FT list?
We'll all promise to be good little farmers if Santa can pull through :)

Oct 23 2010, 12:03 PM
Lavender doesn¨t exist

Double T Dude Ranch
Oct 23 2010, 12:08 PM
Lavender doesn¨t exist

Yes it does, it is under the seeds tab.

Oct 23 2010, 12:12 PM
I switched views for the refinery last night. When I went in today, I have both. One is on top of the other and it won't straighten itself out????? (Everything looks all jumbled now.)


Oct 23 2010, 12:15 PM
Wow! I think this is a great game and every new addition it just gets better. I'm really shocked at the whining about FC items. Sometimes I can afford a few toys, sometimes I can't - do people really expect to be provided with this kind of entertainment for free? Do you think Raul should devote his time without pay? I think using words like "milked" is insulting. I can't buy the Chinese restaurant but it's b/c I can't afford it - not b/c I'm being milked. Not getting the 4 X 4 either b/c I choose to stay with the 3 X3 for a little while until I can afford it. Funny, I don't expect to watch movies and get all the music I'd like for free either. Sorry to sound mean, but I think you get what you pay for and if you want a free game with no challenges, go find one.

Oct 23 2010, 12:22 PM
Oh silly silly me..I reconfigured my plots to work with a 3x3 tool...*whistles*...

Well...NO ONE can say this game is boring now, ALWAYS something to do!! :D Thanks for everything!!!

Oct 23 2010, 12:33 PM
Now could youmaybe updatye the bulldozer for those of us that change our farms often? It's still only 2x2. Thank you! Nice job!!

Yes I agree and one that DOES NOT cost FC!

Texas Belle
Oct 23 2010, 12:36 PM
Absolutely LOVE the new view of the oil refinery!! I was able to put the new view up and have enough room for the new petrochemical plant without having to rearrange anything!! I lurve my oil refinery even more!!


Me too, it felt wonderful not having to rearrange everything.... now if we could have a smaller sugar mill and dairy it would make my life much easier, lol
Those things are so big they take a lot of space, same with ice cream and the confectionary. Am I asking too much?
But I thank all of them for the updates, you guys are great!!

Aero 1
Oct 23 2010, 12:39 PM
sprinkler chainsaw boat and manure spreader are not showing in my extending tool box i dont have a green arrow to click on anyone else have this missing :)

the garden fairy
Oct 23 2010, 12:44 PM
curious where we will use green beans and cantelope!!! tks for some awesome changes!!

have a brief ? about marketplace ...have you ever thought of option for a sellers market and an employment office??

still wish there were a faster way to sell @mp....like boxes to check...then a 'sell all' like deleting in your inbox on yahoo...that way too, you would be able to double check and change it so you dont sell the wrong thing

Oct 23 2010, 12:46 PM
I have to agree. I haven't added it all up, but the people who've bought all the facilities and tools that require FC have spent a LOT of money on this game. Lately you've been coming out with about 60 FC worth of new facilities every other week (and that's not even counting the tools that cost FC); since 60 FC costs at least $10, that would amount to over $250 per year to keep up with it all!

I have purchased FC and don't mind doing so within reason, but I think the FC prices for facilities are just too high. I think if the prices were between half and two-thirds of what they currently are, it would be a lot more reasonable (though even then it would still be expensive to buy all the FC facilities). Frankly, I think you ought to cut the prices (and to be fair, refund the difference to those who've paid the higher prices).
I agree! I have spent to much money on FC. When the facilities and especially tools get over $30 that is way to much. I will refuse to spend the $45 for the new tools.


Oct 23 2010, 12:48 PM
Thank you!!! Could the update be the reason l am being charged to move cows from the barn and on to the farm? As much as 900 coins per cow when it gets placed on the farm :(
Anyone know about this? l want to move them to my new farm - and l guess they have to be moved to storage first?
And thanks for continually working on bugs as well as new stuff! You rock Raul and team!

Oct 23 2010, 12:50 PM
question?? when using the fertlizer in the tool section is there a certain way of doin it..I clicked on it but couldnt get it to stop fertlizing...

Save a Penny
Oct 23 2010, 12:51 PM
Thank you so much! However, I have a question. Is there a place that tells us what all the new items can be used for? i.e., where can you use the rhubarb, papayas, cedar, etc.

Oct 23 2010, 12:51 PM
Thank you!!! Could the update be the reason l am being charged to move cows from the barn and on to the farm? As much as 900 coins per cow when it gets placed on the farm :(
Anyone know about this? l want to move them to my new farm - and l guess they have to be moved to storage first?
And thanks for continually working on bugs as well as new stuff! You rock Raul and team!

this is a glitch im pretty sure there is an official thread in help and support check it out if there is

Oct 23 2010, 12:55 PM
i think that it would be absolutely awsome if you could add some more levels...maybe not more farms but more levels, for the people that have already leveled all the way i think it would make the game more interesting and keep it fun for everyone. gives us more to work towards..i think that would be the best


I agree they should find who ever has the most XP and base the next 15 20 levels on them. That way us that are already level 135 have well over 2,000,000 XP and yes I am sure there are some with over 3 or 4 million that would give us a chance to keep leveling up and earning FC instead of having to purchase it.


Double T Dude Ranch
Oct 23 2010, 12:56 PM
question?? when using the fertlizer in the tool section is there a certain way of doin it..I clicked on it but couldnt get it to stop fertlizing...
When I fertilized, I just clicked the manure spreader, clicked the farm and then clicked the green man.

Thank you so much! However, I have a question. Is there a place that tells us what all the new items can be used for? i.e., where can you use the rhubarb, papayas, cedar, etc.

Some of the new stuff is not usable in things yet. Cedar is used in the essential oil plant and the perfume factory. The Game Guide (link in my signature) has a chapter that explains what each facility uses.

Oct 23 2010, 12:59 PM
Oh.. My.. Gosh!! *Stares* WOW!! :D Thank U Soo Much!! :rolleyes:

Oct 23 2010, 01:07 PM
I have read several replies from folks who want to sell part of their overstocked items. I do too! But this is what I do in the meantime. When I notice that my olive oil or chocolate, is in the 5 figures, I stop storing it and leave it in the factory. I let it build up at the factory until I have enough to use. Then I sell all of what is in storage. The upon my return, I store what is at the factory. It is a bit of a pain and I too would like an easier way, but hey it works for now.

This goes back to our request to sell partials in the market. Instead of selling 5,000 bushels of our blueberries and pineapples it would be nice to be able to sell just 1,000 of them. Maybe this new Inter User Trading thing will help with that. Will be interesting in how that is going work. Will be another one of those thing trying to find someone who wants to by what you are selling when you want to sell it... :)


Oct 23 2010, 01:09 PM
Thanks for all the new upgrades! love it all! Wish more of the fac were coins. Getting tough to use real$ with all the additions! :)

Oct 23 2010, 01:14 PM
What fun to log in this morning and see new things! Wow. Thanks again. I for one don't mind paying real money for this game. I've been playing almost since the start and remember the days long ago when there were no facilities and hardly any updates. There is a great balance between coin and cash stuff. I get so much entertainment from this game, it is worth spending real money on.

Oct 23 2010, 01:15 PM
im guessing when the new selling feature is out it wont include fuel? i know i have a few neighbors with out the facility i would like to sell some too and help them out. so i figured i would come and see if that will be included in this new feature when its released

To go along with that we would need to be able to choose how much fuel we wanted to to add to our tanks. This would include not having to be on empty when we refuel and not having to use all that we have in gifts and storage. Of course since I do have the refinery the last time I refueled was over a month ago and I am on this thing * hours a day.. :)

tricia g
Oct 23 2010, 01:33 PM
What fun to log in this morning and see new things! Wow. Thanks again. I for one don't mind paying real money for this game. I've been playing almost since the start and remember the days long ago when there were no facilities and hardly any updates. There is a great balance between coin and cash stuff. I get so much entertainment from this game, it is worth spending real money on.

I totally agree :D
I happily pay for the things i need, and presume by doing so the devs will carry on the good work with the development of the game, they obviously need some kind of wage to do this.
I still eagerly await for farm 7, hoping its tomorrow My kids are on half term so they are hoping too (that way i dont nag them so much lol) :rolleyes:

Oct 23 2010, 01:51 PM
How does the sell to individuals work? l was just at market and clicked several ppl and didn't see an option for selling stuff to them.

Double T Dude Ranch
Oct 23 2010, 01:52 PM
How does the sell to individuals work? l was just at market and clicked several ppl and didn't see an option for selling stuff to them.


Raul said it would probably be implemented sometime today so I don't think it's there yet :)

Oct 23 2010, 01:59 PM
Raul, thanks for the updates. Few comments:

1 & 2 Trees, not sure what to do with the new trees yet but look forward to finding out. Same for the crops.
4 New view on the Refinery. Love it! Nice that it takes up less room, was able to add the other refinery.
5 Love the new Extended Tool Box, this makes a lot of things much easier to where to don't have to move certain tools in and out of storage going to different farms... Thank you.
6 4x4 tools Very Cool except WAY WAY to much FC.
7 Not sure how this is going to work but look forward to trying it out.
8 Bought this now I am not sure whey since I don't pan on buying the perfume factory,
9 Checking this one out.
10 See 8 above
11 Not sure if I will go here or not.

Request for next release please.
1. Yeast as gift. Every other item in the semi-trailer is also available as a gift. Please yeast too.
2. Level increases: Please set them hight enough that we us that well over 2 million XP are not already at the max level.
3 It has been posted many times before but we need a rework of the market in how we are able to sell the products, 1 for being able to sell all Non Ingredients at once and one for being able to sell a specific amount of ingredient crops. Like if I have 3500 bushels of Blueberries but I only well 1000 of them instead of the whole bunch. Maybe the Inter-User Trading will help with this. Not sure.
4 The refueling station. Can we change it to where we can select how much fuel we can reload? Give an option to use all available to select a how may of our 150 cans we want to use. Also can we make it so it does not wipe out what we currently have?

Please and thank you

Oct 23 2010, 02:01 PM
Thanks for the updates! Just a note to those who complain about not being able to afford all the new stuff. I go to Walmart all the time and I have never complained about not being able to buy the whole store. :) I am glad to see variety in the store and make my purchase according to my budget.

Oct 23 2010, 02:18 PM
When I fertilized, I just clicked the manure spreader, clicked the farm and then clicked the green man.

Some of the new stuff is not usable in things yet. Cedar is used in the essential oil plant and the perfume factory. The Game Guide (link in my signature) has a chapter that explains what each facility uses.

thank you!!

Oct 23 2010, 02:24 PM
Some of the new stuff is not usable in things yet. Cedar is used in the essential oil plant and the perfume factory. The Game Guide (link in my signature) has a chapter that explains what each facility uses.[/quote]

I too have been trying to find out what ingredients will be used in each facility.
For instance, what ingredients are needed in the Chinese Restaurant. :confused:
(I'm reluctant to spend my FC until I know...)
And it is not yet in the Game Guide; most of the new facilities (10/22 update) are not yet there. :(
I did search, several times.
When the Game Guide is updated with the new facs, could you please post a stickie that says so?
Thank you for wonderful game and keeping it interesting.

Double T Dude Ranch
Oct 23 2010, 02:26 PM
Some of the new stuff is not usable in things yet. Cedar is used in the essential oil plant and the perfume factory. The Game Guide (link in my signature) has a chapter that explains what each facility uses.

I too have been trying to find out what ingredients will be used in each facility.
For instance, what ingredients are needed in the Chinese Restaurant. :confused:
(I'm reluctant to spend my FC until I know...)
And it is not yet in the Game Guide; most of the new facilities (10/22 update) are not yet there. :(
I did search, several times.
When the Game Guide is updated with the new facs, could you please post a stickie that says so?
Thank you for wonderful game and keeping it interesting.

It IS in the game guide like I said...I updated a few hours ago. They are ALL there in the facility chapter...look again.

Duck Duck Goose
Oct 23 2010, 02:33 PM
I agree! I have spent to much money on FC. When the facilities and especially tools get over $30 that is way to much. I will refuse to spend the $45 for the new tools.


I dont mind spending FC on some items, but only if said items make more money for me.
Although the "sheet thrower":rolleyes: was awefull darn expensive at 50 FC, it was worth buying it to double not just my yield, but also my profit.
Facilities make some nice extra money too, so some are worth spending FC on.
However, having to spend 135 FC to buy a new round of bigger tools that do nothing to make more profit is a little absurd.
As much as I rallied in here to get the 4x4 tools, I'm forced to do without so i can save the fc for something more profitable.
I'de love the bigger tools to get my work done faster, but not that badly...

Oct 23 2010, 02:39 PM
It IS in the game guide like I said...I updated a few hours ago. They are ALL there in the facility chapter...look again.

Thank you Double T -
I looked and did finally find them. (My search for 'Chinese' in that thread had not showed the requirements list.) Scrolling finally did come upon it this time.

So glad for the Game Guide; I TRULY thank you for it!! I remember when there was none.
One small request Re the Factories section; would it be possible to rearrange so that they are not scattered throughout, with other info in between the diff fac groups?
(you could do this in your spare time, hysterically laughing :D, hahaha...)
Thank you again for all!

Oct 23 2010, 02:39 PM
Just when I thought I had all the facilities and things I "need", you came up with new must haves. Also, you saved my sanity. All this figuring about how much of this to grow, etc now is no longer necessary. You run out of something you can buy from someone. Genius!!!! I have loved this game from day one and can't believe there are still ways to improve it. Kudos Developers. Great update. *Standing Ovation*

Oct 23 2010, 02:57 PM
Thanks for the updates! Just a note to those who complain about not being able to afford all the new stuff. I go to Walmart all the time and I have never complained about not being able to buy the whole store. :) I am glad to see variety in the store and make my purchase according to my budget.

Wow! What an awesome comparison!!! I couldn't agree more. Just because a new item becomes available in the game, doesn't mean we HAVE to get it.

Also, reflect back to the early days of the game when we received a decent update 2 or 3 times in a year. At that time, there were no FC items. Now, jump forward to today when we receive a game update every 2 to 3 weeks. FC items have made that possible, folks.

Oct 23 2010, 03:01 PM
Thanks for all the updates and future ones.

Oct 23 2010, 03:15 PM
got a problem right now.... i can't use the big bulldozer from storage.. is there a trick or something.........i can if i use the one i have on my farm no problem.... just not from the tools menu.....

Oct 23 2010, 03:16 PM
this is a glitch im pretty sure there is an official thread in help and support check it out if there is

Thanks Jeanie - l found the thread. Also, not happening anymore. l think it had to do with someone being on my farm at the time plowing...or harvesting, can't remember.

Oct 23 2010, 03:19 PM

Raul said it would probably be implemented sometime today so I don't think it's there yet :)

Re my question about selling goods to individuals.
Thanks Dude, for the answer. Looking forward to buying cinnamon from my neighbours!!!

Oct 23 2010, 03:24 PM
Woot! Can't wait for the buying and selling of stuff.
Gotta work hard to build up my coins for farm 7 (plan on moving all my facilities there for ease of collection.)
Now I'm even more determined to quit smoking so I can spend that money on my farms and have all the goodies.

Oct 23 2010, 03:34 PM
its awesome wish though that u would bring more facilities with coin into the farm.

Oct 23 2010, 03:41 PM
Thanks so much. Looking forward to farm 7 and more levels too. Have to say that my favorite is the expanded tools section and now all the tools can be accessed while in storage and used anywhere. I'd still love to be able to use my tools when I'm hired on other farms though. (hint hint) AND I love the poop animation when fertilizing!:p

Oct 23 2010, 03:43 PM
Re my question about selling goods to individuals.
Thanks Dude, for the answer. Looking forward to buying cinnamon from my neighbours!!!

You won't be able to buy cinnamon from your neighbors. It states PRIMARY items so nothing that comes from a facility. You can buy crops, flowers, stuff from animals and fish. You may be able to buy cinnamon logs as it is a tree but not bundles. So no buying cheese either.

Guldfisk Hansen
Oct 23 2010, 03:49 PM
THANK YOU SO MUCH for this GREAT new upgrade :-) I love all the new stuff. Just keep it coming :-D Looking forward to farm 7 to find room for all the new things.

Oct 23 2010, 03:56 PM

Raul said it would probably be implemented sometime today so I don't think it's there yet :)

You won't be able to buy cinnamon from your neighbors. It states PRIMARY items so nothing that comes from a facility. You can buy crops, flowers, stuff from animals and fish. You may be able to buy cinnamon logs as it is a tree but not bundles. So no buying cheese either.

Shoot, l was excited. Thanks for the info.

Oct 23 2010, 04:21 PM
Wow! What an awesome comparison!!! I couldn't agree more. Just because a new item becomes available in the game, doesn't mean we HAVE to get it.

Also, reflect back to the early days of the game when we received a decent update 2 or 3 times in a year. At that time, there were no FC items. Now, jump forward to today when we receive a game update every 2 to 3 weeks. FC items have made that possible, folks.
Quite agree with your point of view, Scott. Just like movies, well actually I not a movie fan, but even if one is, one doesn't have to go see every new film as soon as it's released. Or buy a new car every time a new model comes out. All about budgeting and making choices and, in a way, FT is like real life in this way.

Oct 23 2010, 04:25 PM
Shoot, l was excited. Thanks for the info.

I've been following this discussion about selling excess items and was thinking it would be great that I'd be able to sell my excess cheese (always have way more than I use). Apparently not, though since it's not a "PRIMARY" item. Another I was hoping to be able to sell part of is the olive oil that I get lots of from working neighbors' facilities. Sometimes I just skip working the oil factory when I have more than enough or I sell all. Guess these things will remain the same for now. Appreciate the clarifications in the Forum.

Oct 23 2010, 04:34 PM
AWESOME work as always!!!!! Going to need farm 7 SOON!!!! Maybe even 8! LOL Great job guys!

blue nile
Oct 23 2010, 04:36 PM
Thank you!! I really love the new tools thingy!! Last weekend i treated myself to some Farmcash and splashed out on fishing boat, tree shaker and chainsaw which were really worth it!! i actually love fishing now and even wait up for my trees to pop up again so i can use the saw!! Always love the updates!! Have just completed last upgrade to farm 6 after a lot of work but I love the challange!! Need a wee bit of time to build up coins for farm 7 lol!! Shouldn't take too long!! :D

Oct 23 2010, 04:41 PM
Thank you so much for the upgrade. it is great. I was wondering if you could speed up the factory loading. It takes me quite a while to load them. One click load would be great. Thanks for listening to all of us and for doing a great job. Love the game.

Oct 23 2010, 04:42 PM
Why on earth do we need a farm 7 and 8?!?!? Wont be buying them so i gues it doesnt matter. Why would i want to spend 45 FC for a 4x4 machine when my 3x3 (coins) works just as good?

Oct 23 2010, 04:44 PM
You won't be able to buy cinnamon from your neighbors. It states PRIMARY items so nothing that comes from a facility. You can buy crops, flowers, stuff from animals and fish. You may be able to buy cinnamon logs as it is a tree but not bundles. So no buying cheese either.

Okay so does this mean we won't be able to sell the things from our facilities at all??
I don't own the refinery but own the oil pump. What I wan to be able to do is sell my crude to those with the refinery so I can get fuel from them without having to spend even more FC that I have to buy. ARG want to sell the crude!!!

Double T Dude Ranch
Oct 23 2010, 04:47 PM
Okay so does this mean we won't be able to sell the things from our facilities at all??
I don't own the refinery but own the oil pump. What I wan to be able to do is sell my crude to those with the refinery so I can get fuel from them without having to spend even more FC that I have to buy. ARG want to sell the crude!!!

Well not right now but maybe in the future ;)

Oct 23 2010, 04:48 PM
Okay so does this mean we won't be able to sell the things from our facilities at all??
I don't own the refinery but own the oil pump. What I wan to be able to do is sell my crude to those with the refinery so I can get fuel from them without having to spend even more FC that I have to buy. ARG want to sell the crude!!!
I agree. when i got mine i thought id be able to sell the crude but when i discovered i couldnt i just started hoarding the crude for when i would eventually get the refinery. When i did get it i think i had like 10,000 barrels of crude.

Taz D
Oct 23 2010, 04:51 PM
Great additions, but you better make that Farms 7, 8 & 9 :D
Also for new levels I hope it will be about 50 of them with higher amounts of experience required so we don't all bump clear to the top.

Oct 23 2010, 05:03 PM
What's with the cantaloupe? And the other crops that dont' go with any dishes...are there gonna bedishes thatthose things go into?

Oct 23 2010, 05:04 PM
Great additions, but you better make that Farms 7, 8 & 9 :D
Also for new levels I hope it will be about 50 of them with higher amounts of experience required so we don't all bump clear to the top.

Regardless of the amount of points between levels, I have two neighbors with over 10 mill exp points. I kinda think they might jump .... lol

But, I agree that the levels should be something tough, so a player has to actual "work" ( :eek: ) for their advancement.

Fifty levels would be fine, but I am with those who would like two or three more farms available ONLY for farm coins. Keep the game from being as easy as taking out a credit card. Or, if the devs decide that enlargement is a good way to pay their bills..... make it for BIG FT$$... maybe $50 or more per level.

Oh yeah.... and I need more "stuff" that I can maybe buy.


Oct 23 2010, 05:06 PM
Why on earth do we need a farm 7 and 8?!?!? Wont be buying them so i gues it doesnt matter. Why would i want to spend 45 FC for a 4x4 machine when my 3x3 (coins) works just as good?

Why would people want a microwave when they've got an oven?

Double T Dude Ranch
Oct 23 2010, 05:06 PM
What's with the cantaloupe? And the other crops that dont' go with any dishes...are there gonna bedishes thatthose things go into?

Who knows? Originally none of the crops did anything until the facilities came along :)

Oct 23 2010, 05:23 PM
Greedy that they are...offering only the new tools for cash instead of coins!

Oct 23 2010, 05:26 PM
i am so loving the new way for tools to be used...... angry that i gave in a few days ago and got the new seeders for most of my farms lol i was waiting lol just got tired of loosing my one seeder and big bull dozer lol but now leaving them on farms for decorations lol lol.....

Oct 23 2010, 05:44 PM
Where do I get lavender please, can't find it in flowers?

The Lavender is in the Seeds section, near the bottom...above Oats and below Ginseng, on the left hand side.

Oct 23 2010, 05:44 PM
to start with love the new updates but when will you allow us to work in neighbors facilities in the myspace farmtown ???:(:(:( another thing is the gift exchange in myspace still does not work. also with the selling products one is it up yet? and two will we ever be able to sell any thing we have? like items facility products etc...

Oct 23 2010, 05:46 PM
Dang.... the best looking tree so far.... the Cedar.... and the only way it has value is to chop it down and wait 2 DAYS for it to grow again.

So I replaced a lot of the common fruit trees that are not used past a harvest.... going to plant the Cedars right next to each other and only harvest every 2 DAYS every other one.

Nice tree devs;):rolleyes:

Original Set of Farms
Ache-n-back Acres (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=0)
Ranchito Knotso Grande (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=1)
Costaplenty Plantation (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=2)
More Wine, Less Whine (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=3)
Plantopia (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=4)
Fattoria Sesto (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=5)

Had to build a second set too....lol
Weed-em N-Reap Acres (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743
Garden of Weed’n (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743
Dave’s Ja Vu (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743
Nopicky-Nomoney (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743
Iowna Lotaland (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743
Wurthdawait (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743


Oct 23 2010, 05:55 PM
is something up with Farm Town........ was at a neighbors farm working and couldn't be hired to harvest.... so i clicked play to refresh .. and have been trying to re load for about 20 minutes or more...... maybe just me......don't know

Oct 23 2010, 05:58 PM
I love the new stuff. I can't wait to buy and sell stuff to other players. I'm glad to hear that farm 7 is coming soon I hate to see the cost of farm 7 at the rate y'all are going it will probably be one billion coins. I still have one more upgrade on farm 6 to go so farm 7 may have to wait.

Oct 23 2010, 05:59 PM
Why would people want a microwave when they've got an oven?

Because an oven works against the central air; takes too long to pre-heat; takes too long to cook food; requires tons of work to clean and because have you ever tried to replace the light bulb in an oven?

Oct 23 2010, 06:06 PM
Fifty levels would be fine, but I am with those who would like two or three more farms available ONLY for farm coins. Keep the game from being as easy as taking out a credit card. Or, if the devs decide that enlargement is a good way to pay their bills..... make it for BIG FT$$... maybe $50 or more per level.

Oh yeah.... and I need more "stuff" that I can maybe buy.

This is my reply to StoneFace.............

Okay sorry if I misunderstand your post. But you say the new farms should be purchased only with coins? You're nuts! Personally, I will buy the Farm Cash for things I want and the farms as well as upgrades for them are included. I only do it because it's unreasonable to me to pay millions by using coins. If I want to I should have that choice. I may complain about buying FC but at the end of the day it's my choice to buy it and I do without anyone holding a gun to my head but who has the right to tell me I can't upgrade my farms with it?

Oct 23 2010, 06:10 PM
Because an oven works against the central air; takes too long to pre-heat; takes too long to cook food; requires tons of work to clean and because have you ever tried to replace the light bulb in an oven?

It was a figurative question, not a literal one. :D

Oct 23 2010, 06:10 PM
I havent bought the new facilities yet but need to plant. Are all the new crops for the new facilitys or is some of them non facility crop? I dont want to plant the non facility crops.

Double T Dude Ranch
Oct 23 2010, 06:11 PM
I havent bought the new facilities yet but need to plant. Are all the new crops for the new facilitys or is some of them non facility crop? I dont want to plant the non facility crops.

Lavender and sesame seed can be used...don't think the other ones are usable in facilities yet.

Oct 23 2010, 06:16 PM
[QUOTE=VeronicaT;4076338]Fifty levels would be fine, but I am with those who would like two or three more farms available ONLY for farm coins. Keep the game from being as easy as taking out a credit card. Or, if the devs decide that enlargement is a good way to pay their bills..... make it for BIG FT$$... maybe $50 or more per level.

Oh yeah.... and I need more "stuff" that I can maybe buy.

I do both, I use coins for upgrading, or if I just don't have an extra 300,000,000 in coins around I like having the option of using some of my FC. I don't quite understand why you are concerned with how other players enlarge their farms? What makes it your business? One of the joys of Farmtown is that everyone can play the game the way they wish, and wanting players to play the way YOU think they should is kind of ridiculous IMO. Besides it won't work anyway, since you can also purchase COINS with real money lol.

Oct 23 2010, 06:30 PM
Please wait on adding new levels, im never goin to catch up! I'm currently on 120 lol

Oct 23 2010, 06:35 PM
Woot! Can't wait for the buying and selling of stuff.
Gotta work hard to build up my coins for farm 7 (plan on moving all my facilities there for ease of collection.)
Now I'm even more determined to quit smoking so I can spend that money on my farms and have all the goodies.

Good luck with that! It's a worthy trade-off.
I'll remember what I USED to spend when I am tempted to complain about FT expenses :D
I found acupuncture very helpful...had tried to quit many times before without success.
Don't give up!

Oct 23 2010, 06:46 PM
Please wait on adding new levels, im never goin to catch up! I'm currently on 120 lol

LOL! I had to laugh when I read your comment. Soooo cute, and I feel for ya. Plant raspberries as much as you can. That'll help you level up a lot, lot quicker. Good luck!!! I hope you reach level 135 before the devs add more levels. :)

Oct 23 2010, 07:00 PM
Mind boggling. I thought this was a fabulous update, and it took only 13 posts before the whining started. THIRTEEN!!!! Amazing, people. Once again we have folks who can't find the "Suggestions" forum, and who have the FarmCash blues. Egads, can't we just have a one day moratorium on complaining??? (I am not talking about functional issues, just the blasted complaints!)

And it is so often the same people. Wahhhhhhhhh!

LOL.....gotta love human beings. Can't be pleased with a FREE game. So there are some luxury add-ons you must pay for. Waaaaaaahhhhhh! You know what? You can play this game WITHOUT those things. It's like the difference between owning a microwave and not. Yeah, you can still boil water and make popcorn without one. But the thing is convenient if you can afford it. Geesh!

Well said. Gotta wonder why some even bother to play at all given that most posts are loaded with complaints. Must be delightful people to live with. :confused:

Anyways - many thanks to the devs for the update and in particular the expanded tool box and the additional uses for some of our flowers.Great stuff. :cool:

Oct 23 2010, 07:06 PM
Well said. Gotta wonder why some even bother to play at all given that most posts are loaded with complaints. Must be delightful people to live with. :confused:

Anyways - many thanks to the devs for the update and in particular the expanded tool box and the additional uses for some of our flowers.Great stuff. :cool:

AGREE. Usually the complaints are centered on not having enough FT$$. The is something that is given with advancement through the levels.

Advancement requires some work. So the devs make the work easy with all the high producing facilities, and the ease in plowing etc. And the complainers still want "free" FT$$ so they can complain about not having enough farms and space to keep their facilities full...... go figure

Again, if all players had to have lots of coin to buy their farms..... well maybe they would not complain about the farms costing FT$$...

then again... maybe they might:rolleyes:

Original Set of Farms
Ache-n-back Acres (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=0)
Ranchito Knotso Grande (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=1)
Costaplenty Plantation (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=2)
More Wine, Less Whine (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=3)
Plantopia (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=4)
Fattoria Sesto (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=5)

Had to build a second set too....lol
Weed-em N-Reap Acres (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743
Garden of Weed’n (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743
Dave’s Ja Vu (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743
Nopicky-Nomoney (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743
Iowna Lotaland (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743
Wurthdawait (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743


Oct 23 2010, 07:08 PM
ok im only here to moan im happy all the new halloween goodies but there one thing missing halloween costumes every other game avtar can have them so why cant we in farmtown,im sure people would not mind paying to wear halloween costumes with either farmcash or coins it time our avtar was brought up to date with new clothes and hair styles
im sure other farmers would agree ty for taking the time to read this post

Oct 23 2010, 07:10 PM
Quote "I do both, I use coins for upgrading, or if I just don't have an extra 300,000,000 in coins around I like having the option of using some of my FC. I don't quite understand why you are concerned with how other players enlarge their farms? What makes it your business? One of the joys of Farmtown is that everyone can play the game the way they wish, and wanting players to play the way YOU think they should is kind of ridiculous IMO. Besides it won't work anyway, since you can also purchase COINS with real money lol."[/QUOTE]

Actually, Veronicat was quoting/rebutting statement by Stoneface. The quote function seems to be malfunctioning.

In any case, you took the words right out of my...uh...keyboard. As you say, can't we just play the game without someone wanting to impose their way on the rest of us?! :confused:

Double T Dude Ranch
Oct 23 2010, 07:13 PM
Oooh the lavender is pretty!


Oct 23 2010, 07:15 PM
I found the chain saw in there which works for the log truck.

Oct 23 2010, 07:28 PM
i'm not sure if this has been addressed yet, if so, sorry.

can the new crops be used in facilites?? the cantalope, sesame seed(i assume in chinese rest) oregano, etc??? as well as the trees?

Double T Dude Ranch
Oct 23 2010, 07:29 PM
i'm not sure if this has been addressed yet, if so, sorry.

can the new crops be used in facilites?? the cantalope, sesame seed(i assume in chinese rest) oregano, etc??? as well as the trees?

Sesame seed and lavender yes, the rest not so far :) Cedar tree yes.

Oct 23 2010, 07:33 PM
Sesame seed and lavender yes, the rest not so far :) Cedar tree yes.

i think i smell a fruit restaurant/stand coming on, lol. cantalope, star tree, etc

Duck Duck Goose
Oct 23 2010, 07:37 PM
Please wait on adding new levels, im never goin to catch up! I'm currently on 120 lol

I always thought like that too ...............
untill i caught up.............

Dont grow up - stay a kid forever

It sucks staying maxed out and not seeing that point meter advancing as you work.

Oct 23 2010, 07:39 PM
I want to aquire a new facility or two to add fun and to increase my profit. Those of you that have bought the new ones: Which make the most money?

Oh and to address all the farmers upset at the expensive FC items. I have played this game since before FC. I leveled very slowly, few crops and other things were to be had. I think the FC has enabled the developers to produce a fast moving, entertaining game. One can pull out one's wallet or play a simpler version for free. But if you feel the need to vent, please go to the blues thread. Frankly, those of us who don't go to that thread don't want to hear it.

Oct 23 2010, 07:39 PM
Are the new beans and lavendar and cauliflower for any specific restaurant?

Oct 23 2010, 07:41 PM
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ty ty ty ty lol

Double T Dude Ranch
Oct 23 2010, 07:42 PM
Are the new beans and lavendar and cauliflower for any specific restaurant?

Lavender is for essential oils which its oil is in the perfume shope...and sesame seed for Chinese Restaurant and cedar tree for oil plant and perfume shop, that's it so far :)

Oct 23 2010, 07:46 PM
But, I agree that the levels should be something tough, so a player has to actual "work" ( :eek: ) for their advancement.

Fifty levels would be fine, but I am with those who would like two or three more farms available ONLY for farm coins. Keep the game from being as easy as taking out a credit card. Or, if the devs decide that enlargement is a good way to pay their bills..... make it for BIG FT$$... maybe $50 or more per level.

Oh yeah.... and I need more "stuff" that I can maybe buy.


Is there some way to level up without "working"? Am I missing something? It takes long enough & lots of "work" now to level up, especially for those who cannot afford to buy Farm cash for the tools.

I went months refusing to spend money on the game but eventually couldn't continue without the advanced tools. It's just too time consuming! If I couldn't occasionally "take out a credit card" I would have to quit.

In addition, why should one who doesn't have the time to earn $300 mil before they can upgrade be penalized by even higher prices?

Last, but not least, "buying" things serves a purpose i.e. enabling us to make more money or artistically enriching our farms. It's a farmer's choice. If you choose not to that is your business.

Oct 23 2010, 08:01 PM
I want to aquire a new facility or two to add fun and to increase my profit. Those of you that have bought the new ones: Which make the most money?

Oh and to address all the farmers upset at the expensive FC items. I have played this game since before FC. I leveled very slowly, few crops and other things were to be had. I think the FC has enabled the developers to produce a fast moving, entertaining game. One can pull out one's wallet or play a simpler version for free. But if you feel the need to vent, please go to the blues thread. Frankly, those of us who don't go to that thread don't want to hear it.

Thank you for that! I didn't even know there is a "Blues" section:p.

I have quite a few facilities. The ones I find most profitable are ice cream factory, seafood restaurant, winery/wine cellar, & oast house/brewery. As for the latest upgrade, time will tell. The chinese restaurant has good potential as it uses lots of veggies.

Unfortunately, the florist is the least profitable. But still worthwhile if you like to have alot of flowers.

Happy farming!

Oct 23 2010, 08:23 PM
Thanks for making this game the best there is!

Oct 23 2010, 08:40 PM
Studying, but not wanting too, thanks to Farmtown ;)

Thanks for a lovely update and a great 'looking-forward-too'. I play this game for more than a year now and it is good relaxation :) I paid for extra facilities, since the offers here in Europe are not great. I refuse to complain: what I can't get, I can't, but I don't mind to pay here and there either. The three by three seeder works great to me :)

Keep on going! Never found a game where the developers are listening so well to the users! Love the time playing and getting my head clear while looking and calculating which crops I need to plant ;)

Great work!

Oct 23 2010, 09:07 PM
Great Upgrade. Immediately purchased the harvester / seeder. My aching hands need all the help they can get (lol). I can't wait to see what the "buying and selling" of products will be like.

None of my neighbors have purchased the perfume shop yet. I'd really like to look inside so I can see the input required for each product in the shop.

I buy most facilities, and I like the look of the Chinese restaurant, however, it takes a lot of chicken. I already run out of chicken and I have 5 trucks. I can't justify adding another facility that uses a lot of chicken :(

Can't wait for farm 7

I did the perfume factory. Just need to gather the ingredirnts to start producing. It's in the farm I call "Industrial Area"

Oct 23 2010, 09:23 PM
oooh the lavender is pretty!



Oct 23 2010, 09:32 PM
[QUOTE=VeronicaT;4076338]Fifty levels would be fine, but I am with those who would like two or three more farms available ONLY for farm coins. Keep the game from being as easy as taking out a credit card. Or, if the devs decide that enlargement is a good way to pay their bills..... make it for BIG FT$$... maybe $50 or more per level.

Oh yeah.... and I need more "stuff" that I can maybe buy.

I do both, I use coins for upgrading, or if I just don't have an extra 300,000,000 in coins around I like having the option of using some of my FC. I don't quite understand why you are concerned with how other players enlarge their farms? What makes it your business? One of the joys of Farmtown is that everyone can play the game the way they wish, and wanting players to play the way YOU think they should is kind of ridiculous IMO. Besides it won't work anyway, since you can also purchase COINS with real money lol.
i totally agree. lol
we can play as we wish, keep ur nose away from how others play

Oct 23 2010, 09:33 PM
Awesome update!!


Oct 23 2010, 09:40 PM
So when is the sell directly to farmers going to be enabled? It was supposed to happen today. Its now 9:40pm ET and still no joy.

Oct 23 2010, 10:00 PM
Just found out my first batch of lavender was ready for harvest. The color blew me away! Perhaps a little brighter than RL but I love it, love it, love it! I think I'll stare at it for a bit before harvesting them :-)

Thank you Raul and devs.

Oct 23 2010, 10:01 PM
Thank you so much for a reliable game that continually improves and listens to its users. Totally enjoy the game! And, like most, am eagerly awaiting farms 7, 8, 9. etc.!

Oct 23 2010, 10:14 PM
Great Idea ..but have a problem.. I feel the market should be broken into two areas... One area hiring workers and another area for people that just want to sell crops to market place or other farmers.

It can some time every active in the market place that if you message crops wanted, your message will only stay visible for a few seconds before it scrolls off the screen because so many are messaging for work or wanting workers.

Another disadvantage that most don't know you can sell to other farmers

Maybe 'The Inn' could be the meeting place for Private selling of crops etc


Duck Duck Goose
Oct 23 2010, 10:24 PM
So when is the sell directly to farmers going to be enabled? It was supposed to happen today. Its now 9:40pm ET and still no joy.

ok does anyone know if a deal can be altered when trying to buy from another farmer?

if i want to buy something and someone offers to sell me 500 of it, can i alter deal to only buy 250?

can the price be haggled in the offer?

or does all that have to be done by refusing a deal you dont want and having to type to them what you want exactly, and how much?

If i offer to sell something at 50% over market, is that what they see, and do they have the option to request a lower price in the offer i sent them?

w4rpe Keith
Oct 23 2010, 10:24 PM
Thank you so very much. It took me awhile for me to figure out the special oils.

Oct 23 2010, 10:28 PM
Fifty levels would be fine, but I am with those who would like two or three more farms available ONLY for farm coins. Keep the game from being as easy as taking out a credit card. Or, if the devs decide that enlargement is a good way to pay their bills..... make it for BIG FT$$... maybe $50 or more per level.

Oh yeah.... and I need more "stuff" that I can maybe buy.

This is my reply to StoneFace.............

Okay sorry if I misunderstand your post. But you say the new farms should be purchased only with coins? You're nuts! Personally, I will buy the Farm Cash for things I want and the farms as well as upgrades for them are included. I only do it because it's unreasonable to me to pay millions by using coins. If I want to I should have that choice. I may complain about buying FC but at the end of the day it's my choice to buy it and I do without anyone holding a gun to my head but who has the right to tell me I can't upgrade my farms with it?

Well I see you might have woke up on the wrong side of the farm.

I am not nuts. But I am entitled to my opinion as we try to simply discuss the "complaints" of others.

Since I am not the developer, I can hardly TELL anyone how to play the game. Too bad the forum is so full of complaints and not so full of solutions or suggestions to the complaints.

You have the choice to play under the guidelines and the limitations of the game or not to play.... just as I do. Personally I think the game has become much easier than ever. Reaching a billion coins is quite easy. Buying (for FTcash) is also quite easy.

My suggestion - to use coin only - also included making the FTcash cost higher as one progresses through the game. My opinion.

Seems like whatever the developers do, some one complains with a comment that it "is not fair" or maybe "it is too expensive" or "it is unreasonable".

I thought that most posters here were civil..... my mistake.:rolleyes:


Oct 23 2010, 10:28 PM
Great Idea ..but have a problem.. I feel the market should be broken into two areas... One area hiring workers and another area for people that just want to sell crops to market place or other farmers.

It can some time every active in the market place that if you message crops wanted, your message will only stay visible for a few seconds before it scrolls off the screen because so many are messaging for work or wanting workers.

Another disadvantage that most don't know you can sell to other farmers

Maybe 'The Inn' could be the meeting place for Private selling of crops etc


Agree - it's a pain to keep trying to hire people when they aren't there to work. Also not sure why I'd sell in the marketplace, but I might well want to buy.

Great updates though :)

Oct 23 2010, 10:43 PM
Nope, the reports about the oil refinery being missing are true.. I have one on each of my farms (different accounts) and they are all missing. Considering I have a brand new laptop with no cache to speak of, none of the other stuff that goes with having to clean cache, clear macromedia files.. I to have no oil refineries. Please fix this bug...

Otherwise, as always, an awesome update.

Oct 23 2010, 10:51 PM
am i reading right....... you can now buy and sell your crops to individuals?? can you sell to your neighbors or do you have to sell in the market only?

Oct 23 2010, 10:54 PM
Thanks for all of the updates. I look forward to more farms and definitely more levels. I'm at 135 and holding.

Oct 23 2010, 10:55 PM
Nope, the reports about the oil refinery being missing are true.. I have one on each of my farms (different accounts) and they are all missing. Considering I have a brand new laptop with no cache to speak of, none of the other stuff that goes with having to clean cache, clear macromedia files.. I to have no oil refineries. Please fix this bug...

Otherwise, as always, an awesome update.

can you view them on other peoples farms???

Oct 23 2010, 11:19 PM
am i reading right....... you can now buy and sell your crops to individuals?? can you sell to your neighbors or do you have to sell in the market only?

If you click on the avatar of any.... any.... farmer, you have the added option to sell to that farmer. To buy, they would have to click on your avatar.

The last I checked, the message is shown that says this option will be available "later today".

I already have neighbors lined up to "help" me dispose of over $30 million in Champagne barrels, and there are products I am in need of too.

Original Set of Farms
Ache-n-back Acres (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=0)
Ranchito Knotso Grande (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=1)
Costaplenty Plantation (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=2)
More Wine, Less Whine (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=3)
Plantopia (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=4)
Fattoria Sesto (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=1227128992_ix=5)

Had to build a second set too....lol
Weed-em N-Reap Acres (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743
Garden of Weed’n (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743
Dave’s Ja Vu (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743
Nopicky-Nomoney (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743
Iowna Lotaland (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743
Wurthdawait (http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/play/?farm_id=100000668536743


Oct 23 2010, 11:21 PM
Just checked..... it is now operational. hehehehe