View Full Version : New Release -- August 28th, 2015
Aug 28 2015, 10:02 PM
See Known Issues, More Information and Post Release Updates at the end of this post. Last changes released on September 17th, 5:50PM.
Hi There,
We just released a new version of the game with the following new features and bug fixes. EN ESPAÑOL: AQUI (
1. 25 New Levels: 25 new decorations on the Buildings, Farm Decor, Fun and Others categories.
2. Last 4 expansions for Farm 27: See prices below:
34x34 - 13500000000 coins or 30 FarmCash
36x36 - 14000000000 coins or 30 FarmCash
38x38 - 14500000000 coins or 30 FarmCash
40x40 - 15000000000 coins or 30 FarmCash
3. Super Neighbours hired for farming Improvement: When using the Harvest-Plant combine all the XP and Coins are summarized per click not per field, same as what happens when you work your own farm.
4. Super Neighbours hired for design Improvements:
a) There is a new checkbox "Allow selling and buying items with my coins" so the farm owner can give extra permissions to SuperNeighbours to buy new 'coins' items for the farm or selling any 'coins' items in the farm to provide more flexibility when designing together. Remember, grant this permission with caution as your coins will always be used every time this SuperNeighbour buy an item for your farm. Notice the SuperNeighbour will never be allowed to buy FarmCash items for you farm.
b) All SuperNeighbours hired for design are now able to use any plowing tool to create new plow fields on empty spaces.
c) When you visit a friend that has permanently hired you for design, you will see a red dot on the farm selector on the specific farm that you are invited to design.
5. Long Crops Freight Car: It will deliver Wheat, Tomatoes, Cotton, Rice, Corn, Onions, Soybean, Sunflower, Flax and Sugarcane. See more info related to the quantities delivered by this train car at the bottom of this thread.
6. Long Fruits Freight Car: It will deliver Coconuts, Peaches, Walnuts, Oranges, Apples, Lemons, Olives, Mangoes, Cherries and Bananas.
7. Show all Farms Info at once: When you click the 'Show Names' button in the Farm Selector, you will now see a new 'Show Farms Info' button at the top of the window, this will show you using a colored leyend all the possible statuses for each farm, like: fertilized, irrigated and watered and also additional info like if this farm is a quest farm, a private farm and also the farm sizes.
On Monday we will show a tool tip with the meaning of each letter and color when you mouse over the colored leyend on the top.
8. Performance Improvements when working for others: This fix was released a week ago. As an employee, either on the Market or as a SuperNeighbour and using any harvest tool, the bonus boxes floating around were slowing down the game considerably. Now we are also summarizing those boxes and instead of showing the 25 images of the boxes we are just showing a message like "25 Bonus Crops!". The slowness was more visible on certain crops like corn and coffee.
9. Other Improvements:
a) When removing neighbours in the 'My Neighbours' tab the page wont reload everytime so the process is faster specially for users with many farmtown friends and neighbours
b) The 'Show Quests' button in the Quest Manager will also show the quests completed on day 8 in red, this way you will have more info on why some of your quests do not count anymore for collecting rewards
c) When trying to send gifts or train boost requests the window to select the friends was stuck loading forever for some users
10. Irrigation Supplies Factory (FC): Produces Irrigation Supplies.
Sprinkler Head Wrench
Irrigation Filter
Rotor Sprinkler
Irrigation Controller
Marker Flags
Rain Sensor
Pressure Gauge
Electric Valve
11. Windows and Doors Factory (Coins): Produces Windows and Doors.
Swing Door
Farmhouse Door
Barn Door
Antique Door
Bathroom Door
Louvered Window
French Window
Stained Glass Window
12. Canadian Restaurant (FC): Produces Canadian Food.
Beaver Tails
Hot Chicken Sandwich
Lobster Mac n Cheese
Cedar Planked Salmon
Bacon Walleye
Nanaimo Bar
New Products in other facilities: Nutella on the Food Preserve Factory. Cheese Curds on the Dairy Processing Plant. Brown Gravy on the Semi-Trailer Truck.
This is the first use for the Acorn Squash and the Walleyes fish which you can catch on the Frozen Lake.
13. Windows and Doors Store (Coins): Provides Windows and Doors Retail Services and can be stocked with products from the Windows and Doors Factory.
Post Release Updates - August 31st, 3:30AM
- Released the Long Crops Freight Car and Long Fruits Freight Car.
- Bug Fix: The 'Show FarmTown Wall Request' option was showing incorrect layout for some users.
Post-Release Updates - August 31st, 9:00PM
- BugFix: When Super Neighbour is hired for design, when he buys new items for the farm owner, the coins should be taken from the farm owner, not the designer.
- BugFix: Inconsistencies on the Show Quests window and the Quest Chart in the Quest Manager.
Post-Release Updates - September 1st, 5:30PM
- It's possible that the BugFix mentioned above about the Show Quests inconsistencies had not been released yesterday as I mentioned, we just released it now again to be sure. Also, notice that this bug didn't cause any valid quest not to be counted toward the farmcash rewards, it was the other way around, the bug was causing that some quests that had already been part of the last farm cash collection to be shown again on the Show Quests window, so although we do think this caused lot of confusion, it shouldn't have caused any lost in farm cash, like for example, collecting 1 farm cash instead of 2.
- There have been some users complaining about the quantities of the new train cars to be too small, just as a comparison, for example in the case of the crop car, it delivers about 11500 crops, if you have 1 turbo locomotive with your friends helping this is equivalent to harvesting almost 4 40x40 farms fully planted (no space between fields) with highly demanded crops every 2 days.
Post-Release Updates - September 1st, 11:00PM
- BugFix:Some users were experiencing issues when planting crops, when they reloaded the farm after planting, other crops appeared in the farm or the layout was messed up. We were able to reproduce and fix this issue when farmers were using the Harvest-Plant combine. We have been unable to reproduce this issue using the Seeder, if you are still experiencing this issue using just the seeder please report it.
Post-Release Updates - September 9th, 4:45AM
- Released the Canadian Restaurant, see post above for more information on new products.
Post-Release Updates - September 9th, 4:40PM
- Fixed issue with the Hot Chicken Sandwich in the Canadian Restaurant
- Restored the old Wheat crop temporarily until we resolve the highlighting issues with the new crop
- When posting for help from the Canadian Restaurant, image should now be visible in the timeline
Post-Release Updates - September 9th, 11:40PM
- The old Wheat crop that we restored a few hours ago was buggy, we just restored back the new Wheat version with the highlight issues, we are sorry for the trouble, the highlighting issue should be resolved this Wednesday for the 10 crops that have the most issues, like wheat, corn, etc.
Post-Release Updates - September 17th, 5:50PM
- We have just improved the highlighting on the following 10 crops: Wheat, Corn, Eggplant, Cotton, Carrots, Potatoes, Coffee, Raspberries, Blueberries and Pineapple. Please report if you have any problems with this new change.
Known Problems
- None
Aug 28 2015, 10:05 PM
Thanks, it is a very nice surprise
Aug 28 2015, 10:05 PM
Oh Yeah. :)
Pesto Farmer
Aug 28 2015, 10:09 PM
Thanks for the new levels:) Anxiously awaiting the rest of the release.
Aug 28 2015, 10:14 PM
thank you can not wait to read more about the new stuff
Aug 28 2015, 10:16 PM
Yep thanks for the new levels, hope I can stay up long enough to see the new goodies.... If not I will see them in the morning. :)
Aug 28 2015, 10:21 PM
Right on, going to see what's New and Thank you Raul and all the Dev. Team :) Awesome, with the New Levels, I got 40fc just enough for a flower tool :) Thank you so much :)
Aug 28 2015, 10:26 PM
Oh boy!! New levels!!!
Aug 28 2015, 10:30 PM
Noticed the new stuff and levels and FC and thought "excellent day for farming". Thanks again!!!:D
Aug 28 2015, 10:32 PM
i bought them ( the 2 trains ) they disapeared and so did my farm cash
Aug 28 2015, 10:40 PM
Thanks for the new levels and new facilities. When using the sprinklers (on my own farm or friends) the farm grid flashes light crazy. Hope this is just a glitch and is fixed soon. It DOES work but the flashing is annoying!
Aug 28 2015, 10:46 PM
yay new levels and just bought two new coin facilities
Aug 28 2015, 10:47 PM
yay new levels......ty ty
Aug 28 2015, 10:57 PM
love the new features and levels, BUT, I just cashed out my service facilities, saved everything for almost 2 weeks, and got NOTHING. I needed the Coins so bad for upgrading farm 27, now I can't.
Taz D
Aug 28 2015, 10:59 PM
i bought them ( the 2 trains ) they disapeared and so did my farm cash
Hi flames,
I have checked and no farm cash was taken for them. You can go th=o the Account tab above your farm and click on the Farm Cash Activity Log tab and that will show you all farm cash transactions.
Taz D
Aug 28 2015, 11:08 PM
love the new features and levels, BUT, I just cashed out my service facilities, saved everything for almost 2 weeks, and got NOTHING. I needed the Coins so bad for upgrading farm 27, now I can't.
I just checked your data. You received 468,026,433 for cashout and 1,563,236,405 coins for non-ingredients. Your total coins went up to over 8 billion from just over 6 billion. If this is not what you are seeing please try restarting your farm and look again.
Aug 28 2015, 11:27 PM
Yeah! Thanks for new levels will check out new items now!
Aug 28 2015, 11:38 PM
I noticed a change tonight and wonder if it going to be permanent or just something that need to be fixed. I hope this makes sense to you.
When I harvested the facilities on a farm tonight I had to harvest all 27 farms when before if you had trains on two of your farms you only had to harvest some of the farms and then the Mayor took over for the rest of them.
Is this going to be permanent, do we need more trains, or is this something that will be changed?
Mom's Farm(s)
Aug 28 2015, 11:42 PM
Aussie Rae
Aug 29 2015, 12:47 AM
ty for the new update, nice surprise when I arrived home after work, :)
Aug 29 2015, 01:16 AM
Thanks for the Great new update
Aug 29 2015, 01:35 AM
new levels just been added yeah
Aug 29 2015, 01:56 AM
Thank you for the new release. Looking forward to the 2 new train cars on Monday. Hope you all stay safe there in Florida during the coming storm.
Aug 29 2015, 02:10 AM
Thanks for the update,the new facs, and levels, always nice to get more farm cash , as a canuck I am curious as to what canadian food is, other then maybe poutine?
Aug 29 2015, 02:28 AM
Thanks new to this just getting started take me a while to learn all this be I will catch on I hope really nice of you to help us and when I learn how to do thing not will stop me thanks a lot really love this game lol
Aug 29 2015, 02:33 AM
Thx, Raul!
Will there be more specification of which tools we SN's can use?
Original Tee
Aug 29 2015, 02:37 AM
Loving this update! Especially "b) All SuperNeighbours hired for design are now able to use any plowing tool to create new plow fields on empty spaces." Thanks so much for listening! It will allow me to help my friends move forward in the game so they'll continue to enjoy it.
Aug 29 2015, 02:51 AM
Thank you for the new levels and the farm cash and the new train cars :) Some good stuff.
Aug 29 2015, 03:04 AM
THX! for doing something about the neighbour page:)
THINK #13 SHOULD BE Windows and Doors STORE, SINCE #11 IS THE Windows and Doors FACTORY.
Vicky Vine
Aug 29 2015, 03:23 AM
Great update, Thx :D:D
Aug 29 2015, 03:30 AM
Thank you for the update!
Aussie Rae
Aug 29 2015, 03:50 AM
just want to clarify something... who pays when I as a super neighbor, buy for instance a tree for my neighbor? Is the owner of the farm supposed to pay as I have noticed the coins actually come off my coin total..not the person whose farm I am adding the tree to... just wondering?
Harvest Moon
Aug 29 2015, 03:58 AM
Thanks as always for the update..but...I'll say it if no-one else does...Windows and Doors facilities?....when there are so so many better ideas on your suggestion thread !!...a deli...a flower stand...a hat shop...a food fair...Im sorry...I just dont bizarre!
Aug 29 2015, 04:05 AM
Thanks for another good update, the farm cash is especially appreciated ;)
Aug 29 2015, 04:32 AM
Thank you for the new release!
I was wondering, is there information about how many xp's it takes to get to each level? I have searched but can't find anything. Spreadsheet, perhaps?
crafty chris
Aug 29 2015, 04:36 AM
Thank you for the new release!
I was wondering, is there information about how many xp's it takes to get to each level? I have searched but can't find anything. Spreadsheet, perhaps?
hi zaftiggy
there is a chapter in the game guide for levels (heres the link ) please note though it may not show the new levels yet :)
Aug 29 2015, 04:52 AM
hi zaftiggy
there is a chapter in the game guide for levels (heres the link ) please note though it may not show the new levels yet
Thank you CraftyChris!
(I must learn the proper technique for posting!)
Aug 29 2015, 04:58 AM
Thanks to all for another fantastic update!! :)
Aug 29 2015, 05:34 AM
Got a question about the release note about farms set as private or quest - the quest part. I have been unable to find a place to mark a farm quest - To keep super users from accidentally harvesting I have it marked private. What is the difference in the two and how do you mark the farm quest and private so it shows correctly when the labels are out in the farm manager.
Seraphina Warrior
Aug 29 2015, 05:37 AM
Got a question about the release note about farms set as private or quest - the quest part. I have been unable to find a place to mark a farm quest - To keep super users from accidentally harvesting I have it marked private. What is the difference in the two and how do you mark the farm quest and private so it shows correctly when the labels are out in the farm manager.
Hi gypsy, in order to be able to make a farm a quest farm, you need at least one of the Animal Shed "harvest all" tools. If you do not have at least one, then you won't have that option on your farms. A "Quest farm" just prevents the animal sheds on that farm, being harvested, when using the "harvest all" tool.
A farm that is marked as "private" prevents any user from going to that farm, ensuring that your Super Neighbours do not also work that farm.
I hope this helps :)
Aug 29 2015, 05:39 AM
Thank you all, it's always great to have new things and better farm info. It has not, however done anything whatsoever to alleviate the massive shortage of oil/plastic granules/ polyester fibre etc. In fact the 2 new factories need even more plastic! MOD EDIT: Removed - Unnecessary
Thanks again for all the goodies.
Aug 29 2015, 06:12 AM
oh ur right i forgot i had bought the 2 facs.. it was quite late for me and i was in a hurry so i could hit the sack...and the coffee had worn off by them :)
Aug 29 2015, 06:13 AM
now i cant boost my trains, does anyone know why?
Aug 29 2015, 06:35 AM
Great update Thankyou
saving facilities seems to get stuck at 84% for production facilities
Aug 29 2015, 07:32 AM
thank you for the updates
looking forward to using my coins for the new facilities I can buy
Aug 29 2015, 07:51 AM
I appreciate more and more superneighbor improvements but I cannot understand WHY if given the ability to "plow" plots on an unused portion of neighbors fields we were not also given the ability to use a dozer to remove a mislaid plot to get it corrected. Any comments?
Jean's Farm
Aug 29 2015, 07:59 AM
Thanks for the new update Raul!!!! You rock!!! :) :D
Aussie Rae
Aug 29 2015, 08:00 AM
I appreciate more and more superneighbor improvements but I cannot understand WHY if given the ability to "plow" plots on an unused portion of neighbors fields we were not also given the ability to use a dozer to remove a mislaid plot to get it corrected. Any comments?
YES!!! I totally agree... its so easy to misplace a plowed plot of land, and then there is no way to delete it unless the farm owner happens to be there at the same time and does it for you... which to my mind kind of defeats the purpose of being able to work on someones farm if they are away for a period of time... hope the devs realize this and come up with a solution. :)
Seraphina Warrior
Aug 29 2015, 08:06 AM
just want to clarify something... who pays when I as a super neighbor, buy for instance a tree for my neighbor? Is the owner of the farm supposed to pay as I have noticed the coins actually come off my coin total..not the person whose farm I am adding the tree to... just wondering?
Hi Aussie Rae, When the Cooperative Design, was first announced, it was stated that when a Super Neighbour has the design permission on one of your farms, he/she will be allowed to move, delete coin items and even buy items with THEIR OWN coins to put on your farm (based on the farm owners level).
This means that a Super Neighbour will pay for any items that they choose to buy from the store, and place on the "Farm Owners" farm. This avoids the Farm Owners Coins, being severely depleted, by the Super Neighbour purchasing expensive items etc. If many many items, are required, then to avoid paying for those items, the super Neighbour, would need to ask the "Farm Owner" to purchase those items, in advance.
I hope this helps. :)
Aug 29 2015, 08:09 AM
Good call on the 8 day quests shown in red.
Aug 29 2015, 08:11 AM
While I love all the new things it seems that either no one hasd reported the fact that when you receive an animal as a gift and you click to send all the animals are not moving out of your gift box. Will this get fixed? it has been at least 2 weeks now that you must move your animals manually to the places.
Aug 29 2015, 08:14 AM
It was quite the nice surprise to see the added farm cash and the new levels yesterday. Great update, thank you and a big thank you to the devs for keeping this a fun game for so many years.
Aug 29 2015, 08:18 AM
Hi.. So I haven't been as die hard player as I have in the past (I know shock right)..... So I did not receive all 25 new levels; no big deal but when I click on the EX points, it does not tell me how many more I need to get to the next level. :confused: I also don't seen an update in the "how many levels" section..
crafty chris
Aug 29 2015, 08:39 AM
Hi.. So I haven't been as die hard player as I have in the past (I know shock right)..... So I did not receive all 25 new levels; no big deal but when I click on the EX points, it does not tell me how many more I need to get to the next level. :confused: I also don't seen an update in the "how many levels" section..
hi goofyshoes
with regards to the exp not showing how many more it will show once you need around 50,000 points and as soon as one of the mods are free they will update the 'how many levels' part :)
Aug 29 2015, 08:46 AM
hi goofyshoes
with regards to the exp not showing how many more it will show once you need around 50,000 points and as soon as one of the mods are free they will update the 'how many levels' part :)
Thanks Chris, it does show now. :D:cool: I need to start playing more! It's been a long time since I didn't receive the full 25 at "update time!"
crafty chris
Aug 29 2015, 08:48 AM
Thanks Chris, it does show now. :D:cool: I need to start playing more! It's been a long time since I didn't receive the full 25 at "update time!"
ah youre more than welcome glad i could help :)
Aug 29 2015, 08:55 AM
While I love all the new things it seems that either no one hasd reported the fact that when you receive an animal as a gift and you click to send all the animals are not moving out of your gift box. Will this get fixed? it has been at least 2 weeks now that you must move your animals manually to the places.
Hi AnnetteB,
As long as there is space in your animal sheds, your animals should be able to be stored in there. I have just tried this to check.
Go to a farm that has room for animals in your shed, open the gift box, top right of that box, change the filter to "Store Animals" and then click on Store Animals again.
If you are just wanting to place them on a farm then yes you will have to place them manually.
Aug 29 2015, 09:23 AM
And a big thank you to all the developers for the release and the moderators and others that answer all our questions.
Aug 29 2015, 09:26 AM
I am absolutely blown away that you guys come out with new updates and improvements to the game every, single month. You ALWAYS keep the game fresh and fun. Thank you for all of your hard work and successfully keeping us having played since the beginning around and having fun with it not getting old :)
Aug 29 2015, 09:27 AM
now i cant boost my trains, does anyone know why?
Hi beverduster:)
What happens when you try to boost them?
Have you checked your clock to see if Reaccelerate Trains has the green check mark?
Texas Belle
Aug 29 2015, 09:41 AM
Thanks to all of you guys, like I always say "you rock", got my facilities last night and now waiting for Monday... Good Job...Thanks again..
Aug 29 2015, 10:03 AM
Hi, I have an issue - on the list of improvements "3. Super Neighbours hired for farming Improvement:" I just planted 9 farms using the Yellow Seeder on my Super Neighbour and i got ZERO coins and close to ZERO points.
Aug 29 2015, 10:30 AM
Thank you SO much for the new things! I was totally surprised by the new levels! Thank you for the FC! I know I say this every time there is an update, but I LOVE the 2 part updates! Having fun with the new things AND looking forward to the rest on Monday!
Aug 29 2015, 10:36 AM
I have 2 questions on the design aspect to the farms.
1. Will we be able to use our own transplanter to move trees and flowers around?
Was hoping to help organize a neighbor's farm if they want, and I was unsure if this would be available.
2. Is delete plow-plots available where we can re-plow after moving things around?
Thanks for any insights!
Aug 29 2015, 11:09 AM
Hi beverduster:)
What happens when you try to boost them?
Have you checked your clock to see if Reaccelerate Trains has the green check mark?
nothing happens, just a blank screen, now if i shut down my computer & reboot, it will work, just started doing this since the new update, t hank you for helpin ms marymarcel
Aug 29 2015, 11:17 AM
nothing happens, just a blank screen, now if i shut down my computer & reboot, it will work, just started doing this since the new update, t hank you for helpin ms marymarcel
Oh! sometimes these things happens during a new release, glad to know you could solve it.
And if you have problems again, post here so we could check what is happening.:)
Aug 29 2015, 11:34 AM
Great job on the new release...Free FC...awesome...Happy farming to all!!!
Aug 29 2015, 11:36 AM
Once again thanks for the updates. One comment on the Super Neighbors If I have better bigger tools, Manure Spreader and Sprinkler specifically, shouldn't I be able to use my tools on his farm? He is able to use mine on my farm.
Aug 29 2015, 11:43 AM
Once again thanks for the updates. One comment on the Super Neighbors If I have better bigger tools, Manure Spreader and Sprinkler specifically, shouldn't I be able to use my tools on his farm? He is able to use mine on my farm.
Hi Dockperk,
The farm owner needs to own those tools for fertilising and irrigating their own crops etc. He can use yours because you own them.
Aug 29 2015, 11:45 AM
Oh! sometimes these things happens during a new release, glad to know you could solve it.
And if you have problems again, post here so we could check what is happening.:)
i will & thanks for the comeback, its still doing it, it will work out in the end
Aug 29 2015, 11:54 AM
Hi, I have an issue - on the list of improvements "3. Super Neighbours hired for farming Improvement:" I just planted 9 farms using the Yellow Seeder on my Super Neighbour and i got ZERO coins and close to ZERO points.
Hi JW:)
About no coins added for planting, well, you dont receive coins for planting:)
This was posted in the New Release June 30
3. Super Neighbours can now plant your farms: There is a new check box 'Allow Planting' in the Edit Super-Neighbour window that will grant permission to the Super-Neighbour to plant crops in your farm. He/she will be making the decision of what to plant, the coins will be deducted from the farm owner's account and the farm owner and the Super-Neighbour will earn 2 XP for each field planted.
I'm sorry but we have no way to check the amount of xp you receive by planting specifically.
You have a large amount of XP could it be you didnt notice the amount added?
Aug 29 2015, 12:02 PM
i will & thanks for the comeback, its still doing it, it will work out in the end
Hi beverduster:)
Please ry clearing your memcache (link below), then when the page of unsetting text opens close it and your farm, then clear your browser cache and close your browser. Reopen and try again.
See if that helps you with the problem.:)
Aug 29 2015, 12:08 PM
Ok thank you, it must have been a glitch before, coz i know i was getting coins for each farm planted, not much though, on 12x12 farm, i got 3,000 coins added. Thank you for replying :)Hi JW:)
About no coins added for planting, well, you dont receive coins for planting:)
This was posted in the New Release June 30
3. Super Neighbours can now plant your farms: There is a new check box 'Allow Planting' in the Edit Super-Neighbour window that will grant permission to the Super-Neighbour to plant crops in your farm. He/she will be making the decision of what to plant, the coins will be deducted from the farm owner's account and the farm owner and the Super-Neighbour will earn 2 XP for each field planted.
I'm sorry but we have no way to check the amount of xp you receive by planting specifically.
You have a large amount of XP could it be you didnt notice the amount added?
Aug 29 2015, 02:27 PM
Great update, Thanks Raul.
Now I just hope it starts 'speeding up' when working the farms both mine an for someone else. It seems to get slower an slower.
I still think having two markets for hiring would be beneficial! It is gotten very very hard to get upper level people to work on the bigger farms. Plus it isn't fair to the low level players not getting work themselves. Since the farms have gotten so big hiring a low level player is pretty much useless as they can't move around an can't use the bigger tools either.
Aug 29 2015, 03:59 PM
I seem to have a glitch. On my regular quest I have collected 4 and the counter at the bottom of the screen shows 3. I thought it might clear up when it was showing 2 done for the 3 finished last night but is still there. None of them were completed more then 4 days ago. Show quests does show all 4. I am posting it here as a change to the show quest window is listed as being in the works.
Thank you
Aug 29 2015, 04:11 PM
I seem to have a glitch. On my regular quest I have collected 4 and the counter at the bottom of the screen shows 3. I thought it might clear up when it was showing 2 done for the 3 finished last night but is still there. None of them were completed more then 4 days ago. Show quests does show all 4. I am posting it here as a change to the show quest window is listed as being in the works.
Thank you
Hi gypsy:)
I checked your data and you have 4 completed quests, but for the one to make Scrambled Eggs Breakfast you havent collected your coins.:)
Aug 29 2015, 04:25 PM
thanks for the info.
Aussie Rae
Aug 29 2015, 05:59 PM
Hi Aussie Rae, When the Cooperative Design, was first announced, it was stated that when a Super Neighbour has the design permission on one of your farms, he/she will be allowed to move, delete coin items and even buy items with THEIR OWN coins to put on your farm (based on the farm owners level).
This means that a Super Neighbour will pay for any items that they choose to buy from the store, and place on the "Farm Owners" farm. This avoids the Farm Owners Coins, being severely depleted, by the Super Neighbour purchasing expensive items etc. If many many items, are required, then to avoid paying for those items, the super Neighbour, would need to ask the "Farm Owner" to purchase those items, in advance.
I hope this helps. :)
Thank you for replying and I now understand fully, love the new things we get each update, :)
Snookie Sue
Aug 29 2015, 11:26 PM
Has anyone else experienced planting fields that come out incorrectly over the past 2 days? I have had a problem with farms 26 and 27. What I plant loads to other plots nearby. A strange glitch I hope.
firegold flames
Aug 29 2015, 11:33 PM
thanks for the updates
Aug 29 2015, 11:47 PM
Hi Dockperk,
The farm owner needs to own those tools for fertilising and irrigating their own crops etc. He can use yours because you own them.
I realize that, and I realize I am in the wrong forum for this, but I was thinking that would be a good addition to maybe the next release that we could do this since it works for all other tools.
thank you
Taz D
Aug 29 2015, 11:55 PM
Has anyone else experienced planting fields that come out incorrectly over the past 2 days? I have had a problem with farms 26 and 27. What I plant loads to other plots nearby. A strange glitch I hope.
Hi Snookie SUe,
There have been some other posts on this specifically about quest farms where they are planting multiple crops on the same farm. Is that what you are doing? We are looking into this and have been doing some testing. Most of the posts about this are inthe following thread link in the Help and Support section:
They will be in the last few pages of that thread if you would like to add to the information there.
Aug 30 2015, 02:20 AM
A great surprise to get new level therefore more every needed Farm Cash but I wish the below trees were on the list as well, maybe in the next train carriage along with flowers. Also, am I the ONLY person that is always running out of Zinc Ore, I can't believe it as it's only used for the Brass Sheets BUT the Brass Sheets are used for SO MANY items, hopefully this will be looked at in the near future.
Hope there are little easy glitches with this update so the great behind the scene people at Slashkey can have a break :-)
Aug 30 2015, 09:50 AM
Since the update, I have just noticed that the total quests shown on the quest screen differs from the totals shown on the "Show Quests" screen... Which do I believe?
I always wait several days after cashing in to start completing quests so they don't roll off if I get one I can't do, now I am completely confused... (Again!)
The total on the quest screen shows 4 completed and 1 in progress, while the "Show Quests" screen saays 6 completed in 7 days, with the earliest completed 5 days ago... If the quest screen is to be believed, I am in deep doo-doo... (This is true on other accounts as well..)
Farm in question is -
Thanks for any clarification you can give me...
Edited - the discrepancy is even worse on the co-op quests - 9 vs. 6. Clearing memcache did no good...
Aug 30 2015, 10:06 AM
Since the update, I have just noticed that the total quests shown on the quest screen differs from the totals shown on the "Show Quests" screen... Which do I believe?
I always wait several days after cashing in to start completing quests so they don't roll off if I get one I can't do, now I am completely confused... (Again!)
The total on the quest screen shows 4 completed and 1 in progress, while the "Show Quests" screen saays 6 completed in 7 days, with the earliest completed 5 days ago... If the quest screen is to be believed, I am in deep doo-doo... (This is true on other accounts as well..)
Farm in question is -
Thanks for any clarification you can give me...
Edited - the discrepancy is even worse on the co-op quests - 9 vs. 6. Clearing memcache did no good...
Hi PK:)
Yesterday we had a few posts about this but after checking, one of the quests showed as coins had not been collected and sadly the users havent come back with a response.
I'm checking my coop quests now, and yes, 5 quests are showing up as completed in my chart but Show quests shows 6 completed quests.
We will check about this problem, thank you for reporting it.:)
Aug 30 2015, 10:12 AM
Hi PK:)
Yesterday we had a few posts about this but after checking, one of the quests showed as coins had not been collected and sadly the users havent come back with a response.
I'm checking my coop quests now, and yes, 5 quests are showing up as completed in my chart but Show quests shows 6 completed quests.
We will check about this problem, thank you for reporting it.:)
The other interesting thing is that it "apparently" the quest numbers were reset to zero on the main screen at update, and I did not notice it, since you cannot access the "Show Quests" page until you have completed quests showing.
I was scratching my head a bit, but blaming it on all too frequent Senior moments... ;0))
Thanks for your quick response, and crossing my fingers it gets straightened out before losing earned FCs...
Aug 30 2015, 10:17 AM
Well after reading PK comments I went and checked my quests.. its showing that 10 are completed. but if I open up the show quest tab. its actually showing 11.... and I don't have any that I haven't collected coins for. I have 3 open quests at present 2 of which have 2 and 4 hrs to be completed and I haven't started last step on the 3rd quest.
Aug 30 2015, 10:23 AM
Just checked my regular quests...... and its happening to that as well... according to the Show Quest tab I have 3 completed... according to the figures at the bottom I only have 1 completed on Saturday....... and I know that is wrong but the show quest tab is correct. Seems since the update its all gone cockeyed
Aug 30 2015, 10:43 AM
Just checked my regular quests...... and its happening to that as well... according to the Show Quest tab I have 3 completed... according to the figures at the bottom I only have 1 completed on Saturday....... and I know that is wrong but the show quest tab is correct. Seems since the update its all gone cockeyed
Thank you FarmerMcLashwood, we are checking into this.:)
Aug 30 2015, 12:07 PM
Great update, Thanks Raul.
Now I just hope it starts 'speeding up' when working the farms both mine an for someone else. It seems to get slower an slower.
I still think having two markets for hiring would be beneficial! It is gotten very very hard to get upper level people to work on the bigger farms. Plus it isn't fair to the low level players not getting work themselves. Since the farms have gotten so big hiring a low level player is pretty much useless as they can't move around an can't use the bigger tools either.
Yes I agree with you
Aug 30 2015, 02:48 PM
Great update, Thanks Raul.
Now I just hope it starts 'speeding up' when working the farms both mine an for someone else. It seems to get slower an slower.
I still think having two markets for hiring would be beneficial! It is gotten very very hard to get upper level people to work on the bigger farms. Plus it isn't fair to the low level players not getting work themselves. Since the farms have gotten so big hiring a low level player is pretty much useless as they can't move around an can't use the bigger tools either.
they cant use big tools? this would happen if you don't share your tools or fuel with people you wish to hire if you do there should be no problem with new player using the biggest tools you own.
Aug 30 2015, 05:52 PM
Thank you for all of your hard work! Is there anyway to make the black box pop up at the top or side? When it's loading fish or loading the harvests you have to move the screen around to harvest - it's in the way a lot!
Aug 30 2015, 07:08 PM
Hi all:)
From Raul's notes for the New Release
Known Problems
- Some users are experiencing issues when planting crops, when they reload the farm after planting, other crops appear in the farm or the layout is messed up.
- When Super Neighbour is hired for design, when he buys new items for the farm owner, the coins should be taken from the farm owner, not the designer.
- Inconsistencies on the Show Quests window and the Quest Chart in the Quest Manager.
Aug 30 2015, 10:58 PM
when i am hired to design a farm for someone,my tools for "sell in bulk" or add animals to storage, or "add to storage in bulk" tool does not come up for me since I have those tools, does the person that I am hired to design for have to have these tools for me to use them on their fields?
Taz D
Aug 30 2015, 11:17 PM
when i am hired to design a farm for someone,my tools for "sell in bulk" or add animals to storage, or "add to storage in bulk" tool does not come up for me since I have those tools, does the person that I am hired to design for have to have these tools for me to use them on their fields?
Hi Lance,
i am sorry biut those tools are not included in what you can use when hired for designing.
Aug 31 2015, 01:10 AM
Having a problem with tools, especially larger tools, not highlighting so that I can harvest, chop, etc.. I've had this problem on three different computers I've played on and my Dad has told me that he is having the same problem on his computer. The game also seems to be moving a bit slower the last couple days... again, a problem I've had on multiple computers... and yes, I've checked the internet connection for every computer I've played on and that is not the issue.... not to mention the fact that the only thing I've had any problems with regarding speed is Farm Town. Also... and issue regarding time until crops can be harvested... I logged in at about 7pm yesterday (Aug 30) and it told me that there was only 12.1 hours until my carrots would be ready to harvest which would make them ready to harvest a little after 7am today (Aug 31). I just went in to that farm again and moused over them and now, at 3:45 am on Aug 31 it's telling me there is still 5.6 hours left until they are ready to harvest... which means they now won't be ready until after 9 or 10 am today. And, hopefully the last issue I will find, sometimes when I mouse over the guest manager box in the upper left corner it will tell me that there is 1 cooperative quest that can be redeemed even though there aren't any cooperative quests that can be redeemed. I also have a suggestion regarding co-op quests. It would be great if it were easier to go to the market and find people participating in co-op quests without having to open the options menu for each person and click to show their co-op quests only to find they aren't participating in quests or go to each individuals farm only to discover the same thing... since not everybody participating in co-op quests indicates so in their character name. Not only would this be helpful in making it easier to find those individuals and buy ingredients from them but it would also make it easier to actually complete co-op quests since there have been several co-op quests I have been unable to finish in time because I can only ask for help on two or three ingredients but there ends up being four or more ingredients that I need help with because none of my neighbors doing the quests is selling those ingredients during the time allotted to complete the quests.
Aug 31 2015, 02:42 AM
Hi Lance,
i am sorry biut those tools are not included in what you can use when hired for designing.
thank you taz
Aug 31 2015, 04:22 AM
Must have happened on update, but when working neighbor's facilities, farmer says "Oops! Something happened that I could not work those facilities. Moving on to next farm" I ma not sure if this is a false message and I got the goodies, or I did not get goodies. I do not inventory before I work facilities.
Aussie Rae
Aug 31 2015, 05:58 AM
Released the Long Crops Freight Car and Long Fruits Freight Car. ty :)
Aussie Rae
Aug 31 2015, 06:23 AM
Hi Aussie Rae, When the Cooperative Design, was first announced, it was stated that when a Super Neighbour has the design permission on one of your farms, he/she will be allowed to move, delete coin items and even buy items with THEIR OWN coins to put on your farm (based on the farm owners level).
This means that a Super Neighbour will pay for any items that they choose to buy from the store, and place on the "Farm Owners" farm. This avoids the Farm Owners Coins, being severely depleted, by the Super Neighbour purchasing expensive items etc. If many many items, are required, then to avoid paying for those items, the super Neighbour, would need to ask the "Farm Owner" to purchase those items, in advance.
I hope this helps. :)
found this in the updates in the release re the farm owner paying for anything the super neighbor buys for the farmers farm he is designing... - "When Super Neighbour is hired for design, when he buys new items for the farm owner, the coins should be taken from the farm owner, not the designer."
Aug 31 2015, 09:15 AM
I have been trying to hire a farmer that I use a lot at the Inn. We are not neighbors, however we meet at the Inn and she does all my farms for me and we both get the bonuses. The last two days we cannot see each other, even when we meet at me farm first. She says it shows me as offline. Tried meeting at her farm first and still could nto see each other. Does anyone know why this is happening. Finally I have a great worker and now I can't use her for some reason. Please let me know what could be wrong.
Hi ckerider:)
Please make sure both of you have your language set to English.
Aug 31 2015, 09:24 AM
Thanks for the great update....especially the new trains :)
Aug 31 2015, 11:05 AM
Hi ckerider:)
Please make sure both of you have your language set to English.
I will try that... will let you know if that is it or not. Thanks for trying to help
Aug 31 2015, 11:07 AM
I will try that... will let you know if that is it or not. Thanks for trying to help
Sorry, but I do not know where to set it. Do you mean on my computer thing or in Farmtown?
Aug 31 2015, 11:38 AM
Sorry, but I do not know where to set it. Do you mean on my computer thing or in Farmtown?
Hi ckerider:)
Please click in your preferences, the wrench, the last option is for Language, make sure it is set to English.:)
Aug 31 2015, 11:57 AM
Here we go again, FT did something with our quests (can't remember exactly what they listed as doing), my regular quests are showing at bottom of screen only 1 completed BUT when I click on the show quests it CLEARLY shows 3 completed! I KNOW this part is correct.
With the CoOp quests, the bottom of screen shows 2 only 2 completed BUT show quests shows total of 4!
As I see it now I'll be gypped out of 2 on both types of quests.
I took a picture of both using the Snipping Tool program for a Farmtown discussion group I'm in however can not figure out how to load them here.
Seriously, we all know how difficult some quests are to get the entire "ingredients" to complete and now this? FT will owe me on both and that's a given unless all is repaired before I'll need to collect my hard earned "prize".
Will say was lovely to come on and see that 25FC and as soon as I complete both kinds of quests and hopefully receive the 2 FC per type I'll be able to buy the new cash facility. Can't spend anymore of my retirement funds until middle of September as I already overspent this month
This update would be totally wonderful IF not for the possible loss of my completed quests (which would not be lost any other way than the no credit showing for them)
Aug 31 2015, 12:20 PM
Here we go again, FT did something with our quests (can't remember exactly what they listed as doing), my regular quests are showing at bottom of screen only 1 completed BUT when I click on the show quests it CLEARLY shows 3 completed! I KNOW this part is correct.
With the CoOp quests, the bottom of screen shows 2 only 2 completed BUT show quests shows total of 4!
As I see it now I'll be gypped out of 2 on both types of quests.
I took a picture of both using the Snipping Tool program for a Farmtown discussion group I'm in however can not figure out how to load them here.
Seriously, we all know how difficult some quests are to get the entire "ingredients" to complete and now this? FT will owe me on both and that's a given unless all is repaired before I'll need to collect my hard earned "prize".
Will say was lovely to come on and see that 25FC and as soon as I complete both kinds of quests and hopefully receive the 2 FC per type I'll be able to buy the new cash facility. Can't spend anymore of my retirement funds until middle of September as I already overspent this month
This update would be totally wonderful IF not for the possible loss of my completed quests (which would not be lost any other way than the no credit showing for them)
Hi GarrettHillBabe,
Raul posted this in his notes about the Quest Manager >>
Known Issues
- Inconsistencies on the Show Quests window and the Quest Chart in the Quest Manager.
What Show Quests is doing at the moment is showing you a combination of quests completed for this week AND some of the quests already counted as part of last week, which you have already claimed FC for.
The quest chart at the bottom of the Quest manager, will show you how many quests you have completed and collected the coins for, that will count for this weeks quests.
If you would like us to check which quests count for this week since you last collected please supply your farm link. Also please let us know which quests you think should be counting towards your quest for this week and we will also check the information on those. Linking instructions, if you need them can be found........
Aug 31 2015, 02:32 PM
Love the new train cars, so very tired of planting cotton and onions every day. It also will cut down on the amount of fruit trees I have to plant to keep up with demand. Thanks
Aug 31 2015, 02:41 PM
Hi ckerider:)
Please click in your preferences, the wrench, the last option is for Language, make sure it is set to English.:)
Ok so both of us checked and we both have it on English. Now what can we do?
Aug 31 2015, 02:42 PM
And also... I don't know why it keeps saying I am at level 1 when I post on these threads.
Aug 31 2015, 02:52 PM
The new Trains have quantities that are so small it would not be worth the price to buy. It is actually kind of funny because we spend that kind of $$ to get that small amounts. This is all very frustrating to me with Farmtown. I have spent a lot of real money on this game but you guys don't give us back much in return, or so it seems. Maybe it's time to find some way other to fill my mornings and 2 hours in the pm. I know, I know.... I am not in a very good mood today and I guess it is showing!
Brian Sampson
Aug 31 2015, 06:45 PM
I was trying to help a friend who does not have good tools. But I couldn't use the tool to move a ton of trees to storage because it would not know what storage to move it too. I have a question, is the 'sell in bulk' tool work on a super neighbors farm.
Taz D
Aug 31 2015, 07:15 PM
I was trying to help a friend who does not have good tools. But I couldn't use the tool to move a ton of trees to storage because it would not know what storage to move it too. I have a question, is the 'sell in bulk' tool work on a super neighbors farm.
Hi Brian,
I am sorry but those tools will not work for the designing part of the Super Neighbor.
Aug 31 2015, 07:24 PM
I have tried to boost both of my trains today and the window opens but no names show up for me to click on. All I see is the message (Preview: XX sent you a Farm Town Request ...), an empty box and the Done button at the bottom. This happened this morning and still this evening. I will try again tomorrow but I thought I'd post this in case it's an isolated glitch.
Taz D
Aug 31 2015, 07:48 PM
I have tried to boost both of my trains today and the window opens but no names show up for me to click on. All I see is the message (Preview: XX sent you a Farm Town Request ...), an empty box and the Done button at the bottom. This happened this morning and still this evening. I will try again tomorrow but I thought I'd post this in case it's an isolated glitch.
Hi diane,
Please try clearing your memcache (link below), then when the page of unsetting text opens close it and your farm, then clear your browser cache and close your browser. Reopen and try again. (
Aug 31 2015, 09:33 PM
Since the new release came on I am experiencing problem Under the tab FRIENDS HELPING ME when I am trying to boost my trains. There is a friend picture appearing there
Aug 31 2015, 09:38 PM
When hired on other farms, I cannot use the harvester available, I have to click each and every plot. Any fix available for this?
Taz D
Aug 31 2015, 09:43 PM
Since the new release came on I am experiencing problem Under the tab FRIENDS HELPING ME when I am trying to boost my trains. There is a friend picture appearing there
Hi Clohar,
A couple others have had this too. Clearing the memcache seems to work (link below), then when the page of unsetting text opens close it and your farm, then clear your browser cache and close your browser. Reopen and try again. (
Taz D
Aug 31 2015, 09:46 PM
When hired on other farms, I cannot use the harvester available, I have to click each and every plot. Any fix available for this?
Hi Kimmy,
Is the harvester yours or the employers? If it is yours do you have it in storage as it must be in storage when you go to other's farms to work. If it is their's did they set it to allow you to use their tools?
Aug 31 2015, 10:35 PM
Hi Brian,
I am sorry but those tools will not work for the designing part of the Super Neighbor.
Thanks Taz, I think this answers my other two questions posted earlier. Transplanters can't be used as of the moment?
If not, it's something I really recommend that we could use our own tools to be able to do some significant redesigning of the large farms. Thanks for the consideration and the answer :):)
Taz D
Aug 31 2015, 10:52 PM
Thanks Taz, I think this answers my other two questions posted earlier. Transplanters can't be used as of the moment?
If not, it's something I really recommend that we could use our own tools to be able to do some significant redesigning of the large farms. Thanks for the consideration and the answer :):)
Hi smilie,
Your suggestion would be better seen if you put it in the Suggestions section where the developers will see it. You can't start a new thread there but you can reply to an existing thread that fits your suggestion.
Aug 31 2015, 11:23 PM
I had hopes for the new Long Crops Car, since I get tired of essentially always having some corn, onions, tomatoes, and other essential crops growing. But the quantities are piddling, and amount to hardly more than a drop in the bucket - especially for the 3-day crops, a mere 784 each. How were these numbers determined? The amounts are so small that it's not worth buying the car. And frankly, I have never understood the logic of giving less in the bonuses - and now in the train car - for the crops that take longer to grow. I can quickly grow a lot of sugarcane, I don't need so much of it from a train car. I would be much happier if it transported a greater quantity of the crops that grow more slowly, and therefore take more total production time/space. Just disappointing.
Tom C
Aug 31 2015, 11:32 PM
The amount does look small if you are only buying 1 car. But if you have 10 of them you will get a lot more. Take the "long crops car" the amount of rice is 1176, but if you have 10 trains you will get 11760 which is not a bad amount.
Sep 01 2015, 01:14 AM
I just installed Windows 10, in place of Windows 7. Are there any problems with Windows 10 with FaceBook & FarmTown?
I received a message FT, "Click the All Farmers dropdown button below for all available filter options." There is NOT a "All Farmers dropdown button".
Tonite, I clicked on "Facebook Friend List" and received this message: "Facebook no longer allow us to access your Facebook Friend Lists. To compensate for this limitation we have added a new filter 'Recently Sent To' in the 'Farmer Lists' section. In this context, Facebook Friend Lists refers to different groups of friends that you can create inside Facebook like Close Friends, Family or Farmtown Friends, click here for more info.".
In the "Farmer List" there is NO 'Recently Sent To' option"
Taz D
Sep 01 2015, 01:35 AM
I just installed Windows 10, in place of Windows 7. Are there any problems with Windows 10 with FaceBook & FarmTown?
I received a message FT, "Click the All Farmers dropdown button below for all available filter options." There is NOT a "All Farmers dropdown button".
Tonite, I clicked on "Facebook Friend List" and received this message: "Facebook no longer allow us to access your Facebook Friend Lists. To compensate for this limitation we have added a new filter 'Recently Sent To' in the 'Farmer Lists' section. In this context, Facebook Friend Lists refers to different groups of friends that you can create inside Facebook like Close Friends, Family or Farmtown Friends, click here for more info.".
In the "Farmer List" there is NO 'Recently Sent To' option"
Hi Tim,
The use of Facebook Friends Lists has been disabled by Facebook for a couple months at least.
There aren't any issues directly with Windows 10 and Farm Town.
When you click the Proceed to send for gifts it default opens in the Farmer Lists.
Do you see the pop up window with a list of names?
If so look in the left corner of that for "All Farmers." Click on the down arrow next to that and you will see the additional list names there are "My Neighbors", "Recently Sent To", and "Farmers Helping Me".
If you do not see that pop up then try clearing your memcache (link below), then when the page of unsetting text opens close it and your farm, then clear your browser cache and close your browser. (
Reopen and try sending a gift again.
Snookie Sue
Sep 01 2015, 01:58 AM
:) LOVE them - I imagine you guys are really cleaning up on them as this addict just added 4 more engines and many new/old long train cars. Define next week for the new restaurant please. Really hoping it will finally be a place to use acorn squash and Brussels sprouts.
Sep 01 2015, 02:09 AM
Must have happened on update, but when working neighbor's facilities, farmer says "Oops! Something happened that I could not work those facilities. Moving on to next farm" I am not sure if this is a false message and I got the goodies, or I did not get goodies. I do not inventory before I work facilities, so I have no idea what happened.
Aussie Rae
Sep 01 2015, 03:58 AM
The amount does look small if you are only buying 1 car. But if you have 10 of them you will get a lot more. Take the "long crops car" the amount of rice is 1176, but if you have 10 trains you will get 11760 which is not a bad amount.
not many people will spend 350fc to buy 10 extra cars - 35fc for one is about the limit...easier to plant the crop and have a bonus worker harvest them so you get extra crops..
Sep 01 2015, 06:12 AM
12. Canadian Restaurant (FC) (Coming next week): Produces Canadian Food
This did say coming Monday.. monday come monday has gone is this coming in the next day or so or after the next weekend?
Sep 01 2015, 06:30 AM
Hi diane,
Please try clearing your memcache (link below), then when the page of unsetting text opens close it and your farm, then clear your browser cache and close your browser. Reopen and try again. (
Thanks Taz but it was working this morning when I went on, without having to clear my cache. It must therefore have been a glitch associated with the update.
Sep 01 2015, 07:46 AM
Hi all:)
From Raul's notes for the New Release
Post-Release Updates - August 31st, 9:00PM
- BugFix: When Super Neighbour is hired for design, when he buys new items for the farm owner, the coins should be taken from the farm owner, not the designer.
- BugFix: Inconsistencies on the Show Quests window and the Quest Chart in the Quest Manager.
Sep 01 2015, 08:25 AM
The amount does look small if you are only buying 1 car. But if you have 10 of them you will get a lot more. Take the "long crops car" the amount of rice is 1176, but if you have 10 trains you will get 11760 which is not a bad amount.
Ten of them? Are you serious? You are going to spend 350 FC, that costs $56, just to buy long crop cars?
(Also, 1176 is for the 2-day crops, but you only get 784 of the 3-day crops, like onions and corn - the things I would want the most.)
Sep 01 2015, 08:28 AM
Not sure if this is right place.. no doubt Mods will move if not.
Am trying to once again plant up my quest farm. Once again it is planted double the amount of crops I have planted and missing out crops I had planted. It did this the other day then was ok yesterday. but today its back :-( Just letting you know.
Sep 01 2015, 09:05 AM
Hi all:)
From Raul's notes for the New Release
Post-Release Updates - August 31st, 9:00PM
- BugFix: When Super Neighbour is hired for design, when he buys new items for the farm owner, the coins should be taken from the farm owner, not the designer.
- BugFix: Inconsistencies on the Show Quests window and the Quest Chart in the Quest Manager.
Well, Dang it! I noticed yesterday that the time for claiming farm cash had been changed as well - I had to wait until it started showing in hours to see that... This morning TWO of my completed quests (regular AND Co-op), 4 in all showed up in red, even though there is still one day until I can cash in...
And it looks like another two co-ops will roll off before I can claim them, so that blows any chance for getting 2 there, too...
So, unless TPTB plan on awarding everyone an extra FC for for the lost quests, it's a real downer...
*cry... (That is as frustrating as being charged postage when it was supposed to be free shipping... ;0))
Sep 01 2015, 09:07 AM
Here is another one for my long list of questions about Farmtown.
Why is it that our quests expire as soon as the timer hits 7 days. If we have 7 days to produce 8 quests, the timer should expire when it hits 8 days. 7 days is 168 Hours, unless of course you are using FT days which are 20 x 7 = 140 hours. So you expect us to do 8 quests in a 6 days period when we can only start them every 20 hours. That really makes it practically impossible to do which is great for the developers. Just saying! I am NOT on ft 12 hours a day!
btw... I have got the 2 bonus, but only by holding back the quests until they are are in use to do the first ones. Is this the way I am supposed to be doing it? Did it change when you did you update?
This is Why I wait til I have 4 or 5 quests to start them. makes it easier to collect.
Sep 01 2015, 10:17 AM
Not sure if this is right place.. no doubt Mods will move if not.
Am trying to once again plant up my quest farm. Once again it is planted double the amount of crops I have planted and missing out crops I had planted. It did this the other day then was ok yesterday. but today its back :-( Just letting you know.
I'm having the same problem
Sep 01 2015, 10:20 AM
This is Why I wait til I have 4 or 5 quests to start them. makes it easier to collect.
Exactly... However Farmtown reset the clock when they added the redline quests, and then the "bugfix" for the inconsistencies was to throw out the quests that did not match the main timer... That has prevented me from claiming the two FCs on both kinds of quests...
I know it's only 2 FCs, but there was a lot of plotting, planning, and work involved getting around all the normal roadblocks.... I tend to work cheap, but not free... ;0))
Sep 01 2015, 10:30 AM
Exactly... However Farmtown reset the clock when they added the redline quests, and then the "bugfix" for the inconsistencies was to throw out the quests that did not match the main timer... That has prevented me from claiming the two FCs on both kinds of quests...
I know it's only 2 FCs, but there was a lot of plotting, planning, and work involved getting around all the normal roadblocks.... I tend to work cheap, but not free... ;0))
This is why it is so frustrating.... it is starting to be us giving them money and them not giving us much in return. The new trains are a laugh and this quest thing has really annoyed me. I am honestly thinking of leaving this game and I have played it since 2009. Already I am looking at it differently and that tells me maybe I should invest my moola in something else! Very frustrated with FT today and yesterday!
Jean's Farm
Sep 01 2015, 11:34 AM
12. Canadian Restaurant (FC) (Coming next week): Produces Canadian Food
This did say coming Monday.. monday come monday has gone is this coming in the next day or so or after the next weekend?
It always said "coming next week". No specific day or time. The new train cars were "coming Monday" :)
Sep 01 2015, 02:36 PM
any update on the canadian building?
Sep 01 2015, 03:51 PM
any update on the canadian building?
Hi Stu:)
I'm sorry but only the developers know when the Canadian Restaurant will be released and they dont tell us.
As they said "next week" they still have plenty of time to release it:)
brenda steele
Sep 01 2015, 04:29 PM
When I try to load My Neighbours tab along the top it just sits there saying 'loading' and nothing happens, any ideas please
Taz D
Sep 01 2015, 05:14 PM
When I try to load My Neighbours tab along the top it just sits there saying 'loading' and nothing happens, any ideas please
Hi Brenda,
You can try clearing your memcache (link below), then when the page of unsetting text opens close it and your farm, then clear your browser cache and close your browser. Reopen and try again. (
Do you have a lot of Farm Town friends? The more you have the longer it will take to load, specially if you are near 1000 or more.If this is the case then you may have to let it run for a while to see if it will complete loading.
Sep 01 2015, 06:49 PM
I have discovered a BIG problem I had 3 months built up on most of my crops and the biggest part of my trees and when I went to check to see what I wanted to plant boy was I shocked. I have lost most of all my inventory on crops,trees,minerals....etc
I have cleaned the memcache and my browser cache and that did not help. Any ideas?
Sep 01 2015, 07:02 PM
I am sorry if i am in the wrong place for this question... I am getting windows 10 will FT work with it ... sure hope so.. thanks again..
Taz D
Sep 01 2015, 07:23 PM
I have discovered a BIG problem I had 3 months built up on most of my crops and the biggest part of my trees and when I went to check to see what I wanted to plant boy was I shocked. I have lost most of all my inventory on crops,trees,minerals....etc
I have cleaned the memcache and my browser cache and that did not help. Any ideas?
Hi BamaMike,
I am sorry this has happened. Unfortunately we don't have any way to restore missing storage items. Running the memcache will not restore those, but by running it hopefully this won't happen again.
Sep 01 2015, 07:25 PM
I am sorry if i am in the wrong place for this question... I am getting windows 10 will FT work with it ... sure hope so.. thanks again..
I got windows 10 and it works perfectly :)
Sep 01 2015, 07:45 PM
Anyone know why when clicking to boost any trains the list is blank?
ALL cache has been cleared as I do everyday before playing. Also have already cleared my browser cache. Thanks for any other ideas of why this is happening.
Aussie Rae
Sep 01 2015, 07:46 PM
I am sorry if i am in the wrong place for this question... I am getting windows 10 will FT work with it ... sure hope so.. thanks again..
Yes, Windows 10 will work with farmtown, I have been using Windows 10 since July 30 and have had no issues, in fact everything is even better... but if you have a slow computer.. then don't expect it to suddenly be faster...Windows 10 is so easy to use.. just make sure you check all your settings etc and do a disc cleanup on your computer to get rid of junk stored on it...once you decide you are not going to roll back to the previous version.. do a system cleanup to get rid of the old system, do a system image, either on an external hard drive or on discs and a system repair disc as well.. so if anything bad happens, you can recover your computers system... :)
Sep 01 2015, 08:12 PM
Re the latest information on the Quest inconsistencies... Raul was right, they had not fixed that bug as they thought. The re fix seems to have cleared up the problem...
Checking now, there is plenty of time to get the required number finished before any more roll off the list...
Thanks guys!!!! ;0))
Sep 01 2015, 08:22 PM
Thank you very much for the updates. Since the release, I used my purple sprinkler yesterday around 5pm est on wheat crop and cotton crop. The wheat crop should've been ready in 19 hours and the field should be ready to water again, but its showing it's got another 9 hours to go - 26 hours later. I tried to read through all the posts since the release as to not repeat this request. I hope I didn't miss something ..
Thank you again for the new release .. totally enjoy FarmTown and all the variety it has.
Taz D
Sep 01 2015, 09:01 PM
Anyone know why when clicking to boost any trains the list is blank?
ALL cache has been cleared as I do everyday before playing. Also have already cleared my browser cache. Thanks for any other ideas of why this is happening.
Hi GarrettHill Babe,
Check to make sure you have allowed 3rd party cookies and pop ups in your browser settings. Those are needed for the in game pop up screens to show.
If you do not want to open up your browser to all 3rd party cookies or all pop ups you can add the following web sites to the exceptions for those settings:
Also , if you have an ad-blocker plugin in your browser make sure the above web sites are also allowed in that too.
Be sure you close and restart your browser for those changes to take effect.
Taz D
Sep 01 2015, 11:27 PM
Raul has just posted this update for those who were having the crop problems:
Post-Release Updates - September 1st, 11:00PM
- BugFix:Some users were experiencing issues when planting crops, when they reloaded the farm after planting, other crops appeared in the farm or the layout was messed up. We were able to reproduce and fix this issue when farmers were using the Harvest-Plant combine. We have been unable to reproduce this issue using the Seeder, if you are still experiencing this issue using just the seeder please report it.
Sep 02 2015, 03:08 AM
I've started using Edge on windows 10 and the flash player seems to not be working correctly. When I'm hired or try to plant my own crops some farms become very :blotchy" so I've reverted back to chrome. Anyone else have this problem. I've made sure flash and schockwave are all up to date.
Sep 02 2015, 05:27 AM
Thanks for the super update !!!!
Sep 02 2015, 09:27 AM
I've started using Edge on windows 10 and the flash player seems to not be working correctly. When I'm hired or try to plant my own crops some farms become very :blotchy" so I've reverted back to chrome. Anyone else have this problem. I've made sure flash and schockwave are all up to date.
Just check that flash is activated in the additional settings (on/off button)
Sep 02 2015, 02:22 PM
I posted this message 2 times and never got any answer to my problem - apparently in the wrong place, so please msg me if there is an explanation - since it did not happen before,thought it was associated with update. Have not worked anybody's farms since. Somebody please help.
"Must have happened on update, but when working neighbor's facilities, farmer says "Oops! Something happened that I could not work those facilities. Moving on to next farm" I am not sure if this is a false message and I got the goodies, or I did not get goodies. I do not inventory before I work facilities, so I have no idea what happened."
Sep 02 2015, 02:45 PM
I posted this message 2 times and never got any answer to my problem - apparently in the wrong place, so please msg me if there is an explanation - since it did not happen before,thought it was associated with update. Have not worked anybody's farms since. Somebody please help.
"Must have happened on update, but when working neighbor's facilities, farmer says "Oops! Something happened that I could not work those facilities. Moving on to next farm" I am not sure if this is a false message and I got the goodies, or I did not get goodies. I do not inventory before I work facilities, so I have no idea what happened."
Hi shirl312:)
I'm very sorry but it seems we lost your previous messages, you have been responded now in the thread for Facilities in the H&S section.
Texas Belle
Sep 02 2015, 05:44 PM
Has anyone else experienced planting fields that come out incorrectly over the past 2 days? I have had a problem with farms 26 and 27. What I plant loads to other plots nearby. A strange glitch I hope.
If what you planted is wheat, corn or rice, since the "fix" harvesting and planting them is terrible, never had a problem with those when the brushes were bigger now that they have downgraded the size of them it is like pulling teeth, the highlights go everywhere but where they need to be..
Aussie Rae
Sep 02 2015, 10:42 PM
I have not had any bad experiences planting crops, ft is working perfectly as always..
Sep 03 2015, 12:44 PM
Right before this last upgrade they did a "fix" concerning some crops... i.e. Wheat... since this fix if you have Wheat planted in layers it is almost impossible to harvest and replant. Are the developers aware of this problem and a solution in the works? Or are we just suppose to deal with the frustration of having to plant and harvest a crop that is needed all the time that once was easy to get and restock and now is a complete pain in the hind side?
Sep 03 2015, 12:49 PM
Right before this last upgrade they did a "fix" concerning some crops... i.e. Wheat... since this fix if you have Wheat planted in layers it is almost impossible to harvest and replant. Are the developers aware of this problem and a solution in the works? Or are we just suppose to deal with the frustration of having to plant and harvest a crop that is needed all the time that once was easy to get and restock and now is a complete pain in the hind side?
Simple depending on how your doing it some do x3 some x6 some x9 if this is case use combine to work part of it then refresh into same farm this will hide the worked items and show the still to work it is not the fault of developers if you try and overload the system. New wheat and other crops look better and didn't like old wheat it looks same wasted or growing/ grown
Sep 03 2015, 01:49 PM
they cant use big tools? this would happen if you don't share your tools or fuel with people you wish to hire if you do there should be no problem with new player using the biggest tools you own.
I do have it so they can use my tools an fuel both! And when someone comes to work they are saying they don't see the tools or can't get into the Tool box an click on them. That is why I posted in here to begin with. I have allowed them the ability to use my stuff!
Sep 03 2015, 02:00 PM
Simple depending on how your doing it some do x3 some x6 some x9 if this is case use combine to work part of it then refresh into same farm this will hide the worked items and show the still to work it is not the fault of developers if you try and overload the system. New wheat and other crops look better and didn't like old wheat it looks same wasted or growing/ grown
Simple was the way that it harvested before... hover over the crop, it highlighted and click. Now it won't highlight. And this occurred right after their fix. So all I am asking is for someone in the development group to look into this and fix the fix so that we can harvest and use the combine like we did before.
Sep 03 2015, 02:19 PM
I do have it so they can use my tools an fuel both! And when someone comes to work they are saying they don't see the tools or can't get into the Tool box an click on them. That is why I posted in here to begin with. I have allowed them the ability to use my stuff!
I have had same with new people who think toolbox is bottom panel or haven't pressed green arrow to extend the toolbox that's 1 reason in past experience
Sep 03 2015, 03:13 PM
they cant use big tools? this would happen if you don't share your tools or fuel with people you wish to hire if you do there should be no problem with new player using the biggest tools you own.
I have the option for them to use both my fuel an tools checked. That is why I am asking the question. SOme people say they can't open the tool box or they can't get the tools if they are able too!
Sep 03 2015, 03:44 PM
I have the option for them to use both my fuel an tools checked. That is why I am asking the question. SOme people say they can't open the tool box or they can't get the tools if they are able too!
Hi lollipopthebunny:)
I had a look at your data and you have tools and fuel available for your workers and your tools are in storage.
Could it be possible they dont know how to get the tools from the tool box? Just remember that when the 14x14 tools were released, we got the option to use our mouse wheel when the Toolbox is open to scroll up and down to access the bigger tools and also the smallest tools. Perhaps they dont know that.:)
Sep 03 2015, 11:59 PM
There have been some users complaining about the quantities of the new train cars to be too small, just as a comparison, for example in the case of the crop car, it delivers about 11500 crops, if you have 1 turbo locomotive with your friends helping this is equivalent to harvesting almost 4 40x40 farms fully planted (no space between fields) with highly demanded crops every 2 days.
This is true, however exactly 40% of those (approximately) 11500 are 12-hour crops. Since I have in storage 175,000 flax and 79,000 soybeans, I really don't need a train car to bring me another 1,500 of those every other day. Even sugarcane is something I need to plant only once in a while (precisely because it grows so quickly). What I really would like is for the train car to deliver a lot more of the 3-day crops, particularly corn and onions, that I do have to keep planted every single day. And 784 of each of those, even if I had a turbo locomotive to have them delivered every 2 days, just isn't enough to make it worth my while. This business of the train bringing more of the quick-growing crops and fewer of the slower-growing crops is consistent with some of the other aspects of the game (particularly the bonuses), but it is inverse to my actual needs. In fact, the faster a crop grows, the less need I feel to have my harvests supplemented.
I don't really have any expectation or hope of the FT crew doing anything to change this; I just wanted to explain my reasoning.
PS - I don't mean to sound like an ungrateful wretch. I love FT, and in this release I particularly like (besides the new levels) the "show all farms info at once" feature, and I'm looking forward to the arrival of the Canadian restaurant.
Sep 04 2015, 01:51 AM
What a great surprise guys!!!! Came back from holidays to all these new goodies and fixes. Yeahhhhh. Great job once again...
Jean's Farm
Sep 04 2015, 08:58 AM
Just noticed this morning when collecting and sending gifts that all the animals have a "arrow" over them. Click to play thing. Is this new from Raul or did FB do it???
Sep 04 2015, 11:18 AM
Just noticed this morning when collecting and sending gifts that all the animals have a "arrow" over them. Click to play thing. Is this new from Raul or did FB do it???
Hi Jean:)
I'm sorry but we have checked the gifts and didnt see the arrow.
Could you please provide a screenshot?
Thank you!:)
Sep 04 2015, 12:58 PM
Hi lollipopthebunny:)
I had a look at your data and you have tools and fuel available for your workers and your tools are in storage.
Could it be possible they dont know how to get the tools from the tool box? Just remember that when the 14x14 tools were released, we got the option to use our mouse wheel when the Toolbox is open to scroll up and down to access the bigger tools and also the smallest tools. Perhaps they dont know that.:)
I do tell them to go to the tool box but will try to remember to tell them to use the mouse wheel after they are in the tool box to scroll.
But there are still some that no matter how I explain or try to help them they still can't use the tools. Also due to the fact that a lot use the magnifier when on a farm we have NO way of talking to them or they don't pay attention the bar at the bottom! Wish there was a way to communicate easier to hired workers! IT gets real FRUSTRATING!
Sep 04 2015, 01:00 PM
Any update on when the Canadian Restaurant is coming out??? It is the end of week an still not here yet. Just curious as I don't want to plant long term crops on the farm I plan to put it on.
Sep 04 2015, 01:04 PM
Any update on when the Canadian Restaurant is coming out??? It is the end of week an still not here yet. Just curious as I don't want to plant long term crops on the farm I plan to put it on.
I'm sorry lollipopthebunny, but we have no information about this.
As soon as Raul releases the new restaurant, he will post in his notes for the New Release
Sep 04 2015, 05:42 PM
I have tried every way posted to get rid of the pig when posting to groups and it will not delete. It looks like others are having the same problem.
Any Help Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jean's Farm
Sep 04 2015, 05:50 PM
Hi Jean:)
I'm sorry but we have checked the gifts and didnt see the arrow.
Could you please provide a screenshot?
Thank you!:)
Marymarcel....I have the screen shot but I can't remember how to post it here. Please help. TY!!!
Sep 04 2015, 06:12 PM
Marymarcel....I have the screen shot but I can't remember how to post it here. Please help. TY!!!
Jean you have instructions in the following link
Jean's Farm
Sep 04 2015, 06:20 PM
Jean you have instructions in the following link
I really do not want to open a Photo Bucket account. I have posted here before without it but I can not remember how. Suggestions??
Sep 04 2015, 06:23 PM
I really do not want to open a Photo Bucket account. I have posted here before without it but I can not remember how. Suggestions??
Will send you a private message:)
Jean's Farm
Sep 04 2015, 06:32 PM
Hi Jean:)
I'm sorry but we have checked the gifts and didnt see the arrow.
Could you please provide a screenshot?
Thank you!:)
Ok here it is. It is only on the Clydesdale at first. Then I get it on most if not all of the animals. Nothing happens when you click on it. pg?oh=b0eb52c3a7f9731833b89897094fb105&oe=56614FE3
Sep 04 2015, 06:45 PM
Ok here it is. It is only on the Clydesdale at first. Then I get it on most if not all of the animals. Nothing happens when you click on it. pg?oh=b0eb52c3a7f9731833b89897094fb105&oe=56614FE3
Jean, which browser and operation system are you using ? Did you try another browser to check if you get the same? Thank you:)
Sep 04 2015, 06:48 PM
- Some of the crops we fixed recently are having issues with the highlight, it's more difficult to highlight them compared to old crops, this will be fixed in about a week.
Is there a list of what crops have been "fixed"? I noticed that the wheat seemed to look different. Is "fixing" just changing the way they look, or something else?
Sep 04 2015, 07:53 PM
Is there a list of what crops have been "fixed"? I noticed that the wheat seemed to look different. Is "fixing" just changing the way they look, or something else?
Hi earlgray,
The most recent fix was for those that were experiencing a problem planting one crop then moving on to plant another different crop next to them, and finding on reload that the previous on had been planted again.
Regarding his latest post, if you have any problems highlighting to harvest a specific crop, you may let us know in this thread.
Sep 04 2015, 07:54 PM
Ok here it is. It is only on the Clydesdale at first. Then I get it on most if not all of the animals. Nothing happens when you click on it. pg?oh=b0eb52c3a7f9731833b89897094fb105&oe=56614FE3
this is not a Farm town issue, it is truely nothing to worry about... what you have is on (unnamed browser) the browser is reading that image as a video picture as it is a moving image as you have also said this may also be picked up on the hen, pig, horse, turkey etc as they are in motion nothing to worry about this happens on some browsers.
Jean's Farm
Sep 04 2015, 10:21 PM
Jean, which browser and operation system are you using ? Did you try another browser to check if you get the same? Thank you:)
I use 8.1 Waiting for them to tell me I can upgrade to 10. I tried it on Internet Explorer and there is no arrow on it.
None of my friends have an arrow either.
I just sent gifts to my friends. The arrow was on the Clydesdale when I accepted my gifts.....when I clicked send to all to send a gift to everyone....the arrow came off the Clydesdale and all the other animals had it instead.
Sep 04 2015, 11:38 PM
Jean you have instructions in the following link
I see the same arrow so it is not just 1 person. I figure it has something to do with browsers wanting to do away with adobe flash.
Sep 05 2015, 08:29 AM
I use 8.1 Waiting for them to tell me I can upgrade to 10. I tried it on Internet Explorer and there is no arrow on it.
None of my friends have an arrow either.
I just sent gifts to my friends. The arrow was on the Clydesdale when I accepted my gifts.....when I clicked send to all to send a gift to everyone....the arrow came off the Clydesdale and all the other animals had it instead.
I see the same arrow so it is not just 1 person. I figure it has something to do with browsers wanting to do away with adobe flash.
Thank you Jean and docmm6, we have sent an email to the developers.:)
Texas Belle
Sep 05 2015, 12:06 PM
- Some of the crops we fixed recently are having issues with the highlight, it's more difficult to highlight them compared to old crops, this will be fixed in about a week.
Thank you Raul, right now harvesting those crops is like having your teeth pulled and that hurts a lot and is aggravating.. :)
Aussie Rae
Sep 05 2015, 06:48 PM
fyi.. have never seen that arrow on animals in the gift section, I use Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer.. but mostly Chrome as its faster than all the rest.. have Windows 10.. brilliant.. better than 8.1 , love it.. no problems at all.. ft is faster than it used to be also..
Original Tee
Sep 06 2015, 12:43 AM
I have tried every way posted to get rid of the pig when posting to groups and it will not delete. It looks like others are having the same problem.
Any Help Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what I do. I type in what I'm posting such as "crop bonus peas" then I hit post. I click on the arrow in the upper right corner of my post and hit edit. I paste the link into the post and submit as finished edit.
Original Tee
Sep 06 2015, 12:54 AM
Any update on when the Canadian Restaurant is coming out??? It is the end of week an still not here yet. Just curious as I don't want to plant long term crops on the farm I plan to put it on.
Just noticed this posted on the first entry of this thread: - Also, the Canadian Restaurant will be released next Tuesday.
Sep 07 2015, 09:03 PM
The Canadian Rest will be released tomorrow, when Raul posted this, it was last week.Just noticed this posted on the first entry of this thread: - Also, the Canadian Restaurant will be released next Tuesday.
Jean's Farm
Sep 08 2015, 03:34 PM
Just noticed this posted on the first entry of this thread: - Also, the Canadian Restaurant will be released next Tuesday.
But this post was updated on Sept that makes today "Next Tuesday"!!! :) ;)
Sep 08 2015, 04:58 PM
Hello, getting a problem since about an hour ago that I cannot unload my trains on my last two farms 26 and 27.
Both have the last three new carriages, i.e. crops, trees/fruits, and minerals, but when I previously needed to unload and re-fill, they seemed to be fine.
I'm running Win 10 with a Google Chrome browser, and before anyone asks, I've done the usual - i.e. clear FT memcache, and then the Chrome cache, cookies, and history from the beginning of time, and then a full pc reboot.
Server is WF 36.
Sep 08 2015, 05:02 PM
- hmmmm, helps if I check my fuel levels; I was down to 2 gallons when I tried to unload the trains.....
Now just topped up and got a little over 8,300,000 gallons, and now all seems to be working fine; please ignore the above note - d'oh!
Texas Belle
Sep 08 2015, 05:46 PM
The Canadian Rest will be released tomorrow, when Raul posted this, it was last week.
It is today, Tuesday, Sep 8, 2015.. and no Canadian Restaurant, are they getting their recipes together or are we getting more than the Restaurant? Million dollar question there...
Taz D
Sep 08 2015, 07:53 PM
Just a reminder to please not post personal attacks as they will be deleted.
The date on the Canadian restaurant release was changed on Sep 4th which means that today is the projected release date. Please be patient as we do not know what other issues the developers may be dealing with.
Texas Belle
Sep 08 2015, 08:09 PM
Just a reminder to please not post personal attacks as they will be deleted.
The date on the Canadian restaurant release was changed on Sep 4th which means that today is the projected release date. Please be patient as we do not know what other issues the developers may be dealing with.
Thanks Taz... couldn't have said it better :)
Sep 08 2015, 09:11 PM
thats all we need is another restruant, in all my life i have yet to see a cafe in the middle of some farmefs field
Sep 08 2015, 09:13 PM
thats all we need is another restruant, in all my life i have yet to see a cafe in the middle of some farmefs field
Hey neph..... they all come with indoor restrooms (with t/p). So that's a good thing, huh
Sep 08 2015, 09:32 PM
I appreciate that super neighbors can irrigate and fertilize the farms now, but can you fix it so they can't irrigate or fertilize farms marked as private or quest farms please.
Thank you
Sep 08 2015, 09:36 PM
thats all we need is another restruant, in all my life i have yet to see a cafe in the middle of some farmefs field
I guess you haven't traveled much. Many farms on the east and middle coast as well in Europe, often have restaurants that feature "fresh vegetables, fruits, and food" as part of their menus. Also, many of them have Bed and Breakfasts also... Some of the best restaurants I've been to have been on farms.
Taz D
Sep 08 2015, 10:23 PM
I appreciate that super neighbors can irrigate and fertilize the farms now, but can you fix it so they can't irrigate or fertilize farms marked as private or quest farms please.
Thank you
Hi SeamsToBeSew,
Super Neighbors cannot fertilize or irrigate private farms. Quest farms do not have the same protection though unless you make them Private as well.
Sep 08 2015, 10:43 PM
Super Neighbors cannot fertilize or irrigate private farms. Quest farms do not have the same protection though unless you make them Private as well.
Hi Taz, not on my farm 26, it is marked private and quest, and it got irrigated by a super neighbor 4 hours ago (probably 5 now) but I only started a new normal quest about an hour ago and I had to replant some crops on my quest farm and I can't irrigate them now because of the irrigation made by the super neighbor.
Sep 08 2015, 10:49 PM
Also, I just checked my farm 25, which is marked private .. as it's a storage only farm has absolutely nothing planted on it... it was irrigated to.. I never irrigate that farm, so super neighbors can irrigate private farms, that aren't marked as quest farms also.
Taz D
Sep 08 2015, 10:56 PM
Hi Taz, not on my farm 26, it is marked private and quest, and it got irrigated by a super neighbor 4 hours ago (probably 5 now) but I only started a new normal quest about an hour ago and I had to replant some crops on my quest farm and I can't irrigate them now because of the irrigation made by the super neighbor.
Hi SeamsToBeSew,
Did they maybe do an irrigate all farms? Or is it possible they watered flowers which would not stop you from irrigating? It should tell you in the activity log under your farms who did this and maybe ask them not to do that again at least until it can be research to see where exactly the problem is.
Sep 08 2015, 11:09 PM
Hey neph..... they all come with indoor restrooms (with t/p). So that's a good thing, huh
hey unc
we need a skycraper, then i could use the excitive outhouse, & it smells better too
Sep 09 2015, 12:24 AM
Hi SeamsToBeSew,
Super Neighbors cannot fertilize or irrigate private farms. Quest farms do not have the same protection though unless you make them Private as well.
OK...I'm a little confused...what difference does it make? Aren't "Quest farms" only "special" because the animal barns don't get harvested with the "Harvest all"?
I didn't think there was any such thing as a "quest farm" that had anything to do with the crops....only the animal barns....and fertilizing and irrigating don't matter to the animal barns
I mean I have "quest farms" with crops that I try to keep going so if I need the crops for a quest, I have them ready and available, but that's not the same thing as the "Official" quest farms, right?
Sep 09 2015, 12:34 AM
Hi, I do believe what you have is a "Quest Farm" :)OK...I'm a little confused...what difference does it make? Aren't "Quest farms" only "special" because the animal barns don't get harvested with the "Harvest all"?
I didn't think there was any such thing as a "quest farm" that had anything to do with the crops....only the animal barns....and fertilizing and irrigating don't matter to the animal barns
I mean I have "quest farms" with crops that I try to keep going so if I need the crops for a quest, I have them ready and available, but that's not the same thing as the "Official" quest farms, right?
Taz D
Sep 09 2015, 12:37 AM
OK...I'm a little confused...what difference does it make? Aren't "Quest farms" only "special" because the animal barns don't get harvested with the "Harvest all"?
I didn't think there was any such thing as a "quest farm" that had anything to do with the crops....only the animal barns....and fertilizing and irrigating don't matter to the animal barns
I mean I have "quest farms" with crops that I try to keep going so if I need the crops for a quest, I have them ready and available, but that's not the same thing as the "Official" quest farms, right?
Hi Chrisluvsanimals,
Yes you are correct that the designation under the farm name for Quest farm only protects the animal harvests on that farm. The person I answered though had that farm also marked as Private and didn't want it fertilzed or irrigated because they have crops on it as well.
The Quest farm designation is only for the animals but the Private designation protects the crops, trees and flowers on the farm.
Sep 09 2015, 12:41 AM
Also, the Canadian Restaurant will be released next Tuesday. May I know based on which time are posting the releases. Here in EAT Tuesday is alredy gone. Depending from where you are posting will help me understanding
Thanks in advance.
Taz D
Sep 09 2015, 01:04 AM
Also, the Canadian Restaurant will be released next Tuesday. May I know based on which time are posting the releases. Here in EAT Tuesday is alredy gone. Depending from where you are posting will help me understanding
Thanks in advance.
Hi Clohar,
Only the developers know when exactly it will be released and we only find out when it has been released. They do not release anything at specific times, so there is no way to know when they will do it.
Sep 09 2015, 01:19 AM
Hi Clohar,
Only the developers know when exactly it will be released and we only find out when it has been released. They do not release anything at specific times, so there is no way to know when they will do it.
Thanks Taz it was just as information as like I said I am under Eastern advanced time in Canada
Snookie Sue
Sep 09 2015, 01:21 AM
So I guess next Tuesday means next Tuesday. LOL. ;)
Sep 09 2015, 05:56 AM
The Canadian Restaurant is open now, but it refuses to let me make the Hot Chicken Sandwich. Even though I have 361,189 chickens in storage it does not acknowledge they exist. And under help for the dish itself the images of the chicken and the Semi-trailer Truck are both grayed out and there is a placeholder where the chicken graphic should be that reads "no image available." At least I have had several friends send me brown gravy bonuses already for a few of the other items though! :)
brenda steele
Sep 09 2015, 06:14 AM
I have the same problem, the Hot Chicken Sandwich when you click on the ingredients the chicken part is missing and has a square there containing the words no image available, I have all the ingredients there but when I try to start a batch it says you need one more chicken in your storage, hmm I have 1,588,912 chicken in my storage, not sure where this chicken is meant to be coming from but obviously not my storage lol, help please
Seraphina Warrior
Sep 09 2015, 06:17 AM
The Canadian Restaurant is open now, but it refuses to let me make the Hot Chicken Sandwich. Even though I have 361,189 chickens in storage it does not acknowledge they exist. And under help for the dish itself the images of the chicken and the Semi-trailer Truck are both grayed out and there is a placeholder where the chicken graphic should be that reads "no image available." At least I have had several friends send me brown gravy bonuses already for a few of the other items though! :)
I have the same problem, the Hot Chicken Sandwich when you click on the ingredients the chicken part is missing and has a square there containing the words no image available, I have all the ingredients there but when I try to start a batch it says you need one more chicken in your storage, hmm I have 1,588,912 chicken in my storage, not sure where this chicken is meant to be coming from but obviously not my storage lol, help please
This has been reported to the developers and they will now be looking into this and will hopefully resolve it very soon. Thank you for your patience. :)
Karin Venables
Sep 09 2015, 07:04 AM
The image for the chicken in the hot chicken sandwich is there when you look at the ingredients needed. Therefore you can't make it because it tells you that you need one more chicken even though I have well over 300,000 in storage. I'm sure that is a quick fix.
Sep 09 2015, 07:08 AM
Hi, thanks for the Canadian Restaurant. I am having the same problem as above. The chicken image in the hot chicken sandwich is missing and it says you need 1 more chicken even when I have over 100,000 in storage.
Sep 09 2015, 08:20 AM
Please, Please restore the old wheat icon. Harvesting wheat has become quite a chore since you decided to "improve" the picture. If you didn't like the color, change that, but the new drawing is EXCEEDINGLY difficult to harvest and it takes a lot of time to do so. It is possible to reload the page to find the extra "missed" fields, but that requires reloading, which is also a drain on your servers. Have you not decided to streamline procedures so that we do not overwork the servers? There are a few other crops that are difficult, especially eggplant, cotton, and carrots, but these are not in as much demand as wheat. In order to keep up with the wheat production, I must plant 1 - 2 farms per day, and frankly, dealing with the "wait and wiggle" for the crop to highlight before harvesting has become frustrating. I am aware that you know of this problem and intend to fix it, but wouldn't it be easier to restore the old icon and change the color than to attempt to rework it again?
Sep 09 2015, 08:31 AM
This has been reported to the developers and they will now be looking into this and will hopefully resolve it very soon. Thank you for your patience. :)
I did post ingredient requests for the chicken sandwich and the ingredients worked once a few friends started sending them. Of course we understand that sometimes glitches do happen, so hopefully the developers will be able to fix this one as efficiently as they have others.
Sep 09 2015, 08:40 AM
The Canadian Restaurant is open now, but it refuses to let me make the Hot Chicken Sandwich. Even though I have 361,189 chickens in storage it does not acknowledge they exist. And under help for the dish itself the images of the chicken and the Semi-trailer Truck are both grayed out and there is a placeholder where the chicken graphic should be that reads "no image available." At least I have had several friends send me brown gravy bonuses already for a few of the other items though! :)
I am also having this issue , and have lots of chicken in my storage and a grayed out picture as well,
Jean's Farm
Sep 09 2015, 12:24 PM
The Canadian Restaurant is open now, but it refuses to let me make the Hot Chicken Sandwich. Even though I have 361,189 chickens in storage it does not acknowledge they exist. And under help for the dish itself the images of the chicken and the Semi-trailer Truck are both grayed out and there is a placeholder where the chicken graphic should be that reads "no image available." At least I have had several friends send me brown gravy bonuses already for a few of the other items though! :)
Same here...the chicken pic is missing...says I don't have enough. I have 1,510,535 chickens.
Also noticing that when you post that you bought the restaurant or post facs from the restaurant....the pic does not show of the restaurant on timelines.
TY!!! :)
Sep 09 2015, 02:20 PM
Same here...the chicken pic is missing...says I don't have enough. I have 1,510,535 chickens.
Also noticing that when you post that you bought the restaurant or post facs from the restaurant....the pic does not show of the restaurant on timelines.
TY!!! :)
I am having the same problem with the hot chicken sandwich...the chicken icon is not appearing in the list of ingredients.
Sep 09 2015, 02:49 PM
Just to let you know that in my storage I have 4 little chickens under my Harvests and Products. they should be in my storage under items. If I click on them it says can be used in Hot Chicken Sandwich. Just wondered if this is the problem with the missing chicken.
Sep 09 2015, 02:50 PM
The baby chicken in the store now has the green "?" with the info that it is the chicken for the Canadian Rest. sandwich....surely we are not going to cook little baby chicks? lol
Sep 09 2015, 03:04 PM
Just to let you know that in my storage I have 4 little chickens under my Harvests and Products. they should be in my storage under items. If I click on them it says can be used in Hot Chicken Sandwich. Just wondered if this is the problem with the missing chicken.
The baby chicken in the store now has the green "?" with the info that it is the chicken for the Canadian Rest. sandwich....surely we are not going to cook little baby chicks? lol
Yes it does. At this point it all may be related to the problem with the hot chicken sandwich, which we are waiting to be fixed.
Judy Cowan
Sep 09 2015, 03:32 PM
The chicken is missing from the new Canadian Restaurant... Please repair!!
Sep 09 2015, 04:22 PM
Me too, I am having the same issue, i have over ½ a million chickens in storage, but it says I need chicken in storage to start producing Hot Chicken Sandwich in our New Canadian Restaurant. Thank you.
Seraphina Warrior
Sep 09 2015, 04:22 PM
**PLEASE NOTE**: With regards to the Hot Chicken Sandwich in the Canadian Restaurant. Currently at this moment, the Chicken "Ingredient" has been assigned, to the wrong area, thus causing problems. However, as a temporary workaround for you, if you follow these simple steps, you will be able to start that production.
1. Request ingredients for the Hot Chicken Sandwich, by clicking the "+" in the box of the Sandwich
2. Once friends have send the ingredients to you and they are in your gift box, you should then click to store them.
3. Go to your Canadian Restaurant, and you should now be able to start production of that item. The amount you can produce will be reliant on how many ingredients you received.
By doing this , it means that you get the currently "assigned" chicken in your storage and are then able to produce the Sandwich.
We hope this helps and hopefully, it won't be too long , before the developers resolve this :)
Seraphina Warrior
Sep 09 2015, 04:53 PM
Post-Release Updates - September 9th, 4:40PM
- Fixed issue with the Hot Chicken Sandwich in the Canadian Restaurant
- Restored the old Wheat crop temporarily until we resolve the highlighting issues with the new crop
- When posting for help from the Canadian Restaurant, image should now be visible in the timeline
Known Problems
- Some of the crops we fixed recently are having issues with the highlight, it's more difficult to highlight them compared to old crops, this will be fixed in about a week.
Sep 09 2015, 07:44 PM
The issue I am having with harvesting crops is not what I would refer to as a highlighting problem. my farm is a 9 tab farm (I know I know) and I have the biggest combine. I had spinach planted and was planting wheat as the spinach was ready to harvest.
when I harvested it was like it left some crops behind - a lot actually. so I reloaded the farm and lo and behold! the rest of the crops displayed. I had to do that over and over until I finally finished the farm.
today is the first day I've had this problem. I tried different browsers - google, firefox, maxthon and opera and it was the same on all of them. I cleared mem cache, closed that tab and my farm, cleared my history and shut the browser. nothing changed.
I sincerely hope this is a different issue than the highlighting problem because taking more time to harvest is not much fun.
Sep 09 2015, 07:48 PM
Please, Please restore the old wheat icon. Harvesting wheat has become quite a chore since you decided to "improve" the picture. If you didn't like the color, change that, but the new drawing is EXCEEDINGLY difficult to harvest and it takes a lot of time to do so. It is possible to reload the page to find the extra "missed" fields, but that requires reloading, which is also a drain on your servers. Have you not decided to streamline procedures so that we do not overwork the servers? There are a few other crops that are difficult, especially eggplant, cotton, and carrots, but these are not in as much demand as wheat. In order to keep up with the wheat production, I must plant 1 - 2 farms per day, and frankly, dealing with the "wait and wiggle" for the crop to highlight before harvesting has become frustrating. I am aware that you know of this problem and intend to fix it, but wouldn't it be easier to restore the old icon and change the color than to attempt to rework it again?
I'm finding this issue with all my crops. I harvest and then there are still crops I can see (barely) and cannot harvest. As you said you have to reload the page more than once to get the entire field.
Sep 09 2015, 09:33 PM
why is the shockwave keep crashing
, cant even get from 1 farm to the other grrr
Taz D
Sep 09 2015, 09:36 PM
The issue I am having with harvesting crops is not what I would refer to as a highlighting problem. my farm is a 9 tab farm (I know I know) and I have the biggest combine. I had spinach planted and was planting wheat as the spinach was ready to harvest.
when I harvested it was like it left some crops behind - a lot actually. so I reloaded the farm and lo and behold! the rest of the crops displayed. I had to do that over and over until I finally finished the farm.
today is the first day I've had this problem. I tried different browsers - google, firefox, maxthon and opera and it was the same on all of them. I cleared mem cache, closed that tab and my farm, cleared my history and shut the browser. nothing changed.
I sincerely hope this is a different issue than the highlighting problem because taking more time to harvest is not much fun.
Hi mwhitford,
Unfortunately this is all the same problem and it involves the wheat. We are looking into it so please be patient.
Sep 09 2015, 10:22 PM
When I was planting Wheat, the rows I was planting seem to jump up one row, never seen this happen before, and it has been only the wheat doing this, so far.
Taz D
Sep 09 2015, 10:25 PM
When I was planting Wheat, the rows I was planting seem to jump up one row, never seen this happen before, and it has been only the wheat doing this, so far.
Hi MichHotRod,
We are looking into this problem and the developers have been informed. Please be patient until they can fix this.
Sep 09 2015, 10:43 PM
Thanks, Taz D
Darrell Joe
Sep 09 2015, 10:59 PM
having an awful time---any farm with wheat will not load on Chrome, it freezes up and flash player crashes--I need to harvest, hoping this is just a temporary glitch while the devs work on the crop highlighting issue--all other farms are loading just fine
just tried IE and firefox, same problems
Sep 09 2015, 11:14 PM
I am having the same trouble with the wheat. worst part is that it is on my default farm and crops are turned on, so I can't even get into farmtown to work any of my other farms either :(
Hoping it is fixed soon.
Taz D
Sep 09 2015, 11:19 PM
I am having the same trouble with the wheat. worst part is that it is on my default farm and crops are turned on, so I can't even get into farmtown to work any of my other farms either :(
Hoping it is fixed soon.
Hi WendyP,
I am sorry this is happen. Something that might help is to go to one of your neighbor's farms through a facilities post, then turn off crops and go to your farm from there. Also might be good once you get there to change your default to another farm until this is fixed.
Sep 09 2015, 11:26 PM
having an awful time---any farm with wheat will not load on Chrome, it freezes up and flash player crashes--I need to harvest, hoping this is just a temporary glitch while the devs work on the crop highlighting issue--all other farms are loading just fine
just tried IE and firefox, same problems
im having the same problem, it was fine earlier today, but not now
Sep 09 2015, 11:42 PM
Hi WendyP,
I am sorry this is happen. Something that might help is to go to one of your neighbor's farms through a facilities post, then turn off crops and go to your farm from there. Also might be good once you get there to change your default to another farm until this is fixed.
Thanks Taz. had to clear memcache, browser history etc etc, but I finally managed to get into a neighbour's farm and change my settings for crops from there. Appreciate your help
Taz D
Sep 09 2015, 11:44 PM
Thanks Taz. had to clear memcache, browser history etc etc, but I finally managed to get into a neighbour's farm and change my settings for crops from there. Appreciate your help
You are welcome Wendy. I am glad that worked to at least get you into your farms. :)
Taz D
Sep 09 2015, 11:49 PM
Raul has just posted this for the wheat problem that is causing you all so many problems. Please restart your farms if you currently have them open to get the change.
Post-Release Updates - September 9th, 11:40PM
- The old Wheat crop that we restored a few hours ago was buggy, we just restored back the new Wheat version with the highlight issues, we are sorry for the trouble, the highlighting issue should be resolved next Monday for the wheat crop and most likely others as well.
Aussie Rae
Sep 09 2015, 11:54 PM
Please, Please restore the old wheat icon. Harvesting wheat has become quite a chore since you decided to "improve" the picture. If you didn't like the color, change that, but the new drawing is EXCEEDINGLY difficult to harvest and it takes a lot of time to do so. It is possible to reload the page to find the extra "missed" fields, but that requires reloading, which is also a drain on your servers. Have you not decided to streamline procedures so that we do not overwork the servers? There are a few other crops that are difficult, especially eggplant, cotton, and carrots, but these are not in as much demand as wheat. In order to keep up with the wheat production, I must plant 1 - 2 farms per day, and frankly, dealing with the "wait and wiggle" for the crop to highlight before harvesting has become frustrating. I am aware that you know of this problem and intend to fix it, but wouldn't it be easier to restore the old icon and change the color than to attempt to rework it again?
I don't have any problems harvesting wheat or any other products.. not sure why you would be having these problems..
Darrell Joe
Sep 10 2015, 12:21 AM
Raul has just posted this for the wheat problem that is causing you all so many problems. Please restart your farms if you currently have them open to get the change.
Post-Release Updates - September 9th, 11:40PM
- The old Wheat crop that we restored a few hours ago was buggy, we just restored back the new Wheat version with the highlight issues, we are sorry for the trouble, the highlighting issue should be resolved next Monday for the wheat crop and most likely others as well.
thanks for the news, as irritating as it id, at least we CAN work our farms until they get it sorted out....patience everyone, I'm sure they're working on it as fast as they can
Sep 10 2015, 07:32 PM
This has been happening for a while now - when a new facility is introduced, and I go to sell my products, I have to check the ones for the new facility. Is this normal? Also (I use "ingredients for me") with every update, I lose my acorn squash that I have stored. Maybe we'll use it eventually,but I'd like to not have to replenish it every month. Thanks for any light you can shed on these issues.
Taz D
Sep 10 2015, 08:45 PM
This has been happening for a while now - when a new facility is introduced, and I go to sell my products, I have to check the ones for the new facility. Is this normal? Also (I use "ingredients for me") with every update, I lose my acorn squash that I have stored. Maybe we'll use it eventually,but I'd like to not have to replenish it every month. Thanks for any light you can shed on these issues.
Hi NJones,
Yes that is normal. If you will remember back to when the Non-ingredients (for me) was introduced you had to go through all of those to check each box to start selling those items. This gives you the option to decide whether you want to sell them or hold on to them for a possible future use.