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Tony D
Mar 22 2010, 10:19 PM

All discussions about Farm Cash and Facebook credits

Hi, due to the number of posts we are receiving in relation to Farm Cash in the feedback section we have decided to make an Official thread for the topic. If you wish to provide feedback on this topic please post in this thread.

We are aware that there are some grey areas between feedback and suggestions, however if you only want to make a suggestion we ask that you post in the Suggestion section. This thread is the one to post in for suggestions about Farm Cash.. https://r1.slashkey.com/forum/showthread.php?t=634718

We will endeavor to allow a bit more latitude in this section than in the other sections of the forum, however, please bear in mind we must stave off chaos.

Debates are allowed but posts which go beyond simple debates and fall into attacks against another member or out right name calling, or take a thread completely off track, will be removed.

Jan 18 2011, 01:43 PM
Today I had a message at my farm saying I had agreed to work for another farmer and would earn farm cash. I took a chance and went to the farm (no one I knew) and worked in one facility and voila.....earned 2 Farm Cash. Does anyone know how this works???? Thanks farmers!

Double T Dude Ranch
Jan 18 2011, 01:46 PM
Today I had a message at my farm saying I had agreed to work for another farmer and would earn farm cash. I took a chance and went to the farm (no one I knew) and worked in one facility and voila.....earned 2 Farm Cash. Does anyone know how this works???? Thanks farmers!

It's a thing the devs set up to help get more new neighbors. It's legit :)

You'll see an offer bar up top sometimes.

Jan 18 2011, 03:48 PM
Thank you....guess I've been asleep

Victorious Vivian
Jan 18 2011, 09:45 PM
I wish this would happen to me. It would be nice if there was more ways to earn farmcash.

Jan 19 2011, 11:27 AM
i have stopped having the "hire for farmtown cash" banner appearing on my farm...why is that?

Jan 21 2011, 08:42 AM
i have stopped having the "hire for farmtown cash" banner appearing on my farm...why is that?

you can also find this option when sending gifts. choose gift when it takes you to the select friends click on cash challange. you can only do it one time per day so make sure you click on everyone you want then or you have to wait untill the next day to do it again

campbell daddy
Jan 22 2011, 04:13 PM
i just got hired for farm cash and have been looking for the link to do it can not find it anywhere looked in the gift section can someone help

Taz D
Jan 22 2011, 07:40 PM
It is up top. The first choice for selecting friend sort options.

Victorious Vivian
Feb 12 2011, 09:00 AM
I had accepted a request for farmcash and worked the farmer's facilities for the 2 fc and did it. However, I did not get the farmcash. I had in the mean time accepted another request to earn farmcash and went to the farm and the pop up asking me if I wanted to earn the first one did not pop up. Is there a problem receiving them????????

Judy Mitchell
Feb 13 2011, 01:39 PM
Today I tried (again) to earn FT Cash by clicking on the offer. Although I took part on the survey the 4$ cash that was suppose to appear in my FT account within 15 minutes never did appear (it's been 3 hours now). This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened and I am wondering why.

Judy Mitchell
Feb 13 2011, 02:41 PM
thanks tarawa - I did not take a screenshot - the offer I took sent me to a donation site or another survey!! I"ll look for the explanation.
Thanks again

Feb 14 2011, 07:11 PM
The "surveys" are annoying. You spend 15 minutes taking them only to get a note indicating you don't qualify. Grrr.

Feb 14 2011, 07:56 PM
have u tried the '' inviting new friends to harvest and work your factory ?"' it works sometimes sometimes it does not...

frustrating .. but all part of the game...

Indigo Rose
Feb 15 2011, 12:03 AM
Some work, some don't. I have given up the the survey type, I find they don't work. The games ones generally do as do some others. I managed to get about 5 this past week, not many but helped me along to get a boat. I now just consider them a bonus if I get them, can't be bothered chasing them up if they don't come thru.

Feb 15 2011, 06:33 AM
The "surveys" are annoying. You spend 15 minutes taking them only to get a note indicating you don't qualify. Grrr.

That is the one that I really hate the most. They give you a page full of items to click, tell you that YOU DO qualify, then give you three pages of things to check off and tell you YOU DON'T qualify. Who are they kidding?? You just answered all their questions and they didn't follow through on their promise to pay. Burns me, lol. However there are others that do pay and annoying as it is, you just have to keep trying. Eventually you run into some that pay out. I've earned over 100 Farm Cash through offers.

Feb 15 2011, 07:27 AM
I could afford the things I want to buy if I actually was awarded the farm cash I deserve. I added the car app today and no $ awarded. I wrote and complained and all I got was a letter saying that I needed to send them a confirmation email to prove that I added the app. However since you actually don't get a darn confirmation email, how do actually do that. This totally sucks!!!

Feb 15 2011, 10:47 AM
I could afford the things I want to buy if I actually was awarded the farm cash I deserve. I added the car app today and no $ awarded. I wrote and complained and all I got was a letter saying that I needed to send them a confirmation email to prove that I added the app. However since you actually don't get a darn confirmation email, how do actually do that. This totally sucks!!!

Hi wendyl. Sorry for the troubles.

Take a screen shot of the app and don't take NO for an answer. Sometimes you need to get right bossy with them guys.

Feb 15 2011, 09:25 PM
So all my neighbors are reaping the benefits of getting FC for harvesting and working facilities ... i did for two / three days now i don't... i am invited to work for FC , i accept and then nothing... this is very frustrating...
any ideas as to why now i can't do this .. and before i could..?????

i have cleaned out my computer , actually do it nightly ..

any other ideas as why this is no longer working....


Feb 15 2011, 09:49 PM
The "surveys" are annoying. You spend 15 minutes taking them only to get a note indicating you don't qualify. Grrr.

I noticed the fine print on the Offer page will say who they are looking for; example, I knew prior to trying a survey because I was over the female age they wanted.

My problem with offers is the page is slow loading and often freezes my computer. I have always gotten my cash when doing any offers.

Feb 16 2011, 01:40 AM
So all my neighbors are reaping the benefits of getting FC for harvesting and working facilities ... i did for two / three days now i don't... i am invited to work for FC , i accept and then nothing... this is very frustrating...
any ideas as to why now i can't do this .. and before i could..?????

i have cleaned out my computer , actually do it nightly ..

any other ideas as why this is no longer working....


It is not designed to work on an on-going basis. This is designed to bring NEW players to the game or to bring back those who have left and not played for a long time. Only FB friends who are not playing the game appear on the list of people you can send the invite to and if you get the invite, it only works once for facilities and once for working on their farm (harvesting, plowing, etc.)

Feb 16 2011, 01:55 AM
i have had that happen to me few times now so i dont bother anymore. I know its not slashkey so now ijust play and hope more levels will come soon so i can get fc

.fred flintstone
Feb 16 2011, 02:56 AM
I have givebn up on these farmcash offers, the only result with thenm is your mail inbox full of ****, your computer loaded to buggery with spyware and trojans and NO FREEKIN FARM$$$$ THEY ARE A RIP_OFF designed to simply fill your computer wth ****. I should add I have about 180 farm$ owing, yet screenshotas continously emailed give NO response

Victorious Vivian
Feb 17 2011, 01:24 PM
My problem with this is when I get new neighbors I dont get the bar that asks about earning farmcash. When I accept the request from my neighobrs I do not go to there farm only to mine or to send gifts. So far I must of lost almost 24 farmcash by not being able to do this. My grandson accepts the requests and is able to earn them. I would like to know why this is as well as only a select few only get the bar to ask others to earn fc. The ones that havent received the fc are we going to be able to get them? I am frustrated with not being able to do this and think it is a good thing to have if it only works properly.

Grammy 11
Feb 17 2011, 04:58 PM
Hi wendyl. Sorry for the troubles.

Take a screen shot of the app and don't take NO for an answer. Sometimes you need to get right bossy with them guys.

I too sent Super Rewards a report saying I have not gotten my FC and that I was not sent an email, not to ask for it, I wasn't sent it. Perhaps you could tell me how to take a screen shot. I have a Mac, don't know if that matters, but I have never been able to get instructions that worked.

It doesn't bother me to pay for FC but if free offers are there I should be able to take advantage of them, they should work.

Feb 17 2011, 06:40 PM
i was able to accpet the work and get the fc .. but not the last few days at all.. no offers either.. :( haven't a clue why not either..

My problem with this is when I get new neighbors I dont get the bar that asks about earning farmcash. When I accept the request from my neighobrs I do not go to there farm only to mine or to send gifts. So far I must of lost almost 24 farmcash by not being able to do this. My grandson accepts the requests and is able to earn them. I would like to know why this is as well as only a select few only get the bar to ask others to earn fc. The ones that havent received the fc are we going to be able to get them? I am frustrated with not being able to do this and think it is a good thing to have if it only works properly.

Feb 17 2011, 06:45 PM
i don't see a cash challange.. ?/

you can also find this option when sending gifts. choose gift when it takes you to the select friends click on cash challange. you can only do it one time per day so make sure you click on everyone you want then or you have to wait untill the next day to do it again

Tony D
Feb 17 2011, 06:46 PM
i don't see a cash challange.. ?/Hi , I think it says "Earn farm cash"

Feb 18 2011, 12:51 AM
I too sent Super Rewards a report saying I have not gotten my FC and that I was not sent an email, not to ask for it, I wasn't sent it. Perhaps you could tell me how to take a screen shot. I have a Mac, don't know if that matters, but I have never been able to get instructions that worked.

It doesn't bother me to pay for FC but if free offers are there I should be able to take advantage of them, they should work.


I'm not a mac user, but did a quick search for you.....
On Mac OS X
Command+Shift+3: takes a screenshot of the full screen (or screens if multiple monitors), and save it as a file to the desktop.

(Note: the Command key on some older Mac keyboards has an Apple logo on it )

Hope that helps

Henry Piccalo
Feb 19 2011, 07:51 AM
I could afford the things I want to buy if I actually was awarded the farm cash I deserve. I added the car app today and no $ awarded. I wrote and complained and all I got was a letter saying that I needed to send them a confirmation email to prove that I added the app. However since you actually don't get a darn confirmation email, how do actually do that. This totally sucks!!!
I cant get any free farm cash even if I watch the videos.
I think the free farm cash so called offers are A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME AND SPACE!
And to invite non users is A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME!

Feb 19 2011, 09:01 AM
I am actually really disappointed with the earn fc also the buying my husband just started playing the game and also other family members because we used our credit card for their farms we r now under review so they probably won't want to play anymore. I love the game but i can't always pay for fc, the one time we can this happens:(

Feb 22 2011, 06:27 PM
Hi , I think it says "Earn farm cash"
I don't see Earn farm cash or cash challange, doesn't even show up at the top for the past week. :(

Tony D
Feb 22 2011, 06:44 PM
I don't see Earn farm cash or cash challange, doesn't even show up at the top for the past week. :(Hi, does it show up on the gift page when you get to the send gift to window ?

Feb 22 2011, 07:57 PM
have to say mine has quit coming up too ... for a while i saw the ''ticker tape'' on top of my farm... hasn't been there now for over 2 weeks..

Feb 23 2011, 05:57 AM
Hi, does it show up on the gift page when you get to the send gift to window ?
nope not at all

GB Miller
Feb 24 2011, 10:57 PM
I'm puzzled. I got a request also, but it was from someone who is already my neighbor. And I did receive the 1 Farm Cash. ????

Feb 25 2011, 12:27 AM
It is up top. The first choice for selecting friend sort options.

I do not have this slection, anyone know how i can get the option to come up?

Feb 25 2011, 12:45 AM
i do not see the offer anywhere for the farm cash challenge - anyone know where to find it or if it is coming back?

Feb 25 2011, 04:04 PM
I have a little problem concerning " working to earn 2 FC" I have accepted this and been sent to the neighbors farm. Fine. When I click on the dialog to work in their facility, I don't end up there. The harvesting scythe appears and I get a note saying that it is not the proper tool. Am I doing something wrong?

Feb 25 2011, 07:52 PM
I have a little problem concerning " working to earn 2 FC" I have accepted this and been sent to the neighbors farm. Fine. When I click on the dialog to work in their facility, I don't end up there. The harvesting scythe appears and I get a note saying that it is not the proper tool. Am I doing something wrong?


Next time you do it. When it comes to working the facility, just click on the green man which will get rid of the sythe and then it should let you click on the facility to work it :)

Feb 25 2011, 08:02 PM
i do not see the offer anywhere for the farm cash challenge - anyone know where to find it or if it is coming back?

Hello there,

The offer appears and disappears at random. Mine has just reappeared after a few weeks. It appears at the top of your game screen. This is what mine looks like...........


Feb 25 2011, 08:21 PM
Hello there,

The offer appears and disappears at random. Mine has just reappeared after a few weeks. It appears at the top of your game screen. This is what mine looks like...........


ok cool so it is still being done,m hopefully it will reappear for me soon...

Mar 07 2011, 03:14 AM
I'm puzzled. I got a request also, but it was from someone who is already my neighbor. And I did receive the 1 Farm Cash. ????

they probably added your email. if i remember the request before, you had an option to select people from your face book page or add an email address

Mar 07 2011, 07:05 AM
I get the Farm cash requests occasionally but like the previous post (victorious...) it takes me to my farm and then nothing.
Are there others who have this problem? I have lost a substantial amount of farm cash like this. What is the best method to avoid this?

Mar 08 2011, 01:29 PM
What do you do to be able to be hired to earn the cash.... Where do I need to go?

Mar 08 2011, 05:44 PM
If you read some of the earlier posts you will see the 'graphic' of the line above the Farm Town window... when it turns blue you click on it and the window opens to a place you can send requests to earn farm cash... simple... send the requests, my question is from getting that request... it takes me too my farm and usually redirects me to the person who sent the request... however it stops the process at my farm and ... well nothing... so i lose the opportunity to earn the 2 or 3 Farm Cash.

Mar 09 2011, 01:11 AM
I to have 'lost' or been given a 'dud' request for the 5th time now (2 yesterday and 3 today) in the past 2 days for the FC challenge. I will go to my FB homepage, check game requests and see I have a nice invitation. I will click on the request for the FC and my farm will load and I get the regular pop ups but 'NO' window directing me to the persons farm to earn my rewards. I've reloaded game, restarted computer, cleared etc., etc., with no luck. I think I'm going to leave any requests I may receive in the near future until it's safer to accept them. :)

Mar 09 2011, 01:42 AM
Hey that's it... i thought i may be the only one out here, wish i had the solution and if i find it i will be sure to inform you ASAP. Losing all that cash is not only unpleasant but also lets down the person who sent you the request, kind of lose/lose situation. We need to stick together on this and turn it into a win/win again.

Mar 11 2011, 12:55 AM
...Losing all that cash is not only unpleasant but also lets down the person who sent you the request, kind of lose/lose situation. ...

A few people mentioned losing FC. You lost FC that you already had, by trying to do this?

Maybe I'm not understanding --not the first time that has happened. No comments needed about that. :rolleyes:

Tony D
Mar 11 2011, 01:29 AM
A few people mentioned losing FC. You lost FC that you already had, by trying to do this?

Maybe I'm not understanding --not the first time that has happened. No comments needed about that. :rolleyes:Hi, I believe they mean they have lost the opportunity to earn more Farm Cash :)

Mar 11 2011, 12:14 PM
Yes farm town deserves to make money and they do make plenty. I think they have gotten a bit greedy.

I totally agree with this one. I have purchased farm cash a couple times and I refuse to purchase anymore. And I wish more people would not purchase farm cash anymore to make a point. I like this game, but there are problems with this game that go unfixed and make the game difficult to play.

Mar 11 2011, 01:34 PM
I totally agree with this one. I have purchased farm cash a couple times and I refuse to purchase anymore. And I wish more people would not purchase farm cash anymore to make a point. I like this game, but there are problems with this game that go unfixed and make the game difficult to play.

I've spent almost $200 in real money to invest in Farm Cash, and up until now, I haven't minded. But, after reading Farmboy's comment, it made me think...."How much will I have spent on this game two years from now?" It's going to amount to a heck of a lot of money for a game that's still in "beta" and littered with bugs and glitches. I really can't see me investing anymore real cash now.

Truthfully, the latest "forklift" addition was nice. But looking back, it seems more like a desperate attempt to gain a fast buck by the devs, since the option to "unload all products" was in high demand by the players.

I've always defended the devs when people complain about the Farm Cash, and I still agree they do deserve to make money. However, they're going to have to look at some alternative means of growing their business.

And, frankly, if I'm going to invest that kind of money in a product...virtual or not...I expect better customer service like a "customer service telephone number". This forum simply ain't cuttin' it for resolving legitimate complaints. Any legitimate American business that doesn't have at least one published telephone number raises concerns, to me. We are consumers, we deserve better treatment. After all, we're paying the bills. ;)

Tony D
Mar 11 2011, 02:12 PM
I totally agree with this one. .

I've spent almost $200 in real money to invest in Farm Cash, and up until now, I haven't minded. )

I have moved these posts across from Suggestions to General Feedback

Mar 11 2011, 02:33 PM
I've spent almost $200 in real money to invest in Farm Cash, and up until now, I haven't minded. But, after reading Farmboy's comment, it made me think...."How much will I have spent on this game two years from now?" It's going to amount to a heck of a lot of money for a game that's still in "beta" and littered with bugs and glitches. I really can't see me investing anymore real cash now.

Truthfully, the latest "forklift" addition was nice. But looking back, it seems more like a desperate attempt to gain a fast buck by the devs, since the option to "unload all products" was in high demand by the players.

I've always defended the devs when people complain about the Farm Cash, and I still agree they do deserve to make money. However, they're going to have to look at some alternative means of growing their business.

And, frankly, if I'm going to invest that kind of money in a product...virtual or not...I expect better customer service like a "customer service telephone number". This forum simply ain't cuttin' it for resolving legitimate complaints. Any legitimate American business that doesn't have at least one published telephone number raises concerns, to me. We are consumers, we deserve better treatment. After all, we're paying the bills. ;)

I hear ya, Scott........ but again as I said before.... this game is what it is.... and will NEVER be what each farmer wants it to be.

In the meantime......

1-********** press "1" for English, then press one to have the call FarmCash billed to your home number.


1-********** plant "1", then "2", then "3" etc.... then replant.


1-********* press anything, it won't matter anyway.


Mar 11 2011, 02:45 PM
I hear ya, Scott........ but again as I said before.... this game is what it is.... and will NEVER be what each farmer wants it to be.

In the meantime......

press "1" for English, then press one to have the call FarmCash billed to your home number.


plant "1", then "2", then "3" etc.... then replant.


press anything, it won't matter anyway.


LOL! I'd hate to be the people who own those phone numbers. They're gonna get bombarded with calls from people who think they actually belong to Farm Town. I won't worry, though. I have a feeling that post will get deleted real quick. Still funny, though. Thanks for the laugh of the day. :D

Mar 11 2011, 04:17 PM
LOL! I'd hate to be the people who own those phone numbers. They're gonna get bombarded with calls from people who think they actually belong to Farm Town. I won't worry, though. I have a feeling that post will get deleted real quick. Still funny, though. Thanks for the laugh of the day. :D


but a mod already removed the bulk of the numbers..... and that is where it real laugh was meant to be.

do they not know that there are NO innocent people where FT is concerned.

I'm calling India....

if EVERYBODY who read the post called the numbers (after they saw the plain sillyness of the post) that would not amount to a blip...... get real guys.


Mar 17 2011, 06:31 PM
idk where the forum is for this problem ------> when i get requests of the challenge to work on people's farms to get 3 FC, it doesn't work.. as in i'm in my farm still and doesn't go to that other farmer's farms to go ahead with the FC challenge

Mar 18 2011, 10:05 PM
I sent a neighbor a Farm Cash Gift card two days ago but they haven't received it. What can I do.

Tony D
Mar 18 2011, 10:27 PM
I sent a neighbor a Farm Cash Gift card two days ago but they haven't received it. What can I do.Hi , did your neighbour check their gift box ?

Mar 19 2011, 08:37 AM
All the offers to receive farmcash are gone for me...anyone else having this problem?

Don't feed the beggers
Mar 19 2011, 10:57 AM
All the offers to receive farmcash are gone for me...anyone else having this problem?

I have had some that have never been rewarded either. I just move on to the next one and hope its good. Majority are good offers, I think that sometimes they get behind on the giving b/c some have showed up randomly later on...way later like days for some. There are steps you can take to try and get your cash, personally, its never been that big of a deal for me to bother....

Mar 19 2011, 11:04 AM
no that's not what I mean.

When I go to the earn farm cash tab there are no offers available at all. No surveys, no videos, no credit card offers lol.

Mar 19 2011, 11:07 AM
Hi , did your neighbour check their gift box ?

It showed up this morning. Thanks

Mar 19 2011, 01:52 PM
no that's not what I mean.

When I go to the earn farm cash tab there are no offers available at all. No surveys, no videos, no credit card offers lol.

Do you have an ad blocker? If so turn it off and see if they comeback.

Mar 19 2011, 02:33 PM
Nope. They're still there for free coins, just not the cash.

Tony D
Mar 19 2011, 03:04 PM
It showed up this morning. ThanksGlad to hear it and thanks for letting us know :)

Mar 19 2011, 03:22 PM
I also posted this in help section...In the last 10 days I've gotten the blue banner to earn FC 4 times. Each time I sent 9 email requests for workers. None of them have been rec'd. I checked with the recipients when I saw I was getting no workers or FC!

Is the banner to earn FC "not working"? I've spent a lot of real $$$ on the game & am sorry this opportunity to earn more FC is useless to me :-(


Mar 19 2011, 03:24 PM
That doesn't work for me either.

Mar 19 2011, 05:49 PM
How do you send your neighbor Farm Cash? I've looked everywhere & can't find the answer. Please, Help!

Double T Dude Ranch
Mar 19 2011, 05:50 PM
How do you send your neighbor Farm Cash? I've looked everywhere & can't find the answer. Please, Help!

It's in the 'other' tab. 3 different increments of cards you can send, that will take from your FC you currently have.

Taz D
Mar 19 2011, 06:38 PM
I also posted this in help section...In the last 10 days I've gotten the blue banner to earn FC 4 times. Each time I sent 9 email requests for workers. None of them have been rec'd. I checked with the recipients when I saw I was getting no workers or FC!

Is the banner to earn FC "not working"? I've spent a lot of real $$$ on the game & am sorry this opportunity to earn more FC is useless to me :-(

Were these people who have Facebook accounts and was it the email address they are registered with for FB?
Have they checked in their spam/junkmail box in their email to see if the messages were deflected to that?

Mar 19 2011, 06:59 PM
I think I have figured out why some folks are no longer getting the tab to hire workers to earn up to 30 Farm Cash. First, it says to earn 'up to 30' FC. Between my friends and myself, I have accepted the hire request and worked on their farms at least 10 times which would mean I have 'earned' my 30 Farm Cash. Which would also explain why the requests I am getting from my new friends just starting out are duds or ghost requests. If this scenario is true, then that would explain why you would no longer see the offer to hire out to earn the Farm Cash nor in the gift section to earn the Farm Cash.

If this scenario is true again, if we have new friends now playing and all their neighbours have already earned their 30 Farm Cash, then they will have to find other friends to hire out. Hence the pyramid begets the pyramid, if such a statement could be said. :) LOL

Daisy Doodles
Mar 19 2011, 08:23 PM
I want to earn FC but can't since I've gotten to Level 185. I need $1 for a Wine Cellar. I don't want to complete offers or purchase FC at the bank. How can I earn FC since I'm at Level 185?

Double T Dude Ranch
Mar 19 2011, 08:28 PM
I want to earn FC but can't since I've gotten to Level 185. I need $1 for a Wine Cellar. I don't want to complete offers or purchase FC at the bank. How can I earn FC since I'm at Level 185?

Hi, as I replied to you in the help thread, leveling up (which you are at the max), buying, doing free offers, or a friend sending it to you are the only ways. I would suggest doing the app of the day.

Elna Francis
Mar 22 2011, 11:43 AM
hi there
as i except the request of the farm cash and i do all the steps they ask me to do it came back every time that I open farm town, and it is every time the same farm i had to go to. as i did work on the farm again is just give me xp and not the cash . how do i get the request of from the 1 person as that block me for getting fc from my other neighbours pls help me

Elna Francis
Mar 22 2011, 11:50 AM
please help me
as i get the request for farm cash i did so the work they ask me to do.get the farm cash but now as i open farm town by press play it ask again to go and work on the neighbour farm as i now never get the request from other neighbour as that 1 block me how can i get that 1 by stopping to request me as i press yes then it take me agian to the some farm of the request and i just get xp and not fc any more help me pls
thank u so much

Mar 22 2011, 01:01 PM
Why do so many complain about fc. If you don't want to use real money then don't, some ppl must think the upgrades etc are easy as 123. Just as you get paid for your jobs the dev's have families and bills to pay too so I think if you don't like it then don't play or just accept the fact that they can't please everyone

Mar 22 2011, 01:05 PM
"Just as you get paid for your jobs the dev's have families and bills to pay too"

Yes but I highly doubt that the devs only source of income is from people buying farm cash. Its a weekend job at most. These guys are IT professionals. Trust me im pretty darn sure they have other monies coming in.

And yes, I spend real money on farm cash

lucy frederico
Mar 22 2011, 01:46 PM
Help - I accidently deleted my Ordering Station with trailer that cost $40 in FT cash, I took a picture of my farm that shows it - is there anyway I can get the money credited back to my account? Please.
If I am not at the right place to request a credit can you direct me to the right area.
Thank you

Taz D
Mar 22 2011, 01:50 PM
Help - I accidently deleted my Ordering Station with trailer that cost $40 in FT cash, I took a picture of my farm that shows it - is there anyway I can get the money credited back to my account? Please.
If I am not at the right place to request a credit can you direct me to the right area.
Thank you
You need to read the first post in the following thread. It will tell you how to report this to Slashkey. No refunds/replacements can be done through the forums.

Mar 25 2011, 10:00 AM
:DI just earned 65 farm cash got a beautiful flower basket and a rewarding experience by going to earn farm cash. Looking for farm cash a get well basket candy flowers etc. go to Flowers USA. I cannot say enough about how pleased I was with their service and products.

Gary M. Farral
Mar 27 2011, 03:58 PM
Interesting forum information. I have never seen the Farm Cash option nor have I seen this facility manager that allow one to see all their facilities from one port nor have I seen a funnel?

Double T Dude Ranch
Mar 27 2011, 04:01 PM
Interesting forum information. I have never seen the Farm Cash option nor have I seen this facility manager that allow one to see all their facilities from one port nor have I seen a funnel?

The facility manager is in the yellow tool box where the camera is.

Click on the green arrow to extend it and in the left column is the facility manger (looks like a factory).

As for the Farm Cash option, are you meaning the earn FC through neighbors ? It randomly appears at the top of your FT game screen.

Gary M. Farral
Mar 27 2011, 04:04 PM
Thank you .. good explanation.

jenn herring
Mar 27 2011, 11:15 PM
i was just wondering why it takes so long for farmtown to come out with new stuff.i am a farmtown addict as well as many of my friends are.i have tons of ideas and have decorated and remodeled several farms and friends have had me do there as well.will there be more farms, decorations,facilities ect.....

i ask this b/c the other game i play yoville comes out with new stuff 3 times a week. if we are luck farm town will 1 time every month or 2.

i hope stuff comes out soon, and more often.

Tony D
Mar 27 2011, 11:17 PM
i was just wondering why it takes so long for farmtown to come out with new stuff.i am a farms town addict as well as many of my friends are.i have tons of ideas and have decorated and remodeled several farms and friends have had me do there as well.will there be more farms, decorations,facilities ect.....

i ask this b/c the other game i play yoville comes out with new stuff 3 times a week. if we are luck farm town will 1 time every month or 2.

i hope stuff comes out soon.Hi, just letting you know that I have moved your post to General Feedback.

Mar 27 2011, 11:27 PM
i was just wondering why it takes so long for farmtown to come out with new stuff.i am a farmtown addict as well as many of my friends are.i have tons of ideas and have decorated and remodeled several farms and friends have had me do there as well.will there be more farms, decorations,facilities ect.....

i ask this b/c the other game i play yoville comes out with new stuff 3 times a week. if we are luck farm town will 1 time every month or 2.

i hope stuff comes out soon, and more often.

Are you serious ????!!!!???? Really ?? I would rather have a new release once a YEAR here with Farm Town (Mods .... that is just a JOKE - I could never wait that long ! LOL!! ) than to deal with the problems the 'other' game(s) have because of the bombardment of new things so often. I mean, seriously ...... you are joking, right ??

Mar 28 2011, 08:22 AM
i ask this b/c the other game i play yoville comes out with new stuff 3 times a week. if we are luck farm town will 1 time every month or 2.

i hope stuff comes out soon, and more often.


Have you noticed that Farm Town *works* much better than YoVille, has amazingly few to NO popups, and functions correctly much, much more often that YV???

I want the development team to actually *improve the game* not waste time pumping up the game every week with "stuff" we don't want, when they could be releasing the things we really WANT, like farm 9, new interesting facilities, and improvements in the various marketplaces!

The Z is the most TERRIBLE gaming dev team in existence (rivaled only by Bobby Kotick's "Activision"!!!), and YoVille will probably be the next game Z abandons, in my opinon. I'm surprised it hasn't been abandoned already.

Mar 29 2011, 10:00 PM
Oh, come one people... be serious... ALL Zynga games are 75% real cash... and for what? **** :)

Nightowl 1942
Mar 30 2011, 11:18 AM
Once a month is fine with me because at least things work correctly when they do come out. Farm Town is the best!!!!!!!!!!!! I quit all the "other" games last year because of all the problems, needing Farm Cash for 98% of new items, and having to rely on neighbors for everything. Farm Town lets you interact with neighbors but I don't have to solely rely on them to complete tasks in order to level up.

Mar 31 2011, 02:38 AM
Once a month is fine with me because at least things work correctly when they do come out. Farm Town is the best!!!!!!!!!!!! I quit all the "other" games last year because of all the problems, needing Farm Cash for 98% of new items, and having to rely on neighbors for everything. Farm Town lets you interact with neighbors but I don't have to solely rely on them to complete tasks in order to level up.

I totally agree with you! Also I quit playing all the other games for the same reasons you have mentioned. Farmtown is the only game I play and an update once a month is fine by me.

Mar 31 2011, 03:10 AM
Are you serious ????!!!!???? Really ?? I would rather have a new release once a YEAR here with Farm Town (Mods .... that is just a JOKE - I could never wait that long ! LOL!! ) than to deal with the problems the 'other' game(s) have because of the bombardment of new things so often. I mean, seriously ...... you are joking, right ??

Queen of Clutter - you would hyperventilate and spontaneously combust if you had to wait that long for a new release! I agree, tho, and have given up trying to play the other games. The mods and the developers are to be highly commended for putting out thought out and interesting releases based alot on what we tell them, and also for putting up with the whiniest, unappreciative lot I have seen in a long time! Even when we whine - we think you are the best!

Mar 31 2011, 11:16 PM
This is a really irritating part of this game. I have over 21 million coins, but not enouh farm town cash to buy another farm (and no I dont have 30 neighbnors), so it's out of my pocket or just take another year to get to where the people who are paying for "next new and better thing you just gotta have", why cant the developers let us trade in so much coins for farm cash?

Mr. H
Mar 31 2011, 11:19 PM
You guys need to get your heads out of the sand.

The truth is that FT would benefit from more frequent updates.

And while I agree that FT is in many ways a superior game, the numbers don't lie.

FT is down to 2.2 million players. 47 million play FV.

The frequent updates keep people coming back.

Taz D
Mar 31 2011, 11:27 PM
You guys need to get your heads out of the sand.

The truth is that FT would benefit from more frequent updates.

And while I agree that FT is in many ways a superior game, the numbers don't lie.

FT is down to 2.2 million players. 47 million play FV.

The frequent updates keep people coming back.
Gee we must be a discerning group who prefer quality to quantity. More people try FV because they advertise more. More people leave Z games because of all the rediculous updates, pop-ups and the same challenges with a different looking building that doesn't do anything.

Tony D
Mar 31 2011, 11:30 PM
This is a really irritating part of this game. I have over 21 million coins, but not enouh farm town cash to buy another farm (and no I dont have 30 neighbnors), so it's out of my pocket or just take another year to get to where the people who are paying for "next new and better thing you just gotta have", why cant the developers let us trade in so much coins for farm cash?Hi just to let you know, I have moved your post to the thread for feedback on Farm Cash

Apr 01 2011, 11:33 AM
Gee we must be a discerning group who prefer quality to quantity. More people try FV because they advertise more. More people leave Z games because of all the rediculous updates, pop-ups and the same challenges with a different looking building that doesn't do anything.

I totally agree.

Zynga advertises, ALOT!

FT is 100% word of mouth.

I always did prefer the smaller stores to the giant chains!!

Apr 01 2011, 12:01 PM
This is a really irritating part of this game. I have over 21 million coins, but not enouh farm town cash to buy another farm (and no I dont have 30 neighbnors), so it's out of my pocket or just take another year to get to where the people who are paying for "next new and better thing you just gotta have", why cant the developers let us trade in so much coins for farm cash?

Once you get those neighbors, or pay $$ to get by that 3rd farm obstacle, you will realize that 21million coin only used to be a lot of money.... like 2 years ago.

I venture to say that about anyone over level 150 makes more than 20-25 million every week with a modest effort.... and many make that daily.

I do not mean to demean your efforts.... but you should be happy to know that there are bigger brighter farmier days ahead as you progress in this game.


Mr. H
Apr 01 2011, 12:19 PM
Gee we must be a discerning group who prefer quality to quantity. More people try FV because they advertise more. More people leave Z games because of all the rediculous updates, pop-ups and the same challenges with a different looking building that doesn't do anything.

More people have left FV than FT, certainly...milllions more play FV.

A more telling number is the percentage of players that have left either game.

On a daily basis there are currently 542,795 players of FT. That is down from a peak of 6,302,336. They've lost 5,759,541 players...over 91%.

13,366,870 people are playing FV daily. That's down from 32,479,576. They've lost 19,112,706 players but that's only 59% of their peak.

FV is the #3 app on FB while FT has slipped some and is down to #116.

All these numbers are on the web if you go look.

Clearly both games are declining but FV has done a better job of hanging on to people. Part of that is the fact that FV does a better job of advertising and thus replacing people that leave. But, a higher percentage of FV's monthly active users are playing on any given day. That indicates to me that:

a) The more frequent updates work.
b) FV players tend to be more loyal and committed to the game.

It's also worth noting that there are only currently about 7800 active members of this forum. With that small a number we aren't likely to be a fair representation of the average player. Basically the only people that come here are the fanatics, like myself, or people with problems.

Apr 01 2011, 12:24 PM
This is a really irritating part of this game. I have over 21 million coins, but not enouh farm town cash to buy another farm (and no I dont have 30 neighbnors), so it's out of my pocket or just take another year to get to where the people who are paying for "next new and better thing you just gotta have", why cant the developers let us trade in so much coins for farm cash?

If you purchase a 12x12 Farm 3, you can buy 4-8 as levels and coins allow. You do not need to max the Farm 3 size to purchase additional farms.

I imagine we can't trade coins for cash because that doesn't contribute to overhead or profit for the devs.

Apr 01 2011, 02:39 PM
If you purchase a 12x12 Farm 3, you can buy 4-8 as levels and coins allow. You do not need to max the Farm 3 size to purchase additional farms.

I imagine we can't trade coins for cash because that doesn't contribute to overhead or profit for the devs.

Only farms 1 & 2 have level requirements, farm 3 requires farm 2 & 30 neighbors all the other farms just require the farm before it.

Apr 01 2011, 02:48 PM
But, a higher percentage of FV's monthly active users are playing on any given day. That indicates to me that:

a) The more frequent updates work.
b) FV players tend to be more loyal and committed to the game.

You must not plat any zynga games. The reason they have more daily players is because they have to constantly ask friends to send them things so the can build stuff or do missions. They also get rewards for playing everyday. I do not play Fv but a different zynga game gives you in game cash if you play 6 days in a row. Now I don’t want ft to be like zynga but something like that might get ft more players.

Mr. H
Apr 01 2011, 03:30 PM
You must not plat any zynga games. The reason they have more daily players is because they have to constantly ask friends to send them things so the can build stuff or do missions. They also get rewards for playing everyday. I do not play Fv but a different zynga game gives you in game cash if you play 6 days in a row. Now I don’t want ft to be like zynga but something like that might get ft more players.

I play both Cityville and FV, the #1 and #3 FB apps. I'm a fairly advanced player in FV but more casual in CV. Neither of them offer what I would consider major incentive to play every day. Certainly not FC.

I didn't play any Zynga games for a long time and I, like others here, was contemptuous of the constant stream of posts from some of my friends. I actually had to unblock FV to begin playing it when a very dear friend asked me to help her. What I found once I began playing was that the people that were into the game viewed all these posts quite differently. It is how they interact with their friends and neighbors. They don't look at is as badgering or a chore but rather as helping and they mostly look forward to it. Here we plow, harvest, work each others facilities to interact more directly on our farms. There the interaction is more via the feed. Different, but it works.

This game is much more flexible and works equally well, whether your aim is to accumulate points or decorate your farm in the most imaginative way. FV is much more one-dimensional, IMO. It's also and easier, simpler game. I've tried to bring people over and met with little success. Often the reaction is that it's boring or it's too much work.

I'm not suggesting FT needs to become FV, far from it, but I think some perspective is in order and I think some lessons can be learned.

Apr 02 2011, 01:34 AM
The point of my post is I have all these coins with really nothing to do with them unless I spend some of my "real money". I understand after farm 3 I can just buy the next farms. I just wish we could have friends without going through the whole facebook thing, just be neighnors, maybe I could build up neighnbors then. But just to play a game I am pretty learly of accepting people I dont know.


Thanks for any info.:p

Apr 02 2011, 02:28 AM
The point of my post is I have all these coins with really nothing to do with them unless I spend some of my "real money". I understand after farm 3 I can just buy the next farms. I just wish we could have friends without going through the whole facebook thing, just be neighnors, maybe I could build up neighnbors then. But just to play a game I am pretty learly of accepting people I dont know.


Thanks for any info.:p

You can block people from seeing things on fb that you do not want them to see. Also once you have your 8 neighbors and all the sizes of farm 3 you can remove them and still use farm 3.

Apr 02 2011, 06:57 AM
The point of my post is I have all these coins with really nothing to do with them unless I spend some of my "real money". I understand after farm 3 I can just buy the next farms. I just wish we could have friends without going through the whole facebook thing, just be neighnors, maybe I could build up neighnbors then. But just to play a game I am pretty learly of accepting people I dont know.


Thanks for any info.:p

i added ppl just to get my farm 3 and as the other person said blocked my wall other then the factories to those ppl

Apr 02 2011, 04:58 PM
Love, love, love FT. Only game I play; however, I do wish I could get more than 6 blocks of cheese every six hours from my dairy plants. I have six plants and that still doesn't produce enough for my facilities. It doesn't matter how many cows I have if I cannot produce more cheese in the dairy plants. No other complaints so guess that is much, much better than most games.

Apr 03 2011, 01:30 AM
I have purchased all the facilities available to me. I am at level 93. The only thing left in facilities is farm dollars. I only earn 1 per each step up. I wonder why I purchase something and then find to use it I have to purchase something else using farm dollars. There are those who can afford to purchase farm dollars and those who cannot. Either let us trade money earned by playing for farm dollars or make the facilities now offered only farm dollars also available for coins. I wonder why people at levels above me still play, guess they can afford to purchase farm dollars. I love farm town and will continue to play however not much incentive to get higher levels to purchase facilities as there are no more, i am saving my farm dollars til I get enough to purchase something
I need like manure spreader, and petroleum what ever please give us more item to use our dollars on. thanks I have 8 farms

Apr 03 2011, 01:36 AM
I have purchased all the facilities available to me. I am at level 93. The only thing left in facilities is farm dollars. I only earn 1 per each step up. I wonder why I purchase something and then find to use it I have to purchase something else using farm dollars. There are those who can afford to purchase farm dollars and those who cannot. Either let us trade money earned by playing for farm dollars or make the facilities now offered only farm dollars also available for coins. I wonder why people at levels above me still play, guess they can afford to purchase farm dollars. I love farm town and will continue to play however not much incentive to get higher levels to purchase facilities as there are no more, i am saving my farm dollars til I get enough to purchase something
I need like manure spreader, and petroleum what ever please give us more item to use our dollars on. thanks I have 8 farms

Hello there joyfarmer :)

I have moved your post into this thread in 'feedback' just so we can keep better track of of these things.

And to answer your question.... That is just the way the developers developed it. But thanks for your feedback, posts like this give the devs ideas on how to best develop the game in the future.

Apr 03 2011, 01:42 AM
You must not plat any zynga games. The reason they have more daily players is because they have to constantly ask friends to send them things so the can build stuff or do missions. They also get rewards for playing everyday. I do not play Fv but a different zynga game gives you in game cash if you play 6 days in a row. Now I don’t want ft to be like zynga but something like that might get ft more players.

There must be a happy medium somewhere between daily upgrades and waiting for weeks in hope of a new update. Even I, a loyal Farm Town player since almost the beginning, am beginning to wonder why I am going back each day at the moment and working my farms when there is nothing to strive for and everything to be done is 'same ol, same ol' :(

Apr 03 2011, 02:11 AM
There must be a happy medium somewhere between daily upgrades and waiting for weeks in hope of a new update. Even I, a loyal Farm Town player since almost the beginning, am beginning to wonder why I am going back each day at the moment and working my farms when there is nothing to strive for and everything to be done is 'same ol, same ol' :(

I agree with you on this and the developers really should look into it. Now what might work is adding tons of new levels to the game. I am sure there are some that would jump 200 levels or even 1000 levels if they added that many but there are a lot of people that would still have levels to go if they made the top level really high. IMO something else that people need to keep in mind is that while other games like FV have more frequent updates it is mostly decorations for a new thyme on the farm. It is not something that can be used to make money like the facilities. How often do the people that say well fv has updates all the time really buy all the new stuff when it comes out. First of all you may not like the new thyme, second it will be mostly for farm cash so unless you want to pay real money for it you are really out of luck. Third how often do people really want to redo their farms when a new thyme comes out. Fourth the stuff never stays around for very long so if they release a thyme you really like but are not at the level to buy it you will miss out on that item because it will be gone in a couple of weeks. Other then holiday decorations FT has never taken anything out of the store and to me that says a lot about this game.

So yes a happy medium could be reached but there will still be people complaining no matter what the developers do.

Apr 03 2011, 05:07 AM
Will there be any chance in future of swapping Coins for dollars.. seems to me if one has all and possibly multiple facilities that coins are just going to multiply and grow with nothing to spend on...

Tony D
Apr 03 2011, 05:45 AM
Will there be any chance in future of swapping Coins for dollars.. seems to me if one has all and possibly multiple facilities that coins are just going to multiply and grow with nothing to spend on...Hi, I merged your post into the thread for discussions on Farm Cash.

Texas Belle
Apr 03 2011, 11:04 AM
There must be a happy medium somewhere between daily upgrades and waiting for weeks in hope of a new update. Even I, a loyal Farm Town player since almost the beginning, am beginning to wonder why I am going back each day at the moment and working my farms when there is nothing to strive for and everything to be done is 'same ol, same ol' :(

I feel there same way Helen, but then I joined this other game that even has a little train that comes and goes with goods you buy from other people, lol
Just something to spend my idle time on while we patiently wait for something from Farm Town. I am beginning to get tired of planting onions, wheat and rice that are never enough to do anything but just fill one or two facilities. I have planted 2 farms each with these and I turn around and they are gone. I do not layer or crop so it is difficult to keep a supply of any of the goods except harvesting trees and whacking cedar and oak.. lol

Apr 03 2011, 04:19 PM
I feel the pain.... I spent 10 days just stocking, gifting etc and got ready for a big push on posting.... After 3 days I made over 300 million at each set of farms.... for what?

If they released 4 new farms for a total of 12 that would be awesome in itself, but I won't hold my breath on that one.

If I had real input on this game:

- I would issue levels to 250 with a standard number of exp points required.. ... probably 50,000 each level (it is SO much easier to attain points now than in the "old" days)
- I would add 4 farms at a swoop. The #9 would require about $1.5Billion, no $FC and it would mark an end of an era

- The #10 would introduce PharmTownPhase II and would require $2Billion and a minimum expenditure of $FC - like $500 or so, or a $3Billion++ purchase
- The #11 and 12 would have similar but higher/tougher requirements. Those who have tons of coin would be satisfied. Those who have spent a lot of $FC would be rewarded. Those who only want to play for free, would have to work for the coin.

This might satisfy the long time players with lots of points. It would give the lower levels something to really work for, and in the meantime they would be satisfied with 9 farms (except chronic complainers)

Then I would have a steady flow of new things to buy. 2 or 3 Facilities each month or so. Some speed stuff like Super Cheese Plant etc. These could be allocated so that some are available to all, and some available to higher levels.

As for the decorations and other stuff like seeds, trees, etc.... I would consider "retiring" some and upgrading others.

And I would definitely offer some alternative views - and SIZES - of a number of the buildings and facilities.

oh.... and some clothes for the avatar that can only be bought in the clothing store.
oh.... and some vehicles that can face all four ways.
oh.... and more salmon :D
oh.... and make some of the gift items 100 or 150 or even 200 at a time like bait

feel free to agree with me..... feel free to object and your crops might wither.


Apr 03 2011, 04:52 PM
- The #10 would introduce PharmTownPhase II and would require $2Billion and a minimum expenditure of $FC - like $500 or so, or a $3Billion++ purchase
- The #11 and 12 would have similar but higher/tougher requirements. Those who have tons of coin would be satisfied. Those who have spent a lot of $FC would be rewarded. Those who only want to play for free, would have to work for the coin.

That would kill the game if the developers did that. The developers can not slap people in the face like this and expect them to keep playing the game. That is exactly what those kind of requirements would do to players. The people that either spend money on farm cash or do the offers to get the farm cash already have an advantage in the game over those that do not. We can make coins so much easier then those that have no or very few cash facilities. You have to remember that the only people making 100 million + every time they load the facilities is the ones that have all the facilities. The people that only have the coin facilities are not making near that many coins. I personally think the price of the land needs to come down for that reason and to put level requirements on the new farms. That way people that are playing for free (and there is nothing wrong with that) will feel like they can get the new land at some point. If you do not have all the facilities, are not making tons of money and you will never have all the facilities because you can not buy the fc, then you are likely going to go forget this. I can never make 1 billion coins for a farm and it is not just one farm that cost 1 billion + it is 4, 5, or 6 farms. I will not play a game I can't advance in. I understand the developers giving people something to spend their coins on but you also have to keep in mind the newer players and the players that can not buy fc to get the new land or other things. If you do not cater to all players you will lose players and at some point not have enough players left to keep the game running.

Apr 03 2011, 05:51 PM
that is why I called it PHASE II

to still be part of the game, and also be something the not-for-free players can enjoy too.

But then we all know that if everything were free, and everything were easy, and everything appealed to everybody........ there would still be whiners.

As far as I know, only AIR is free... and some of that is tainted (yes, I have dogs)


Apr 03 2011, 07:02 PM
that is why I called it PHASE II

to still be part of the game, and also be something the not-for-free players can enjoy too.

But then we all know that if everything were free, and everything were easy, and everything appealed to everybody........ there would still be whiners.

As far as I know, only AIR is free... and some of that is tainted (yes, I have dogs)


I still say the developers can not do that to players if they expect to keep the game going. Call it whatever you want it would still be a huge slap in the face of players that can not afford to buy farm cash. To say to people that in order for you to reach all phase of this game you must pay $100 + real dollars to us to continue playing the game is like saying we don't care about you at all. That would KILL THIS GAME we all love so much. There has to be a balance between the people that pay and the people that don't pay, the developers saying we only care about the people that pay and not the ones that don't pay is not right. In my opinion they are coming close to doing just that. I don't mind the fc facilities and tools I have all of them but not everyone does nor can they and that is a big reason why the game has gone from 17 million players to just over 2 million. While FV does have a lot of fc items none of them are needed to make the big coins. In farm town not only do we have fc facilities but a lot of the coin facilities require something from a fc facility without that item your coin facility is useless. That is something the developers need to take a long hard look at if they want to grow the game and continue it for years to come. There has to be a health balance for all players or you will have no players left.

Apr 03 2011, 07:45 PM
I still say the developers can not do that to players if they expect to keep the game going. Call it whatever you want it would still be a huge slap in the face of players that can not afford to buy farm cash. To say to people that in order for you to reach all phase of this game you must pay $100 + real dollars to us to continue playing the game is like saying *** we don't care about you at all. That would KILL THIS GAME we all love so much. There has to be a balance between the people that pay and the people that don't pay, the developers saying we only care about the people that pay and not the ones that don't pay is not right. In my opinion they are coming close to doing just that. I don't mind the fc facilities and tools I have all of them but not everyone does nor can they and that is a big reason why the game has gone from 17 million players to just over 2 million. While FV does have a lot of fc items none of them are needed to make the big coins. In farm town not only do we have fc facilities but a lot of the coin facilities require something from a fc facility without that item your coin facility is useless. That is something the developers need to take a long hard look at if they want to grow the game and continue it for years to come. There has to be a health balance for all players or you will have no players left.

I agree with Jas...I love this game and have every facility FC and coin, (I have spent a fair amount of real dollars and will spend more) but I know folks who don't have the ability to buy Farmcash. I'm not sure what the answer is. It concerns me that as more and more players slip away that the game might end.

Apr 03 2011, 08:03 PM
I feel there same way Helen, but then I joined this other game that even has a little train that comes and goes with goods you buy from other people, lol
Just something to spend my idle time on while we patiently wait for something from Farm Town. I am beginning to get tired of planting onions, wheat and rice that are never enough to do anything but just fill one or two facilities. I have planted 2 farms each with these and I turn around and they are gone. I do not layer or crop so it is difficult to keep a supply of any of the goods except harvesting trees and whacking cedar and oak.. lol

:( Back I came again today - I've said before that this game is really an evil social experiment, but still I return to it. I bought 1000 rice from a neighbour this morning, went to top up my facilities, and poof !! my 1000 rice was gone. I totally agree with you on the fact that no matter how much of the basics we plant, or buy when we can from others ... it is never enough for the facilities that they keep bringing in with no upgrade for the associated crops :( Oh, and for the record, I don't have all the facilities and I don't use all of them, but the ratio of crops to facilities really needs to be adjusted. Think I'll have to go off and get back to some of my real work instead of farming :confused:

Apr 17 2011, 03:25 PM
I have not been getting the banner for farm cash if I hire friends. Is it because I have been clicking on the other banner for completing offers for farm cash?

Taz D
Apr 17 2011, 03:55 PM
I have not been getting the banner for farm cash if I hire friends. Is it because I have been clicking on the other banner for completing offers for farm cash?
No it is a random banner. Also if you have already earned 30 FC this way already then it will no longer show up.

Apr 19 2011, 08:33 AM
what about staying online in farmtown about 5-6 hours then farmtown will give us a reward like farmcash ? xD


Apr 19 2011, 05:23 PM
We Cannot make a Credit Card Purchase of Farm Cash through MoneyBookers, Slashkey needs to go back to Social Gold! I REFUSE to use PayPal because PayPal attempted to Defraud my bank account by Quadruple Billing my bank account Twice for a Single Credit Card transaction through Amazon, for which PayPal was Not used, and was Not Authorized!

For Credit Card transactions: MoneyBookers DEMANDS to have transmitted to them ALL of the personal Identification that would enable ANY Identity Thief !! Driver’s license, Social Security Number, EVERYTHING!! We have no way of knowing What Employee might possibly Abuse this Personal information. The point being, NO ONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO DEMAND THAT DEGREE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION OVER THE INTERNET!!

Slashkey needs to IMEDIATELY DROP this company, and to go back to Social Gold.


Apr 29 2011, 05:52 AM
just thought i'd share whats going on in my little blonde brain.......

yet another upgrade and yet more farm cash needed - this really is turning into a game of the have and have nots!!

theres many people on this forum who love the game and will be posting fawning yarns about how wonderfull the upgrades are and how fantastic the game is however it just makes me think - more hard earned cash to get by....

ive got neighbours who cant buy cash, who have to set up fake accounts to obtain farm cash - they cant buy the super harvesters, plowers etc. do i hire these to do my farms? nope cos it takes ages so i only hire the quick farmers with the tools to do the job as quick as poss - call me wrong for this but with 9 farms it takes a chunk out of my day......

yes i dont have to play, yes i can delete the game - its my choice.

perhaps the answer is to have 3 farm towns-

1 the farm town for the players who love the game and play whatever
2 a farmtown for the players who have the cash to buy whatever
3 a farmtown for the poor farmers who struggle to get by

having read somewhere that numbers of players are dropping is this slashkeys attempt at monetry gain before more people start walking away?

these are just my thoughts - feel free to slate me are even dare to agree!!


Tony D
Apr 29 2011, 05:55 AM
just thought i'd share whats going on in my little blonde brain.......

yet another upgrade and yet more farm cash needed - this really is turning into a game of the have and have nots!!

theres many people on this forum who love the game and will be posting fawning yarns about how wonderfull the upgrades are and how fantastic the game is however it just makes me think - more hard earned cash to get by....

ive got neighbours who cant buy cash, who have to set up fake accounts to obtain farm cash - they cant buy the super harvesters, plowers etc. do i hire these to do my farms? nope cos it takes ages so i only hire the quick farmers with the tools to do the job as quick as poss - call me wrong for this but with 9 farms it takes a chunk out of my day......

yes i dont have to play, yes i can delete the game - its my choice.

perhaps the answer is to have 3 farm towns-

1 the farm town for the players who love the game and play whatever
2 a farmtown for the players who have the cash to buy whatever
3 a farmtown for the poor farmers who struggle to get by

having read somewhere that numbers of players are dropping is this slashkeys attempt at monetry gain before more people start walking away?

these are just my thoughts - feel free to slate me are even dare to agree!!

andreaHi Andrea, I moved your post to the thread for feedback on Farm Cash. Thanks for your feedback.

Apr 29 2011, 06:00 AM
just thought i'd share whats going on in my little blonde brain.......

yet another upgrade and yet more farm cash needed - this really is turning into a game of the have and have nots!!

theres many people on this forum who love the game and will be posting fawning yarns about how wonderfull the upgrades are and how fantastic the game is however it just makes me think - more hard earned cash to get by....

ive got neighbours who cant buy cash, who have to set up fake accounts to obtain farm cash - they cant buy the super harvesters, plowers etc. do i hire these to do my farms? nope cos it takes ages so i only hire the quick farmers with the tools to do the job as quick as poss - call me wrong for this but with 9 farms it takes a chunk out of my day......

yes i dont have to play, yes i can delete the game - its my choice.

perhaps the answer is to have 3 farm towns-

1 the farm town for the players who love the game and play whatever
2 a farmtown for the players who have the cash to buy whatever
3 a farmtown for the poor farmers who struggle to get by

having read somewhere that numbers of players are dropping is this slashkeys attempt at monetry gain before more people start walking away?

these are just my thoughts - feel free to slate me are even dare to agree!!


its personal choice and players need to understand that slashkey is a business not a charity and as they invest money into making new features yes some will require us the players paying for some of the upgrades and premium items.

I dont have any problem buying cash to buy the premium items i appreciate the investment the developers put in to making this a terriffic game

usually it is 50/50 with the new features half farm cash half coins

each player plays to there own means.

Apr 29 2011, 06:10 AM
we know slashkey is a business not a charity, that is becoming more apparent with every release, trying to put out stuff quick, not fixing the issues we already have....but they make sure to put out things to put your money on.

i do buy with cash on farm town....its beginning to make me wonder is it worth it, cause there is always a glitch or someone blaming what cant or wont be fixed on "our" internet connection(like really how many people are even on dial up any more)and theres always such a huge list of what could be the reason for farm town running so badly, and rarely is it because something is wrong on farm towns end,

i wonder does any of the people giving all this advice actually even play the game?....really amazing there games run so smooth.

Apr 29 2011, 06:13 AM
we know slashkey is a business not a charity, that is becoming more apparent with every release, trying to put out stuff quick, not fixing the issues we already have....but they make sure to put out things to put your money on.

i do buy with cash on farm town....its beginning to make me wonder is it worth it, cause there is always a glitch or someone blaming what cant or wont be fixed on "our" internet connection(like really how many people are even on dial up any more)and theres always such a huge list of what could be the reason for farm town running so badly, and rarely is it because something is wrong on farm towns end,

i wonder does any of the people giving all this advice actually even play the game?....really amazing there games run so smooth.

I play every day have all the fc stuff well most of it

take a look at my farms they run smooth for me

no complaints at my end.

yes its called cash flow if cash flow stops the game stops and the cash flow is needed to fix the occasional bugs and hickups.

Apr 29 2011, 06:24 AM
its personal choice and players need to understand that slashkey is a business not a charity and as they invest money into making new features yes some will require us the players paying for some of the upgrades and premium items.

I dont have any problem buying cash to buy the premium items i appreciate the investment the developers put in to making this a terriffic game

usually it is 50/50 with the new features half farm cash half coins

each player plays to there own means.

cynical me thinks slashkey loves people like you and me :) yes we buy the farm cash however its the have nots who cant buy the cash where it all falls down.....

perhaps there should be a thread for neighbour requests on this forum called 'add me i have all the tools'!!

or perhaps better would be a market place for the super rich!!!!!!

ian waite
Apr 29 2011, 07:13 AM
its personal choice and players need to understand that slashkey is a business not a charity and as they invest money into making new features yes some will require us the players paying for some of the upgrades and premium items.

I dont have any problem buying cash to buy the premium items i appreciate the investment the developers put in to making this a terriffic game

usually it is 50/50 with the new features half farm cash half coins

each player plays to there own means.

and i think you missed andreas point totally . I too buy farm cash so i can have everything andreas point was more the haves and have nots !!!!!!

Apr 29 2011, 11:26 AM
I just bought the wrong item using farmcash, I meant to get 5x5 plow and got 5x5 harvester instead. I already have harvester is there anything I can do to exchange this ??

Taz D
Apr 29 2011, 01:46 PM
I just bought the wrong item using farmcash, I meant to get 5x5 plow and got 5x5 harvester instead. I already have harvester is there anything I can do to exchange this ??
Read the first post of this thread for instructions on what to do.

May 04 2011, 08:12 PM
I am a devoted FarmTown player--but it is getting very disheartening that we seem to be having to use more and more real cash instead of coins. I have worked hard to get over 70,000,000, and really don't have anything interesting to do with it--
I hope FarmTown is not getting greedy and not rewarding it's loyal players~

May 07 2011, 08:52 AM
I am about 15 million from a billion Coins. Just wondering: Is Farm Town set up for a billion? I KNOW there are people who must have more than me!! Thanks in advance!

Taz D
May 07 2011, 02:10 PM
I am about 15 million from a billion Coins. Just wondering: Is Farm Town set up for a billion? I KNOW there are people who must have more than me!! Thanks in advance!
The only thing you will see different is the last 2 digits will be missing. All of your coins are still there but you just can't see the 10's and 1's. I have been up to nearly 3 billion and I know others have been higher.

May 08 2011, 02:33 AM
Does anyone have the answer as to why I no longer have videos to watch, fill in surveys etc etc in order to earn Farm Cash.......I have them for earning coins but it is the cash I need to earn.


Tony D
May 08 2011, 02:38 AM
Does anyone have the answer as to why I no longer have videos to watch, fill in surveys etc etc in order to earn Farm Cash.......I have them for earning coins but it is the cash I need to earn.

ThankyouHi, hi which tab is highlighted in blue, below the area where you buy farm cash, the Earn coins or Earn Farmcash ?

May 08 2011, 02:41 AM
I have tried both tabs Tony, that is how I found out this morning, I could watch videos etc etc to earn the coins.

I haven't been able to do anything on there to earn cash for about two weeks now.

May 08 2011, 02:45 AM
By the way, a friend has two farms and she can earn cash on one but not the other with Super Rewards.

blue nile
May 08 2011, 06:34 AM
I am also experiencing same thing! I used to have a few offers and videos per week to do but for a couple of weeks nothing! I am in UK. I wondered if they had stopped them!

May 08 2011, 07:28 AM
See my post above yours blue nile, both my friend and myself are in the U.K.

blue nile
May 08 2011, 07:39 AM
I had another look and it seems I can do offers and watch videos for coins which I hadn't noticed before but when I click on the blue Earn Cash button they are not available! I don't need more coins lol. Be interesting to know if it's just UK thing. It's not the end of the world but I miss earning the Cash as it all adds up!!! :)

May 08 2011, 07:43 AM
I had another look and it seems I can do offers and watch videos for coins which I hadn't noticed before but when I click on the blue Earn Cash button they are not available! I don't need more coins lol. Be interesting to know if it's just UK thing. It's not the end of the world but I miss earning the Cash as it all adds up!!! :)

Same for me and I don't need the coins either.lol

Mrs Mags
May 08 2011, 08:07 AM
Its The same for me...and has been for a while now....I have spoken with one of the forum moderators about this problem. I checked that I had the right tab highlighted...cleared my Cache..and flash files.. and I have contacted Slashkey support....but the situation remains the same.....Its just good to know others are having the same problem

By the way..I thought it worth mentioning..I'm also in the UK.

Happy pants
May 09 2011, 12:04 PM
I find it puzzling that anyone thinks it would be an idea to "exchange" coins for Farm Cash.... does anyone actually think that the coins we accumulate in the game are "real money"? That would be like walking into a bank with a handful of Monopoly money and asking to exchange it for real cash... the coins are just a measure of what we have earned in the game. The FC we buy is income for Slashkey, that's true; but if they didn't make anything from their work, why would they work at all? :confused:

May 09 2011, 01:44 PM
I find it puzzling that anyone thinks it would be an idea to "exchange" coins for Farm Cash.... does anyone actually think that the coins we accumulate in the game are "real money"? That would be like walking into a bank with a handful of Monopoly money and asking to exchange it for real cash... the coins are just a measure of what we have earned in the game. The FC we buy is income for Slashkey, that's true; but if they didn't make anything from their work, why would they work at all? :confused:

Couldn't have put it better. :) If people want more to get more of the farm cash/items there's always the new contests which I personally think are a great idea. There are some really creative and artistic people out there going by the submissions, and it shows there's more to farm town than just planting crops!

May 09 2011, 01:56 PM
I find it puzzling that anyone thinks it would be an idea to "exchange" coins for Farm Cash.... does anyone actually think that the coins we accumulate in the game are "real money"? That would be like walking into a bank with a handful of Monopoly money and asking to exchange it for real cash... the coins are just a measure of what we have earned in the game. The FC we buy is income for Slashkey, that's true; but if they didn't make anything from their work, why would they work at all? :confused:


Loved the anaolgy of exchanging Monopoly money for legal tender.

May 10 2011, 12:17 AM
Couldn't have put it better. :) If people want more to get more of the farm cash/items there's always the new contests which I personally think are a great idea. There are some really creative and artistic people out there going by the submissions, and it shows there's more to farm town than just planting crops!

If anyone likes making graphics, they can make 100 FC if their object is accepted. I've never made any but was watching a modding forum for zoo tycoon and I'm pretty sure they're the same kind of graphics used in FT (ie: not very hard to make if you like detail stuff), but you'd have to do some investigating.

May 10 2011, 09:30 AM
I have accumulated over 8 million coins yet can buy only limited items UNLESS I spend real cash which I am unable to do. Has to be more leeway here.

May 10 2011, 09:40 AM
I have accumulated over 8 million coins yet can buy only limited items UNLESS I spend real cash which I am unable to do. Has to be more leeway here.

I too have over 8 billion coins.

And I understand some players find a way to spend real cash, while others cannot find a way. That is part of the game and its "regulation" of how to advance in the game.

I guess being one of the "haves" makes be suspect to my answer, but I don't agree that we need more (or less) leeway. The game is what it is. The administration, I mean the devs, should not take from the "haves" to give freely to the "have-nots".:eek:


May 10 2011, 10:00 AM
I have accumulated over 8 million coins yet can buy only limited items UNLESS I spend real cash which I am unable to do. Has to be more leeway here.

I must respectfully disagree. There are ways to earn farm cash without spending real cash. They accumulate as you level up and if you keep an eye on the free offers you can usually earn a few that way. Maybe it's not enough to buy every FC item, but if you prioritize which ones are most important to you, you can get your top choices without spending any real money. The game can be played very well with NONE of the FC items. There are tons of things to spend coins on without spending FC, in particular, fully upgrading all farms without using FC takes a LOT of coins, and
there are so many decorations and facilities that don't require FC. It's all in how you choose to play the game, there is plenty to buy without FC, but for those people that think they need every tool and facility, then they can choose to buy them with real cash if they wish. None of the FC items are required for game play. I have been playing FT for 2 years this month, I don't have every tool and facility, and I am perfectly happy with that because I don't need every one of them.

Happy pants
May 10 2011, 07:52 PM
I must respectfully disagree. There are ways to earn farm cash without spending real cash. They accumulate as you level up and if you keep an eye on the free offers you can usually earn a few that way. Maybe it's not enough to buy every FC item, but if you prioritize which ones are most important to you, you can get your top choices without spending any real money. The game can be played very well with NONE of the FC items. There are tons of things to spend coins on without spending FC, in particular, fully upgrading all farms without using FC takes a LOT of coins, and
there are so many decorations and facilities that don't require FC. It's all in how you choose to play the game, there is plenty to buy without FC, but for those people that think they need every tool and facility, then they can choose to buy them with real cash if they wish. None of the FC items are required for game play. I have been playing FT for 2 years this month, I don't have every tool and facility, and I am perfectly happy with that because I don't need every one of them.

I'd like to add to this.... I do buy FC, I see it as part of my entertainment budget, but I still don't buy absolutely everything because I don't want absolutely everything. Everybody plays the game their own way.... and that's part of the appeal of this game for me. :)

blue nile
May 11 2011, 07:23 AM
Hi! Still unable to do any offers or watch videos for Farm Cash! I am really missing it! Wonder if anyone knows why! Please help!

May 11 2011, 08:23 AM
I have a feeling Blue Nile, that we are not going to receive an answer for this............I still can't earn't cash either.

May 11 2011, 02:53 PM
Me neither...

May 11 2011, 03:55 PM
Unless it has changed ft has no control over the offers the are controlled by super rewards. You might try contacting them for help.

May 12 2011, 09:23 AM
I was fortunate enough to have someone send me a 55 FC gift certificate.
The option for taking it out of the gift box for "redeem". Will it just add it to my FC total, or do I have to buy something immediately as part of taking it out of the gift box?

May 12 2011, 09:50 AM
I have Farmtown on Facebook and Myspace and wondered why when buying Fcash for my Facebook farm I get so much more for my money, for example to buy via mobile £10 of Fcash on FB I would get 82 Fcash and on Myspace I would only get 56, that is a big difference. It has always been this way since I started playing Farmtown on both accounts. Just doesnt seem fair to people who play Myspace.

May 12 2011, 10:03 AM
I was fortunate enough to have someone send me a 55 FC gift certificate.
The option for taking it out of the gift box for "redeem". Will it just add it to my FC total, or do I have to buy something immediately as part of taking it out of the gift box?

It adds to what you have.

May 12 2011, 07:50 PM
I love this as you can earn farm cash, but the invite doesn't come up anymore. Can you tell me why? Plus I answered an invite from a neighbor-worked the harvest and the factory but I keep getting an invite to go back to that farm. How can I get this off? I have had another neighbor invite me, and I accepted but can't get to her farm because of the old invite. Please help. Why don't I get any more invites - it there a limit?
Thanks for answering
Mod Edit <removed e-mail address>

May 12 2011, 08:33 PM
I love this as you can earn farm cash, but the invite doesn't come up anymore. Can you tell me why? Plus I answered an invite from a neighbor-worked the harvest and the factory but I keep getting an invite to go back to that farm. How can I get this off? I have had another neighbor invite me, and I accepted but can't get to her farm because of the old invite. Please help. Why don't I get any more invites - it there a limit?
Thanks for answering
Mod Edit <removed e-mail address>

My guess is....there is a limit to the number of invites to prevent abuse.

May 13 2011, 08:33 AM
Yes Jas, I do realise that the awards are nothing to do with Farm Town, I just posted here in the hope that someone else has the same problem and were able to resolve it...............It is no good contacting Super Rewards as they just ignore any queries regarding this.

Mrs Mags
May 13 2011, 05:59 PM
I still don't have any offers either...Its pointless trying to contact Super Rewards about the issue...they just totally ignore your email... :(

May 13 2011, 06:58 PM
I just played a video and got a FC $1, this is the third time in the last month I've done so I think, however it may have been the last 2 months.

May 19 2011, 04:17 PM
Can anything be done to make it easier to earn farm cash? It is so ridiculously insane for players of Farm Town to have to spend real currency for farm cash or to endure the painful advertisements that tend to be useless. I am sick and tired of requesting auto insurance quotes and receiving the annoying phone calls for months afterwards. I don't have time to do online surveys and payday loans are an updated version of loan sharks. The developers create all of these handy gadgets to enhance our game play, but make it overly impossible to obtain them. I've been a player of Farm Town since March 2009 and I am seriously considering going over to Farmville. Farm Town is really starting to suck!!!!

May 20 2011, 02:42 AM
I think that I am now done with Farmtown.
Trees are abundant, no room if you plant them all for the crops. Done, Done, Done! This happened before about a year ago but it's beyond now, hard for the new players and impossible to continue. But, on a good note it's been fun!
I will now block FArmtown

May 20 2011, 08:32 AM
I think that I am now done with Farmtown.
Trees are abundant, no room if you plant them all for the crops. Done, Done, Done! This happened before about a year ago but it's beyond now, hard for the new players and impossible to continue. But, on a good note it's been fun!
I will now block FArmtown

Yes it is fun to FT. And yes it is difficult to choose to buy many facilities, and then choose to try to keep them full, and then choose to "worry" about where the next crop should go to keep this addicting game going. :eek:

I choose to NOT play FV because it is so much more cartoonish (IMHO) than FT.
I choose to buy the facilities that interest me, not just because they are for sale.
I choose to buy multiples of the ones I like.
I choose to pay $$ for some, because I have chosen to use the FREE $FT on other things, and I used it up.
I choose the crops - which, when and how - to plant and then so be it.

I have no idea how long this game will continue to expand, or terminate:eek:

But I will continue to play, enjoy, anticipate, and ask for more, more and... more.


May 21 2011, 10:58 PM
I went to Walmart today and was looking at the cards for Facebook, Farmville,
and several other facebook games that you can buy to get credits to buy primume Items for those games. I also checked the list on facebook. I could not find anything on Farmtown which is the only game I play. I would be nice if you could put out a card fo this as I would like to buy one for farmtown or the one for facebook so I could buy farmtown cash that way. I know I can use paypal. and earn cash from the ads. but there is very little I am intrested in those ads. and some I have responded to have turned into getting 20 to 30 extra junk e-mails a day. especially on the surveys. I get signed up for stuff I don't want to be signed up. so if you can in the near future. would like to be able to buy one of these gift card to obtain Farmtown cash. JB

Taz D
May 22 2011, 03:26 AM
I went to Walmart today and was looking at the cards for Facebook, Farmville,
and several other facebook games that you can buy to get credits to buy primume Items for those games. I also checked the list on facebook. I could not find anything on Farmtown which is the only game I play. I would be nice if you could put out a card fo this as I would like to buy one for farmtown or the one for facebook so I could buy farmtown cash that way. I know I can use paypal. and earn cash from the ads. but there is very little I am intrested in those ads. and some I have responded to have turned into getting 20 to 30 extra junk e-mails a day. especially on the surveys. I get signed up for stuff I don't want to be signed up. so if you can in the near future. would like to be able to buy one of these gift card to obtain Farmtown cash. JB
This would be more likely to be seen if you posted it in Suggestions. You cannot start a new thread in Suggestions but you can reply to one that would fit your suggestion. If none seem to fit then you can reply to My Idea doesn't have a thread and the moderators will move it to one they think it fits in.

Gary M. Farral
May 23 2011, 06:31 PM
I believe we are rewarded with 1 Farm Cash for each level we achieve. At present that represents 210 levels. Thus it makes little sense to create 39 facilities at a total cost of $1181 Farm Cash. Cannot possibly earn that much! Hence that is why on an earlier post I questions why so many facilities required Farm Cash v.s. regular cash which is easier to earn

Taz D
May 23 2011, 06:56 PM
I believe we are rewarded with 1 Farm Cash for each level we achieve. At present that represents 210 levels. Thus it makes little sense to create 39 facilities at a total cost of $1181 Farm Cash. Cannot possibly earn that much! Hence that is why on an earlier post I questions why so many facilities required Farm Cash v.s. regular cash which is easier to earn
Because the purpose is to get you to buy farm cash, so the developers can pay their bills too.

May 25 2011, 06:18 AM
i am not sure if I posting this in the right spot. i watched 2 videos and it still showing pending i watch them on may 12 and 14 not sure what can be done about it said the av time is recive them is 15 min. any suggest would be appreicate and sorry if posted in the wrong place

May 25 2011, 07:16 AM
i am not sure if I posting this in the right spot. i watched 2 videos and it still showing pending i watch them on may 12 and 14 not sure what can be done about it said the av time is recive them is 15 min. any suggest would be appreicate and sorry if posted in the wrong place

it can depend maybe you didnt qualify for the video i know there was 1 that i watched and i didnt qualify and each offer can only be used once even if ft offers it more then once.

May 29 2011, 12:11 AM
There seem to be many good ideas here, but one thing I have a problem with is the SuperRewards that issue FC for completing an offer, or buying it outright.
#1: I can't begin to tell you how many offers I have completed but never been compensated for. SR doesn't care, they don't even bother responding to inquiries.
#2: When you buy their credits, it looks like you're getting a fair amount...until you find out that TWO THOUSAND of their credits equals ONLY SIX FC!!! I am not impressed!

Taz D
May 29 2011, 03:42 PM
There seem to be many good ideas here, but one thing I have a problem with is the SuperRewards that issue FC for completing an offer, or buying it outright.
#1: I can't begin to tell you how many offers I have completed but never been compensated for. SR doesn't care, they don't even bother responding to inquiries.
#2: When you buy their credits, it looks like you're getting a fair amount...until you find out that TWO THOUSAND of their credits equals ONLY SIX FC!!! I am not impressed!
Does the cost of their credits equal out to the amount you would spend if you bought FC through them? In other words if you purchase $5.00 worth of their credits is that enough to get 25 FC? If not then I would find a different way to purchase FC.

May 29 2011, 04:40 PM
I didn't think there was another way??? And I'm not sure, I'll have to check it out, all I know is $5 gets 4770 in SuperRewards credits, and 6 Farm Cash cost 2000 SR credits, so no, it's not even close. Rip off!! :)

Taz D
May 29 2011, 05:51 PM
I didn't think there was another way??? And I'm not sure, I'll have to check it out, all I know is $5 gets 4770 in SuperRewards credits, and 6 Farm Cash cost 2000 SR credits, so no, it's not even close. Rip off!! :)
You can order directly from the first page you see when you click on Earn Cash and Coins. Either you order at the very top through Paypal directly to A company other than Super Rewards that Slashkey uses for that. Or you can order through Super Rewards on that page from Paypal, regular credit cards, through mobile phone and other methods. If you use the top section for Paypal, you get the most FC of all the offers because it is not going through SR. This is the Green bordered area above SR's ways.

Jun 02 2011, 12:45 AM
Why can you not establish higher levels as we go instead of every two or three months?? Once we are on the top level, we can't get the farm cash as we go but have to wait until you decide to make more levels. That makes no sense so maybe you can explain it to me! Preestablish all levels so we can get farm cash after so many xps have been earned as in the lower levels!!

Jun 02 2011, 02:07 AM
new levels don't just come with experience point targets and names for each level, but items in the store, sometimes new seeds, facilities and other things. These things have to be designed and coded, all of which takes time I imagine. The game is still developing, it's not a finished product and it looks like they are going to be adding to it for a while to come. I'm sure all the devs are working as hard as they can to get the stuff done but it still takes a bit of time so we just have to wait for it to be ready

Jun 02 2011, 02:26 AM
And just how many years would you suggest they need? I have been playing for three years and there is no scale established for levels as of yet. Even if they don't set up a level system, they could let us have the farm cash after so many predetermined xps.

Jun 02 2011, 03:56 AM
new levels don't just come with experience point targets and names for each level, but items in the store, sometimes new seeds, facilities and other things. These things have to be designed and coded, all of which takes time I imagine. The game is still developing, it's not a finished product and it looks like they are going to be adding to it for a while to come. I'm sure all the devs are working as hard as they can to get the stuff done but it still takes a bit of time so we just have to wait for it to be ready

Levels don't need names. How many people know the name of the level they are at. I have a feeling very few. As for new stuff to buy we can do without that it is not that big a deal if I don't get a new house to buy at level 394 I just want to continue to go up in levels. Most fb games still go up in levels but at a certain point you stop having stuff to buy you just get the new level and game cash to go with it.

Jun 03 2011, 02:08 AM
And just how many years would you suggest they need? I have been playing for three years and there is no scale established for levels as of yet. Even if they don't set up a level system, they could let us have the farm cash after so many predetermined xps.

Farm Town has not been running for three years, but since Feb/March? 2009, and you would know how very fledging compared to the current version it was when it began. Yes, it's frustrating to have to wait for more levels and the farm cash that comes with them, but there are an awful lot of farmers in Farm Town and if they don't get it right when an upgrade does come out we all yell and scream very loudly. Best to be patient I think, and be glad that they do keep adding to our game as well as keeping the integrity of such a good game as they do. Since the introduction of Farm Cash the upgrades have kept coming at relatively close intervals and they still can't satisfy all of us who are addicted to Farm Town.

Raine Logan
Jun 03 2011, 02:15 AM
i don't really mind waiting for new levels. it's something to look forward to despite i might whinge a bit while i wait. :cool:

Jun 03 2011, 02:21 AM
i don't really mind waiting for new levels. it's something to look forward to despite i might whinge a bit while i wait. :cool:

LOL - I whinge a LOT while I wait, but I still understand, and if I have to wait too long it makes me go take a peek at the real world and maybe even catch up with what has been neglected of late :o

Raine Logan
Jun 03 2011, 02:25 AM
LOL - I whinge a LOT while I wait, but I still understand, and if I have to wait too long it makes me go take a peek at the real world and maybe even catch up with what has been neglected of late :o

haha - there's that too.

Jun 03 2011, 02:57 AM
LOL - I whinge a LOT while I wait, but I still understand, and if I have to wait too long it makes me go take a peek at the real world and maybe even catch up with what has been neglected of late :o

What is this real world you speak of? :D

farmstress joan
Jun 19 2011, 02:12 PM
I just spent $25 on a Facebook Credit card and upon attempting to use if toward Farm Town, find it is not on the apps list! I am so ticked! Its the only one I play that I want to use the credits toward! Why have you done this! IF its the most popular game wouldnt you think this would be the most sensible app to apply it to?

Tony D
Jun 19 2011, 06:47 PM
I just spent $25 on a Facebook Credit card and upon attempting to use if toward Farm Town, find it is not on the apps list! I am so ticked! Its the only one I play that I want to use the credits toward! Why have you done this! IF its the most popular game wouldnt you think this would be the most sensible app to apply it to?Hi, I have moved your post to the thread for discussions about Farm Cash. Sorry but this game has never accepted Face Book credits for purchasing Farm Cash :(

You are welcome to suggest they do in the suggestion thread if you wish.

Jun 19 2011, 08:35 PM
Is paypal not working as I still cannot buy any fc and I would like to. I can't even get a new password to see if that will work.

Taz D
Jun 19 2011, 10:51 PM
Is paypal not working as I still cannot buy any fc and I would like to. I can't even get a new password to see if that will work.
What happens when you try to purchase?

Jun 19 2011, 11:13 PM
It tells me to re enter my password/email which I did. I asked for a new password and I never got one.

Taz D
Jun 19 2011, 11:16 PM
It tells me to re enter my password/email which I did. I asked for a new password and I never got one.
Are you sure your using the right email address?

Jun 19 2011, 11:19 PM
Actually I just checked. And yes. It worked a couple of months ago. It should work now.

Taz D
Jun 19 2011, 11:25 PM
Actually I just checked. And yes. It worked a couple of months ago. It should work now.
Not sure how fast they send you your password. Be sure and check to make sure no email from Paypal went into your spam folder for your email. I have had that happen with Gmail.

Jun 19 2011, 11:31 PM
They said they just emailed me another password to same email address but nothing came through. So I may have to fix this by phone as there is nothing is junk mail or anywhere else.

Jun 20 2011, 08:29 PM
I think that Farm Town is awesome - so much fun; however, the tools have gotten way too expensive. It cost me $20.00 to get the harvester, plower, seeder. Come on!!! If you pay for the original tool then the upgrades should either be cheaper or for coins. 35 and 45 farm cash is expensive - especially now when the economy is so bad. I realize we don't NEED to buy those, but that's why we play....to add things and change things and buy new things. Why play if you can't buy and have fun?

Jun 21 2011, 07:49 PM
Taz-I finally got my paypal account fixed. Don't know what was wrong, but had to fix by phone but was ableto buy fc so am very happy now. thanks for the help.

Taz D
Jun 21 2011, 07:59 PM
Taz-I finally got my paypal account fixed. Don't know what was wrong, but had to fix by phone but was ableto buy fc so am very happy now. thanks for the help.
Your welcome.

Jun 22 2011, 12:16 PM
I as well as most of my FT friends started playing the game within 4 days of it coming out... you know that... I've talked to you back then, Bert... we put up with the server kicks, put up with the chops/avatar behaving badly, put up with a H of a lot... and we gave you real money... out of our pockets... I have no problem with you charging for the intermediate farm implements like the plow and harvester, but to keep asking for more money after that to upgrade to levels 4 & 5 is just plain greed. You were going along nice for the first 18 months of the game but you seem to have lost touch with reality the last 12 months... when we have paid for that with real money, any upgrade should be farm coins. Hell, you can't even make a 4x4 tool work as a 4x4 grid... it's sloppy, unruly, and resizes itself if we can even get it to show up... why would we pay real money for that? Most I know from the beginning of the game no longer play... you want people back from farmville, you'd better slap your hands at the greed... I like the game or I wouldn't still come here 29 months later but after having 400+ friends on here dwindle down to about 5 still playing, you should take notice of that!!

Above was originally posted by eightbal1 and the thread was closed due to the fact that this was the proper thread to post it in so I copied and pasted into here.

I just want to say that I agree somewhat with this post. Although it was not exactly presented in a polite and orderly fashion, This person makes some good statements. I for one am not against farmtown charging real money. They deserve to make money for all the hard work and efforts they put out for all of us to enjoy. What I agree with is the fact that I think farmtown has gotten a little greedy and if they would curve it down, there would be more people staying with the game. I, like eightbal1, have lost at least 75% of my original friends I started playing with and I also do not play as much as I use to. I will not compare to the zinga game, thats pointless but I do love playing games on facebook with my friends and most of them went elsewhere to play and eventually, I followed. I still come back in every so often to run facilities and fish and chop trees but its down to maybe once a month. I try talking friends into coming back but 99% are not interested. So basically, I just wanted to make this statement and also, Happy Farming to all and God Bless America........... Luv....

PS- No punn intended and this post is not meant to cause any arguements or offend anyone so please dont take it personal. Its just my views and mine alone. :) Smile and the world smiles back at you.......

Jun 22 2011, 12:27 PM
I think that Farm Town is awesome - so much fun; however, the tools have gotten way too expensive. It cost me $20.00 to get the harvester, plower, seeder. Come on!!! If you pay for the original tool then the upgrades should either be cheaper or for coins. 35 and 45 farm cash is expensive - especially now when the economy is so bad. I realize we don't NEED to buy those, but that's why we play....to add things and change things and buy new things. Why play if you can't buy and have fun?

Good point..... The economy is way down and will be worse before it gets better. Maybe farmtown wants it this way. I dont really know but there will be more and more folks that wont be able to afford the luxuries that makes the game more fun to play. I am sure all the games out there will have the same issues to deal with. They all eventually end up costing something somewhere down the line. Sincerely.............

Jun 24 2011, 10:34 AM
I see this is not working again.

I can get invites to work for friends, but when I accept them it simply takes me to my own farm and no further mention is made. (previously a message would pop up and say 'you have accepted an offer to work at X farm, would you like to go there now?)

Anyone else having this problem?

Jun 25 2011, 12:23 PM
Hi: I posted this question a few minutes ago, to the wrong place. I joined Netflx who offered 63 Farm cash points to do so. I haven't received them. Queried them on it and was told this was and issue that Slashkey has to solve, since their agreement was with them. Please advise.
Thank oyu.

Taz D
Jun 25 2011, 02:30 PM
Hi: I posted this question a few minutes ago, to the wrong place. I joined Netflx who offered 63 Farm cash points to do so. I haven't received them. Queried them on it and was told this was and issue that Slashkey has to solve, since their agreement was with them. Please advise.
Thank oyu.
I answered you in your other post in Help and Support, which by the way was the correct place to post. This is for feedback about things within the game and not for individual help.

Jun 25 2011, 04:21 PM
not sure if this is the place to post it would be nice if you raised the limit of fc request you can send out to our friends to work your factory i max out the first day 30 is low. since when you do the videos and stuff you rarely get them

Jun 26 2011, 06:00 PM
Aaaaaaw !!! I'm sorry not sure where to [post this . I bought 6 lakes w/ boat on farm two I had over 300.00 farm cash now only have 93 farm cash and 1 lake w/ boat is missing plzzzz help me !!!

Tony D
Jun 26 2011, 06:20 PM
Aaaaaaw !!! I'm sorry not sure where to [post this . I bought 6 lakes w/ boat on farm two I had over 300.00 farm cash now only have 93 farm cash and 1 lake w/ boat is missing plzzzz help me !!!Hi, I just checked your farm and can only see 5 as well, your farm data shows you as having 6 though. Could you try moving the lakes, and see if 1 is perhaps overlaid on top of another. as for the missing farm cash , you will need to contact support. There is information on how to contact them in the first post of this thread.

Jun 27 2011, 09:57 AM
Thank You Tony D !!!!! I found it (0=
Thanx JujuLoo xoxo

Tony D
Jun 27 2011, 04:23 PM
Thank You Tony D !!!!! I found it (0=
Thanx JujuLoo xoxoGlad to hear it, thanks for letting us know :)

Jun 29 2011, 10:19 AM
All discussions about farm cash. I am in the right place.

I have seen a post regarding the Facebook credits in relationship to our FC.

I don't see anywhere a clarification, and today happens to be 6.29.2011.

I am sure that moderators here have been told of the changes. Can you either direct me to a thread that explains it in layman's terms, or answer the question please?

What does it mean to us Farm Town addicts? :) :confused:

Tony D
Jun 29 2011, 10:22 AM
All discussions about farm cash. I am in the right place.

I have seen a post regarding the Facebook credits in relationship to our FC.

I don't see anywhere a clarification, and today happens to be 6.29.2011.

I am sure that moderators here have been told of the changes. Can you either direct me to a thread that explains it in layman's terms, or answer the question please?

What does it mean to us Farm Town addicts? :) :confused:Hi, I am really sorry , but at this stage we are not sure of the ramifications either .. As soon as we find out, the information will be provided.

Jun 29 2011, 10:26 AM
Hi, I am really sorry , but at this stage we are not sure of the ramifications either .. As soon as we find out, the information will be provided.

Thank you, I guess this forum will get very busy once the ramifications get announce :rolleyes: going to report to my neighbors who depend on me for news :)

Jun 29 2011, 03:03 PM
I read most of the posts and can understand some of the frustrations. I really feel that slashkey is really fair about the releases. the 50/50 split between cash and coin items is really fair. I play another game that is not a z-game and love playing it, but am unable to buy many items because their release are more like a 90/10 ratio. I wish their releases were more like the ones in Farm Town.

Jun 29 2011, 03:13 PM
Thank you, I guess this forum will get very busy once the ramifications get announce :rolleyes: going to report to my neighbors who depend on me for news :)

While I do not know what the ramifications will be for ft based on other games that use fb credits, it shouldn't effect any farm cash you have now it will just be a different way to pay for farm cash when you buy it. I have played other games that use facebook credits and they have the in game cash just like ft but when you go to buy the cash you pay with fb credits instead of going through pay pal like you can now with farm cash. I really think that this will be the only change to farm cash there is just how you pay for farm cash not farm cash going away and fc credits taking over. What facebook is doing is making all the games use their credit system and they get a part of the profits from people buying game credit. It is just facebook being greedy and wanting a piece of the pie.

Jun 30 2011, 02:34 PM
All discussions about farm cash. I am in the right place.

I have seen a post regarding the Facebook credits in relationship to our FC.

I don't see anywhere a clarification, and today happens to be 6.29.2011.

I am sure that moderators here have been told of the changes. Can you either direct me to a thread that explains it in layman's terms, or answer the question please?

What does it mean to us Farm Town addicts? :) :confused:
One ramification appears to be that there is no opportunity to earn farm cash when you click on the "Earn Cash & Coins" tab.

Taz D
Jun 30 2011, 02:50 PM
One ramification appears to be that there is no opportunity to earn farm cash when you click on the "Earn Cash & Coins" tab.
Read this post by Tony D (moderator). It will explain what is going on.

Jun 30 2011, 03:28 PM
One ramification appears to be that there is no opportunity to earn farm cash when you click on the "Earn Cash & Coins" tab.

I still have offers from super rewards but I did have an issue with them that you may also be having. If you see no pending offers at this time or something like that. Click on help and see if you have an offer that you didn't get fc for that you either did or just clicked on but didn't do. If so use that to send them a message telling them you have no offers and they will fix that for you. You may have to send more then one message to them because the first one you get back my be an auto message asking for the conformation email of so just reply to that and tell them what is going on.

Jun 30 2011, 07:05 PM
the good thing about then changing over facebook credits is they now sell them at wal mart so i do not need to use my credit card or pay pal anymore

Jul 01 2011, 07:36 AM
I bought 250 Farm Cash with credit card, still waiting for it. Does Slashkey not take care of sending the farm cash. I would really like to buy more facilities. Should be no problem with my credit card, wish they would let me know something.

Tony D
Jul 01 2011, 07:37 AM
I bought 250 Farm Cash with credit card, still waiting for it. Does Slashkey not take care of sending the farm cash. I would really like to buy more facilities. Should be no problem with my credit card, wish they would let me know something.Hi, How long ago did you buy the Farm Cash ?

Jul 01 2011, 07:43 AM
I bought the Farm Cash about 40 hours ago.

Tony D
Jul 01 2011, 07:53 AM
I bought the Farm Cash about 40 hours ago.
:)Hi I suggest you contact support. This information may help.

FACEBOOK USERS... Reimbursements are NEVER given through the forum. You will need to contact the Farmtown Support Team and fill out a support ticket. To do so, follow the 'Report/Contact this Application' link located underneath your farm screen on the left hand side, select the 'Contact the developer of Farm Town for information or help' option and click continue. From the 'select an issue' drop down menu, choose either 'Billing-Paypal' or 'Billing-Offers', whichever applies best to your situation, and then continue to fill out the remainder of the requested information.

Jul 01 2011, 10:40 AM
In the previous way of purchasing FC with credit card or Paypal, the amounts one spend were $4.99, $9.99, $19.99 or $39.99 (US dollars).
Facebook Credits are in other amounts, such as $25.00.

Does anyone know yet how this will work when the amounts are different?

Tony D
Jul 01 2011, 10:43 AM
In the previous way of purchasing FC with credit card or Paypal, the amounts one spend were $4.99, $9.99, $19.99 or $39.99 (US dollars).
Facebook Credits are in other amounts, such as $25.00.

Does anyone know yet how this will work when the amounts are different?Hi, you can still buy 55, 120 etc, by using paypal if you click on the Earn Cash and Coins tab

Jul 01 2011, 11:02 AM
Hi, you can still buy 55, 120 etc, by using paypal if you click on the Earn Cash and Coins tab

Sorry, Tony, I asked the question wrong.....
I have a $25.00 Facebook Credit. How do I use it since it is not an amount in the top box were you checkmark how many FC to buy.

Jul 01 2011, 11:44 AM
I still have offers from super rewards but I did have an issue with them that you may also be having. If you see no pending offers at this time or something like that. Click on help and see if you have an offer that you didn't get fc for that you either did or just clicked on but didn't do. If so use that to send them a message telling them you have no offers and they will fix that for you. You may have to send more then one message to them because the first one you get back my be an auto message asking for the conformation email of so just reply to that and tell them what is going on.

Thanks, I'll do that.

barbara nixon
Jul 01 2011, 11:49 AM
this am i purchased $30.00 worth of credits to use on my farm..got all but 18 of them and now fb wants me to spend another $8 to get more to use the 18 i have left..that is illegal..this is not acceptable..besides i had to make 3 purchases to do the $30..other wise i had to spend $50..this is a crock...i'm hoppin mad about this...i tried to go to fb and complain to them but of course there is no way to get anything to them...u could sen:mad:d them this so they know they have my money and i should either get it back or b able to use it where i want..

Jul 01 2011, 12:21 PM
All the superreward offers are gone.I wonder if the new FB credits have ruined that.:confused:

Jul 01 2011, 12:38 PM
All the superreward offers are gone.I wonder if the new FB credits have ruined that.:confused:

facebook has the offers now. if you hit get info then hit contune it will bring you to page that says more payment option then near the bottum it says earn credits

barbara nixon
Jul 01 2011, 12:42 PM
well i'm back..i really got ripped of by fb..i was here earlier and complained about the new credits situation..now that i went and checked i got cheated out of 150 credits...paid $30.00 for 315 credits when i went to use them i only got 165 sent to my farmtown game...and they still want me to spend more to get the 18 they still have but where's the other 132 i'm missing..something has to b done about this.and soon..:mad:

barbara nixon
Jul 01 2011, 12:44 PM
i'm gonna tell all my neighbors not to get any credits.this way..

Beki Sheridan
Jul 01 2011, 01:49 PM
Edited because I see the system has changed. Hope you get your missing money, you are not the only one having problems from what I can see :(

Taz D
Jul 01 2011, 02:07 PM
this am i purchased $30.00 worth of credits to use on my farm..got all but 18 of them and now fb wants me to spend another $8 to get more to use the 18 i have left..that is illegal..this is not acceptable..besides i had to make 3 purchases to do the $30..other wise i had to spend $50..this is a crock...i'm hoppin mad about this...i tried to go to fb and complain to them but of course there is no way to get anything to them...u could sen:mad:d them this so they know they have my money and i should either get it back or b able to use it where i want..
Those 18 credits are too few to get another "batch" of Farm Cash. However they will still be there the next time you want to buy Farm Cash. If instead of going to Facebook directly and ordering credits you go through the Earn Farm Cash and Coins. Select the amount of Farm Cash you want, then check the box in the green area below and click on Pay with Credits. Your credits will be listed there along with the dollar amount you need to buy in addition to buy the amount of FC you are wanting.

Jul 01 2011, 03:05 PM
facebook has the offers now. if you hit get info then hit contune it will bring you to page that says more payment option then near the bottum it says earn credits

Thanks.However..it does not reward fc like before,but fb credits.1 credit =.10cents.I forsee ALOT of people getting upset about this,as to get even 1 fc means completing multiple things to get the credits that then must be converted to fc,and any remainder will just be stuck in limbo till the next purchase/free offer is made.
I said this way back when the question of FB credits first came about,and it needs saying again.Slashkey needs to sell the FC outside of FB,just like Farmville does using its .com site,neatly going around FB.This is nothing more than FB reaching its hands into game developers pockets..and ours.:(

Jul 01 2011, 03:24 PM
you do have to think one of reason the games get players is because of facebook and myspace.i do not want to be going to another web site just to play my game i like it the way it is. it will work out it always does.

Jul 01 2011, 03:31 PM
Max..I agree that having a completely different site for everyone to play is not a good idea.That means more servers,more cost.I am saying they need another site,away from FB to go around the FB credits.I am willing to bet my next 5 wheat harvest that this will cost games more money due to the fact so many do not trust FB and the lack of security.(either real or imagined..it equals same result)They could either link something from this forum,or look at Zynga's sneaky deal with FB to circumvent buying the credits.

Jul 01 2011, 03:38 PM
but so did super rewards have sec issues anytime you buy something on line there is risk and at the end you never got the fc for doing the offers so hopefuly we will with facebook we just have to give then a change. also people will get used to it. if i have to go to another site to play i will probably stop playing just like i did many other games and i am not the only one

Jul 01 2011, 03:47 PM
but so did super rewards have sec issues anytime you buy something on line there is risk and at the end you never got the fc for doing the offers so hopefuly we will with facebook we just have to give then a change. also people will get used to it. if i have to go to another site to play i will probably stop playing just like i did many other games and i am not the only one

A security issue is giving FB your paypal login and password,not getting your fc for a completed survey or what not is no where close to being the same.

I did NOT suggest PLAYING on another site..but using either this forum,or another slashkey site,linked from here,to buy the farmcash.I am sorry if that was not clear,but I also do not think people will get "used to" giving out their account information on a completely unsecure site like FB.The fact that FB keeps you login and password for your paypal account does not inspire warm fuzzies for me knowing how many people randomly click on things that give away their account details.

Jul 01 2011, 05:47 PM
Now I get a email I will not get anymore replies unless I come back here. I think Farm Town/Facebook/Slashkey just don't want me to have those $'s. So I give up.

Taz D
Jul 01 2011, 06:00 PM
Now I get a email I will not get anymore replies unless I come back here. I think Farm Town/Facebook/Slashkey just don't want me to have those $'s. So I give up.
That is a forum thing. If you post in a forum thread like here then you are automatically "subscribed" to this thread. That means if someone replies after you to this thread then you get an email. If you do not repost in this thread after that then you will not get any more emails to let you know that someone has replied after you. This is a way to limit how many emails you get about your post.
This is a forum generated thing and has nothing to do with Farm Town Facebook or Slashkey and none of them sent it.
If you do not want to see all those emails then you can change your settings in the User CP up top of forum.

barbara nixon
Jul 01 2011, 07:09 PM
i paid $30.00 for 315 credits..which i assumed was equal to fc...i'm short 150 credits still.that is my *****..

Taz D
Jul 01 2011, 07:22 PM
i paid $30.00 for 315 credits..which i assumed was equal to fc...i'm short 150 credits still.that is my *****..
It is not an equal 1 for 1 amount. I got 55 FC for 99 credits.
It looks like the exchange rate is as follows:
25 FC - 49 FBC
55 FC - 99 FBC
120 FC - 199 FBC
250 FC - 399 FBC
How much FC did you get when you exchanged it? If you exchanged for 55 FC 3 times then it would cost you 297 FBC leaving you with 18 FBC.

Jul 01 2011, 08:50 PM
Have i got this right - to buy farmcash we first have to buy facebook credits?
But i do not want facebook credits, i only want farmcash.
So does this mean that i can not have any more farmcash because i don't want facebook credits on my computer??

Jul 01 2011, 08:57 PM
Have i got this right - to buy farmcash we first have to buy facebook credits?
But i do not want facebook credits, i only want farmcash.
So does this mean that i can not have any more farmcash because i don't want facebook credits on my computer??

I use a gift card for purchasing $FT. Today, I went to the link, just like before, and the box/pop up asked how I wanted to buy the $FT. I clicked on VISA, and bought what I wanted through PayPal and actually had my $FT faster and with less blanks to fill in... nice

It was waiting for me at my farm immediately.... and there was no followup notification on my email account.... nice

I did see an option to see my "receipt", but I clicked out too soon to actually see it.


Happy pants
Jul 01 2011, 09:37 PM
If your exchange rate is correct, Taz, it's actually a tiny bit cheaper to buy our FC this way. For example, I always used to buy my FC in 250 FC chunks for $39.99. Now I can get that same chunk of FC for 399 FB credits, which will cost me $36.27. I'll have FB credits left over... 51 of them... so I'll get another 25 FC for 49 credits.... leaving 2 credits in my "bank account". Works for me. :D

Tony D
Jul 01 2011, 10:07 PM
Have i got this right - to buy farmcash we first have to buy facebook credits?
But i do not want facebook credits, i only want farmcash.
So does this mean that i can not have any more farmcash because i don't want facebook credits on my computer??Hi, if you buy your farm cash from the Earn Cash and coins tab it is still pretty much the same.

Taz D
Jul 02 2011, 02:35 AM
If your exchange rate is correct, Taz, it's actually a tiny bit cheaper to buy our FC this way. For example, I always used to buy my FC in 250 FC chunks for $39.99. Now I can get that same chunk of FC for 399 FB credits, which will cost me $36.27. I'll have FB credits left over... 51 of them... so I'll get another 25 FC for 49 credits.... leaving 2 credits in my "bank account". Works for me. :D
Or if you buy through the Earn Farm Cash and Coins link (this needs to be renamed I think) then when you buy, you only have to buy exactly the amount of credits that you need to get the amount of FC you want with no leftover credits.

Jul 02 2011, 02:53 AM
if its cheaper it works well for me aswell

alot of the time people over react and this could be caused due to poor explanation of things when they change

Jul 02 2011, 08:19 AM
I"d rather buy right from Slashkey (not even through Paypal) and have all my $$ go there than through Facebook. :P

EDIT: Aaaand I see Facebook ruined that idea. Oh well.

Jul 02 2011, 09:49 AM
I have used facebook credits for the other games I play and I've never had a problem with them, I actually like it. I can buy a chunk of facebook credits and then divide it up between the other games I play and it is just one transaction against my account instead of several small ones.