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Old Nov 02 2023, 05:10 PM
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Originally Posted by zlady2741 View Post
Thanks for your help. I wasn't ever doing it that way before, so something must've changed. But I will start doing it this way from now on.

You are welcome zlady but nothing has changed, I have been selling some items that way and never had problems.

If you continue having issues with this, let us know which filters you were using.
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Old Nov 08 2023, 06:06 AM
buffaloboy buffaloboy is offline
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Default fuel


forget to say since i have this i also can trade 20 x a day .............

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Old Nov 08 2023, 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by buffaloboy View Post

forget to say since i have this i also can trade 20 x a day .............

Hi tino,

Please provide more information.

What are you trading when you can trade 20 times a day?

Are you talking about trading super facility products or regular products using the trading warehouse?
If yes, is it the neighbour buckets or the stranger buckets or both?

Is it both super facility products as well as regular products?

Are you able to sell them the same product more than once?

Are you saying you can create new trade offers in the trading warehouse without needing to wait any time? If so where are you when you create them (on your own farms, someone else's farms, at the job or trade marketplaces?
If it is not to do with trading via the trading warehouse, you can sell to as many different farmers as you want, one super facility product per farmer.

The limit for what you could sell to them for regular products without using the trading warehouse is on their side for how many of any item or different items they can buy within a set time.

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Old Nov 09 2023, 02:43 PM
tmoulder tmoulder is offline
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Default Question about buying products

I have not found a way to buy products from my neighbors, so I though I'd ask here.

Is there a way that I could buy Cinnamon Bundles (which I need badly) from a neighbor?
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Old Nov 09 2023, 02:58 PM
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Originally Posted by tmoulder View Post
I have not found a way to buy products from my neighbors, so I though I'd ask here.

Is there a way that I could buy Cinnamon Bundles (which I need badly) from a neighbor?
Hi Tmoulder,
I moved your post to the thread about buying and selling. You can find all the information and what you can buy in the Game Guide chapter 10:
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Old Dec 08 2023, 01:59 PM
jnorton jnorton is offline
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Default Super Facility Products

I have a hard time using the forum. I thought I sent this message before but did not get an answer. I have been playing for many years.

I sold almost all my SuperFacility Products to my Neighbors every week. The correct amount does not appear on the Trade Warehouse. The people that I sell it to does not show up on it. At the end of the week, the totals are always off on my Neighbors amount in the Trade Warehouse.
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Old Dec 08 2023, 03:02 PM
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Originally Posted by jnorton View Post
I have a hard time using the forum. I thought I sent this message before but did not get an answer. I have been playing for many years.

I sold almost all my SuperFacility Products to my Neighbors every week. The correct amount does not appear on the Trade Warehouse. The people that I sell it to does not show up on it. At the end of the week, the totals are always off on my Neighbors amount in the Trade Warehouse.
Hi jnorton

I moved your post to the thread where other post from you about this problem was moved and answered 2 months ago.

At that time we couldnt give you a full response as you only posted 1 picture instead of two so we couldnt see a difference:

Please take in mind that at the end of each day all unsold products on each bucket are lost and the buckets start filling again the next time you start productions on the Super Facility. Each day starts at 12:00AM and ends at 11:59:59PM at YOUR local time.

Please read full information in the following link:
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Old Dec 09 2023, 06:10 AM
PapaDoe PapaDoe is offline
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I zipped my storage this morning and then I proceeded to go to the Market to sell ONLY HALF of my Fish.. When I went through each type of fish that I wanted to sell, of which I was sure to only hit the HALF tag. All of a few of my fish storage is completely gone..!!!! I DID NOT sell all !!!! ... only half.. I had 20 trillion in catfish alone. and after one time through,,, I now have none.. !!! The only fish I sell all of is the Anchovies because I don't need them.. OMG !!!! I lost trillions of coins,!!!! I should still have half of all the fish I sold !!! Please help !! I have been trying to save enough coins to expand my farms !!! This is a huge set back !!!!
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Old Dec 09 2023, 06:57 AM
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Originally Posted by PapaDoe View Post
I zipped my storage this morning and then I proceeded to go to the Market to sell ONLY HALF of my Fish.. When I went through each type of fish that I wanted to sell, of which I was sure to only hit the HALF tag. All of a few of my fish storage is completely gone..!!!! I DID NOT sell all !!!! ... only half.. I had 20 trillion in catfish alone. and after one time through,,, I now have none.. !!! The only fish I sell all of is the Anchovies because I don't need them.. OMG !!!! I lost trillions of coins,!!!! I should still have half of all the fish I sold !!! Please help !! I have been trying to save enough coins to expand my farms !!! This is a huge set back !!!!
Hi PapaDoe,

We do not get data for when someone sells a portion off anything from storage.

It does looks like your coins have gone up by a quite a few billion coins which would be a combination of you zipping storage and whatever you sold.

I am sorry but there is no way to restore anything once it is sold.

I am assuming that when you say you had trillions of catfish that you mean in coin value. If you did have that many coins for that fish you would have been over the maximum limit for any item which is 200 million. When one or more of anything in harvests & products reaches over that figure anything at all can go missing.

You can of course contact the support team about this and see what they say. If you would like to do that please make sure that you are logged into the website then click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Please be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.


You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.

If you have any problems finding the automated response to your ticket, please click on the following link for instructions to help you with that: Support Issues - how to find their replies.

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Old Dec 17 2023, 03:13 PM
FF1976 FF1976 is offline
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Default Problem When Selling

I have been trying to sell some excess trees, flowers fish etc. I've been selling half of the original amount, then half of the remaining until I get down to a number I feel comfortable with (example 1500) that will hold me until I harvest more. When I do, it works well until I get down to around 2500 or so. When I click the "Self Half", it only sells about 1/4 of the remaining. This is a very strange behavior I've not noticed before. My user ID is1497914343.
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buying, buying limit, selling, trade limit, trading, trading issues, trading problem, trading warehouse, warehouse

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