View Full Version : New Release -- January 17th, 2011

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Jan 17 2011, 10:15 PM
Hi There,

We just released a new version of the game with the following features and bug fixes.

1. Farm 8: Here are the prices in Coins, Farm Cash prices remain the same:

Farm12x12 - 8000000
Farm14x14 Upgrade - 5000000
Farm16x16 Upgrade - 6000000
Farm18x18 Upgrade - 7000000
Farm20x20 Upgrade - 300000000
Farm22x22 Upgrade - 400000000
Farm24x24 Upgrade - 500000000

2. 25 New Levels and 12 Gifts (Coins): About 70 new items in total, all in coins. The Farm Implements in the Gifts section have no functionality, they are just nice decorations that look well behind your machinery. All Winter items are now in the 'Winter' section in the Store. The Gift Certificates are now in the 'Other' section.

3. Superanimals (FC): There are now 2 superanimals in the Store, the Holstein Cow and the Leghorn Hen, they produce 10 times more than the regular Cow and Hen.

4. New Order in Facility Manager: When you hit the A/Z sorting button and select 'Production Chain', it will sort the facilities in such a way that will allow you to work continuously from top to bottom, as facilities with primary ingredients are on top, when you get to the complex facilities at the bottom you will have stored all the primary ingredients already required for these complex facilities.

5. Fishing with Bait (Already Launched): There will be 2 types of bait, freshwater bait and seawater bait. You can receive those baits as gifts from friends.

If you have bait available when you catch a fish you will receive 2 fish instead of one. When you hire others to fish, your baits will be used (not others) and you will also get 2 fish instead of one, in this case, employees will get double coins and will also get 2 fish instead of one when they receive their 'fish' bonus.

To check how much baits you have available hover the mouse over freshwater or seawater items.

6. Smokehouse: Allows you to produce cured and smoked products. You can receive Salt from friends. You can receive Pork from friends or order it from the Semi-Trailer truck. You can catch herrings in the Small Sea Coast.

Cured Cod
Cured Herring
Smoked Cheese
Smoked Salmon

7. Fish and Chips: Allows you to produce Fish and Chips dishes. You can catch squids in the Big Sea Coast.

Calamari Rings
Cod and Chips
Shrimp and Chips
Haddock n Onion Rings
Smoked Salmon n Chips
Seared Scallops n Slaw
Catfish Cakes

8. Harvest Storage expanded again by 25%.

9. Extra step removed from invite/requests flow: When you send gifts or neighbour request to friends, there was an extra screen/dialog asking you to email friends, this screen is now removed from the flow.

10. Phantom Gifts issue fixed: For users having Phantom Gifts in their gift box, when you receive a new gift or use some of the gifts in your gift box, the Phantom Gifts in your gift box should disappear.

11. The Level Bar now shows the correct amount of XP left to the next level.




Jan 17 2011, 10:16 PM
Thank You so much! I enjoy the game!

Jan 17 2011, 10:17 PM
great job guys - lovin it

Jan 17 2011, 10:18 PM
WoooHooo.. doin the Happy Happy Joy Joy.. Happy Happy Joy dance... you are AWESOME!!!!!! that just about sums it up. oh yah... Thank You :)

Pam G
Jan 17 2011, 10:19 PM
Thank you very much!

Jan 17 2011, 10:19 PM
Awesome, thanks devs :)

Double T Dude Ranch
Jan 17 2011, 10:19 PM
WOOOOHOOOO! Thanks for the update!

Jan 17 2011, 10:20 PM
Fantastic, as usual

Thanks Raul!!!!

Jan 17 2011, 10:21 PM
Thank you Raul and the rest of the devs!! Great update!!

Jan 17 2011, 10:21 PM
Thank you, we were expecting a botton to fill to the top the factories, and to empty them with just 1 click
there are too many...

Jan 17 2011, 10:22 PM
Nice update, thanks Raul! I'm looking forward to fishing with bait. Salmon is really sparse. No idea what I'm going to do with the 8th farm yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

Jan 17 2011, 10:22 PM
Fantastic update, love the super animals, and have got rid of the phantom gifts. thank you Devs

Jan 17 2011, 10:22 PM

Jan 17 2011, 10:23 PM
Thank you as always you do a great job.

w4rpe Keith
Jan 17 2011, 10:24 PM
Thank you Thank you so very much

Jan 17 2011, 10:25 PM

Jan 17 2011, 10:25 PM
thank you so so much devs :D One extremely happy farmer here, can't wait to play with the new goodies

Jennie C.
Jan 17 2011, 10:26 PM
Thanks in particular for getting rid of that extra step in the gifting. It wasn't big on the grand scheme of things, but more like: why are they bothering me with this? (okay, you want new players, but the friends I have who Don't play FarmTown, are manifestedly not interested at all ... I've recruited all the others!)

Haven't checked out the new gifts and things, too busy planting onions on farm 8, but will do so tomorrow. Thanks guys!!!

Jan 17 2011, 10:26 PM
Thank you so much for all these neat upgrades...Love the cow & hen and of course the 8th farm.....
Thank you all for all your hard work and the best game on the internet!

Jan 17 2011, 10:26 PM
Thanks for the update, Devs! :)

Momma Woods
Jan 17 2011, 10:27 PM
Thanks Raul,
You are the greatest. The new release is just fantastic. Have a 24 x 24 farm 8 now. It has not been named yet!! Got one Holstein Cow and one Leghorn hen. Will get lots more. :D This is so much fun!!!
I am just overwhelmed.
THANK YOU, LOVE YOU, ADMIRE YOU and all the kinda stuff.

Jan 17 2011, 10:27 PM
Thank you sooo much!

Jan 17 2011, 10:30 PM
THANK YOU, Raul and Devs.:D Another fantastic update. Purchased farm 8 and started expanding it.. The Smokehouse and Fish & Chips facilities are wonderful. Still need to figure out the rest of the goodies. Thank you againg for the best game on Facebook:D

Jan 17 2011, 10:31 PM
As always - thank you for making this a fun game :)

Brian Sampson
Jan 17 2011, 10:31 PM
If anyone knows or has tried this yet, let me know. But are the SuperAnimals stackable with the regular ones? Can you have 100 of them AND 100 regular cows in the same dairy shed?

Jan 17 2011, 10:32 PM
yay for the update ..now to save for the fish and chips shop :)

Jan 17 2011, 10:32 PM
OK I'm an idiot, someone explain what item
8. Harvest Storage expanded again by 25%. is

Does that mean crop storage or Item storage, I don't see a difference in my storage


Jan 17 2011, 10:33 PM
OK I'm an idiot, someone explain what item
8. Harvest Storage expanded again by 25%. is

Does that mean crop storage or item storage, I don't see a difference in my storage


Jan 17 2011, 10:33 PM
Great update, thanks so much!!!

Jan 17 2011, 10:34 PM
OK I'm an idiot, someone explain what item
8. Harvest Storage expanded again by 25%. is

Does that mean crop storage or Item storage, I don't see a difference in my storage


I'm pretty sure they mean that you can hold 25% more harvests and products from facilities before its full and you have to go to the market and sell them

Thanks for the update - you guys are doing a fantastic job. Man, it felt like a guilty pleasure spending 1.2 billion coins on the new farm and extra stuff. If only I could do that in real life *sigh*

Jan 17 2011, 10:35 PM
Thank you, you make this game so enjoyable :)

Jan 17 2011, 10:36 PM
Awesome Thanks devs great stuff

Jan 17 2011, 10:36 PM
Thank you very much , all great updates and fixes, off to buy a posh Hen or 2 :D

Double T Dude Ranch
Jan 17 2011, 10:36 PM
If anyone knows or has tried this yet, let me know. But are the SuperAnimals stackable with the regular ones? Can you have 100 of them AND 100 regular cows in the same dairy shed?

It's in addition to your regular cows, so yes 100 super cows (farm cash) and 100 regular cows (gift).

Jan 17 2011, 10:37 PM
Thanks all of you, and of course you Raul. Have been waiting for your update. As usual, love all the new stuff and the fishing bait will be great when it comes along too. Love the idea of getting XP's along with twice the fish, great idea!

Got my whole #8 farm, tentatively named "Is Eight Enough?" for those of you who remember an old sit-com by a similar name. I added the "Is" because of course, we will be waiting on nine at some point, right? But, not yet, lol. Devs need the rest and I have to get #8 whipped into shape first.

Also, have my new super chicken and Holstein cow. Can this game get to be any more fun?

Thanks again for all the great new items, features and of course, #8.

Jan 17 2011, 10:39 PM
Kind of disappointed in it over all. I like the new levels. However, disappointed in getting increased animal production by buying fc animals. I was hoping for some kind of super feed, like fertilizing crops and trees, with a one time cost like the fertilizer trucks. 10 cows alone would cost 50 fc, way more than I am willing to spend. I guess I will just go ahead and buy another dairy. As far as needing more hens, that won't happen unless the meat production increases in my one truck. I won't buy 2 of any fc items as fc is limited. I guess people who don't mind putting money into the game will love the cows an hens in the store, but it is not an update that will improve my game in any way.

Also, I was kind of hoping for a facility that would use ducks or peacocks or one of the other new animals. I won't do anything with fish, so the new facilities are also not something I will use.

Oh well, perhaps next time the update will be something that I will enjoy. I let this game become too important I guess, waiting weeks for the update and then finding it isn't really for me. I will go ahead and start working on Farm 8 I guess.

Jan 17 2011, 10:39 PM
Awesome!!! You guys rock and never get enough credit :-D

ed's farm123
Jan 17 2011, 10:40 PM
Thanks for the upgrade.

The 'default' farm function quit working with this upgrade. No matter which farm is selected as default, it always goes back to Farm 1.

Jan 17 2011, 10:42 PM
Thanks for the upgrade.

The 'default' farm function quit working with this upgrade. No matter which farm is selected as default, it always goes back to Farm 1.

Could be just a hiccup while the updates are rolling out. I just tried mine and it still works. Give it some time and try again later.

Jan 17 2011, 10:43 PM
Kind of disappointed in it over all. I like the new levels. However, disappointed in getting increased animal production by buying fc animals. I was hoping for some kind of super feed, like fertilizing crops and trees, with a one time cost like the fertilizer trucks. 10 cows alone would cost 50 fc, way more than I am willing to spend. I guess I will just go ahead and buy another dairy. As far as needing more hens, that won't happen unless the meat production increases in my one truck. I won't buy 2 of any fc items as fc is limited. I guess people who don't mind putting money into the game will love the cows an hens in the store, but it is not an update that will improve my game in any way.

Also, I was kind of hoping for a facility that would use ducks or peacocks or one of the other new animals. I won't do anything with fish, so the new facilities are also not something I will use.

Oh well, perhaps next time the update will be something that I will enjoy. I let this game become too important I guess, waiting weeks for the update and then finding it isn't really for me. I will go ahead and start working on Farm 8 I guess.

Wow, why so negative? You must have joined recently and have not yet fully explored all avenues in this game.....lighten up and play, its really quite fun!!! I have friends that don't spend real money and are cooking right along....Quit trying to be the best, and enjoy :D:D

Jan 17 2011, 10:45 PM
Great update, one small kvetch--I like lox (smoked salmon) but cannot get enough out of 2 premium lakes to do anything more. Could we please have smoked trout--I live in Wyoming, smoke trout all summer, and guarantee it tastes at least as good, if not better!

rocker grrrrrl
Jan 17 2011, 10:47 PM
:p:p I Love how in the new fish & chips restaurant, it allows you to produce items from the popatoes in your storage. LOLOL!!

Love the new update.. thanks!!

Jan 17 2011, 10:48 PM
Always have loved this game and now I love it even more if that's possible ... sending a BIG MMMAAAAWWWWAAAHHHH to the Devs!!! :)

Jan 17 2011, 10:49 PM
Love that there's a new farm, love the "super" cow and hen, love the smokehouse and love that you can work through the facility manager more smoothly. Very happy here :)

Farmer Edward
Jan 17 2011, 10:49 PM
The levels were raised to 185. I was on level 158 at the time. Why didn't I go to higher level???


Jan 17 2011, 10:50 PM
The facilities manager's production chain is great!!!! I'm glad you're making the fishing part of the game a little more profitable. Thanks again.

Jan 17 2011, 10:51 PM
Thank you devs for this awesome update! Love the super animals. :) I really love everything.

Happy Farming! :)

Jan 17 2011, 10:53 PM
The levels were raised to 185. I was on level 158 at the time. Why didn't I go to higher level???


You didn't have enough xp to get to the new higher levels. You'd have to have so much xp's after you reached level 160.

Jan 17 2011, 10:53 PM
The levels were raised to 185. I was on level 158 at the time. Why didn't I go to higher level???


The levels are based on experience points. The highest level was 160 so people with points above that level would have increased, no one below it has.

Double T Dude Ranch
Jan 17 2011, 10:54 PM
The levels were raised to 185. I was on level 158 at the time. Why didn't I go to higher level???


You didn't have the xp points to move up.

Jan 17 2011, 10:55 PM
So one new cow is equal to 10 old cows? Do l understand that right?
l'm willing to buy a few - never have enough milk! And.... pretty!

Thanks guys for the awesome free game!!!!

Jan 17 2011, 10:55 PM
Great update!! Really happy about the new bait for fishing since I can never catch enough Salmon

Still wish for a use for goat cheese though-So many ways to use it I'm sure they could come up with something

Jan 17 2011, 10:56 PM
So one new cow is equal to 10 old cows? Do l understand that right?

Yes. It's great isn't it?

Jan 17 2011, 10:57 PM
I Lone It!!
Dancing, & Dancing & summertsalts, Cartwheells, Dancing!!!
giglingling, singing!! Sooo Happy, So much fun!!!
Great Job!! As all ways!!

Diana ;-)
Level 171

Jan 17 2011, 10:59 PM
when will you fix my msg envelope to rid the plus sign? over a yr now.. it is not the cache, cookies... it is you.. you need to reset it

so, where is the salt?

Jan 17 2011, 10:59 PM
Nice job,always making sure your players are happy.Thanks for the bug fixes too.(though I have had 0 issues,it's nice to see they were working on both ends):)

I do have a task for 1 of you that bought the smokehouse already.How much salt will it take to fill to max ?The salt is giftable,with it being x50 salt,just hoping wont have to exchange more than 5 or 6 a day to keep it running if I end up buying it.

Brian Sampson
Jan 17 2011, 11:02 PM
Will we be able to mine for salt at some point, or is it really gated as a gift only. That will severely limit the usefulness of the smokehouse, especially for some people. Just asking.

Jan 17 2011, 11:02 PM
when will you fix my msg envelope to rid the plus sign? over a yr now.. it is not the cache, cookies... it is you.. you need to reset it

so, where is the salt?

maybe post you problem in the help section instead of in every new release thread would get you more help

Double T Dude Ranch
Jan 17 2011, 11:02 PM
when will you fix my msg envelope to rid the plus sign? over a yr now.. it is not the cache, cookies... it is you.. you need to reset it

so, where is the salt?

Hi, the salt is a gift and I believe I PM'd you about your message problem.

Jan 17 2011, 11:07 PM
Doin' the Happy Dance!!!!! Thank you DEVS!!!

Momma Woods
Jan 17 2011, 11:11 PM
If anyone knows or has tried this yet, let me know. But are the SuperAnimals stackable with the regular ones? Can you have 100 of them AND 100 regular cows in the same dairy shed?

I bought 1 Hostein cow an I Leghorn hen and they have their own section in the coop and shed, so I would say yes yo can put 100 of each in each shed you have.

Jan 17 2011, 11:13 PM
I love it, love it, love it. Have the 8th farm, I"m on level 180 and climbing. (Did wish for sand ground cover for beaches, Oh well, another time). Thanks again!

Jan 17 2011, 11:13 PM
I think you devs are the best thing going in all games on Face Book!
I have tried a lot of the games and none are as well run and great as this one. Ignore us when we ask for the moon because we are just like kids in a candy store and want it all. As faith in you I have told my grandson who wants to do this kind of work, to only work for a company like yours with high standards of excellence!

You all are GREAT!!!:p

Momma Woods
Jan 17 2011, 11:14 PM
Thanks Raul,
You are the greatest. The new release is just fantastic. Have a 24 x 24 farm 8 now. It has not been named yet!! Got one Holstein Cow and one Leghorn hen. Will get lots more. :D This is so much fun!!!
I am just overwhelmed.
THANK YOU, LOVE YOU, ADMIRE YOU and all the kinda stuff.

And also, the Production chain I (we) asked foris just the cat's meow!!!!:cool:

Jan 17 2011, 11:20 PM
Thank you! :)

Jan 17 2011, 11:21 PM
I *love* the production chain! What a great idea! Thanks for that and all the other enhancements!

Jan 17 2011, 11:24 PM
Thanks Raul, but why i only leveled to 161 i was in level 160 why some are in level 185. Just thinking out loud.

Jan 17 2011, 11:24 PM
hi can someone please tell me
1 what is the max that i can have in storage at one time
2 what does Utilization mine says 5.5% and sometime higher and lower what does it mean thanks

Jan 17 2011, 11:25 PM
I see some fabulous decorating items! Thank you!

Double T Dude Ranch
Jan 17 2011, 11:29 PM
Thanks Raul, but why i only leveled to 161 i was in level 160 why some are in level 185. Just thinking out loud.

Depends on how much xp points you had.

Double T Dude Ranch
Jan 17 2011, 11:29 PM
hi can someone please tell me
1 what is the max that i can have in storage at one time
2 what does Utilization mine says 5.5% and sometime higher and lower what does it mean thanks

We don't know the max number for items.

The utilization shows how much you are utilizing the factory. So the lower, means you are not producing that much.

Lee Ann
Jan 17 2011, 11:31 PM
If ANYONE says Farmville is a better game they just haven't played Farm Town enough , not even close, I have converted a few friends thou ! Keep it up love all the great new stuff and enhancements !!!!

Jan 17 2011, 11:34 PM
I absolutely love every bit of the new update! I'm not going to buy any of the superanimals though because I don't run out of eggs or milk. Maybe if super llamas and sheep are introduced at some point I may them though. But not cows or hens because I want to conserve the FC I have. Can't wait for the bait to be available for use because I run out of salmon all the time! Also excited to see the new level names as I work toward the highest one and trying to figure out what to do with my 8th farm. I've already gotten it upgraded to 24x24 so I need to build up my coins again! Hope to see an increase in the storage capacity of the dairy shed, pigsty, chicken coop and wool shed with the next update...... pretty please with cherries on top?! LOL : )~

Jan 17 2011, 11:35 PM
I just had a feeling.......Thank you so much. This is the best game Ever!!!!

Jan 17 2011, 11:36 PM
when will you fix my msg envelope to rid the plus sign? over a yr now.. it is not the cache, cookies... it is you.. you need to reset it

so, where is the salt?

Salt is a gift item. You gotta get your neighbors to send it.

Jan 17 2011, 11:38 PM
Thanks for the new farm candy! Updates are awesome, as usual. You appear to have fixed the hiring market as well ... I've been able to get in and see everyone with names pretty much 100% for the last several days. Keep up the great work.

Jan 17 2011, 11:39 PM
Sure appreciate all the work done. I love this game and the challenges. Thank you for the additional 8th farm and the new levels.

3 C Acres
Jan 17 2011, 11:39 PM
I am pleased that we now have super animals---I had no problem putting the new chicken in the chicken coop---but no matter how I tried--the holstein has decided--it is not going to be highlighted so obviously there is absolutely no way to put it in the barn. Is there a secret to this animal. I have zoomed in and I have zoomed out and it will not be highlighted.

Jan 17 2011, 11:42 PM
Love the update!!!

One question. Salt is the only product without a category. You can sort your storage anyway you like but it doesn't show up under any of the categories ("All" is not a category). I only ask because I sort my spreadsheets sometimes by categories and was just wondering what they are going to list this as.

Texas Star
Jan 17 2011, 11:43 PM
Thank you...lots of nice things...but if you are adding herring to the small seacoast and squid to the big seacoast I would think the number of fish in each seacoast would be increased by the number of herring or squid added. Now we will get less of the other fish we were already using to make room for the new fish? Also, why the variation in the number of fish in the seacoasts, depending on which orientation you choose (99/122, 203/210)?

Jan 17 2011, 11:46 PM
You are awesome! So excited. The game is great.

Jan 17 2011, 11:47 PM
I am pleased that we now have super animals---I had no problem putting the new chicken in the chicken coop---but no matter how I tried--the holstein has decided--it is not going to be highlighted so obviously there is absolutely no way to put it in the barn. Is there a secret to this animal. I have zoomed in and I have zoomed out and it will not be highlighted.

Did you try hiding items around it? I know when I try to put stuff in storage like my animals and they won't highlight it helps to hide a lot of nearby items.

Jan 17 2011, 11:47 PM
I am pleased that we now have super animals---I had no problem putting the new chicken in the chicken coop---but no matter how I tried--the holstein has decided--it is not going to be highlighted so obviously there is absolutely no way to put it in the barn. Is there a secret to this animal. I have zoomed in and I have zoomed out and it will not be highlighted.

Hi ,

It looks like it's stuck because you placed him slightly too close to your smokehouse. I did manage to highlight it very briefly. Try un ticking the "freeze animals" option in your game settings, for a bit which should allow him move away from it and then try clicking on him again. Dont forget to re freeze the animals when you are done.

Witch Hazel
Jan 17 2011, 11:48 PM
Wow! Love the new update! Got my #8 and updated as far as I could! Now I'll never get 6,7,and 8 maxed. LOL! #8 is now my permanent xmas farm! Love it! Thank you soooo much!

Jan 17 2011, 11:54 PM
Question - trying to read to see if anyone else has asked this yet but I'm not seeing it. The new cow and chicken ... do you only need to buy 1 of each to put in the cow barn and chicken coop for them to produce more? Or they only produce x10 for the one animal?

Jan 18 2011, 12:00 AM
Question - trying to read to see if anyone else has asked this yet but I'm not seeing it. The new cow and chicken ... do you only need to buy 1 of each to put in the cow barn and chicken coop for them to produce more? Or they only produce x10 for the one animal?


1 Holstien cow will give you 10 milk, 1 Leghorn Hen gives you 10 eggs.

Jan 18 2011, 12:05 AM

1 Holstien cow will give you 10 milk, 1 Leghorn Hen gives you 10 eggs.

Thanks, so by putting 1 Holstein in my barn will give me 110 when I collect. So if I put in 10 Holstein cows then I will get an extra 100 milk, is that correct? Or can you only add one to the barn?

Jen in NC
Jan 18 2011, 12:06 AM
Love the updates! But more salmon required? Can we please add salmon to the rivers where they belong? Thanks!

Jan 18 2011, 12:11 AM
Love the updates! But more salmon required? Can we please add salmon to the rivers where they belong? Thanks!


You might want to consider placing your idea in the suggestions area where it will be better seen. Here's the link to "suggestions", just find the most appropriate thread and post your idea there :)



Victorious Vivian
Jan 18 2011, 12:11 AM
The new things are great. I don't think it is fair that some people level up while others didn't. For example some of my neighbors went from level 160 to 185 while others didn't. I think it would be nice if we got up a few levels for loving the game so much.

Jan 18 2011, 12:13 AM
The new things are great. I don't think it is fair that some people level up while others didn't. For example some of my neighbors went from level 160 to 185 while others didn't. I think it would be nice if we got up a few levels for loving the game so much.

You do kind of level up for how much you love the game. After all you get points for playing the game, so the more you play, the more points you get. Levels are base entirely on points, so if some neighbors went up levels, it is because they had the correct number of points to go up.

Jan 18 2011, 12:14 AM
Oh Joy!!!!! It's here, Farm 8 is here!

Loving the new updates and animals. The Holsteins and Leghorns look/move so much better than the original "cartoon" cows and hens.

Thank you so much of all your hard work Devs.

Jan 18 2011, 12:16 AM
Thanks, so by putting 1 Holstein in my barn will give me 110 when I collect. So if I put in 10 Holstein cows then I will get an extra 100 milk, is that correct? Or can you only add one to the barn?

If you have 100 normal cows in your barn and 1 Holstein cow, yes you will get 110 milk. You can store 100 Holstien cows in your barn as well as the 100 normal cows :)

Jan 18 2011, 12:18 AM
Thanks for a great update. But super cows don't help a lot with cheese production. An increase in cheese output would be great. And without an extra facility to do it.

Jan 18 2011, 12:21 AM
the updates are WONDERFUL Thank you so much But i have one question I see ppl talking bout working on others ppls factories I cant seem to figure out how to do that lol Im level 181 can someone help me with this
thansk again what a great job with all the stuff Im in ft heaven lol

ed's farm123
Jan 18 2011, 12:21 AM
Could be just a hiccup while the updates are rolling out. I just tried mine and it still works. Give it some time and try again later.

It was, it is now working as it should.

Jan 18 2011, 12:23 AM
Wow, why so negative? You must have joined recently and have not yet fully explored all avenues in this game.....lighten up and play, its really quite fun!!! I have friends that don't spend real money and are cooking right along....Quit trying to be the best, and enjoy :D:D

Well, I guess it isn't because I haven't played the game long enough. I'm level 185. Perhaps it is because I have played the game too much, or maybe because I don't put real money into the game. I was only saying that I was waiting with anticipation for the update hoping for a way to increase all animal production for maybe 50 farmcash, or maybe a new facility, especially if it took a new animal. I was simply saying this update was disappointing. Not that I was not enjoying the game. There is nothing in this update that excited me in the least. I bought farm8, but wasn't really caring if I had another farm. The facilities take fish. I don't do fish. It would cost 50 farmcash to buy 10 cows and another 50 for 10 hens. I am sure this is no problem for many who put real money into the game and I think that makes some people really happy, and that is fine by me. I am just saying that it means nothing to me. I will continue with my regular cows and hens (never run out of eggs anyway, just turkey feathers). I am afraid in a sense updates are kind of like Christmas. One waits in anticipation for something new to keep the game exciting. Well, I guess I waited in anticipation, and was let down as there was nothing in this update I wanted. I am glad some people wanted it, it just wasn't me.

Jan 18 2011, 12:25 AM
It was, it is now working as it should.

Great stuff, thank you for letting us know, happy farming :)

ed's farm123
Jan 18 2011, 12:26 AM
the updates are WONDERFUL Thank you so much But i have one question I see ppl talking bout working on others ppls factories I cant seem to figure out how to do that lol Im level 181 can someone help me with this
thansk again what a great job with all the stuff Im in ft heaven lol

your friends or neighbors select 'work faster' while in pending production mode for one of their factories. it posts to their friends and neighbors sites. you click on 'click here to help' and go to their farm and follow instructions.

If you want someone to work on your farm, do the same thing, select any of your factories, select 'pending production' in the upper left select 'work faster'
you only have to do it at one factory, anyone who answers can work all your facilities.

Suzie Brown-Dehner
Jan 18 2011, 12:54 AM
Awesome updates!!! Thank you! :)

Wilde Lily
Jan 18 2011, 12:55 AM
Thank you!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D

Jan 18 2011, 01:00 AM
Thanks guys!!!

Jan 18 2011, 01:06 AM
Thank you for the new farm 8 and updates. I think I am going to like the new SmokeHouse facility. Would be nice to have Salmon a bit more plentiful. I do like the new feature in the facility manager for the progression order. I think I can work with that. Much better than was we got originally. Thank you.

I am still dissipointed that we did not get Yeast as a gift. Been asking that ever since the brewery came out.

Curious to see how the bait is going to work.
Also curious to see what you have in mind for the various attachments that came out in the gifts.

thanks again

Tony D
Jan 18 2011, 01:15 AM
Thank you for the new farm 8 and updates. I think I am going to like the new SmokeHouse facility. Would be nice to have Salmon a bit more plentiful. I do like the new feature in the facility manager for the progression order. I think I can work with that. Much better than was we got originally. Thank you.

I am still dissipointed that we did not get Yeast as a gift. Been asking that ever since the brewery came out.

Curious to see how the bait is going to work.
Also curious to see what you have in mind for the various attachments that came out in the gifts.

thanks again
DocHi, the attachments are only decorative.

Dixie Cupp
Jan 18 2011, 01:30 AM
Mmmm, delicious updates. Woohoo 'n thank you! :D

Triple M
Jan 18 2011, 01:32 AM
I have worked hard to get to level 154 and now you have upped the levels! And I did not get any credit, I was only 6 away to 160, now I am 27 levels away! That's not fair, and I am about to quit playing. Not fair! I don't have money to buy into this game.

Jan 18 2011, 01:38 AM
I have worked hard to get to level 154 and now you have upped the levels! And I did not get any credit, I was only 6 away to 160, now I am 27 levels away! That's not fair, and I am about to quit playing. Not fair! I don't have money to buy into this game.

How is it not fair?You will lvl up when you get the req xp points.Nor do you have to "buy" anything in the game to get to the top.

Jan 18 2011, 01:42 AM
Thanks in particular for getting rid of that extra step in the gifting. It wasn't big on the grand scheme of things, but more like: why are they bothering me with this? (okay, you want new players, but the friends I have who Don't play FarmTown, are manifestedly not interested at all ... I've recruited all the others!)

Haven't checked out the new gifts and things, too busy planting onions on farm 8, but will do so tomorrow. Thanks guys!!!

LOL I planted something until I figure out what I want to do with it; then wished I had not been so hasty. I am naming it The Onion Field (book title) because when I harvest tomorrow morning the entire thing is gonna be onions, because I ran out of them today. Again.

Jan 18 2011, 01:53 AM
I have worked hard to get to level 154 and now you have upped the levels! And I did not get any credit, I was only 6 away to 160, now I am 27 levels away! That's not fair, and I am about to quit playing. Not fair! I don't have money to buy into this game.

Do not know what you mean by not getting any credit.

I am glad they increased levels for two reasons. One is, I know myself and when I reach top level, the incentive to play would be gone. The second reason is: last time levels were increased my top neighbors, rushed to get to 160 in a few days. Then they slacked off and had very little need of my help, did not publish facilities much either.

Now, I can go to market to work, but it is more fun working with friends/neighbors, due to Chat. I enjoy Market jobs, but missed daily visits with neighbors.

Jan 18 2011, 01:57 AM
Thank you...lots of nice things...but if you are adding herring to the small seacoast and squid to the big seacoast I would think the number of fish in each seacoast would be increased by the number of herring or squid added. Now we will get less of the other fish we were already using to make room for the new fish? Also, why the variation in the number of fish in the seacoasts, depending on which orientation you choose (99/122, 203/210)?

I haven't paid any attention to how much of each fish there were in the coasts before, with any luck only the numbers for those not used will have gone down.

As for why the number of fish vary depending on the orientation of the coast, I recall this was answered sometime ago... they were made separately and that's just the way they are, they won't be changed to be the same.

Jan 18 2011, 02:00 AM
the updates are WONDERFUL Thank you so much But i have one question I see ppl talking bout working on others ppls factories I cant seem to figure out how to do that lol Im level 181 can someone help me with this
thansk again what a great job with all the stuff Im in ft heaven lol

Your neighbors post on their wall that they want help with production. You click it, it takes you to their farm, pop-ups will take you through all facilities that have work, you click "Produce" ( think or is it Production?).

Most people will note if they work available on more than one farm. So you go to next farm, follow pop-ups. If all production is done on farms that have facilities, there will be no pop-up.

When you work your facilities and click Produce Faster, there is a FB pop-up to publish on your wall, so your neighbor/friends can do likewise to help you.

Jan 18 2011, 02:07 AM
This is the most challenging game there is in facebook to me. Love it!!! Thanks

Jan 18 2011, 02:08 AM
Thanks for a great update. But super cows don't help a lot with cheese production. An increase in cheese output would be great. And without an extra facility to do it.

I did not produce cheese for a long time, because I got so much of it working neighbor's dairy. I also acquire an overabundance of butter. Which means I end up having 5,000 milk to use.

With Farm 8 I will be able to produce more wheat to try to use up my excess milk, sugar, eggs by producing Cheese cake. My neighbors also keep me well supplied with peanut butter, which means I am always using my flour to make bread, just for that; rather than producing more breakfast dishes that would use up the eggs.

Jan 18 2011, 02:08 AM
Thank you, especially for farm 8. I wasn't expecting it for a few more days, so it was a nice surprise when it came out today.

Jan 18 2011, 02:16 AM
Thanks for all the upgrades. I am stumped over the tree grabber implement that I received as a gift. What am I able to do with it? And the other yard implements?

Jan 18 2011, 02:17 AM
Thanks for all the upgrades. I am stumped over the tree grabber implement that I received as a gift. What am I able to do with it? And the other yard implements?

Hi :) They are just decorations.

Jan 18 2011, 02:19 AM
the new things are great. I don't think it is fair that some people level up while others didn't. For example some of my neighbors went from level 160 to 185 while others didn't. I think it would be nice if we got up a few levels for loving the game so much.


Jan 18 2011, 02:21 AM
your friends or neighbors select 'work faster' while in pending production mode for one of their factories. it posts to their friends and neighbors sites. you click on 'click here to help' and go to their farm and follow instructions.

If you want someone to work on your farm, do the same thing, select any of your factories, select 'pending production' in the upper left select 'work faster'
you only have to do it at one factory, anyone who answers can work all your facilities.

Ok thanks alot but I dont see what your talking bout lol im a blonde you might have to draw mw a picture jk could u add me or message me and walk me through it cause I dont see the button you are talking bout Im sorry but if i can get things done faster like flour and cheese ID BE GREAT

Thank you so much
Mod Edit... Removed e-mail address , sorry

Jan 18 2011, 02:22 AM
great excellent still cant wait for a Hide animals feature and Rhubarb to be used as a ingredient

Jan 18 2011, 02:27 AM
I get to see one more beautiful farm after another when doing market jobs and was wishing I had another to try a flower farm design. You gave it to me. But for a minute it is gonna be onion fields! Thanks so much.

I can not wait to try the bait. Great idea.

Jan 18 2011, 02:33 AM
Ok thanks alot but I dont see what your talking bout lol im a blonde you might have to draw mw a picture jk could u add me or message me and walk me through it cause I dont see the button you are talking bout Im sorry but if i can get things done faster like flour and cheese ID BE GREAT

Thank you so much
Mod Edit... Removed e-mail address , sorry

There are screen shots and step by step instructions at Game Guide, Facilities, page two. Here is link:


Jan 18 2011, 02:33 AM
Ok thanks alot but I dont see what your talking bout lol im a blonde you might have to draw mw a picture jk could u add me or message me and walk me through it cause I dont see the button you are talking bout Im sorry but if i can get things done faster like flour and cheese ID BE GREAT

Thank you so much
Mod Edit... Removed e-mail address , sorry

When you go into a facility to start production, there are TWO tabs. The tab that opens automatically is 'things to produce', the other is 'what's pending'. After you finish loading your facilities, you can post for help from ANY facility by going into the second tab - 'what's pending'. On this page you'll see a button on the top left corner called 'produce faster'. Click that and you can ask for help by posting to your friends' home pages.

Jan 18 2011, 02:39 AM
Thank you so much for posting the link But I was right ITs not on mine guess in may be for facebook and not myspace idk :)

Jan 18 2011, 02:43 AM
Ok thanks alot but I dont see what your talking bout lol im a blonde you might have to draw mw a picture jk could u add me or message me and walk me through it cause I dont see the button you are talking bout Im sorry but if i can get things done faster like flour and cheese ID BE GREAT

Thank you so much
Mod Edit... Removed e-mail address , sorry


there ya go. If you give out your email..send that person a pm,but don't post it.:)

Tony D
Jan 18 2011, 02:46 AM
Is it a on myspace cause I really dont have a button like that...
Thank you for posting the linkHi, you cannot post for help on Myspace farms

Jan 18 2011, 02:53 AM
Is it a on myspace cause I really dont have a button like that...
Thank you for posting the link

I figure it out its ONLY on facebook lol I was excited for a min I thought I could get flour done faster Somehow all mine is Gone frm my storage I had 4000 Owell love the game though

Jan 18 2011, 02:54 AM

there ya go. If you give out your email..send that person a pm,but don't post it.:)

Thank you and Im new to the forums forgot bout the email thing but it dont work for me anyway Im on myspace lol

Karen's Farm 1
Jan 18 2011, 02:58 AM
Thanks Raul, like always this was worth the wait. Really great game.

Taz D
Jan 18 2011, 02:59 AM
Hi, you cannot post for help on Myspace farms
Wow, why would anyone want to play through Myspace then??:eek: It would take forever to level up!!

Jan 18 2011, 03:01 AM
Wow, why would anyone want to play through Myspace then??:eek: It would take forever to level up!!

Just wanted to say I play through myspace Im level 181 I have ALL the factories most of them doubles some on every farm and I own all tools I luv to play we play as a family too GREAT GAME LUV THE NEW STUFF BOUGHT IT ALL

Deanna J. Lloyd
Jan 18 2011, 03:10 AM
Got the farm!!:) Got the levels!!!:D Looking at what's new -- double-like the super cow and super hen (but haven't checked out the price [may not like it so well afterwards:eek:] BUT, as usual, you have outdone yourselves.:D:):D When do we get Farm 9?!!!:rolleyes: [JUST KIDDING, really!!!):D

Jan 18 2011, 04:31 AM
Thanks a lot for the new stuff! Great with the Super-Cow and Super-Hen, also.



Jan 18 2011, 04:42 AM
weeeeeeeeeell, what i should say??? Just perfect !!!! :D Wow and i see it whas true bout the super animals cow and hen ....soo there will be true in what i whas thinking and saying before. Great update devs !!! ;)

sherdi the sower
Jan 18 2011, 04:46 AM
Thanks for all the new things and the 8th farm. I got the 2 new facilities and when I noticed that you had come up with yet one more use for CHEESE, I wanted to scream!!! Give us a break! I also don't like that it costs farm cash for the new cow and hen. Some of us have billions of coins for all our hard work, so why couldn't we just pay premium coins for the super animals?

Jan 18 2011, 04:59 AM
thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!

Jan 18 2011, 05:28 AM
Will there be a another way to obtain salt other than from the gift list? Are they working on designing a salt mine?

Jan 18 2011, 05:29 AM
I would like to be able to produce other types of oil & not just the olive oil.

Jan 18 2011, 05:29 AM
Devs,You are amazing!! I don't know where you come up with some of these ideas but I love them all as usual! Thank you!!

Jan 18 2011, 05:30 AM
Thanks for all the new things and the 8th farm. I got the 2 new facilities and when I noticed that you had come up with yet one more use for CHEESE, I wanted to scream!!! Give us a break! I also don't like that it costs farm cash for the new cow and hen. Some of us have billions of coins for all our hard work, so why couldn't we just pay premium coins for the super animals?

I agree on both things although the animals doesn't bother me as much. If I get some extra money maybe I'll buy FC and use it to get a couple of the super animals but I doubt it. I didn't buy either new facility yet and I doubt I will if they use cheese. I don't get enough as it is and I have four or maybe five dairy processing plants. I'm going to buy a new one for my 8th farm but by now I would've thought the cheese production would've been increased. Can we please get that next? Along with increased capacity on animal storage buildings? LOL : )~

Aero 1
Jan 18 2011, 06:02 AM
Love the new additions I have already bought farm 8 but please please please could you get the proportions right I wanted to buy The Fine House but next to the chicken coop it looks so so small they look like giant chickens. Just wish we had the ability to make items larger or smaller so then I could have shrunk the chicken coop or made the house bigger. Don't know if this is something you could do but it would be amazing if you could. Love the new animals and some of the new buildings are great ( except for size lol ) Thanks for all your hard work I really do appreciate it. Thanks again. :)

Jan 18 2011, 07:07 AM
Thanks for all the new things and the 8th farm. I got the 2 new facilities and when I noticed that you had come up with yet one more use for CHEESE, I wanted to scream!!! Give us a break! I also don't like that it costs farm cash for the new cow and hen. Some of us have billions of coins for all our hard work, so why couldn't we just pay premium coins for the super animals?

I agree. I have a dairy farm on all 8 now and still do not produce enough. Either it needs to be quicker OR the produce higher than 540. Cheese is used in almost every facility. I am forever running out.

Jan 18 2011, 07:21 AM
amazing! thanks a lot guy's i have seen a new cathedral?? great, :D thanks, great job :D

Jan 18 2011, 07:31 AM
I got downstairs this morning and the magic had happened overnight!

I have an empty eighth farm that's going to be an oriental village.

I'm pleased about the super-chickens which should solve my ongoing egg-crisis.

Bought a couple of super-cows; they are beautiful and much more realistic. I've had to put all the cartoon cows in the shed because they looked ridiculous together, and the cows are towering over the bull, who looks very nervous.

Thank you!

Jan 18 2011, 07:31 AM
The new gifts how do we use them? Thanks for the input!

Jan 18 2011, 07:49 AM
The new gifts how do we use them? Thanks for the input!

the new gifts are not functional, they are purely for decoration

Jan 18 2011, 07:56 AM
Thank you for the great update! I LOVE THIS GAME! Got my Farm 8 upgraded to 24 x 24 and am now level 185. I finally got the Flower Harvester with the Farm Cash awarded or the new levels. YAAAA!

Jan 18 2011, 08:04 AM
If anyone knows or has tried this yet, let me know. But are the SuperAnimals stackable with the regular ones? Can you have 100 of them AND 100 regular cows in the same dairy shed?

I have 100 regular cows in one dairy, and added 1 super cow to see waht happened. I harvested 110 units of milk.


Jan 18 2011, 08:37 AM
I noticed in the announcement that it was said that farm cash prices for land remained the same but when i went to buy land I noticed that it says $40 farm cash. Before it was $20. Is this a glitch or is the announcement wrong?

Jan 18 2011, 08:51 AM
I noticed in the announcement that it was said that farm cash prices for land remained the same but when i went to buy land I noticed that it says $40 farm cash. Before it was $20. Is this a glitch or is the announcement wrong?

I believe the first farm is 40 and then the rest of the farms are 20. Thats how they were for previous farms

Jan 18 2011, 08:52 AM
I noticed in the announcement that it was said that farm cash prices for land remained the same but when i went to buy land I noticed that it says $40 farm cash. Before it was $20. Is this a glitch or is the announcement wrong?

Never mind.... i see after the first one its still $20. I was just so excited this morning!!!

Jan 18 2011, 08:53 AM
is there a way i can buy items that are gifted since certain items are required for several factories, also super, all the new facilities, however is it possible to list ingredients for each item listed,
love all the new goodies, pleasure playing ft,
thanks again

Jan 18 2011, 08:56 AM
Thank you sooooo much. I am addicted to F/T, great way to relax after work; is there a way I can find out when I started farming. Thank you xx

Double T Dude Ranch
Jan 18 2011, 09:01 AM
is there a way i can buy items that are gifted since certain items are required for several factories, also super, all the new facilities, however is it possible to list ingredients for each item listed,
love all the new goodies, pleasure playing ft,
thanks again

Check out the game guide...link in my signature. Chapter 13 has a list of facilities and what they produce.

Grammy 11
Jan 18 2011, 09:03 AM
Wonderful upgrade. Thank you so much.

What, if anything, does the plower implement do? Thanks and happy farming.

Jan 18 2011, 09:14 AM
Well, I have one of the #8s in place. I liked being able to "double-up" the fine stone mansion. Being able to put two of them together and make it line up was nice and the effect is what I wanted. Now on to the other #8 and some more spending.

Jan 18 2011, 09:15 AM
love the game so much, i even have a separate binder, keep track of my neigh, their factories, nd all my facilities with items on each + ingred. getting full, keep up the super work,

Jan 18 2011, 09:20 AM
I did not produce cheese for a long time, because I got so much of it working neighbor's dairy. I also acquire an overabundance of butter. Which means I end up having 5,000 milk to use.

With Farm 8 I will be able to produce more wheat to try to use up my excess milk, sugar, eggs by producing Cheese cake. My neighbors also keep me well supplied with peanut butter, which means I am always using my flour to make bread, just for that; rather than producing more breakfast dishes that would use up the eggs.

I agree an increase in cheese production would be great! I just added my 3rd dairy fac to help me keep up. I post lots of goodies daily & always am in need of cheese. or if you can't increase cheese production could you add it to the items that we can buy? or gift? Thanks for all the hard work! :)

Jan 18 2011, 09:52 AM
Thanks Raul and all the devs!! Love this game! Super job on all the updates!!

Jan 18 2011, 09:56 AM
Thank you for the new update! I love it! I'm having so much fun playing on my new Farm 8; so glad I had the day off from work! LOL

Jan 18 2011, 10:08 AM
Wonderful upgrade. Thank you so much.

What, if anything, does the plower implement do? Thanks and happy farming.

Does not do anything, just decoration for if you happen to have the plow tool on your farm and not in storage you can have the implement behind or around the tool.

crop muncher
Jan 18 2011, 10:11 AM
great job guys - lovin it

I agree we need to be able to earn farmcash in other ways other then buying it out of real money ....Thanks for the new updates appreciate them...

crafty chris
Jan 18 2011, 10:13 AM
tyvvvvvvvvvvvvvm been waiting for #8 ... awesome stuff as usual .. loving it :)

Jan 18 2011, 10:18 AM
Awesome release! Thanks so much.

Mrs Mags
Jan 18 2011, 10:25 AM
Wow!!!...can't believe what happened whilst I was asleep....:D Brilliant update as usual...Thanks Raul and all the Devs

Jan 18 2011, 10:26 AM
Fantastic new update!!
Thanks for all the hard work and dedication to the entire SlashKey Team!!
(*runs back to farm*) ... "OMG where do I begin??"...LOL

Jan 18 2011, 10:45 AM
How do the superanimals work? I thought for the $5 farmcash it would multiply the amt of cows I have by 10. ?? After purchasing the holstein cow & the leghorn hen, it only added 10 milk, & not times 10, like I thought it would. If this is the case, $5 farmcash is not a reasonable amt to spend for 10 milk. Please advise on how this is really supposed to work...

Double T Dude Ranch
Jan 18 2011, 10:46 AM
How do the superanimals work? I thought for the $5 farmcash it would multiply the amt of cows I have by 10. ?? After purchasing the holstein cow & the leghorn hen, it only added 10 milk, & not times 10, like I thought it would. If this is the case, $5 farmcash is not a reasonable amt to spend for 10 milk. Please advise on how this is really supposed to work...

The cow itself is equal to 10 cows. So 2 cows will get you 20 milk. So it is working correctly.

Jan 18 2011, 11:02 AM
Thanks so much for the new updates......please consider letting us buy fuel for coins.....many thanks again.....

Jan 18 2011, 11:06 AM
Thank you for farm 8. Wonderful! I've been saving up so for the first time I could go in and buy the whole farm at once. (Oh, the time it took, reloading the game on my slow computer after each land upgrade. lol)

Great to have new levels. For those who are upset that some of us have now got ahead of you, my understanding of this game is that it's the journey that's important, not the destination. In fact, once you reach the top level it's frustrating because there are no longer the rewards of farm cash. Enjoy being on a lower level, knowing that you can still plan ahead what to do with the farm cash coming to you. If the devs didn't give us more levels, you would be limited in your eventual farm cash. I miss that gradual increment.

I like the new decorations, though my farm isn't set out in a way that will use them. Perhaps I will think of places for them to go.

The facilities aren't to my taste (as I steer clear of fish and scarce meat) but I think they're a great addition to the game.

Jan 18 2011, 11:35 AM
Okay, the #8s are up and running.... and some of the others are re-constructed or in progress.

Still have a couple billion, so I am ready for #9. :eek:


Jan 18 2011, 11:42 AM
Thank you for listening to us

Jan 18 2011, 11:49 AM
I have worked hard to get to level 154 and now you have upped the levels! And I did not get any credit, I was only 6 away to 160, now I am 27 levels away! That's not fair, and I am about to quit playing. Not fair! I don't have money to buy into this game.You're still 6 levels away from 160. That didn't change.

Jan 18 2011, 12:02 PM
So when will the bait be available??? Can't wait to get some !!!

Jan 18 2011, 12:18 PM
so not on a friday this time lol

Jan 18 2011, 12:28 PM
A mi no me subieron de nivel estoy molesta con fram town pero no me subieron ni un nivel tan siquiera a mis vecinos los subieron hasta 15 y 20 niveles y a mi ningun niveles y tengo 2 granjas en dos paginas de facebook y en ninguna me subieron grrrrrrrr ya no quiero ni jugar

Double T Dude Ranch
Jan 18 2011, 12:29 PM
A mi no me subieron de nivel estoy molesta con fram town pero no me subieron ni un nivel tan siquiera a mis vecinos los subieron hasta 15 y 20 niveles y a mi ningun niveles y tengo 2 granjas en dos paginas de facebook y en ninguna me subieron grrrrrrrr ya no quiero ni jugar

Depende de los puntos de experiencia.

big al from chicago
Jan 18 2011, 12:31 PM
Does anyone know how to tell how much storage is available in your facilities?

Double T Dude Ranch
Jan 18 2011, 12:33 PM
Does anyone know how to tell how much storage is available in your facilities?

There is no way sorry...

Jan 18 2011, 12:56 PM
I love the new updates but I would love that when you buy or receive animals that belong into the facilities that you could just have them go in there or something simpler then having to click on every animal then click add to ... then click the check mark. Thanks in advance

Raechel ;)

Jan 18 2011, 01:04 PM

Jan 18 2011, 01:08 PM
Great update, thank you so much!!

Rob T
Jan 18 2011, 01:08 PM
Thankyou Raul & all the devs for the great update :)

Zeeky Banutski
Jan 18 2011, 01:20 PM
Absolutely love the upgrades (as always), but I wish the "Facilities Manager" was able to do all facilities from all farms instead of having to be on that particular farm to use the manager. As an example, if I separate my Oast House & brewery onto different farms, the Facilities Manger doesn't do me any good for those facilities because it's not "stacking" them so that I can perform the 1st function 1st & the 2nd function 2nd, etc.,.

I'm sure that having duplicate facilities (like two or three dairy farms) probably complicates matters for the Facilities Manager, but surely this could be overcome?

Jan 18 2011, 01:28 PM
How wonderful to be on a new level. I've suddenly jumped from 160 to 185.

My only regret is that I've missed out on seeing all the creative names the devs came up with for the different levels.

Perhaps our super hard-working mods might add a section somewhere telling us the names of all the levels we missed out on seeing?

Double T Dude Ranch
Jan 18 2011, 01:29 PM
How wonderful to be on a new level. I've suddenly jumped from 160 to 185.

My only regret is that I've missed out on seeing all the creative names the devs came up with for the different levels.

Perhaps our super hard-working mods might add a section somewhere telling us the names of all the levels we missed out on seeing?

It was posted yesterday in the levels chapter in the Game Guide :)

Jan 18 2011, 01:36 PM
It was posted yesterday in the levels chapter in the Game Guide :)

Thank you so much! I check out the game guide frequently (mainly facilities) but I'd never spotted that before.

Texas Belle
Jan 18 2011, 01:49 PM
Thanks Raul,
You are the greatest. The new release is just fantastic. Have a 24 x 24 farm 8 now. It has not been named yet!! Got one Holstein Cow and one Leghorn hen. Will get lots more. :D This is so much fun!!!
I am just overwhelmed.
THANK YOU, LOVE YOU, ADMIRE YOU and all the kinda stuff.

And that goes for me too, bought already 4 hens, don't have problem yet with the milk, but my guess is I will. Farm no. 8 is named "AT LAST", waited so long that I thought that was the proper name, lol
Thanks Raul and company, you are the greatest!! I am ready for no. 9, and that one already has a name "Wishing Upon a Star".

Texas Belle
Jan 18 2011, 01:53 PM
Wow!!!...can't believe what happened whilst I was asleep....:D Brilliant update as usual...Thanks Raul and all the Devs

I know, and I chose last night to watch a movie thinking Nahhh its not going to happen on a Monday, little did I know, lol
My farm is already 24x24 and in the process of what do I put there...

Jan 18 2011, 02:23 PM
I was excited about the updates.. love the new levels...and other new things... is there anything on the way that we can get salt without friends gifting it to you... Like the ocean coast, that we will be able to get sea salt of something..

Jan 18 2011, 03:04 PM
I agree we need to be able to earn farmcash in other ways other then buying it out of real money ....Thanks for the new updates appreciate them...

Take a loom at the free offers I have earned 49fc since Thursday doing free offers.

Jan 18 2011, 03:24 PM
Awesome Release! Especially Number 4 ... you guys RAWK!

Jan 18 2011, 03:46 PM
ty ty ty ty ty ty !!!!

Ruth Potter
Jan 18 2011, 04:07 PM
I can not receive any of the new gifts why????

Penelope Fielding
Jan 18 2011, 04:26 PM


Ah!! So much to appreciate and enjoy!! You folks at Slash/key are unbelievable! I have never played a game I enjoy more, and these updates are so appreciated.
I, personally, appreciate the attention you give to malfunctions. The invisible gifts in my gift box really bugged me, now, Voila! They have truly dissapeared!!

No one can thank you enough for this most interesting and stimulating game!!

Jan 18 2011, 04:30 PM
Just checked into FT to send gifts to my neighbors (since I'm not "farming" at this time) and saw some things had changed.
No interest for now -- haven't caught up form about 4 updates ago LOL. But great going, developers, on behalf of all the dedicated FT players.

Jan 18 2011, 05:11 PM
Thanks!!! :) :)

Jan 18 2011, 06:25 PM
Absolutely love the upgrades (as always), but I wish the "Facilities Manager" was able to do all facilities from all farms instead of having to be on that particular farm to use the manager. As an example, if I separate my Oast House & brewery onto different farms, the Facilities Manger doesn't do me any good for those facilities because it's not "stacking" them so that I can perform the 1st function 1st & the 2nd function 2nd, etc.,.

I'm sure that having duplicate facilities (like two or three dairy farms) probably complicates matters for the Facilities Manager, but surely this could be overcome?

This was exactly my thought about this issue - one control panel for facilities would make so much sense, instead of having to pair facilities, especially since you absolutely have to have more than one of some of them (dairy, truck, oil pumps, windmill to name a few). to keep the facilities cranking, even at less than 100 percent. The truth is, the new modification makes very little difference. What is really needed is a one-button "empty and store" for all items in all facilities and a master panel for all facilities. Maybe next time? We can hope. Thank you for Farm 8, though, and for new levels - they are welcome additions. I have yet to unlock some of the new things, so that gives me something to work for. Thanks to the devs for keeping it fun.

Jan 18 2011, 06:31 PM
Nice update thanks - just two comments .....

Since we now have 'super cows' wouldn't that mean that said cows generate EXTRA CHEESE?? :P

I'm waiting with baited breath for 'a couple of days' to go by so that we can fish with bait :D That will be awesome.

Jan 18 2011, 06:33 PM
Thank you soooo much for fixing the gift box issue!

Jan 18 2011, 06:36 PM
Thanks SO much for all the hard work put into this game Raul. It is greatly appreciated and BY FAR the BEST app on Facebook!

Jan 18 2011, 07:02 PM
is there anyway to be able to buy facilitys with coins or can you make it to where we can earn farm cash faster some way? PLEASE:)

Jan 18 2011, 07:03 PM
thanks love all the new stuff!!

Jan 18 2011, 07:43 PM
I want to know what are the farm tool for in the gift area. Do they do anything or do they just sit there and look good

Jan 18 2011, 07:43 PM
I want to know what are the farm tool for in the gift area. Do they do anything or do they just sit there and look good

Just sit there and look good :)

Tony D
Jan 18 2011, 07:44 PM
I want to know what are the farm tool for in the gift area. Do they do anything or do they just sit there and look goodHi, just look good, they have no function

Jan 18 2011, 08:18 PM
great job guys - lovin it

sure hope not

Jan 18 2011, 08:30 PM
Thanks for all the fun new stuff!

Mrs Mags
Jan 18 2011, 08:37 PM
Okay, the #8s are up and running.... and some of the others are re-constructed or in progress.

Still have a couple billion, so I am ready for #9. :eek:


Brilliant!! ...Your post cracked me up...:D

Jan 18 2011, 08:50 PM
Thanks, it is so nice to have a game that explains new things. I also play FishVille and they never explain new features. It's always "self discovery" and with all the glitches there it's hard to figure things out sometimes.

Jan 18 2011, 08:52 PM
I want to know what are the farm tool for in the gift area. Do they do anything or do they just sit there and look good

its the first posting for each upgrade date

Jan 18 2011, 08:54 PM
Nice update thanks - just two comments .....

Since we now have 'super cows' wouldn't that mean that said cows generate EXTRA CHEESE?? :P

I'm waiting with baited breath for 'a couple of days' to go by so that we can fish with bait :D That will be awesome.

extra cows milk = xtra cheese duh, lol . try putting another dairy plant on a different farm to make cheese faster

Texas Belle
Jan 18 2011, 09:28 PM
Hi There,

We just released a new version of the game with the following features and bug fixes.

1. Farm 8: Here are the prices in Coins, Farm Cash prices remain the same:

Farm12x12 - 8000000
Farm14x14 Upgrade - 5000000
Farm16x16 Upgrade - 6000000
Farm18x18 Upgrade - 7000000
Farm20x20 Upgrade - 300000000
Farm22x22 Upgrade - 400000000
Farm24x24 Upgrade - 500000000

2. 25 New Levels and 12 Gifts (Coins): About 70 new items in total, all in coins. The Farm Implements in the Gifts section have no functionality, they are just nice decorations that look well behind your machinery. All Winter items are now in the 'Winter' section in the Store. The Gift Certificates are now in the 'Other' section.

3. Superanimals (FC): There are now 2 superanimals in the Store, the Holstein Cow and the Leghorn Hen, they produce 10 times more than the regular Cow and Hen.

4. New Order in Facility Manager: When you hit the A/Z sorting button and select 'Production Chain', it will sort the facilities in such a way that will allow you to work continuously from top to bottom, as facilities with primary ingredients are on top, when you get to the complex facilities at the bottom you will have stored all the primary ingredients already required for these complex facilities.

5. Fishing with Bait (will launch probably in a couple of days): There will be 2 types of bait, freshwater bait and seawater bait. You can receive those baits as gifts from friends. If you have bait available when you catch a fish you will receive 2 fish instead of one. When you hire others to fish, your baits will be used and you will also get 2 fish instead of one, in this case, employees will get double the coins and will also get 2 fish instead of one when they receive their 'fish' bonus. After this feature is launched we will also consider giving XP when caching fish for owner and employees.

6. Smokehouse: Allows you to produce cured and smoked products. You can receive Salt from friends. You can receive Pork from friends or order it from the Semi-Trailer truck. You can catch herrings in the Small Sea Coast.

Cured Cod
Cured Herring
Smoked Cheese
Smoked Salmon

7. Fish and Chips: Allows you to produce Fish and Chips dishes. You can catch squids in the Big Sea Coast.

Calamari Rings
Cod and Chips
Shrimp and Chips
Haddock n Onion Rings
Smoked Salmon n Chips
Seared Scallops n Slaw
Catfish Cakes

8. Harvest Storage expanded again by 25%.

9. Extra step removed from invite/requests flow: When you send gifts or neighbour request to friends, there was an extra screen/dialog asking you to email friends, this screen is now removed from the flow.

10. Phantom Gifts issue fixed: For users having Phantom Gifts in their gift box, when you receive a new gift or use some of the gifts in your gift box, the Phantom Gifts in your gift box should disappear.

11. The Level Bar now shows the correct amount of XP left to the next level.




Ok one glitch Raul, for the second time i notice my bacon going on sale with the non-essentials...have to watch it next time so i don't sell with all my other goodies... thanks

Jan 18 2011, 09:44 PM
Does anyone know what the lawn mower and the attachments is used for? (theyre new gifts)

Tony D
Jan 18 2011, 09:46 PM
Does anyone know what the lawn mower and the attachments is used for? (theyre new gifts)Hi, they are just decorations

Jan 18 2011, 09:48 PM
Hi, they are just decorations

thanks Tony :)

Farmer Homer
Jan 18 2011, 09:54 PM
Thanks for the great update!

I love that the extra step was taken out of gift giving, makes it much easier.

I like the two new facilities, the design of the fish and chips shop fits in nicely in my beach community.

I've got farm 8 up and running along with dairy #8. I'd like to add my vote for a super dairy or cheese making facility. Or let us gift cheese. I know if I ask my neighbors for help making cheese I'd have plenty but I don't like to bother them all of the time.

Looking forward to the "bait" update!

Thanks again for farm #8 and the other great additions.

Jan 18 2011, 10:20 PM
> 2. 25 New Levels

Can you please fix the level xp max bug? You cannot get the new 25 levels if your score is above 900000000 xp.

Jan 18 2011, 10:34 PM
> 2. 25 New Levels

Can you please fix the level xp max bug? You cannot get the new 25 levels if your score is above 900000000 xp.

900,000,000xp...I am sure you put a few to many zero's in there

Jan 18 2011, 10:37 PM
900,000,000xp...I am sure you put a few too many zero's in there

I did not.

Having more than 9 hundred million xp prevents one from getting the new levels. This is particularly annoying because it prevents one from buying the newest buildings that require these levels.

Slashkey, can you fix this please?

Jan 18 2011, 10:41 PM
Raul: I was just in 1/18/2011 the bar on FT and some of the language being used in there that were very offensive and sexual tones. Do we have a right to go in and out of these rooms on FT without feeling abused with this kind of language? I tried to copy and paste and it wouldn't let me.. One user was Woody and another was something like #**Sexy** ??

Jan 18 2011, 10:48 PM
I did not.

Having more than 9 hundred million xp prevents one from getting the new levels. This is particularly annoying because it prevents one from buying the newest buildings that require these levels.

Slashkey, can you fix this please?

can you pm me and let me know how you averaged a few million xp a day since this game started

Jan 18 2011, 10:50 PM
Raul: I was just in 1/18/2011 the bar on FT and some of the language being used in there that were very offensive and sexual tones. Do we have a right to go in and out of these rooms on FT without feeling abused with this kind of language? I tried to copy and paste and it wouldn't let me.. One user was Woody and another was something like #**Sexy** ??

click on the avatar and report them.This is the only way they can track the user.Then you should block them,so you cant hear or see them ever again.

Taz D
Jan 18 2011, 11:34 PM
Ok one glitch Raul, for the second time i notice my bacon going on sale with the non-essentials...have to watch it next time so i don't sell with all my other goodies... thanks
Bacon doesn't have an additional use. It is the smoked salmon from the smokehouse that is used in the Fish and Chips.

Liz White
Jan 19 2011, 12:23 AM
I love Farm Town and all the new things you give us to play with. However, when a new fish was added to the seacoasts I got less Tuna, I was getting 24, I noted this only because I was so happy to finally be able to make tuna fish sandwiches so I got out my trusty calculator and 210 divided by 9 was 23 of some & 24 of others, but dividing the same number of fish by 10 instead drops the total for each type of fish to 21. Since I only bought the large seacoast for the tuna and the small seacoast for the mahi mahi I am a little unhappy to loose several at each fishing.

Jan 19 2011, 12:28 AM
Okay so I know we got new fish in each of the sea coasts and I noticed someone saying they get 210 out of their large sea coast. I was wondering, is mine going to only produce 203 since I bought it a long time ago? Or will it update to having 210 in it? If not, that's kind of crappy and not fair to those who purchased their sea coast(s) a while back. You can bet I'm going to utilize bait to its full extent too but I wouldn't mind having those extra 7 fish no matter what they are.

Jan 19 2011, 12:32 AM
Okay so I know we got new fish in each of the sea coasts and I noticed someone saying they get 210 out of their large sea coast. I was wondering, is mine going to only produce 203 since I bought it a long time ago? Or will it update to having 210 in it? If not, that's kind of crappy and not fair to those who purchased their sea coast(s) a while back. You can bet I'm going to utilize bait to its full extent too but I wouldn't mind having those extra 7 fish no matter what they are.

Depending on the direction of the seacoast..left or right,determines the number of fish in it.1 is slightly higher.Has been like that since they 1st cameout,and,not 100% sure,but the devs said they made it that way on purpose and do not plan on changing it

Jan 19 2011, 12:49 AM
Depending on the direction of the seacoast..left or right,determines the number of fish in it.1 is slightly higher.Has been like that since they 1st cameout,and,not 100% sure,but the devs said they made it that way on purpose and do not plan on changing it

I don't remember it being that way but I have a terrible memory. I think that's pretty crappy to have less fish in one orientation but yet charge the same amount. I mean, I do want another large sea coast so I can produce more tuna but that's not on the top of my "To Buy With FC" list.

Jan 19 2011, 01:00 AM
I have one of each. there is a seven fish difference. i want them to use one of the fish from the winter pond. walleyes or pikes. The farms have gotten so big i can't complain about all the production I have. I have a buffer of 3 million points.
we get plenty from the facilities.

Jan 19 2011, 01:09 AM
I have one of each. there is a seven fish difference. i want them to use one of the fish from the winter pond. walleyes or pikes. The farms have gotten so big i can't complain about all the production I have. I have a buffer of 3 million points.
we get plenty from the facilities.

I know it's only a 7 fish difference for the large sea coast but still, it costs the same whether you turn it to the right or to the left so it should have the same amount of fish or it should be cheaper for the one with less fish. I also have the frozen lake so having those fish used in a facility would be nice too.

Jan 19 2011, 02:57 AM
can someone tell me where I find flax please? thank you and what is the use of the 10 sausage pack?

Jan 19 2011, 02:58 AM
Take a loom at the free offers I have earned 49fc since Thursday doing free offers.

Sometimes they can be a real pain. I did do one yesterday for one farmcash. However, I had a hard time finding one that I could do today. The first one I clicked on wanted more info than I am willing to give out. The second one, I filled out a few pages before it rejected me. The third one said you got the farm cash for only giving you email address. I gave them my email, but they then required my address and birthday as well. Which I gave them and am still waiting for my 2 farmcash. I submitted the screenshots and most the time I do get my farmcash. However, it just is not that easy sometimes, at least for some of us.

Jan 19 2011, 02:59 AM
flax is a crop and i think the dinner resturant uses the sausage pack

Jan 19 2011, 03:57 AM
sausages are used in the breakfast restaurant

Jan 19 2011, 04:17 AM
can someone tell me where I find flax please? thank you and what is the use of the 10 sausage pack?

It's a seed and when listed by level available it's 2nd to last on the bottom. It's on the right-hand side.

Jan 19 2011, 04:19 AM
Sometimes they can be a real pain. I did do one yesterday for one farmcash. However, I had a hard time finding one that I could do today. The first one I clicked on wanted more info than I am willing to give out. The second one, I filled out a few pages before it rejected me. The third one said you got the farm cash for only giving you email address. I gave them my email, but they then required my address and birthday as well. Which I gave them and am still waiting for my 2 farmcash. I submitted the screenshots and most the time I do get my farmcash. However, it just is not that easy sometimes, at least for some of us.

In my experience the free offers are, more often than not, scams. I don't ned a crapton of spam just for some free farm cash. The one I want to do is DirecTV since it gives a lot but it's only for new customers so I can't. Boo! hehe JK

Jan 19 2011, 06:20 AM
ty ty ty love the new updates, adore the game so much better than another farming game I used to play! Farm Town Rocks!!!

Jan 19 2011, 08:36 AM
This was exactly my thought about this issue - one control panel for facilities would make so much sense, instead of having to pair facilities, especially since you absolutely have to have more than one of some of them (dairy, truck, oil pumps, windmill to name a few). to keep the facilities cranking, even at less than 100 percent. The truth is, the new modification makes very little difference. What is really needed is a one-button "empty and store" for all items in all facilities and a master panel for all facilities. Maybe next time? We can hope. Thank you for Farm 8, though, and for new levels - they are welcome additions. I have yet to unlock some of the new things, so that gives me something to work for. Thanks to the devs for keeping it fun.

The truth is -- for some of us -- that the new modification makes a great deal of difference. For the most part I have paired facilities that match in production on the same farms, and so this helps a lot. Over the months I have shifted facilities so they are with their cooperating facilities. So please do not speak for everyone. I appreciated this update more than any other, I believe.

Jan 19 2011, 12:08 PM
As usual, best game going. I have a question though, if anyone knows. The new smoked meat; where can we use this new meat? I don't see anything or is it still to come?

Jan 19 2011, 12:52 PM
The truth is -- for some of us -- that the new modification makes a great deal of difference. For the most part I have paired facilities that match in production on the same farms, and so this helps a lot. Over the months I have shifted facilities so they are with their cooperating facilities. So please do not speak for everyone. I appreciated this update more than any other, I believe.

That's your opinion and you are welcome to it, just as I am entitled to mine. Overall, the modification does not make a great deal of difference unless you are willing to manipulate the facilities in such a way that it works, which does not allow for as much design freedom. Thanks for your comment.

Jan 19 2011, 12:53 PM
great job guys - lovin it

I've spent a lot...in real money...I mean.
Keep it a secret or my husband will ask for divorce!:cool::eek:

Jan 19 2011, 12:56 PM
The facility manager isn't too much use to me as yet. I expect that when we can work all the facilities or store all from one button, then it will be of more use to me.

Jan 19 2011, 12:59 PM
Thanks all of you for continuing to bring us new items & keeping the game fun.
:) :D

Jan 19 2011, 01:27 PM
Farmtown is just great :) Nice idea with the Smokehouse

Jan 19 2011, 02:29 PM
You do have to work at it to level up.
I went from level 160 to 185 but i also have over 15000000 in XP


Jan 19 2011, 02:33 PM
You do have to work at it to level up.
I went from level 160 to 185 but i also have over 15000000 in XP


is that all?? :eek:

been slackin' huh ? lol jk

Jan 19 2011, 03:01 PM
Wanders through forum humming, "Heaven, I'm in heaven ..."
Thanks Devs, :D

Jan 19 2011, 03:02 PM
extra cows milk = xtra cheese duh, lol . try putting another dairy plant on a different farm to make cheese faster

I have had two dairy plants and still not been able to generate enough cheese to keep up with the need. I have now go to a third to try and make enough. When you have multiple facilities that all use cheese, it is increasingly difficult to produce enough. Also it is a pain in the @$$ for people to go another farm just to work the dairy plant. If they could just increase the limit to at least 1000 instead of 540 that would be very helpful.

just my 2 cents

Jan 19 2011, 03:20 PM
Sometimes they can be a real pain. I did do one yesterday for one farmcash. However, I had a hard time finding one that I could do today. The first one I clicked on wanted more info than I am willing to give out. The second one, I filled out a few pages before it rejected me. The third one said you got the farm cash for only giving you email address. I gave them my email, but they then required my address and birthday as well. Which I gave them and am still waiting for my 2 farmcash. I submitted the screenshots and most the time I do get my farmcash. However, it just is not that easy sometimes, at least for some of us.

That sounds like you are sure opening yourself up for spam and other nasty things.

Jan 19 2011, 03:30 PM
Hello Raul,
can you plz tell me what layered fields are
Hi There,

We just released a new version of the game with the following features and bug fixes.

1. Farm 8: Here are the prices in Coins, Farm Cash prices remain the same:

Farm12x12 - 8000000
Farm14x14 Upgrade - 5000000
Farm16x16 Upgrade - 6000000
Farm18x18 Upgrade - 7000000
Farm20x20 Upgrade - 300000000
Farm22x22 Upgrade - 400000000
Farm24x24 Upgrade - 500000000

2. 25 New Levels and 12 Gifts (Coins): About 70 new items in total, all in coins. The Farm Implements in the Gifts section have no functionality, they are just nice decorations that look well behind your machinery. All Winter items are now in the 'Winter' section in the Store. The Gift Certificates are now in the 'Other' section.

3. Superanimals (FC): There are now 2 superanimals in the Store, the Holstein Cow and the Leghorn Hen, they produce 10 times more than the regular Cow and Hen.

4. New Order in Facility Manager: When you hit the A/Z sorting button and select 'Production Chain', it will sort the facilities in such a way that will allow you to work continuously from top to bottom, as facilities with primary ingredients are on top, when you get to the complex facilities at the bottom you will have stored all the primary ingredients already required for these complex facilities.

5. Fishing with Bait (will launch probably in a couple of days): There will be 2 types of bait, freshwater bait and seawater bait. You can receive those baits as gifts from friends. If you have bait available when you catch a fish you will receive 2 fish instead of one. When you hire others to fish, your baits will be used and you will also get 2 fish instead of one, in this case, employees will get double the coins and will also get 2 fish instead of one when they receive their 'fish' bonus. After this feature is launched we will also consider giving XP when caching fish for owner and employees.

6. Smokehouse: Allows you to produce cured and smoked products. You can receive Salt from friends. You can receive Pork from friends or order it from the Semi-Trailer truck. You can catch herrings in the Small Sea Coast.

Cured Cod
Cured Herring
Smoked Cheese
Smoked Salmon

7. Fish and Chips: Allows you to produce Fish and Chips dishes. You can catch squids in the Big Sea Coast.

Calamari Rings
Cod and Chips
Shrimp and Chips
Haddock n Onion Rings
Smoked Salmon n Chips
Seared Scallops n Slaw
Catfish Cakes

8. Harvest Storage expanded again by 25%.

9. Extra step removed from invite/requests flow: When you send gifts or neighbour request to friends, there was an extra screen/dialog asking you to email friends, this screen is now removed from the flow.

10. Phantom Gifts issue fixed: For users having Phantom Gifts in their gift box, when you receive a new gift or use some of the gifts in your gift box, the Phantom Gifts in your gift box should disappear.

11. The Level Bar now shows the correct amount of XP left to the next level.




Jan 19 2011, 03:32 PM
Taking a quick scan here at the Forum. I noticed a post concerning the offers in which someone mentioned an offer asking for, in addition to email address, actual address and birthdate. For those who do offers (I don't), you probably already know this, but it is not a good idea to give one's real address or real birthdate. In fact, it isn't really a good idea to put this info on a social network either.