![]() To plow new fields, you must have enough clear space on your farm for the new field and you must have coins.
![]() Click on the Preferences icon and add the check mark to Remove Spaces Between Fields then click on the green check mark to save that change. Last edited by Tiger; Jul 08 2024 at 10:46 AM. |
![]() ![]() What is the Tool box? The Tool box is where you can find all your tools and have methods to access various features of the game which you can find useful as you get involved in more.
![]() You will then see something similar to the example below, but it will show you your tools. Anything that is greyed out is something you do not have access to yet due to game level, could be a tool you do not own or that tool when owned has not been not placed it into item storage. ![]()
FIRST COLUMN FROM THE LEFT SIDE: A number on this Icon means you have trains sent to you from farmers that you need to Boost to help them and to gain yourself some products. For more details click on this link: https://r1.slashkey.com/forum/showth...30#post6349330 ![]() A number on this Icon means you have Ships at your Port sent to you from farmers that you need to LOad to send them on to their next Port and to gain yourself some products. For more details click on this link: https://r1.slashkey.com/forum/showthread.php?t=626622 https://r1.slashkey.com/forum/showth...46#post6302946 ![]() https://r1.slashkey.com/forum/showth...30#post6298330 https://r1.slashkey.com/forum/showthread.php?t=632506 https://r1.slashkey.com/forum/showth...22#post6298322 ![]() https://r1.slashkey.com/forum/showth...94#post6253594 https://www.slashkey.com/forum/showt...66#post6548366 https://r1.slashkey.com/forum/showthread.php?t=662782 SECOND COLUMN FROM THE LEFT SIDE: ![]() ![]() https://r1.slashkey.com/forum/showthread.php?t=621846 ![]() https://r1.slashkey.com/forum/showth...14#post6057914 ![]() https://r1.slashkey.com/forum/showth...58#post5156958 Click on this link for details on how to use Farm Stats: What is Farm Stats?
The Show Times tool can also be accessed when you are on another farmers farm. There are separate sections, for seeds, trees, flowers, fish, products. Click on the camera, chose if you want to show the whole farm or a window that only sees a portion of the farm, add a caption if you wish, choose small medium or large for the size of the photo, then choose green or white background. THIRD COLUMN FROM THE LEFT SIDE: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Information on all the Freestyle Farm Designers tools in the following link: ![]() Click on the Search Icon and enter the name of the item you are looking for, then choose whether you want to highlight the item or hide non-matching items, then click the green check mark. Tools for working things like crops, trees, flowers and fish can be either a single colour or two colours to help you identify the difference in them. Move your mouse over the tools and the tooltip will tell you the name and size of each of the tools you own and have placed in Item Storage. Non extent mode 5x5 tools in the toolbox. Example: ![]() EX tools have a extra indicator at the bottom right of each tool which is a Gray X to help you identify which tools have both Highlight and Extent mode. Example of EX 5x5 tools in the toolbox, we have marked where the X would show up bottom right of each tool with red arrows: ![]() NOTE: None of the plow tools have Extent mode! For More Information on Tools, please see the Game Guide Chapter 21:Tools Last edited by Tiger; Jan 03 2025 at 11:00 AM. |
What is the Games Activity Panel?
It is a list of information of which friends have helped you recently. It is located beneath your game screen and shows some of your friends actions where they interact with you in the game. It can only show around 130 items at a time and will refresh when you reload the game. This is an example of what you could see: ![]() If there are a lot of items you can use the scroll bar to the right to scroll the list. You can change what type of Actions it shows at the bottom of the panel by adding or removing the check marks for each of the options:
You can also change the way the information is sorted. The Sort By options are as follows: Date - most recent activity Last edited by Tiger; Sep 13 2023 at 08:34 AM. |
![]() The Marketplace is where you go to meet other farmers. You can look for work there, hire farmers to work your farms, buy, sell, trade, meet other farmers. ![]() If you are online at the Marketplace but there is no-one at the market, check that your plug is still green, If it is not click on the red plug to change it to green and then refresh the market by clicking on the MAP and then the Marketplace again or reload your game and try again. Q. What are the coloured backgrounds on avatar names at market? A. These indicate what the farmer is intending to do at market, which can be helpful when you want to know who is looking for work or who is there to hire for example. There are several options when you click on your avatar when you are not on your own farm. You will see this:
To go back to your own farms click on the House Icon.
Last edited by Tiger; Dec 18 2024 at 03:35 PM. |
The Chat Window is located behind your Neighbours Bar where the picture of your friends and their avatars are. This is what it looks like when it is closed. Profile pictures have been blurred for privacy.
![]() If you are online at the Marketplace but there is no-one at the market, check that your plug is still green, If it is not click on the red plug to change it to green and then refresh the market by clicking on the MAP and then the Marketplace again or reload your game and try again. When you are online and in an area where there is another farmer also online, the Chat window will automatically open and you will be able to see what other farmers are saying. There is a scroll bar to the right you can use to see earlier messages if the chat is moving fast and one you wanted to see again goes out of view. Last edited by Tiger; Jul 08 2024 at 11:01 AM. |
There are several ways to search for something in Farm Town.
When searching we recommend that you avoid using a common name that would get you too many hits. For example when searching for something that exists on your farm, using the word grape , if you had both crops and trees showing, will show you anything using grape in the name so if you had all of these on your farm all of them would show up:
When searching in your Harvests&Products storage looking for something like meat lasagna if you were to just search for meat you would likely get a considerable amount of hits as meat is used in the name of many products, whether you got them by making the products yourself or by working a friends facilities. So in this case meat l would work well as would the full name meat lasagna so in some cases you don't have to type in the full name of what you are searching for. The same goes for searching for something in Item storage depending on what you are looking for. Searching for Tree will not only bring up every tree you have in storage that could used to chop or harvest in Farm Town, but every decorative tree, tree shaker tool, or building where tree is in the name of the item. Searching for something that exists on your farm. Crops, plowed/harvested fields, trees, flowers that you can harvest are all Coin items. When looking for specific Items on your farms, with the relevant preferences set to show, you can use the Search Tool in your toolbox. For this example we are searching for trees and crops so in preferences we have made sure that there is a check mark added for Show Crops, Show Trees and Show Coin Items. Searching the Store, your Storage or the Facility Manager.
Last edited by Tiger; Jul 08 2024 at 11:25 AM. |
What is the Eye for?
When you reach level 10 and you pick up a tool to work the items on your farms like the harvest tool for harvesting crops for example, if you look in the bottom right corner of the game screen you will see an Eye. This gives you the option to hide non-relevant items for the tool you are using. Click on the Eye to change the setting. When using Full Screen mode:
Last edited by Tiger; Oct 17 2024 at 11:31 AM. |
What are the red squares or blocks of red when hiding items?
They are a temporary indicator to help you know where the footprint of some of your items are on your farms. This helps you to know where your items are placed so that you don't try to place another item exactly on top of it or are trying to see if there's enough room to place something can be placed in a small clear area of your farm. Each red square will show you where you placed an item when you hide it by using one the methods below or by perhaps by using the hide option in the menu you see when you click on an item on your farm. When you have a lot of items right next to each other those red squares will join up and form a block of red instead of individual squares. You can not use the Hide Tool to hide fields or ground cover, those can only be hidden in preferences. Plowed fields don't hide, they must be planted to be able to hide them using preferences for crops. When you are done using the tool, click the green man to stop using the tool. If you no longer need to see the red squares, then you can just refresh the farm and those individually hidden items will then show back up. If you only have on farm you can reload the game. This is an example of what will show when one of 2 pines tree is hidden. In the picture the red square is where the hidden pine tree is placed on the farm. Remember that some Items cost Coins to buy and some cost Farm Cash to buy so you will also need the check marks added to both Show Farm Cash Items and Show Coin Items when needed. Example: If you were only showing trees and Coin Items in your preferences and then decided to not show the the trees by removing the check mark for Show Trees, you would hide all of the workable trees. The picture below is of multiple pine trees that are planted close together and there is one missing towards the middle of them. If you look carefully at the top of the pine trees in the left picture, you might be able to see where there is one missing, but that doesn't show you where the base of the new tree should go as you can't see it. So if you hide the trees in preferences, what you would see is the right picture. The square in the middle of that red block that is not red doesn't have a pine tree there. The block of red around that is where the bottom of the hidden pine trees are. It's a block of red rather than induvial red squares because all the pine trees are right next to each other. This is useful if you want to check where you could place another one in amongst them so you have an idea of where the foot of the pine tree should go. In this example you could place one in the green square in that red blocked area When hiding crops it works a little differently because a field that you plow visually takes up more space than an Item with a small footprint like a pine tree or flower, which would show you one red square. You still only see one red square per field of crop and that red square is in the uppermost corner of that plot. There are many items in the game that are like this, the wider trees, buildings, bigger decorations, facilities etc To give you an idea of the size of a plowed field compared to the space pine trees would use and where the red square would be in relation to a hidden crop, in this picture I have plowed 2 single fields, planted 9 pine trees above the plowed field and planted the other field with rice. I have also used the Grass with Guidelines ground cover which displays a red grid on the whole farm at ground level. As you can see 1 plowed field is approximately 9 squares, the similar amount of space used if you were to plant 9 pines in a squared layout. If you wanted to hide plowed or harvested fields using your preferences, you would remove the check mark for Show Coin Items. When you are done with remodelling your farm, please remember to add all of the check marks back in preferences so that you can see everything on your farm again. In the picture below I only have Crops and Show Coin Items showing. When I remove the check mark for show crops in preferences, the plowed field still shows up because it isn't planted and because I still have the check mark for Show Coin Items added. The rice field disappears and a red square appears where it was. The blue arrows in the pictures indicate the top corner of that rice field which is where that red square will be when you hide the crops. In these pictures below I have plowed 2 lots of 16 fields in a 4 x 4 square layout, planted them. The top picture is the crops showing. The bottom picture is what you see when I hide the crops using preferences (removed the check mark for Show Crops.) The Grass with Guidelines ground cover can come in very handy when you design or remodel your farms and put more on them or want to make sure everything is lined up where you want them. You will find it easily by Opening the Store and using the search box at the top to type in guideline OR you could find it by clicking on the Path/Ground section and then click on the AZ icon top right and click on the filter named Cost That will put all the available ground covers at the top of that section of the store. Grass with Guidelines first purchase costs 35 Farm Cash. After that you can use and reuse it on as many farms as you want and each time you change a ground cover it will only cost 100 coins just like the other ground covers in the store. Last edited by Tiger; Jul 08 2024 at 11:49 AM. |
![]() How to Use the Camera in your Toolbox to take picture of your farm. ![]() Before you take a photo of your farm you first need to decide what it is you want to see in the picture:
1. Go to the farm you want to take a picture of. 2. If you are already on it and may have just finished designing it, reload the farm or the game just in case anything is temporarily hidden that you may have forgotten about, and for any red squares that help indicate where hidden items are to disappear. You can Refresh a farm without reloading the game if you have more than one farm. Look toward the top left of your game screen for coloured rectangles. The one with the yellow background is the farm that you are currently on. If you click on that yellow rectangle you will reload that farm. In this example Farm 1 is the farm this farmer is on. 3. ![]() Make sure that you have check marks on everything you want to show up in the picture. 4. You can not take a photo while in Full Screen mode. If you try to take a picture while in Full Screen mode you will see this message. Even if you are not going to post the picture to Facebook you must still click on the green check mark to drop out of Full Screen Mode. ![]() ![]() There are 2 options at the top of the window. Farm and Window ![]() ![]() The other option Window mode gives you the option of taking a picture of only part of the farm instead of all of it. ![]() ![]() 7. Below the example of your photo is the option to post to Facebook if you have a Facebook account. 8. Below the Facebook option are the picture sizes, Small, Medium, Large. Select the one you want to use.
9. To the right of the sizes is the option to show a green background or white background.
10. Once you are happy with your choices click on NEXT.
![]() Last edited by Tiger; Jul 08 2024 at 11:55 AM. |
![]() Farm Pictures Pictures taken with the in game camera will not immediately post to Facebook at this time and are stored in a NEW Farm Pictures section of the Website Account tab. From that section you can get a link for the picture to post it to Facebook. The Farm Pictures section in the account tab shows all the farm pictures you have taken in the past 3 months. It can show up to a maximum of 200 pictures in a month. Pictures older than 3 months are deleted automatically. To see the pictures you have taken of your farms with the in game camera: You can either click on this link to go to your Farm Pictures section https://apps.slashkey.com/farmtown/s...farm_pictures/ OR