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luvzin luvzin is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. luvzin
    Oct 14 2011 03:33 PM
    how can someoe get to the develoers of ft. am sick and tired of tryin to gget an answer to my problem. I have two farmtowns under one faceook account. Never know which was is going to show up. Want to get rid of one so i can continue playing at evel 142 have written six messages aboout this and no answer. PLEASE HELP E
  2. luvzin
    Oct 08 2011 12:46 PM
    need help have two farms under same name, one at level 30 and the other at 140. Have been told that this is impossible but it has happened. Written many times abot this and would like the developers to look into this. In the meantime am
  3. luvzin
    Oct 06 2011 10:39 PM
    am complaining again that I have two different games of Farmtown on
    my computer. It is always a surprise of which one I will play. One is
    at level 30 something and the other at level 131. I have complained
    before and was told it is impossible. I wish that somebody would talk
    to the developers about this problem. I now cannot access 7 farms that
    are planted or have something due today, not fair to me to have
    everything go to waste.
    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE will somebody get rid of the one with 30
    odd levels and let met enjoy the game.
  4. luvzin
    Jun 09 2011 07:42 PM
    have written many times about having two =farms under facebook./ Today came up with a very unusual situation, on one computer I can only get to my farm with over 30 levels, on another computer I can get to my farm with over 110 level. Now what can i do to have the one with over 110 level be on both computers. WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE TALK TO THE DEVELOPS ABOUT THIS PROBLEM, this has been going on for a long time and periodically I will one or the other farm, only want one on all computers..
    Thank you, realize this is a very wierd problem
  5. luvzin
    Jun 09 2011 01:26 PM
    If i had my big farm, over 113 level, I have had problems using my own equipment on other peoples farm, was going to ask you how to do it. Have put them in storage and they don't work. Would that have a connection with me having two ffarms. I still can't get to my big farm.
  6. luvzin
    May 24 2011 09:40 PM
    how are you able to use your own equipment while plowing, etc. for others
  7. luvzin
    Sep 05 2010 07:31 PM
    i have written before about this problem, thought we had it solved but no luck. I know three (3) separate farms under my one (1) facebook account. It is extrremembely frustrating as am told it is impossible for this to happen. My jane-?-Janes gardens are the three different farms. Can't remember name on second. Under janes garden I have another farm, this farm is over level 81 and i know can't enter that farm. Please help me at this time or it is the end of farmtown for me even tho9ugh i enjoy the program. maybe it might be time to get the developers working on this one, three farms under one facebook name is definitely not right.
    thanks in advance for your help


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  • Last Activity: Dec 09 2011 05:32 PM
  • Join Date: Mar 08 2010
  • Referrals: 0

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