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Old Aug 11 2023, 01:05 PM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
Join Date: Mar 12 2010
Location: UK but i'd rather be somewhere hot and sunny :) with a swimming pool!
Posts: 9,721

Farm Pictures
Pictures taken with the in game camera will not immediately post to Facebook at this time and are stored in a NEW Farm Pictures section of the Website Account tab.
From that section you can get a link for the picture to post it to Facebook.

The Farm Pictures section in the account tab shows all the farm pictures you have taken in the past 3 months.

It can show up to a maximum of 200 pictures in a month.

Pictures older than 3 months are deleted automatically.

To see the pictures you have taken of your farms with the in game camera:

You can either click on this link to go to your Farm Pictures section

  1. Click on the Account tab at the top of the game screen
  2. Then click on Farm Pictures
  3. Then click on the Month that you took the picture and you will see all the photos you took in that month.

  4. If you want to view a single picture, click on the link just above the picture that says Show Original Size indicated with Red arrow D.

    You will then view that picture in full screen in the size that you used (small, medium, large).

  5. If you want to post that picture to Facebook you can copy the information in the browser address bar, indicated with Red arrow E below. and paste it into your post on your timeline with whatever Privacy settings you want to use on your Facebook profile.

    Once the picture is showing up on Facebook you can then Share it as normal to groups or copy and paste the link in a group, perhaps to showcase your design or enter any contests design groups may be running.

    Please note that once you share or paste a link into another area like a Facebook group, that Facebook automatically changes the privacy on the post in the group to Public.

Last edited by Tiger; Aug 30 2023 at 08:56 AM.